Good God. Over seven years since that first CG trailer, and this is what we get? We always thought that writing this review was going to be difficult, but CD Projekt Red has made it a lot easier than we had ever imagined. Why? Because, as of v1.05, Cyberpunk 2077's a damn mess on PS4, PS4 Pro, and yes, even PS5 via backwards compatibility.
To be brutally honest, it feels like the Polish developer has sold us down the river. We've been covering Cyberpunk 2077 since October 2015 here on Push Square. Off the back of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — one of our absolute favourite games of the last generation — we had near unshakable faith in the studio's next project.
As the years ticked on, we started noting the lack of console gameplay for Cyberpunk 2077. The open world adventure looked so advanced and next-gen during previews, where it was always running on a very high end PC. But still, our hope remained. Even with all of the delays, we knew that, one day, we'd be playing Cyberpunk 2077 on a PlayStation console. That day has come, and the crushing disappointment that we now feel is a bitter pill to swallow.

Buried deep beneath the immersion-breaking bugs and shockingly bad performance issues, there's an excellent open world RPG at the heart of Cyberpunk 2077. The scope and ambition of the game is plain to see, but right here, right now, the title seriously struggles to live up to and maintain its own potential. At its best, Cyberpunk 2077 is outstanding in terms of atmosphere. A truly engrossing experience that refuses to let go even when you're not playing it.
Night City is an incredible setting — a sprawling dystopian metropolis that takes pleasure in beating your senses to a pulp. Just walking its streets, taking in its many sights and sounds is special. No open world game has ever conveyed the sheer scale of a city like this before, with skyscrapers and other, massive futuristic constructs obscuring the sky.
That sense of scale also lends itself to how brilliantly intricate the map is. There are countless backstreets and alleyways to explore as you sniff out both trouble and loot. There's always something around the next corner, which gives Night City a distinct air of intrigue.

It really is a genre-defining backdrop, but its functionality as an open world leaves much to be desired. This is primarily down to the city's non-playable characters — the citizens, cops, and gang members that populate the metropolis. So many of these NPCs look great, with really interesting cyber-human designs, but they almost feel like an illusion because their AI routines are so dreadfully basic. Shoot a gun in a crowded marketplace and the surrounding NPCs will simultaneously squat on the floor, hands over their heads. And they'll just stay like this for ages, instead of running away or attempting any kind of self defence.
Members of the infamous Night City Police Department are arguably even worse. Cyberpunk 2077 features a wanted system similar to what you'd find in Grand Theft Auto. If you go around murdering innocent people, you'll gain a bounty, and the cops will come running. Except they don't actually come running — they just spawn right beside you in plain sight and start shooting. Lose your wanted level by fleeing the scene, and they simply vanish into thin air. It beggars belief.
But it's the population count that really kills the illusion that this is a living, breathing, dangerously overcrowded hellhole. When you're on foot, just taking a leisurely stroll, the amount of NPCs that the game spawns isn't so bad — it feels reasonably busy. But hop in a vehicle, and the population count plummets. You can take the biggest highway in Night City — the one that stretches right across the outer limits — and you'll see maybe two or three other vehicles. How are we meant to believe that this is one of humanity's most bustling cities when the roads are this barren?
It's abundantly clear that sacrifices had to be made in order to get Cyberpunk 2077 running on PS4 — but that's no excuse. On Sony's base system, the game's performance is woeful, with both a dire framerate and an egregious amount of pop-in. It's a bit better on PS4 Pro, but it's still not good enough. On PS5, via backwards compatibility, it's a night and day difference thanks to a (relatively) smooth 60 frames-per-second, but the game's still plagued by bugs, and, worst of all, a consistent crashing issue that shuts the software down every couple of hours, pretty much without fail. Frankly, it's a disgrace — especially after CD Projekt Red went on record in multiple interviews saying that the console versions of Cyberpunk 2077 would be up to snuff.
Again, we find ourselves in such a disappointing situation. If Cyberpunk 2077 just worked exactly as it should — without the often ridiculous bugs and application errors — it would be right up there in our ongoing discussions for Game of the Year.
Indeed, one of the game's greatest strengths lies in its characters; the cast of Cyberpunk 2077 is outstanding. Night City is constantly bashing you around the head with overtly sexual imagery and wanton violence, yet its main characters bring welcome nuance to the adventure. In a world where it's about how you look and not how you feel, V's friends and allies come across as refreshingly human. You can't help but want to know everything about them.

Even Johnny Silverhand, the digitalised ghost of an extremist revolutionary who lives inside of your head, is shockingly well realised. This is in part thanks to the blunt and in some cases comical performance of Keanu Reeves, but again, it's the writing and the interactions between characters that really propels Cyberpunk 2077 as a platform for excellent storytelling.
We love the conversation system, too. Given that the game takes place almost entirely from a first-person perspective, the dynamic nature of these dialogue scenes is incredibly impressive. Characters get up, walk about, and pose as you chat, giving conversations a very organic feel. When it's not bugging out, the game just oozes charisma. The immersion factor is usually off the charts during these intense story segments, which makes it downright soul-crushing when a technical problem wrenches you from the moment.
Speaking of, er, speaking, we can't help but be a bit disappointed in how stunted some of the role-playing options in Cyberpunk 2077 actually are. The game gives the illusion of being a branching experience, presenting you with multiple dialogue options on a frequent basis, but much more often than not, these choices all lead to the same outcome — just with a slightly different flavour.

Now let's not be hyperbolic: this is still an RPG and some choices do matter — but it's not the incredibly in-depth and expansive RPG that CD Projekt Red had promised for years up until this point. And it's with that in mind that you have to temper your expectations before taking a trip to Night City. This certainly isn't a CRPG in the form of a first-person shooter. It would be more accurate to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is like open world Deus Ex — or even a futuristic Far Cry, but with way better stories and characters.
That said, combat in Cyberpunk 2077 is a whole step ahead of what you'll find in those two examples. Things start off a bit wonky — aiming with guns can feel unwieldy and the melee system is all over the place — but the game's progression systems work wonders in time. As is the case in The Elder Scrolls series, you become more proficient with the title's various weapon types as you use them, and you're constantly bolstering your abilities with all kinds of crazy perks. It can take hours for it all to click, but combat does eventually blossom into something that's satisfyingly visceral.

In case you couldn't tell, there's so much to like about Cyberpunk 2077, but its issues can't be ignored on PlayStation consoles. The love and effort that's been poured into this project is clear to see, but the bottom line is that, even after all of its delays, the game isn't finished. The more cynical the eye, the easier it is to see all of the corners that have been cut. Venture away from the relative polish of the main story, and it's hard to ignore the stunted systems and barely formed mechanics that break the illusion of Night City being a living and breathing place. Let's just hope that, in time, Cyberpunk 2077 becomes the game that we were promised all those years ago.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a blatantly unfinished game, and the worst part is that CD Projekt has known this to be the case for quite some time. On PS4 and PS4 Pro, poor performance comes close to wrecking the experience. On PS5 via backwards compatibility, there's still fun to be had — a glimpse of the game's excellent potential — but even then, it's crippled by countless bugs and unforgivable crashing issues. There's something special at the core of Cyberpunk 2077, but in its current state, it's simply not good enough. A disaster of a launch that'll be remembered for years to come.
Comments 380
If anyone's got any questions, let me know.
Working hard to bring everyone a full review in the near future, but we thought it was important to get these thoughts out there since we're already beyond launch.
Also worth noting that we'll be doing an entirely separate review of the eventual PS5 version.
After playing for about an hour today I had my first crash. The game is a lot of fun, but graphically, it isn’t as good as I expected it to be, I’ve had a couple of weird moments where my screen blurs like I’m being hacked, but then it goes into photo mode. Beyond those few things, I’ve been having a good time with it.
It’s also probably a good idea not giving it a score. Means the crazies won’t invade the site wanting to kneecap you and it opens the possibility of actually re-reviewing it when it, you know, works.
Honest review. Sad, but true...
The CONS make it a NO purchase for now which is crazy considering how much time this game has been in development!! I have waited years so what is another 6 months? Hopefully all issues will have been resolved by then.
Good review, but disappointing to hear. I'll wait for the PS5 version..!
@ShogunRok Why is the score pending by the way? Do you expect the rest of the game to change your mind?
Do you think there is any chance of getting a digital refund from the psn store, due to all the bugs? I will certainly pick it up down the line when it is optimized for next gen consoles but I am seriously disappointed with the amount of bugs. I know the laws say once its already pre-downloaded its pretty much game over but the game has just been a total mess for me, unplayable, on ps4 by the way, I guess its worth a shot but I know from previous calls the helpdesk people can be pretty up them selves on the phone.
Geeez. No wonder they were offering next gen upgrades for no additional cost.
It seems like a truly amazing game which is just crippled by the technology in these consoles. CD Projekt Red really should have put this exclusively onto next gen consoles. On current gen, the One X is the best case scenario and even that struggles when driving around certain areas, so much so I've started playing it on Series S just to lock it to 30fps.
I may continue to play it on that because at least its stable but I would advise anyone to just wait until playing it on the true next gen version
All of my PC friends love it.
I've played about 10 hours so far and haven't even started the quest for Dex DeShawn yet. I've just been wandering the breathtaking city and picking up odd jobs. Despite the unfortunate and inexcusable performance on base PS4, I'm loving it.
Great game, poor launch.
I think I'll wait for the PS5 version.
I'm enjoying it on PS5, but I agree with everything said here. I'll keep playing because I know there is hundreds of hours of content, but some of the bugs are crazy that they weren't fixed prior to release. Its like they saved all the NPC stuff for the very end and just had to roll with the placeholder animations. I really do feel bad for those playing on PS4. This is not the game that was promised.
One of the most honest reviews of a game released in this state I’ve seen in a long time.
Thank you.
I look forward to the re-review in around 6-8 months when the major issues have been dealt with.
Ooof. I can't say I'm surprised. CD Project red is gonna have a rep drop because of this. It just doesn't sound worth getting until a next-gen version is out. For all the goodwill they've built up, and the hype - this is just unacceptable.
@ShogunRok How much does the nudity filter do? Does it work on breasts and billboards too?
Watched a video on the base system, runs awful. Hope you do a post review in 3 or 6 months after many patches and fixes.
Sounds like it's very much worth waiting at least until the PS5 native release, possibly longer depending on what they focus on for that.
I’m thoroughly enjoying the game but don’t disagree with this review at all. It’s totally fair - this is the state the game is currently in and should be judged as is.
It's so weird right now for me, since I'm still waiting for my preorder copy. My avatar tells you that this is a potential dream game for me and it seems like they nailed it in the aspects I value the most, city, atmosphere, story and characters but right now it's a compromised game that likely will become one of the games of the generation. Who'd have thought that the first choice CDPR gave us was whether to play it now or later.
@Jaz007 Totally don't understand a nudity filter being included for such a violent game. Decapitation and everything is cool, but not a little nip and peen?
...and this...
The same.
In the future, it'll be a good game.
But not for a good while
@Octane We just thought it was best not to commit to a score since we haven't finished playing the game. Even if it is a buggy, unfinished mess, we try to complete every game that we review — especially something as huge as Cyberpunk.
A review in progress lets us get our thoughts across (most of which probably won't change) without being locked into a definitive score or overall opinion. You never know, things might change between now and the final update to this review. Doubtful, but still possible.
The alarm bells started to ring for me when people who had pre-ordered at £54.99 on the store got a £5 refund 😳
Why mention the Keanu plot twist it's a pretty huge spoiler.
It really reads like a 4 from the review but it's very honest considering how bad the base ps4 version is.
Apart from glitches , I'm running at a sold 60 fps with ultra settings at 2560 x 1440 on pc.
@Jaz007 Nudity filter essentially censors some advertising billboards and posters, as well as in-game websites that contain bare breasts. I imagine it also puts clothes on characters who you might sleep with, but I haven't been able to see this yet.
I put a few hours in earlier on PS5 and decided to park it. I'm gonna finish Valhalla and come back to it. When I (accidentally) ran over a guy who was floating in the middle of the road, I realised it needs just a smidge more polish...
I’ll get this when it hits less than £20, imagine it will be sorted by then. Seems a great game under the bugs. What a great review btw, kudos to a games journalist actually doing some genuine journalism and not pandering to the popular vote or money.
Sounds like the game is unfinished despite all the delays. Hopefully it's patched before I get it for Xmas or I might just wait for the free ps5 upgrade
@JustMe Yeah if you're enjoying it, fair enough. It's not completely broken — just far from ideal. Like the review says, there's clearly an excellent game buried in here somewhere, it's just such a huge shame that it's held back far too often.
Hopefully CDPR manages to fix a lot of these issues sooner rather than later.
I haven’t had many problems on ps5 and it runs great. I’ve had a few bug here and there but nothing as bad as ac Valhalla.
@AhabSpampurse This happened to me as well, only the NPC actually spawned into the hood of my car, and running him over (?) counted as a crime. Hilarious, but bloody hell can it be a buggy game.
They would lose a lot of sales if they only release on next gen. I am not going to mention breaking promises here. 7 years of development would have cost a lot of money. They also can’t release it first on PC as they dare openly against DRM and a lot of people would pirate it. Hence they have to sell it on last gen at the same time. It is quite amazing they are worth more than Ubisoft at some point despite no new game in the last 6, 7 years.
Very VERY bitter review to be honest. everyone and their maw knew it was too ambitious for PS4 and XB1 consoles. It runs fine on PS5. I've played for near 4hrs and no crashes at all. Stop it with the clickbait reviews. You've went right downhill lately.
Internet when game gets delayed: "CDPR we hate you"
Internet when game releases in broken state: "CDPR we hate you"
@ILikeStake it's for streamers mainly.
I'm curious to see what score you'll end up giving it. It really is a shame the game released in this state. I'll gladly wait for the actual PS5 version, and maybe even for the expansion. CDPR may have lost a little clout with this rough launch, but I have faith they'll fix most problems, at least on current gen. I don't even have a PS5 yet, but after Tlou2 and Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 this year, I'll just wait to play anything else on PS5 eventually.
Look bugs aside, I think it's a great game, but the things that are supposed to set it apart from other games is where I feel it is a let down. I was expecting more from the NPCs for example. I'm not exactly impressed on certain elements even on pc. AI and compute were always going to be hampered by constraints but the marketing oversold it and that's where I point my blame. Games need to have more executive influence from Devs when it comes to marketing and endgoals.
These don't sound like easily fixable bugs.
@Gremio108 Would be waiting another 5 years just to get it running smooth on og xbox one and ps4 with major downgrades, which to say it already has.
You know CDPR acting like they're hiding something by not showing console gameplay first and foremost and holding on to console review code made people go in expecting bugs first off. As compared to just releasing everything and making people review as is and go in not knowing what to expect, maybe it wouldn't be this bad.
Im having a blast on PC, and so far played around 10 hours, and thankfully i found only a few minor bugs. But i totally understand that console players are angry, since they are deserved a polished release too. Should have not released on last gen consoles... I guess the problems started when CD Projeckt went and put itself onto the stock market, and basicly sold its soul to the investors.
@daveofduncan Come on now, if we wanted to write a clickbait review we would have given it a 1/10 score and closed the comments section.
@suikoden Yup my copy is installing, and I wouldn't expect something like that put in a review especially as there was no warning for spoilers.. So yeah thanks reviewer
@daveofduncan Still don't understand. Can stream incredibly graphic violence, but a lil cartoon nudity is a no no
It's a shambles. Plane and simple, I probably have The Witcher 3 as my favourite game last gen, and they gained a sky high reputation with their support for that game, with this they have been really shady and disingenuous and lost a lot of trust and good will. Its such a bitter pill to swallow. Just so disappointing. Gutted really.
Great and fair review. No one can expect a pass when your game at times is unplayable. Good game let down by so many technical problems. On all forums people are saying they will sue or they want a refund. CDPR deliberately mislead console players and that is not even up for debate. I adored Witcher 3 wich built up alot of good faith in how i looked at CDPR. But after watching how disingenuous they have been thats all gone now.
@StylesT @suikoden Sorry that you think it's a spoiler, but Johnny Silverhand and his relationship with the player character has been the focus of at least two pre-launch trailers and a number of media previews.
If it had never been mentioned, we wouldn't have written about it — but the information's been out there for ages, so CDPR clearly doesn't consider it a spoiler.
Heck, it's even part of the story summary on the game's official website and various product listings.
I found the perks section a bit lacklustre, I finished the main quest and all the major side quests and didn't spend a single perk point. They just didn't seem worth spending.
My bad , I kept away from anything to avoid spoilers , really don't think it should of been explored.
Mind if answers why you can't romance him
Cyberpunk,, feels rushed even though i love it,, i hope they keep updating it resolve the bugs, smoothen the movement.. and updates the graphics it is not as i expected from the commercials they have done ,, kudos for cdpr
Geoff already chose this disappointment as game of the year 2021
@suikoden I believe he's already taken!
@ankehuber I offer my congrats on the Cyberpunk 2077 No Perk Run.
Is the score pending you completing the game? If not then just stamp that score in it, if sounds like a low rating, which they deserve judging from what I've read, given the state of the game.
Maybe give the PS5 version a seperate score.
Edit: sorry, I missed the part where you said you're just waiting to finish the game. Totally fair.
@ShogunRok Thanks as ever for the honest thoughts. Exactly what i feared after the last delay, and exactly the reason i cancelled my preorder.
When the PS5 version comes out and is up to snuff, I'll be all over this game though
Dont promote a game until its finished. Polish embarrassment
@ShogunRok Thanks. If you get a chance to see I'd be interested to hear as well, because I've heard some conflicting reports about what it does, but glad to hear it should be fairly thorough for explicit stuff
@ApostateMage one thing I will say is that the city itself is incredible to behold, I've started it on Series S now so its very stable and I'm enjoying it a lot more
@daveofduncan so they shouldn't point out the PS4 version?
@ILikeStake Because they are entirely different things and can't be directly compared like that. I wouldn't care if someone wanted a violence filter.
@ShogunRok a great read by the way which has encouraged me to carry on playing it and I can only wish you luck with the responses regardless of how this is eventually scored
@Darten Join the Master PC race!
They should have ignored PS4 and Xbox One completely and focussed solely on PS5 and Xbox X/S.
Some of the videos I've seen are absolutely shocking for a supposed finished product.
Very fair and balanced review.
Hats off, @ShogunRok, it must've been soul-crushingly hard to review this game and properly explain the state it's in!
@ShogunRok no score ??
ive been playing it on xbox series s and the only bug glitch encountered on first 8 hours was looking in mirror where i had gone bald and lost me johnson. and one conversation one line i changed to the wifey voice.
By the way, I was super hyped for this game but I feared it wouldn't be ready at launch.
I watched SkillUp's 52-minutes review and that pretty much answered all the questions I had, so yeah I'll be waiting for it to be patches and playable.
This game is something special, I don't wanna experience a half-assed version of it, so I'll jump in when the bugs are squished, the loot game and crafting are reworked, and the economy isn't completely broken.
@suikoden really? It's in the advertising so I would have thought it's general knowledge
@ShogunRok How’s the gunplay? Any other FPS you can compare it to?
@daveofduncan to be fair, I haven’t had a single crash on my PS5 since launch until yesterday - had one about 2 hrs into the game. Thankfully the auto save only set me back like 45 seconds but I’d imagine if it happens every 2 hours to someone or during an important scene that it would be really annoying
@ShogunRok My condolences. 😢
I think some of the problems are down to hdd speeds. I have played 4 hours on ps4 pro but my games are installed on a USB ssd and I have only had some minor issues with pop in
plays Dark Souls 2
Having a good time with it on PS5. I wouldn’t touch it with a PS4. I managed to get it a bit crisper by turning off film grain and motion blur. I’ll still be looking forward to a full PS5 version.
@Trajan I get what you’re saying, but it’s a poor excuse. If they’re selling a full price PS4 game, it better play well on a PS4.
@Wesker Gunplay's not bad. It starts out quite messy, but as you gain more experience using certain weapons, your shots become more accurate and more deadly. It starts to get much more satisfying later on in the game because of this.
Comparing it to other FPS games... Hmmm. I guess it's actually quite twitchy, like Call of Duty — especially if you have autoaim on. The weapons, particularly the more powerful guns later on, feel great. Have a real kick to them.
@ShogunRok Is it worth getting and playing it on PS5 now? Or is that still not worth it? Just thinking if they patch the bugs and crashing issues in a week or so it would be worth it?
I appreciate the honest approach to this review. Even the early PC reviews noted bugs, but it seems like the bugs on a decent PC were not enough to really hinder the experience. Clearly the experience is entirely different on 2013 consoles.
@ShogunRok I’ve had turn off the HDR and most of the graphic filters to make it look decent on PS5
I played on ps4 for about 3hrs., no bugs yet, or issues with graphics.
@ShogunRok I've had about 3 crashes with the CE number on this game. I've now been playing Valhalla again and getting the same error???
I had a feeling CDPR was going to eff this one up. Not having a third person option is another blow.
@HMazzy111 Honestly, I'd wait. While I'm still enjoying it on PS5, it's very buggy and it crashes every hour and a half or so. I've actually had to start quitting out to the main menu and reloading my game every hour to avoid the crashes.
If you can wait, I say wait. See how CDPR approaches upcoming patches.
@Throb Don't worry about it too much, I think it's just a catch-all error for games crashing like that. Valhalla has never crashed on me, though. If it starts happening with other games on a regular basis, it may be worth contacting Sony just to be sure.
Truly disappointing. I expect better from CDPR.
@jmac1686 I actually like the HDR, but I've disabled film grain, motion blur, and chromatic aberration and I honestly think the game looks better for it!
Playing on the 5 so far, I completely agree with this review. There is some genuinely fun gameplay and systems coupled with cool sub-quests (been focusing on those over story) so far, but I've been getting the notorious glitch that quits the game on me after an hour or so at play. With that being said, it may not have been as bad, but Witcher was in poor shape when it launched in 2015 and CDPR cleaned it up. Given they had to release nine different builds of this game, I feel like it will be a GOTY 2021 contender once they've patched it up.
Loving it on PC.
A bit overwhelming at first, but now in the swing of things. Outside my card hitting 81c for the first time ever - had no problems.
Buy it on GOG and use $5 GeforceNOW to play it if you only have a PS4 and do not want to wait.
Seems like Nobody played the Witcher 3 at launch back in the day 😅
Amazing game on PC right now. Having a lot of fun with it!
Have people still not recognized that you are all paying to be beta testers for the first 6 months that a big game is out?
@ShogunRok I have it in preorder not picked it up wait untill its better running sounds like the best option i guess. Better too finish some backlog and buy the better game down the line i guess. 😢
Been playing this on Xbox One X. I only got as far as finishing the combat mechanics tutorial.
So far I have encountered 2 bugs:
The first bug came when one of the combat tutorial enemies simply rag-dolled (and registered as a kill) upon starting the particular tutorial.
The second bug was encountered again in the combat tutorial where my last movement input of the analog stick simply stuck after transitioning back to the tutorial hub and my character just auto-walked - simply moving the analog stick unlocked the input and everything went back to normal.
Performance seems pretty good on the console so far. My biggest complaint is that the UI Text size seemed to be quite small - even on a 1080p 55" TV. It seems like it was optimized for a PC monitor up close.
It does seem as though the developers weren't able to meet all the milestones it wanted to meet prior to release and, rather than risk yet another delay, pushed out the latest stable console build they had at the time.
It's tough to know where to point fingers, really. Poor management? Overly ambitious goals? COVID-19? All of the above?
@ShogunRok It feels like the game is applying it twice since the game isn’t detecting the PS5’s always on HDR and sets hdr to off by default. When I turn it on everything just seems too washed out. I don’t have this issue with any other HDR capable games and they look great. Not sure. Maybe just don’t like how it’s implemented in this game.
I don't have any question, but I have one request. Please please please give your honest score to this game. They tried to hide the performance of this game on the base consoles and they don't deserve a good score if the game is unplayable. Thanks
I think you should have scored it, people’s money is on the line and in this state it’s appalling. They deserve all the low scores they get for these base console versions.
@jmac1686 People have found HDR is outright broken on console on this game. Best to turn it off and leave it off until they fix it.
I for one can’t wait until the conversation moves onto more interesting games!!
They should've stalled till this time next year and canned the the ps4/xbox one version by the sounds of it.
Only at for a couple of hours and already come across a ridiculous amount of bugs and glitches. What a joke this is.
Already sold 10 million copies. Cdpr dont care
@ShogunRok Some of us avoid trailers for this very reason. Seriously though, it's that hard to mention the review has mild spoilers?
I deliberately avoided this on PS4 and got it on the one x, so far I’ve seen a main character flapping about in mid air after a big moment just before titles, I’ve been stuck going in a loop in a helicopter firing aimlessly at corpses with the objective to kill them all still hovering, and let’s be clear the bugs are not the only problem. Vehicle controls are terrible, the button configuration is so badly thought out I’m constantly doing the wrong thing, particularly in menus which are also clearly just a copy paste from PC with absolutely nothing done to adjust to those using a controller.
The shooting has been fun but even combat is annoying because at times you can just stand and shoot your enemies while they spin around aiming at the sky.
They have annihilated their reputation and they won’t ever have hype on this scale again, they made one good game...arguably two if you include Witcher 2. No third time lucky here.
@ApostateMage I did wonder how you were getting on. Glad you can work past the flaws!
@GhostInAJar The menu s thing is very irritating!
Strange..i live in Netherlands and buy the games here but same as wirh ac valhalla this runs pretty ok on my ps4pro. About 13 hours in, had 1 full crash and a few clitch animations. But it plays quite ok. Gunplay is pretty weak and streets are not so alive as i hoped, but writing is realy cool. Driving is also ps2 style bad Deffenitly does not make the hype yet, but still curious about how the story goes on. I give it a 7 so far. It reminds me a lot of deus ex:mankind divided
Totally fair review.
The red flag for me was CDPR only showing PC footage, I knew the console versons had performance issues hence them showing the best version of the game. I've been gaming to long and know all their little marketing tricks, the gaming industry did this for almost the whole of the PS3/360 gen. when they did release footage it was selective gameplay footage of PS4 Pro/PS5 another red flag, with zero console review code at launch. The PS5 version is the only version I will buy, and by then it'll be a finished product.
Shouldn't you give two scores for this game, one for playing it on PS5 and one for the base PS4? Not many of us have PS5s so we won't benefit from the 60fps and other perks it has.
The most shocking part is they ve been bragging about record pre orders and making a ton of money already covering all development.
This was not ready to ship. I really like this game so far, like REALLY like it, but it's not finished and CD Projekt Red should be brought to task for this. It's a real mess sometimes, this game.
If I couldn't turn off all the post processing effects, this game would be unplayable on my Pro.
@Trajan Again, if that's the case why release it on consoles at all?
Rockstar manage to make great games on consoles it shouldn't be beyond CDPR but if it is then stick to PCs only where the arrogant nerds sneer as they play.
I've had some chortles watching some YouTube videos of the glitches in this game, so I'm waiting for the PS5 version.
@Trajan sick of seeing comments like this on the internet, Witcher 3 wasn’t sold as a PS3 game and everything was crystal clear about the performance of the switch port. They have conned people, roughly 8 million of them.
This was a legitimate honest review. Kudos for that. It sucks for all of us who have been waiting and get presented with a game looking Fallout 4. Even the fighting feels very Fallout. If only we all could afford a $1200 gaming pc. Also fans very much have a right to be upset with the developers who gave us the illusion that the game looks like a million bucks on consoles, and its so deceptive that a company we trusted did us dirty for presales. Lesson learned AGAIN. Don't pre-order games!
My preorder copy hasnt arrived yet. Will see for myself how well it runs but its likely I'll wait a few months for some patches and theres a slim chance I might even wait untill I get a ps5 after a year or so.
@Constable_What I use a ps4 pro as well and played hours before realizing I could turn off motion blur and all the other effects. That helped tremendously with the blurry effects. But the npcs talking and the mouths not moving and the cars and people disappearing and appearing REALLY breaks all immersion.
I don't regard this review as remotely valid, you guys were posting gifs of glitches and digital foundry frame drops which clearly created a bias before the review was even out, seems like this is just obligatory now to bash it
I feel bad for pre-orders and early adopters as this sounds like a mess. I'm usually playing games years after release and when they've been fixed.
I agree 💯% let's just hope they can fix it like they did the Witcher 3 .when you compare this to AAA games like ghost of tyshimu and even Assassin's it's shocking 300 million they reckon they ploughed into this 100 more than GTA 5 😂
@carlos82 Yeah, I love all those neon lit and steam vent alleyways. I've turned off film grain, chromatic aberration and motion blur and the game looks a lot less blurry but I'm so looking forward to the actual PS5 version.
@PossibLeigh Thanks. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the least bothered by all the bugs, graphical and framerate issues but I do tend to forget about them when I'm deep into a quest. There's no chance I could put this to one side and wait for the PS5 version, though, it's too darn good!
This literally screams, 'buy a year later'.
PC Complete edition in 2022 it is then. 😑
@Nickolaidas Yea I think alot of us knew that but the temptation. I personally couldn't resist lol
Clearly CDPRs vision for this game was far too ambitious for the current generation. There's definitely much that's great about this game but it's being overshadowed by technical problems because the consoles it was made for can't handle it. Personally I find the main story missions to be the best part of the game right now and the open world exploration is causing the most technical issues. Perhaps it would've been better as a more linear experience. I'd still have played it without a fully open world because bugs etc. aside I am enjoying it
It's crazy how buggy the game is (I knew it would be, but still), it's even crazier that the only thing I've personally encountered were floating items on occasion and Jackie walking through three lockers that just flew up open like they were caught in a tornado.
I'd also like to mention that I never had a day one patch or anything to download (series x), the size is currently 59.3 GB for me.... which is almost 9 GB less than I downloaded it at so I'm not even sure what that's about.
That being said, the game so far hasn't been as crazy with body mods as I was hoping, I'm tryin to replace every piece of organic material on my character, but I haven't seen anything suggesting you can.
Despite all the bugs and technical issues, this game is incredibly good. It feels like a piece of real life, and the chemistry of fhe main characters is awesome. No point waiting for an scarce and over-priced console if you can get your hands around it now. I'll get a cheaper PS5 console in 6 months and will be playing a different life path.
@daveofduncan It definitely does crash. You've been lucky so far, mate.
On PC there is a population density slider. On the consoles this seems to be at it's lowest setting. I'm playing on PC, most on my laptop with a intel i7 10875 and a 2080 super and it performs quite well, I'm getting ultra settings across the board but I only have a 1080 screen. I'll get to play on a desktop this weekend. I don't think the PS4 CPU will ever be able to deal with this game but PS5 should run much better than my laptop so I expect when it's released native it will run great. Just a case of holding out till then
I’m loving it on PS5, the crashing every couple hours is annoying though. Hoping the city feels more populated once they release a PS5 only update. It’s a shame it sounds like the game is so bad on PS4 though.
I look forward to the inevitable expose on whatever is going on. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that the director was asked if the game was still coming out in December and he replied with something like "Yup. I guess so."? There must be a lot of friction between CDPR management right now.
Whole heartedly and 100 per cent agree with this review. It’s a dumpster fire. Anyone who says ‘oh it’ll be patched’ has missed the point. People save for games like this and CDPR has completely abused their trust. We all need to hold them to account. Imagine going to buy a car, it’s sold as perfectly functioning, all marketing is tip top and you get it home, it breaks down or worse, you’re sold it without seatbelts, or, a clutch. This is Cyberpunk. We’ve all been duped. And if this was a game made by EA we would be burning them. Reviews ONLY allowed on PC with footage they provided?! This is insane. Kinda ironic too - they’re becoming the corpos this game tries so hard to fight. Do not let this slide.
@daveofduncan I think you've got this totally wrong. I read it as one of the most open and honest reviews I've read in a long time. Yes it highlights the problems but it also highlights what's good about the game. You can't deny it has serious issue's....which will hopefully be patched where possible on base consoles. The full PS5 version must be a huge improvement. Ofcourse you are entightled to your opinion, I just see the review differently from yourself.
And also. Thanks Pushsquare for doing this review. Lots of others aren’t. Leading from the front.
My early thoughts on the game
Runs at an acceptable level (PS4 version running on PS5)
I find myself overwhelmed with side jobs and gigs to do
NPC interaction is practically non existent, little building interactions either
Night City is pretty, but really a set dressing for an interesting main story
I am sure I will enjoy the main story, but have little interest in the other activities (Which again are limited).
Overall slightly disappointing, but a strong story could win me around
I just wanted to say, I visit a lot of gaming websites, and I want to thank you for being truthful in this review. So many others are glossing over or just plain ignoring the fact that this game is not the same game on PS4 as it is on computers.
I'm about 12 hours in now, on a base ps4, and it just keeps getting worse. That's bad, because I am so involved in the story, I don't want to quit and wait for patching. Somewhere under all the bugs, a.i., and lack of full-functioning features is a truly awe-inspiring game.
If I could buy a ps5 anywhere near me, I'd have already done so, just to play this game. It's like a beautiful woman with a scar running down her face from eye to chin.
The latest patch seems to have improved the resolution on PS5! Can anyone comment on any patch effects on PS4?
EDIT: Population density has risen too!
lol, I'd be playing right now, but it's a 75 minute patch, so still downloading it. I'm on a ps4, so i'll let you know, unless the game sucks me back in, as it does in spite of all the bugs and jank.
I'm reading a lot of "Looks pretty but it's shallow as a puddle" comments. Someone compared the graphics/environments to a pretty loading screen that you get to look at, just look not interact, while getting to your next mission.
I stopped reading at "post-apocalyptic"... this is not a post-apocalyptic world, it's literally the opposite of that in every sense
but I do agree that the game needs a lot of polish(hehe) still, especially for people that can't afford hight end PCs and still want to enjoy the story and gameplay
I've been enjoying it a lot on the PS5 but I'm also not too far into the game yet.
Any chance the pc community could do a no bug/ no glitch run of the game??
It’s sadly ironic that a coveted AAA game from such a revered Polish developer is now in such dire need of more “polish”...
Where does the line begin for the class action suit?
Imagine if a dev announced a game right now, had 8 years to make it, and it still didn't work on the PS5, but instead targeted the 10th gen. That's the situation we have here and it's weird.
How does a company make a game for an entire generation, having full access to a console, knowing full well what that console can and can't do, and still releases this type of mess?
ok, installed the patch, and yes it's clearer on ps4. Also, more people on the sidewalks, and they're not quite so bad at just popping in. They even seem to be walking faster. It still doesn't look as good as most other games, but it's an improvement, for sure. That said, it still needs a lot of love. Random npc's mouths don't even move when they're talking. Signs still look fuzzy, and you can't read the writing on some of them.
All in all, they need to run a marathon with this game, and this patch is the first mile or so.
@Skywalker1080p LMFAO
Good move not printing a score. It will stop the usual dumb gamers from arguing over a numeral.
Also the game clearly isn’t finished and I reckon it should have been delayed 6 months at least instead of the piecemeal update fix approach.
I suspect part of the reason it wasn’t delayed again is because of the outcry it would garner from entitled man children. Shame.
@Orochilocka Let’s not get out the pitchforks yet - the culture of over entitled gamers has a lot to do with this situation as well. The type of gamers who threw a fit every time this game got delayed. And there were A LOT of them. They can’t have it both ways.
@ObserverGamez I haven't gotten that issue, but my game crashes like clockwork every 2 hours.
There's an animation bug with the katana that gets on my nerves. It's the beheading finishing move, and the audio and the decapitation is hilariously out of sync with my swing.
That breaks my immersion a lot.
It’s important to note that every time this game got delayed, a bunch of neckbeards came out of the woodwork with their pitchforks and threatened to boycott the game or whine endlessly about how “their” game was taking too long and how CDPR are the worst company ever.
The usual tirades of entitlement we get from a certain type of gamer.
The rest of us rational adults would have been fine with waiting another 6 months or whatever it took to finish the game.
We can’t have it both ways.
@Arnna To be absolutely fair, CD PR promised there'd be no more delays before the delay to December. They broke that promise to delay it only a month, and still released an unfinished game.
That's entirely on them. If they needed to delay the game because it was not functioning, and they were going to break a promise to do so, they should have delayed it for a few months, not a single month, a few months.
And they could have done that as well, but they didn't do that, instead they got the game out in time for holiday 2020.
Most likely for their shareholders.
But you know, it is what it is. It's not a bad game, and I enjoy it in between crashes. It's probably not good for my PS4 though. I'm scared of corrupting my hard drive if the game decides it wants to crash during an auto save.
@Arnna how long would we wait before it was what it appears to be now? Vaporware.
It's not like they had a year or even two like a regular development house. They had very very close to a decade. That's a ridiculous amount of time to not be able to make a workable game in.
Edit: also it's playable and not horrible but playing it I just keep thinking why did it take so long to make this? Did they focus on the graphics instead of actually making any sort of NPC interaction or character building? Conversations use an archaic system that basically gives you an option to ask more and to go forward in dialogue. It's all very restrictive and illusionary.
@Constable_What @lordzand
It’s not ideal by any stretch - the game should have been better realised after that amount of time, but at the end of the day I’d rather wait longer for a better and more finished game than grab a pitchfork when it’s delayed multiple times. It achieves nothing.
Having said that, CDPR should not have made promises just to placate the type of gamers who lose their ***** like children over a delay.
We all have plenty of games to play, it’s not like waiting a bit longer would hurt anyone.
"we haven't finished the game yet" please don't put out game reviews if you didn't play the whole game. Maybe call it "first impressions" or something. Very misleading.
@daveofduncan 🙄... it was advertised and developed for PS4. The review is for the PS4 version. It performs terribly on both versions of that system. It’s also not finished.
Sounds like you can’t manage your expectations and have already fixated on a numerical review score that you want, rather than what is realistic.
@LargeBoy have a whinge... so everything will be right in your world if PushSquare removes the word ‘review’ from the title?
Because that’s what your complaint amounts to.
@Nickolaidas exactly. Unless you have incurable FOMO, just wait till the PS5 version drops.
@Fenbops they said they’ll score it when it’s realistic to do so.
There was an article earlier in the week which stated they hadn’t received review code. Do you want an arbitrary review score when the reviewers have only had the game for 48 hours?
The review in progress says it’s broken and buggy and graphically awful in many places.
Why do you need a numerical score to determine whether it’s worth spending money on? Lol...
Besides the crash here and there the game is amazing. If deus ex and fallout had a kid bam it's cyberpunk. I'm here for the long haul, just keep rolling out those fixes 👍
Are the AI, gunplay and driving better on a high end PC too? I would understand performance issues more if the systems themselves seemed next gen. But from lots of comments, it's the graphics on a top end system (ray tracing) where this really shines from a technical perspective. The other bits people are praising - story, characters, world building - are great but not technically demanding.
Is it just that their engine is terrible at scaling? Or another way to ask: in technical terms, why is this game still so demanding on consoles when frame rate, resolution, density and IQ have been cut so drastically? Because it doesn't seem to be animation, AI, emergent systems or any of the things that seem perfectly possible on other recent open world games. Genuinely curious tbh.
I'm playing on ps5 and have had 2 crashes but other then that I'm liking it the hdr is pretty ***** and the resolution is appalling it just looks so soft and blurry but I bought it for the next gen version im sure that will be amazing I hear xbox has a resolution mode that I'm disappointed that I dont have even on ps5
@ShogunRok id like to point out a misconception. The game HAS NOT been as you say "in development" for 7 years. Yes thats when production for it started. But, all we got was a cg tech demo 7 years ago. They probably didn't even have a story in mind, or even an alpha of gameplay. The misconception that announcement = start of end level development (where bugs and stuff are ironed out) is the bane of all the latest triple A games. While cyberpunk has its issues, and you console peasants may be left behind the game plays phenomenally well on pc. Its not the games fault the ps5 is a load of ***** that reaches 95 degrees Celsius at max load in standard ambient room temperature (heat has a direct impact of frames and will lead to crashing)
On the topic of development. The game as we know it has probably actually only been finished and in stress testing for a few months to a year at most. We know they've rewritten its story multiple times during the process and went through several alpha changes that completely changed the core mechanics of the game.
With all that being said? I think a few broken quests, some floating props, and a few other bugs here and there can be forgiven. As for the "game crashes like crazy" for ps5 users? Well? Perhaps its time to join the master race. Game runs fine 0 crashes on pc
@Trajan Erm no it doesn't. I've played it twice now and it's great, very few bugs. What on earth are you waffling on about?
@Senchou412 State of your comment mate.
If they just wanted this game to play on a high end PC they should've just aimed at this niche market. But they didn't because they wanted the dough from console 'peasants' on both PS and Xbox. People who bought into the hype have every reason to be a little pissed off imo. It's no good coming on here and saying "it works on PC!", how exactly does that help?
For social reasons, ask yourself this: "Why am I on a Playstation site?"
You'll make more friends if you find a place where all of you can sit around and marvel at your PC specs.
Good review so far, glad you aren't being kind.
@Senchou412 I'm myself playing it on PC, and it's still buggy. Not as bad as the consoles have got, but it still hampers my experience. If a game crashes on a system, it's an issue with the software and not the hardware (until proven otherwise). Let's face it, CP2077 is in no place to blame the hardware for it's shortcomings. And please stop spreading all that master race cr@p. The master race might think too highly of their own, but the matter of fact is outside of their bubble no one gives a damn.
@starbuck2212 nice comment. What grade of primary school are you in?
@LordSteev Thanks for the update, dude. Glad it's getting some TLC on ps4.
I don't think this would have lived up to the amount of hype no matter if it was mostly bug free. It was never going to look as good as some of the previews had shown especially on console. I tried my best to keep my expectations in check but that's hard to do no doubt. I'm playing on PS4 Pro and really haven't had any major issues aside from a few graphical issues and some pop in. About 6 hours in and absolutely loving it so far. I do hope they can get these issues sorted out so everyone can enjoy it.
A game with bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs just tells me to avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid. Might get it once I get a PS5 but definitely not getting it on PS4.
I agree with the above that the score should be removed. The game itself is actually very good. In a few months time, this game will be enhanced for new consoles, bugs will be fixed, performance and graphics will be improved, but the scores will linger and destroy sales or a really good game.
I am currently playing on the Series X using Resolution mode. The 30fps runs surprisingly smooth, the game looks much better (as long as that blurry Chromatic Abberation is turned off), and I have only encountered two small bugs in 12+hrs of gaming, far leas that Witcher when it first came out.
I think the main crime here is releasing a game for an outdated console that can't run it properly. CDPRs only hope now is to drop the PS4/Series X versions, refund everyone, and focus only on next gen. They will make their money back when people finally get to purchase the new consoles.
lol gotta love the advert for Cyberpunk on this site... "Plays great ALSO on..."
@ShogunRok - is there much mandatory racing to be done here? I can't see well enough to cope with big timed events or having to move around too quickly. Can I just pootle about in the cars at my own pace or am I going to be hurtling down the roads at great speeds?
Other than the bugs/performance, the game sounds fantastic. Here's hoping they can patch away the problems.
@Arnna sorry but that’s nonsense. The culture around devs releasing tripe needs to stop - pressure from fans or not.
@mrgrieves There's quite a large side quest that involves racing, but that's about it. You can go your own pace other than that.
Disagree with not giving a score. You gave no man’s sky a 7 when it first came out...We all know what happened there. I think you should give a score and if they fix things you can reconsider but right now as we used to say in the United States Navy it is what it is.
Had no plans on buying it until middle of next year. I have no fears that by then it'll all be OK.
Honestly, I hope the score isn't affected by patches and updates after launch day. I do hope they fix the game, but it should be reviewed and scored based on the state of the game on day one. This game, by all accounts, should be phenomenal, but we can't allow something so broken to be allowed a high score for what it could have been.
I am holding off for 4 months or so till the updates have smoothed out the game and hopefully ps5's will be in full flow if not will have to break out the thermal paste and thermal pads to the ps4.
I for one am enjoying the game ... it's not perfect but can't help but think witcher 3 was a mess at launch too or am i mistaken? anyways b patient folks we all gonna have a ps5 in 2021 and b playing the upgraded version of cyberpunk so yeah we as gamers are never satisfied or happy ever no matter what loll .... They are patching the game regularly too so .......
Nice honest review.
In all honesty I had already made the decision to wait until the fully fledged PS5 or series X version is released. I’m happy to wait as long as it takes. Another 2 years if necessary.
The games clearly got so much potential.
A real shame for those who are playing it now.
Really they should of just put up their hands and said sorry we can't do it on ps4 and Xbox one. Sure they knew this before the last delay.
There is a great game , but you either need a good pc or wait for the ps5 version
Witcher had problems at launch out not too this degree
I do think it should be reviewed again when the ps5 and Xbox x upgrade comes
@ShogunRok I'm really happy to hear that! If they can sort out the performance issues then it sounds like I might enjoy it. Thanks for clarifying so quickly.
@suikoden And lose 40% of their week 1 sales? That was never, ever in the cards. It's not an accident that CDPR refused to release anything but very carefully curated console footage, and gave no console review codes at all. What we're seeing is a managed descent of a crippled aircraft. The idea is to get the thing on the ground where it can be fixed, with a minimum of losses or liability.
I was in the minority for The Witcher 3, in that I felt it was a reasonably well-written story in an iron mask of buggy (at least initially) and incredibly mediocre combat and progression systems, basically an action-adventure game with an RPG veneer. I expected the same from Cyberpunk and that's precisely what was delivered.
@suikoden Absolutely. It should be reviewed as a rerelease.
Sounds like complete garbage. Glad I didn’t waste money on this one.
Releasing it in this state is absolutely not proper business practice, but also no scam. I'll just treat the ps5 update as the true release date and live my life in happy ignorance of what came before.
@Circasurviver game of the year 2021
Stadia is the best way to play cyberpunk for the negative whiners
Playing cyberpunk right now. Buggy but better to play now
I wonder if this game will be updated and fixed in a couple months time? CD Project red if I remember in the past have always made improvements to the witcher franchise. Unlike a huge company like Ubisoft or EA these guys only have a a couple of eggs in their basket. I'm hoping that in a few months time we'll see a massive patch and the whole game will be improved... Or it could be a time to build a more powerful pc or timing is perfect to jump onto next gen consoles. At the end of the day it's only a 'game'. Why are we so emo and easily upset nowadays? Are there not enough games or entertainment already in the world?
Yep, will be waiting for the PS5 version, no doubt.
I'm pretty disappointed overall by it's lack of originality. It's so derivative of GTA5, Fallout 4 and Deus Ex. The controls are very clunky with no new innovations. The story, brain dancing and Keanu is the best part for me so far, I'm 30+ hrs in. The potential for this game has sadly not been fully realized. But updates could change all that who knows.
The reviewers keep.getting stuck on the bugs. Games are more complex than ever. There are bound to be bugs. Im playing on the PS4 pro. I had one noticible frame rate issue in 6 hours. Several crashes. Annoying yes. However the sheer scope of this game is unlike anything I've ever played. This is an RPG that is much more complicated than any AAA out there. It borrows stuff like weapon profiecency from BL1 and applies it to all skill not just weapons. It has leveling. Skills to unlock. Attributes to level. Street cred and normal leveling. Crafting, upgrading. Stealing cars. All sorts of things to find. Hacking. Relationships that no other AAA has explored to this level. Customization that games don't get into. And rogue dongs. There are a lot of moving pieces that has not really ever been attempted to this scale. It's GTA5 meets Fallout on meth. It could have probably used another year. But considering the death threats they received moving it back a couple months they made the right decision. Let us enjoy it and fix it going forward. At least the bugs aren't game breaking.
@ILikeStake If you want to know what Nudity Censor On is like, just look at gameplay videos of the Japanese version, which has Nudity Censor permanently on. From what I've seen in Japanese version, there are:
1) No Breast Size Change option,
2) No Nipples shown,
3) No nipple change option,
4) No genitals shown,
5) No genital change option,
6) No pubic hair change option,
7) Bra and Panty as a permanent texture on all female playable and non-playable characters, and shorts on all males,
8) Dancer hologram in Lizzie Club has bra instead of pasties,
9) Milfguard billboard censored with black bar across breasts,
10) Billboards with fully bare buttocks covered with skirt or censor bar (like the one outside Lizzie Bar),
11) Nude and eviscerated corpse in the apartment in a prologue quest is completely covered with a plastic sheet,
12) Woman you save from tub is not nude but with bra and panty texture like all other females, 13) Prostitutes and Joytoys have no nudity and are covered with either permant textures or with other clothing,
14) No(?) Sex Scenes (this one I'm not sure)
Most of these censors in CP2077 were also present in Japanese version of Witcher 3. The same permanent textures on breasts and lower body.
@Orochilocka dismiss my comment as nonsense all you like but the phenomenon of ridiculously entitled gamers is very real.
Delay a game - waves of vitriol and garbage.
Release a broken game - same thing.
Or the very worst of basement dwelling behaviour like we saw during gamergate or the realise of TLOU2.
Responsibility cuts both ways whether you like it or not.
@Hampie Does the Japanese version still have the same levels of violence and dismemberment?
I'm having problem with love like fire cyberpunk on the top of the roof on the ps5 got a bug
@Arnna no it doesn’t. And your comment is still nonsense. Entitled gamers isn’t a tangible thing. Releasing an unfinished product at full price, is. Pressure from fandom is a weakness. Releasing a product due to that is cowardly. Finish the game, release. No need to give in to hoards of bleating sheep. I’ll never trust CDPR again, their marketing is scummy to say the least. I take it you’ve seen employee’s salaries were tied to review scores? Hence the reason for only releasing review copies on PC. Everything is tied back to money. I’d love to live in a fantasy world where you seriously think fan pressure caused the early release, absolute absurdity.
@Orochilocka I never said the reason for early release was to placate fans and I never said CDPR are free of responsibility. Try reading my comment.
I said gamer behaviour is often entitled and hypocritical, leaving game developers in a position where whatever they do it’s the wrong thing.
Tangible? Lol. Things can be both intangible and real at the same time. Nice try.
The last two times CDPR delayed cyberpunk, the response was ridiculous hyperbole and vitriol from a certain section of gamers, a response which isn’t helpful and quite frankly immature.
All this is documented.
Don’t try to tell me this has no effect on future decisions regarding possible delays. You’re delusional if you can’t see that public pressure plays a part in decisions, as do internal development factors.
I’m sure CDPR don’t give two sh*ts that you don’t trust their marketing team, I suspect you’ll still buy the game. If you had any conviction you’d boycott it instead of toothlessly and myopically laying the blame all in one place. Most if not all things are multi dimensional. Duh.
I’ll let you get back to your keyboard raging against ‘the man’. 🙄🙄🙄
@Arnna someone needs a cuddle, I think. You legitimately have no clue what you’re talking about. CDPR didn’t release because of backlash, to think they did is absolute nonsense. I’ve got Cyberpunk, it’s a mess of a release. You need to follow the thread and put the pieces together, rather than looking at measuring intangible metrics like public backlash (which aren’t a performance indicator for CDPR - therefore has no impact on day to day business, seriously, just go and work for a major company for a bit...) but you keep on living in fantasy land. The crux is, developers shouldn’t release tripe like this and get away with it. If you think they should, you’re the problem. And any opinion that’s surrounds or supports that, in my view, is detrimental and just utter nonsense. I stand by that. Also, any time someone uses ‘lol’ in a reply isn’t worth talking to. Now run along and let the grown ups have a proper debate.
Reading and comprehension seems to be an issue for you. I can’t help you with that.
You bought the game so you’ve just become complicit. You’re literally rewarding CDPR for releasing a broken game. Congrats.
This is the internet, people using colloquialisms is not uncommon, you nauseating snob.
@Arugula even if they did, it’s not a brilliant experience. Plenty of issues even if the performance is better. AI issues all over.
@Arnna sending you a digital cuddle. Can’t do anything about the stick up your arse but I sure can hug away your pain.
All the good reviews so far are for the PC version.
I did what CDPR recommends, and turned PS5 off and unplugged the power cord for a few minutes. Starting Cyberpunk there was a new progress bar for a moment, and I played for a few hours without it crashing. Previously it would crash every 1,5 hours or so. Go figure.
Update 1.04 ups the resolution and it no longer looks blocky and low-res. All settings are still reset every launch. The combat feels like I might want to play this on Easy difficulty to focus on stories and enjoying the city..
@Biolan found that the best way to deal with combat in this game is to focus heavily on combat quickhacks and smart weapons. Due to controller sensitivity being problematic in this game even with the best tweaking.
Once I got smart sniper, assault rifle and pistol, focus on those with headshot multiplier bonus and high base damage rather than DPS, install smart link cyberware and all your shots will home in on targets' heads without even needing to precisely aim, just get an enemy into your view and push up on stick to shift targeting to head. Makes combat almost effortless.
For combat quickhacks, get cyberdecks and perks that boost quickhack damage and duration. The best quickhacks are the Overheat (for organic enemies) and Short Circuit (for cyborgs and mecha) which covers all enemies, the remaining mod slots can be used for debuff and ping or anything else you like. Get decks with high base RAM and perks that boost ram and recovery rate.
Use quickhacks to start a battle by stealthily picking off enemies without being seen, and finish remaining enemies with smart weapons.
Makes game super easy on even higher difficulties.
@ILikeStake yes, very surprised to see same levels of violence and dismemberment, which usually gets censored
Ive have zero issue playing on PC with 3080 , not one single crash only seen normal bugs you get in a game of this size.
Last gen tech just isnt up to running this game.CDPR should of cancelled the ps4/xb1 versions. Lets hope the PS5 version fixes this.
This won't age well. The review, obviously - not the game.
@daveofduncan this is a PS4 review though.
I sorry to have to say this but I have no sympathy for people that refuse to wait for reviews. Then can not wait for bug fixes and patches. I also have no sympathy for companies that release games in such a buggy mess. It is still a fact of gaming that's been going on forever! People are so impatient and will not wait after years of being told not to pre-order games day one.
People were so angry the sent death threats to CDPR last month because they wanted it NOW aka last month. It was almost clear people were loud about it they did not want to wait for a finished game they just wanted it now with no more delays. I am a very patient person I wish they would have delayed it again. Now when it gets here I will still try it out, but then wait for the full PS5 version to do a full 3 faction play through on it.
@InsertGoodName Yeah, I wish they'd reviewed the game that doesn't exist yet instead.
Every day a new headline makes me want to buy this less and less. Hope the PS5 version reflects a more polished final product. I feel so bad for the developers that have poured so much of their lives into this and crunched so badly to get it even to this state. Not their fault and I wouldn't want to villify them.
If ever a game was to be a poster child for "AAA games are too big, are sold too cheaply and cost too much to make", this is it. This model of development is not healthy or sustainable.
This is an excellent review though so far and I think made the right call in being unscored for now. I hope CDPR can fix the issues and make everyone happy as it's clear there's loads of potential, but I also hope it learns its lessons ahead of its next project.
@Senchou412 Is this a PC gaming web site... hmm? Why have you bewildered yourself in amongst us 'peasants' then?
@Hampie thanks!! I've been moving to this direction too. Would like to try more stealthy or other gameplay styles, but they just seem so ineffective from the start. But let's see, I'm going to just wait and see how long it takes for this game to mature and get better.
I got a few more crashes again so cold-booting ps5 is no permanent fix. It seems my crash-free playtime was a section of the game outside night city, might have something to do with it.
Somehow I still like the city and visual style so I'm ok with things going forward from here...
CDPR just wrote a blog post committing to fixing and improving the game. Nothing new but nice to get this message from the devs.
Looks like another junk game. Don’t buy.
Lucky i got a ps5 because i have a lot of fun with the game. That being said...they started advertising this in 2012 when the ps4 and xboxone were not even on the shelves...they knew how the game ran on base ps4 before release and theyve hidden it.
Final comment, I promise.. spent more hours in Night City getting familiar with different perks and playstyles and actually they are all good, there are many, many effective ways to play this game. It will be a good game eventually.
@TheRam I get it. Bandwagons tend to make the easiest to bash out reader fodder. For the easiest reader to please....
@InsertGoodName I feel like the easiest reader to please is the one who just wants to be told that the game they've been excited about for 8 years isn't a disappointment.
Why can't there be at least 2 reviews. 1 when the game released and 1 when it is finished. It's 5/10 on pure Xbox is well deserved and I'd like to see something like it here.
The score should be the same as Empire of Sin's score.. 3/10, why is this getting special treatment? It's been pulled from PS Store it's that bad.. why isn't Push Square calling it? They should have the courage of conviction to give this game the terrible score that it deserves.. No game should be released in this state. Game journalists should not give excuses for this kind of release, no matter "how good it will be after a few patches"... This is the worst thing I've seen Push Square do yet..
@ShogunRok sounds good, thanks!
@OneManDroid.... 100% and this is why the gaming industry is in a shambolic state, I sometimes wish the movie critics were the ones reviewing games cause they would rip a lot of games apart and this would in turn raise the standard of releases........ Gaming journalists are by end large paid fanboys, push square did the same with Anthem, they held the review for over a month trying to wait for Bioware and EA to fix the game before reviewing until it turned out that EA where not going to waste money on post launch support, CP2077 is in the same state as ME:Andromeda, WWE 2k20, Fallout 76
I bet you Shogun is gonna give the game 9 at lowest and 9.5 at highest when what we have seen is at best a 5/10 and at worst 3/10 but they will not....
I mean it's been over a week review the game, surely it can't take that long to get a feel of the game, it's like they are trying to give a dead horse every last chance to redeem itself, it's like trying to still wait for Nani to fulfill his potential and become the next CR7.
Surely then going forward each game should get its review verdict at least 1 month after its released like CP2077 is getting this special treatment.
Love the game! The attributes, skill building, breakdown of materials and creating is awesome. I could go on and on. If this is the level of detail that we are moving towards in the future then right on. Ok, with that being said, this is the gaming entertainment industry. I'm not making excuses for anyone. Bugs/glitchs and updates are apart of our future. Remember it's just a game in the end. If these items don't get looked into, then that's where the problem lies. They have been working on it. It's not like I have to drive this game to work. Hope you all enjoy the game just as much.
@Constable_What For me its the npc talking without the mouth moving, swimming causes migraines lmao, and the difficulty. I hate that the enemies become bullet sponges. Shouldn't take 12 shots to the head to kill a goon.
@ObserverGamez You can one hit kill most enemies with a sword. Guns are weird in that game, they feel like crap, and the damage is weird. I don't like it.
This game has way more issues than just the glitches and crashes. Balance really sucks, and the RPG elements are really lackluster.
@nessisonett I missed this LOL
Score pending? The situation is pretty clear right now. You can't possibly recommend the game on Playstation so it should not be higher than a 5 at most, despite it's potential.
@ShogunRok so when is PS going to score this car-wreck? why do you feel it is okay to enable this behaviour of releasing broken games by not scoring them and 'waiting for a patch'? Do you consider this to be honest gaming journalism? why is it okay to score other broken games (Empire of Sin, Watchdogs, etc.) but not this one?
Updated with additional paragraphs, edits, and a final score.
Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the game because my save broke 65 hours in. Needless to say, that experience factored into the score.
Again, we'll be doing a separate review of the full PS5 version when that eventually comes out.
We'll also continue reporting on updates that this version of Cyberpunk receives.
What a shame. There are moments when I really enjoy the game.
@ShogunRok I pray for you. The score is deserved but fans and CDPR apoligists won’t see it that way.
I’m glad the review was so honest.
B to the U to the MM to the E to the R
@ShogunRok "Needless to say, that experience factored into the score."
With the greatest of respect, I think it needed to be said rather than it being needless otherwise 3/10 would have seemed vengeful IMO; some bugs/glitches I can live with, as I'm sure many gamers can, but save-breaking is just not acceptable. All the time and emotional investment to lose the save... well... that's the point at where it becomes just not good enough beyond all doubt, isn't it?
Any idea what broke it? If it's something avoidable then I'd like to know about it. I might take to backing up all the saves (I use all 20) every day or two just in case I have to revert to an old one because believe me, there's no way I'd start from scratch again at this point if the possibility of it happening again is there.
@nessisonett Your post appears to be blank at this moment. Are you place holding it to edit in the words later?
@zekepliskin it was a gif. Those can take time to load and sometimes not load at all on this website.
@zekepliskin It’s a GIF. Might not show up for some people!
I’ve finished a play through yesterday , I’m playing in ps5 , it’s also my first cd projekt red game. I’d never have scored it a 3 but if that’s how you feel after playing it - fair play to you that’s your choice. I found it an interesting tale with some really emotional main and side stories . It moved me and I loved living in the world I’d score it a 7 personally
@nessisonett Thank you! Thought I was going nuts there! I see it on Firefox now I check but not Safari. From Good Omens isn't it? Hell of a TV show (pun intended).
@ShogunRok you can't score a game if you haven't 100% completed it 😜
Seriously for as much as I was excited for this and having far less issues on the Series S, this score is fully deserved. No game should ever launch in this condition and with them actively hiding how bad it really was
@Unffclcntrllerpd I think it's the save-breaking he took issue with. 65+ hours is a lot of progress to be losing. To be honest I score the game between a 6/10 to an 8/10 depending on what you're doing and how distracting the issues are (poor AI/driving for example, and any of the bugs I don't find ROFL-level hilarious) so I'm about the same. It could have been a solid high 9, but until it gets patched in a way that's definitive rather than throwing band-aids at it that fall off anyway, we'll never know for sure.
My experience has been different than others but there's no doubt issues. Haven't always agreed with him but I do think Ramsey is the most reasonable game reviewer out there, when even he takes a game to task like this, you know the studio messed up, to put it mildly.
I bet you didn’t even get cyborg enhancements before reviewing this
@zekepliskin It was brilliant, I love the book too as I’m a massive Pratchett fan and honestly would probably rewatch it instead of playing Cyberpunk 😂
@zekepliskin I may be lucky but from my research that only affected pc players ? I checked and my save size was way bigger than the danger size and I didn’t do any crafting or glitch crafting. I’d agree it could have been a lot higher . I’m looking forward to the promised dlc and ps5 patch - it would give me a great excuse to see some of the other endings and play as a nomad or corpo
@nessisonett Agreed. I originally watched it because I'm a big fan of David Tennant, but I'm glad I did because the writing and performances were superb 👌 was it Neil Gaiman that adapted it for TV, who co-wrote it? I could cheat and Google it but this way is more fun
@Unffclcntrllerpd You'd have to get the answer from him to be sure, but IIRC he had a glitch where his V-phone doesn't work so he can't get calls from fixers etc, unless I'm getting mixed up with someone else (if I am I apologise to him).
The PC save bug is for 8MB+ saves, yep. I was sure PS was exempt from this because all my saves are 12.59MB. I assume they oversize them for padding reasons or similar... someone with more technical knowledge could probably tell you, if they've ever developed for PS4.
Such a funny tag line for this review lol
Fair enough review under the circumstances. CDPR have let themselves down by releasing the game in that state. Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 76, now this; it's why I always wait for reviews before buying games now. A real shame
@zekepliskin Neil Gaiman co-wrote the book with Pratchett and I do think he helped adapt it for TV too!
@zekepliskin yeah when I checked my saves and saw they were all 12mb I had a shiver run down my spine . Shame he got the phone glitch - i thankfully only had the crash to dash and the one visual bug as I say I’m lucky enough to be playing on ps5 so the ssd got me back in the action pretty quick
@zekepliskin Unfortunately I have no idea what actually broke it, but basically, the in-game phone stopped working. I couldn't receive calls from any quest givers — both from the main story and from side quests (and gigs, like Gun for Hire missions). This resulted in me having a number of broken quests that wouldn't complete, one of which was a story mission.
Needless to say, after 65 hours, I didn't feel like starting over! Especially not when the game crashes every hour or so.
My advice would be to revert to an old save as soon as possible if you ever get a mission that won't 'complete'. Once that happens, it's all downhill from there it seems.
@carlos82 Yeah if you take away the crashing and the more frustrating bugs, this could easily be an 8/10 or thereabouts.
I really enjoyed parts of it when the game worked as intended. Absolutely adore the characters (as the review says) and I love the variety in combat. Writing this review was rough!
@kyleforrester87 I wear glasses while playing games if that counts.
Go the f**k back to sleep samurai.
3/10 seems a bit harsh and like something you'd do to look edgy and attract clicks as that will get headlines from other sites saying "site gives Cyberpunk 3/10 and labels it biggest disappointment of the generation!".
I'd say 5/10 is fair as it is a broken mess and a disappointment but the core game is good, you're telling me this is a worse game than Anthem, any Madden title, Metal Gear Survive, Aliens Colonial Marines or Andromeda? Give me a break guys!
I agree with most of the review though.
@DonJorginho well those games you named were bad but could at least be played. But in case of Cyberpunk the perfomance is just so aweful that it is just not enjoyable
Even the best game doesn't deserve a high score if it doesn't run properly
@TheLightSpirit Yeah, no ill will towards the developers at all. I think the call came from management earlier this year that the game has to come out, and that's that. I think that's why so much of the game feels quite stunted or just outright buggy and broken. The devs had no choice but to stop what they were working on and just get it ready to ship.
Really disappointing state of affairs. Just hoping the game eventually becomes more like the Cyberpunk 2077 that we were promised.
@mariomaster96 Cyberpunk can still be played too. I've watched plenty people playing on PS4s, is it ideal? Hell no, but it runs.
I'm just saying giving it a 3/10 just seems like a way to get clicks.
@DonJorginho You said it yourself: game's a broken mess — and that ain't a 5/10 on our scoring scale.
I get where you're coming from, though. I put 65 hours into Cyberpunk and I loved a very large chunk of that. But I just can't ignore the shambolic technical issues that I ran into. The crashing first and foremost, but it was the game-breaking bugs that sealed the deal for me.
If those bugs never happened and I managed to finish the game, we might well be looking at a 5. But even then, that seems generous given that it crashes every 45-90 minutes. It's just not on.
Believe me, I would have loved for this game to just work and be amazing. The framework of a fantastic game is here, but it's just been released way too early. Colossal shame.
@DonJorginho This site gave Metal Gear Survive an 8/10. Lmao
To be fair to this review though, game breaking glitches don't constitute a 5/10 score of average, at least in my opinion. I had to refund because I also got a game breaking glitch and could not progress the main story.
There are loads of other glitches I've encountered and it ruined the whole experience for me, and I just can't be ****ed with this game. It's a damn shame.
@ShogunRok far from ideal is being nice yeah there is a good game but this game wasnt ready to launch this year and cars dropping out of the sky at least 6 months away. for quick buck they have ruined their reputation the witcher games were all bugy at launch but they worked.
" Off the back of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — one of our absolute favourite games of the last generation — we had near unshakable faith in the studio's next project."
And that was a lot of people's mistake. Yes Witcher 3 is brilliant but that's it, it's just the ONE game and we had everybody and their momma believing they've already cemented their name as a legendary dev. I was skeptical, I wanted to see at least 2 masterpieces from them first. And to be fair Witcher 3's lovely lore and wonderful stories was off the back of some great writer so CDPR needed more proving to me.
@Subsided what you consider a valid review is irrelevant as is your dumb comment about bias. The game clearly is broken, and PushSquare waited until they played it before finishing their review.
Manage your expectations and stop whining like a baby.
I don't understand why a PS4 version of this game even exists. I mean clearly the PS5 version is getting more attention so we should have just gotten that one
Wow this game has probably had the most publicity on this site than any other..granted it has earned its infamy but maybe its time to move on..if nobody knows of its issues by now i'd be surprised..i was surprised that nearly all these posts were fairly reserved and only 2 of the usual dissidents attempted to start a slanging match..my faith is being restored..
I really don’t think this is too harsh, and I am enjoying the game so much. It’s just not finished, and not just a little bit. Entire systems feel like placeholders while others are fully realized and work great. The game always feels like it’s just barely keeping up. I often stop and just kind of let everything catch up and it seems to help a lot (ridiculous to have to do this).
Yet I’m still having so much fun, a testament to what this game could be. Like that shallow, annoying person you met at the bar who is so much fun to hang out with but you couldn’t in good conscience bring home to show off to friends and family. That’s Cyberpunk currently...And I’m frustratingly in love.
Great review!
@Whyita the simple answer is that there are approx 100 million PS4’s and not that many PS5s. If you’re going to sell a game, recoup costs and make a profit the console with the most units sold / available is the only option.
Sadly this game’s ambition outstripped the PS4s and Xbox capabilities and CDPR knew this but went ahead any way.
I'm absolutely loving the game. My ps5 is connected to a bog standard 1080p TV. I get a faulty game close about once every five or six hours of continuous play. It's a wonderfullyv richly crafted world on all levels. The main story and side jobs, driven by great dialogue and characters are all 100% cyberpunk. It's a damn fine game.
Very good review score. I'm glad places like this are honest.
Fair review, I'd probably score it marginally higher but I also didn't run into any game-breaking glitches while playing.
Anyone have any news on the PS store refund?
@Papasears I couldn't agree more. . I'm having a blast with it. Using most of my lockdown hours of each day playing the game. Even worked smoothly on the PS4 remote play from the ps5.
I have the consoles in separate rooms.
@DonJorginho He can't finish the game. It bugged out and prevented him from playing more of it. It literally blew up in his face. I'm not sure what more justification you want. Those good points prevented it from being a 1/10 or 2/20, which it would have been without them.
"Sadly this game’s ambition outstripped the PS4s and Xbox capabilities and CDPR knew this but went ahead any way."
I've seen this line of reasoning a few times but not sure I follow it. Nothing Cyberpunk is doing seems to be happening at a level that should have this much negative impact on PS4/XboxOne. I agree that CDPR's ambition outstripped their own capabilities to manage and prioritise a project on this scale. But neither the graphics (severely downgraded), performance (terrible), AI (non-existent) or systems (half baked) should be that taxing - and certainly not when taken altogether.
Especially given what other devs managed to accomplish on PS3, let along PS4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsBrkLq31eM
@QuizKid completely agree with this. It's not the grand scope of the game that makes it unplayable on consoles. It's its fundamentally poor implementation.
This runs bad because the development team either could not or needed more time to optimize it for these systems. Likely both reasons. I mean if you really look at the inventory and menu system in the game, they basically copied and pasted the witcher 3's with a different boarder.
However to say that given how stripped back the graphics are, the fact that they took out much of the AI void NPC's and limited cars on the open road to just a few when driving, its insane to suggest that its too demanding. Their are dozens of games that came out in the last 4 years that look better, are bigger, and have better implemented systems that run at least a stable 30 ish fps on the base PS4.
I think down the road we are going to hear tales of a highly dysfunctional development culture at CDPR far beyond blaming management and far beyond mere crunch. Especially when you consider the reality here: had this game released in its initial release window, or anytime in this long drawn out development, next gen consoles AND next gen graphics cards would not yet existed in the marketplace.
This game would be running scaled back and/or terrible on all platforms. What were they thinking?!
@QuizKid I always say this, that other experienced devs could've pulled this off easy. From the videos I don't see what's so ambitious to warrant game-breaking bugs on base consoles this much, especially after 9 years of development.
Got my refund and used my money on the new holiday sale.
Will never buy a CDPR game brand new. Will get this when its $10 and will ignore all trailers for whatever project they make next.
What a disaster of a launch.
People got cyber punked wow .nothing surprise me anymore in 2020.word up son
Even if it did run well on PS consoles, I'm really not sure how well they have realised potential. Most of the games systems are pretty basic, and the world is a pretty set dressing that lacks the necessary interaction to make it believable. They missed a trick. Adding a Nemesis-like system to the gangs could have massively increased engagement with the world.
Must be an awful game to review. A 3/10 is a ridiculous score really for what is a good but not great game. However, I'm playing on ps5 and have been lucky with crashes while I play it at a slow pace.
This score feels more like a punishment for the deceitful approach to the release and lack of attention to the Sony platforms. Then, if the reviewer can't finish the game due to a bug it has to be expected.
@Whyita there is no PS5 version of the game. It only runs the PS4 version better.
@ShogunRok " I think the call came from management earlier this year that the game has to come out, and that's that. I think that's why so much of the game feels quite stunted or just outright buggy and broken. The devs had no choice but to stop what they were working on and just get it ready to ship."
100% Agreed....some think 3 is low but the harsh reality is it is a broken mess I dread to think what could have come out in April........I hope they get stung bad not the company developers or even the tea boy......but the person that decided it was ready to Sell...because it is far from ready and the January February supposed Hotfix I don't buy it.
I guess "experiences may vary" cause I'm having a blast. Just got the [REDACTED] and it makes traversing so much better. Also got the [REDACTED] which gives me another way of getting in. Blackmailed someone for discounts on this, roamed the city and found that. Got a new vehicle and let's just say he's a good chum. All in all a good time.
@KundaliniRising333 This is SPOT ON! There is actually no reason for the game to run this badly. It is not revolutionary in any way and your point about the next-gen/pcs is so true. If this released last year, nobody in the world could play it as intended.
I don't mind toned-down graphics, but the NPC/car density is lowered so much, it impacts the overall feeling and the gameplay too.
This game is really hard to Score objectively that I don't envy you guys had to actually come with THE NUMBER.
I need to mention: the article PushSquare wrote saying that the PS4 Pro ran the game pretty well was something I used to inform my purchase prior to release. What happened between that article and now?
I don't think CDPR will be too concerned - the game has sold 13 million copies already and that includes refunds. 13 MILLION !! ...jeez, beggars belief
So if anyone wonders why they released it in the state it was in - THIS IS WHY
I'm so glad I'm waiting for a sale since I knew it'll have bugs (just didn't think it'll have so many!) and I know it'll drop down in price in a month or so.
Just gonna wait even more until they fix it.
@ShogunRok "If those bugs never happened and I managed to finish the game, we might well be looking at a 5. But even then, that seems generous given that it crashes every 45-90 minutes. It's just not on."
I think that and everything else you wrote totally justifies the score tbh. Your game crashed more than mine does on the PS4 Pro - I've heard this a lot from PS5 owners actually, it seems to crash more frequently despite having the higher framerate and more overall power to work with even in compat mode.
@TheArt "And that was a lot of people's mistake. Yes Witcher 3 is brilliant but that's it, it's just the ONE game and we had everybody and their momma believing they've already cemented their name as a legendary dev"
And that game was a buggy crashy mess at launch too. There was some weird stuff like mission NPCs spawning twice, Roach being even worse than she is now (really really janky, not just slightly janky after patching), highly variable FPS. I swear I even had one crash in 2015 on my base PS4 take down the whole console requiring a power plug pull to get it to come back up again. Never seen anything like it since.
In a way it was obvious CP2077 was gonna come to market partially broken, and I wasn't surprised when it did.
I'm more disappointed that Cyberpunk is a completely different game from what CDPR promises than the bugs, glitches and performance issues of this game. I actually thought CDPR could give Rockstar a run for their money when it comes to open-world games but it's the complete opposite from what I expected.
@Jimmer-jammer "Entire systems feel like placeholders while others are fully realized and work great."
Good way to put it. I totally agree. For me I'd say the driving seems the most neglected, both in terms of how it feels as a player, and how the NPCs react. Or rather, how they don't. 😂
"The game always feels like it’s just barely keeping up. I often stop and just kind of let everything catch up and it seems to help a lot (ridiculous to have to do this)."
That... actually makes a lot of sense. The game engine has moments where it chugs more and more and more, then up pops the crash screen.
Which system are you playing on?
@TheArt "especially after 9 years of development."
4 years. It was announced around 8 years ago, entered pre-production after the last Witcher 3 DLC was done and then full production soon after.
@Salohcin I think the general consensus is the PS4 Pro runs the game the least worst of all the console ports, in that it doesn't have the FPS tanking as much as the base PS4, base Xbox One (S), Xbox One X and also doesn't crash as much as the PS5 running the PS4 Pro version or the Xbox Series S|X running the Xbox One X version (although I'm not 100% on that last one so don't quote me on that). "Least worst" just means best of a bad bunch here, in that it's still a poorly optimised game that crashes every couple of hours.
Seen some streams of the bugs and it's Skate 3 level of funny!
If they fix the crashing, I'd buy at low price for comedy value.
@zekepliskin I’m playing on PS4 Pro. Luckily I’ve only had it crash twice on me in about 25h of play. Performance and texture loading has been surprisingly good as long as I take a moment to let everything load in properly whenever I reach a new location. It’s not all bad, the game does a lot of things really well!
I’ve been playing it the same way I play Spider-Man in that I move from side job to gig to main mission and largely ignore all pedestrians and police. There’s currently no reason to interact with the breathtaking (🤪) city outside of missions so I don’t.
Never have I desired a game to be more fleshed out and fully realized than this, so I’m keeping my foot in the door and looking forward to that free next gen upgrade.
Guys, control or the outer worlds? Which one is the best?
@zekepliskin Yeah, generally speaking it seems as though the game crashes more often on PS5. I've seen quite a few PS4 players say that the game has barely crashed on them. Strange situation.
Man, there is nothing worse than your save getting broken. Seems like a good game but just a big mess. If this is somehow fixed I might give it a shot, but not now.
@BrainHacker Now you know why a lot of devs simply can't give Rockstar a run for their money, and why GTAV is in top10 since 2013.
Is there a reason why reviews such as this only use developer-supplied screenshots? You mention a lot of issues with the game but the only photos we see are immaculate. Are you not allowed to use your own screenshots or something?
@Onigumo Really enjoyed Control. Outer Worlds was good too but the ending felt rushed.
@TheArt Yeah, I don't even know why I overestimated CDPR when Witcher 3 was super buggy when it was released even though it was a great game mainly because of the story and not the gameplay.
I guess I was really hype for the next-gen features they were showcasing on their promo trailers and dev talk with gaming channels while the retail version is not even close to what they showed during their marketing videos lol
For the tagline I would have gone with Sighberpunk. That's all I got see y'all later.
@QuizKid agree with everything you’ve said. I’ve been watching videos comparing cyberpunk’s AI, NPC’s, Psychics to 5+ year old games (GTA V, Farcry 5 etc) and those games do it so much better. How/ why did CDPR not implement basic gameplay features?!
Didn't know hating CP2077 and CDPR was still a thing...people should just grow up...someday
@playstation1995 Like the Bengals beating the Steelers.
Or within a few days Spurs going from top to 6th.
Got to say, the review read more like a 5/10 but it's obvious this game is unplayable on a base PS4. I'll wait for the genuine PS5 version. It might be a very long wait but so be it.
Aaaand there's the rating. Justified, it seems. Ooof.
@DonJorginho...... You are too much of a CDPR fan boy and apologists to call this review click bait. CDPR actively overpromised a 10/10 or 11/10 game with ultrahype, that it is even a 9 / 10 makes the 3/10 review score 100% legitimate and on point. This was not a refinement of airtravel, we were promised to trip to the moon and you know for such voyages there's is no in between in that you either make it to the moo or you don't, and in this case CDPR and CP2077 failed dismally and this is the product we got. There is nothing groundbreaking about the game even when playing on a 3090. It's just shinier or prettier graphics that has been achieved.
You know a game is ***** when it's supposedly an rpg but the only glowing praise about it is the fact that the cut-scenes / dialog options screen shows the npc moving, posing, walking about etc as they talk and not any of the rpg game play elements.
Accept it. The game promised a lot to all of us but it failed emphatically and we should accept it and move.
@GREGORIAN Calling me a fanboy when I said I agree with the points made in the review? You're a clever one aren't you?
@Unffclcntrllerpd..... Your 7 score summs up perfect the 3/10 review.
This was promised as a ground breaker 10/10 generation definer and you say when you ignore the bugs the best you can give it is a 7.
Yep the game is an overhyped pathetic mess of a vapourware........ CDPR devs knew they could no do thi game by 2017 that's why they only showed media gampeplay footage at E3 2018 and kept on emphasizing that E3 2018 footage was not how the final game will look. This is why they brought in Keanu Reeves to sweeten the blow.
It's the same trick done by Santa Monica with the 2018 GOW reboot the world building and general narrative is okay and average at best. The reason GOW 2018 is revieade is the fact that Atreus is Loki who is a massively popular character.
So I think all of us have to deal with the fact that CDPR lied to all of us.
I feel 3/10 is baiting, even with the bugs that will be fixed over the next 2 months I’m sure then this is a 6/10. I hope you plan to re review when it is added back to psn.
And people keep blaming cdpr for the hype but I don’t think they have gone excessive on the hype, certainly no more than any other game. people have largely hyped themselves because of the past work of cdpr. No game could have lived up to that even if this is a misstep.
@ShogunRok...... The review is spot on but I'd like to discuss the "Released too early narrative", the review describes a game running like a game that when through development hell and we know once a game goes into what is called development hell its doomed even if it gets released, a prime example being The Last Guardian and the poster boy being Duke Nukem.
CDPR has had 8 years to make their vision into reality. So has is this game released E3 or too early when they had 8 years.
I am not sure if Push Square was part of the media invited to the secret viewing of the game as I would have like your take from that time to this month of release, the fact they didn't want to show it to the world and we only got carefully selected footage was an alarm sign from.
At this stage, arguing whether it's the top end of awful, or the middle of average seems to probably justify the "biggest disappointment of the generation" by itself.
As with a lot of these things, it's not the disappointment that doesn't sell, it's the next release after that shows the consequences.
Not sure I can agree with you at all about GoW(2018) and well done on the spoiler that on the last moments of the game. Its popular because the story is good and the combat is involving with a variety of different playstyles/startegies availiable. wtih diffrent enemies that provide diffrent challenges. This is also something games like Horizon:Zero Dawn and Witcher3 did well.
Actually W3 doing it well is one the reasons why CP2077 unless it gets a radical rehaul will only 7/10 max for (good story, great city design, everything else superficial). They have something like circa 10 gangs in the game but apart from maybe the odd cosmetic change it has zero impact in the game. Very early on your shown the Moxes and Malestrom both have excellent visual design. But thats it for their identity fighting one set of gangers is no different to another infact there barely a difference in enemy style usually because your so much more powerful than them everyone's dead before their subtlely diffrent class comes into play. There's barely any territory control and you don't have a standing with any so anything you do to them make no difference to you as a player or to the game world as a whole (unless a game mission uses them and opens an avenue). There's so much potential there that games (including CDPR's previous game) have used to far far better effect.
I'm struggling to understand why some think this game is so brilliant when actuality is even bugs aside its quite average.
Decided against a refund 1.05 does appaear to have stablised the game a little even if crashes still occurs at least it doesn't feel bug riddled.
Damn Push Square, the shade you threw at CDPR with that rating lol...
It definitely deserves it for the broken mess it is atm. But the PS5 version, is a 5/6 out of 10 imo.
Glad you finally put a score on it and 3/10 is fair I think for what they’ve done on base console, the bare minimum. This game should never have been released in this state on base consoles. If games like RDR2 can run and look fairly decent on a PS4 this should too.
@Number09..... I fail to buy that the release deadline is something that someone just decided should be done this year, it's like saying someone at EA told the devs to stop what they are doing and release Fifa 22 on Christmas day to catch the Christmas fever and have to fifa title on the market at once. That is absurd. CDPR devs knew the games' release date is 2020 and we should not scape goat management and the game code related problems of the are squarely on the devs.
Remember this game was scheduled for April release and not December release, so if you and @ShogunRok say Management rushed the devs then what where they going to release in April the original release date of the game, also as much as we gamers and the gaming media like to blame the suits, they are not 100% to blame when the initial release date was planned the devs would have been consulted, so why did the dev agree to the release date if the knew they need another 2+ more years.
@GREGORIAN working in software development (but not games development) I can tell you exactly what happened. The devs said it needed more time and probably gave a fairly good estimate and then got told to the date anyway.
Also this scene from Silicon Valley I have seen played out tons.
@zekepliskin...... MAYBE CDPR devs should have been sent to Rockstar for internship, cause Rockstar also released the absolutely sublime and flawless RDR2 in round about the same time frame...
I think this shows the reason Gta is the only open world game to reach and cross 100+ million and counting copies.... Rockstar are to boss of open world games and no other studio can a damn thing about
@GREGORIAN "absolutely sublime and flawless RDR2"
While I liked the game - especially Arthur, he has so much more personality compared to the painfully taciturn and dour Marston in the original - the overly-scripted linear mission design, dumb gameplay choices (storing guns on the horse, really?) and Dutch going "I have a plan!" dozens of times got pretty grating. Oh and that section in Guarma was pure padding, not related to the main plot at all. It's the best looking R* game though, I'll give you that.
"Rockstar are to boss of open world games and no other studio can a damn thing about"
They've spent the previous decade basically coasting, using GTA Online as a ca$hcow, so they've really let it slip. If you were saying this 15 years ago, I'd agree, when they had quality 3D era games coming out regularly. But you're saying it in 2020, where in the last 10 years there have been 3 titles and that's it, and R* not bothering to re-release stuff like Max Payne 3 on PS4/XB1 era consoles despite it coming out very close to the release time of those in 2013. Nope, they only care about GTA Online really, because they can monetise it with SHARK cards. Pretty lame. In a lot of ways, they've become one of the things that the game itself parodies. Pretty ironic. And all the flying cars and sci-fi weapons are just ridiculous - they don't fit the time period at all, they're just there to entice kids who play Fortnite.
@DonJorginho.... Cause it's pointless agreeing with the review points but not the review which absurd cause the score is informed by the points in the review.
I was one of the many commenters pushing @ShogunRok for the score cause from initial in progress review he put out it was clear this was a 3/10 released game.
I was concerned that PS would want to be a CDPR media darling after Sammy's love sick ulology article about the game last week.
Thanks to @ShogunRok for staying true
M. Ramsey, thank you for this outstanding review. It must be hard to be honest when a giant studio pulls something like this and that’s exactly what I expect from journalists. I learned not to preorder anything since the Anthem fiasco and that saved me a lot of anguish (and money!) this year. This review conforts me in this choice and also in choosing pushsquare for my ps news.
@Col_McCafferty. That was a horrible lost.no explanation .they always blow out the Bengals.11 straight wins?against them.yeah u should wait for the ps5 version the complete edition will be better with all the dlc.word up son
@Robinsad.... The problem is that cyberpunk is a binary system based game and not a decimal system based game. That is it is its metrics do count for the game to be in between or avarage or just good or okay, the game is either a genre defining g.o.a.t. masterpiece or a dud or turd, which unfortunately for us it is the latter.
CP2077 is in the same boat as P. T., in that if P. T. was approved from deve and release by Konami if it's not mind low it will fall flat on its face. It's the reason Konami don't want anything to do with even going as to disable to game on PS5, because they know the game has unrealistic expectations that would be uncontrollable should they decided to give go ahead to develop the game if even they bring back Kojima. Ironically P. T. is also the same reason Death Stranding has been as well received.
The worst part is that you yourself are saying without bugs, crash and glitches it is at best a 6/10 game which is shambols from the heights of The Witcher 3.
@KippDynamite We actually took these screenshots ourselves on PS5!
Ive shoved my copy under the bed for a year until they patch the heck out of it. As it should be such an amazing cyber game and i still want to play it i just hope it does get patched.
@GREGORIAN No I agree, the game clearly had a troubled development no matter how rushed the final product is. I just think the unfortunate reality is that in the beginning, this game was far too ambitious for its own good.
We need to remember that CDPR as a company expanded significantly during the development of Cyberpunk. I think it's fair to assume that the game will have changed forms multiple times over the course of the 3, 4, or 5 years that it was in full production. Just playing it, you can tell that so much stuff was either cut or completely reworked. Even a lot of the main story content changed dramatically compared to what was shown behind closed doors and in gameplay videos, etc.
Obviously it's not uncommon for things to be chopped and changed during development, but given how stunted Cyberpunk is in a lot of ways, I think it makes sense that the project hit a 'point of no return'. That's when we get all these reports of crunch and potential mismanagement, with higher-ups pushing more and more deadlines.
The short version is that I think the whole thing's just been horribly mismanaged from an early point of production. I don't think it's quite a classic case of a developer overpromising and showing a game that it couldn't actually deliver upon prior to release, but that's definitely a part of it.
@GREGORIAN "Yep the game is an overhyped pathetic mess of a vapourware"
Vapourware is the name given to a product that is promised but never shows up. As Cyberpunk 2077 was released, albeit not in a great state, it doesn't qualify as vapourware. "Development Hell" is another term that often goes hand-in-hand with it.
I’m shocked the game has sold as well as it has. 13 million copies? I can’t pass judgment since I haven’t played the game, but for most games it’s just a pipe dream to even sell a fraction of that. This reminds me of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It was going to make a mint, no matter how disjointed, rushed, and unfinished the production was.
@Ralancian..... Sorry for the spoilers on GOW to everyone....
Absolutely spot on with CP2077, the most soul crushing thing about the games is the fact that it's so superficial and worst of all it does not have anything ground breaking apart from the city paint job and few characters design cosmetics
There are game-breaking bugs? What are they so I can avoid them?
The game crashes every now and then but I've not lost any progress since I save often, apart from that there's been no issues and I'm having a blast exploring the city.
Only thing that's kind of a shame is the game doesn't look as good as it could on PS5 but we knew in advance it'd be getting that upgrade patch later.
@Ralancian...... I get what you are saying but the DAY1 patches are the get-out-of-jail-Free cards that devs you. As much as the money team/management team want to press a release date, you can't tell the devs never said something along the line "it's gonna be tight, but we can fix it with the 1st month's patch.
Look I am mostly an offline player and hate online, mtx and loot boxes that the execx or money teams press on the dev teams. So I am in no way saying the execs are not to blame.
But to say the devs are Angelic lambs who were always looking down and hardworking at every single second without slacking off, is like saying Push Square told @ShogunRok to park his thoughts about the game a release controversially low score review to goes against almost all review on other sites so they can get click bait for the add money.
Now granted Push Square may have told @ShogunRok to do exactly that, but he is totally responsible for final state or outcome of this review.
Unless we are in a IGN kind of situation where CDPR management threatens to fire anyone who does'nt write code the way management wants its to be coded.
Maybe the orriginal game writers and or creative directors left CDPR during the course of development and the game was finished by people who did not start with the project.
For example it is clear that Niel Druckmann has been a major part of the writing team or creative team at naughty dog, cause even after IGN lied about the Ammy situation, the games shows that the Niel is an important part of naughty dog as the creative beats of the games have gone on smoothly.
So at best CP2077 feels like the core dev team that finished it did not start with it otherwise how have they failed to realize their vision, unless the
@Robinsad Guess what i dont buy a game that can be fixed in two months. You get rated for what you release not what might be.
@slavo_mir84 Didnt know that stating the truth was hating? And then people complain about Playstation fans the game was a mess and its still not completely fixed. If it wasnt CDPR and EA you would be trashing them dont be a hypocrite. They made their money you dont have too feel sorry for them. They lied too the console owners their faces and admitted it made a ton of money doing it.
@zekepliskin....... I suppose your point is correct, however my argument for RDR2 and even 1 is that both games' big focus and emphasis are on creating the wild west feel, no movie gives you the feel of how the wild west was, the 2 rdrd games are the best ways to experience the wild west period in the USA.
With regards to Gta online we'll I'm a complete offline gamer and I only dable online for free stuff only, which means I don't like anything online. But credit where it's due, with GtA O is online game play done well to a certain extent and it's not perfect but a million better than most online services or online focused, I can play the game offline without my experience being hindered in an way and the online players can also enjoy the online stuff which not really much a hitch, but as compared to say GT sport where I cannot play the game unless I am online after all the years of support we gave Polyphony with their long development times, as soon as they gone recognized by the FIA they ditched us, that is something to complain about instead of Gta O, I actually hate Sony for allowing polyphony to give the middle finger to all offline players.
With regards to games release volume, it's not a Rockstar only issue it's a general industry wide trend, I think each Sony first party released at best 2 gen this past gen, Microsoft 1st party released 0 games the entire generation, EA except for EA Canada each dev team they hav have mostly leave atleats 1 game. No dev team has released more than 2 x games this past gen.
And to be honest Gta O is just the way Rockstar used to release post launch DLC, it's just that now the DLC are now Calle Gta Online instead of like previous DLC.
P. S. : BALLAD OF GAY TONY is the best Gta post launch DLC release. I wish Rockstar would make a stand alone sequal to Ballad of Gay Tony.
@GREGORIAN actually I said even with the bugs it’s prob a 6, once they are fixed I envision at least an 8.
@Flaming_Kaiser....... You are 100% correct. We the gamers and the gaming media are hypocrites.
If this was an EA release, you can bet on your house that this game will be given the "let's give then 2 or months to make the game playable as it was originally promised"
@GREGORIAN "no movie gives you the feel of how the wild west was"
Have you seen a lot of Westerns?
I'd have to disagree with you on that. Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy gives me a decent feel for how it might have been, including how the West began to be civilised and how the Civil War started to interrupt the "lone cowboy" façade.
It evokes similar feelings to some of my favourite missions in RDR1, where you get a sense of people clinging to the old ways being pushed out of them, forever, in the name of progress.
"the 2 rdrd games are the best ways to experience the wild west period in the USA."
In your opinion as a gamer. Important qualifier. Plenty of people might prefer to put on a Clint Eastwood movie or some such. 😂
"GtA O is online game play done well to a certain extent and it's not perfect but a million better than most online services or online focused"
That's not what players tell me.
It's often described as a completely grindy frustrating mess full of griefers, gimmicky vehicles/weapons and a broken "pay-to-win" system where R* have jacked up the prices of the unlockables while not adjusting the SHARK CARDs to keep up with them. Literally, inflation gone mad to fleece players. Stuff like that. The fact they've released it across 3 console generations while not even announcing or teasing a GTA VI or a Bully 2 or anything else tells you all you need to know about where their priorities are.
My guess is the sequel will come when the user base for GTA Online isn't making enough money for the shareholders liking. God knows how many years that'll take. And the potential issue is, the single player campaign might well suffer if it's just there to be a vehicle for the new Online platform, as we've seen happen with CoD titles where you get a pathetically short campaign which is mostly just used to teach players how the physics/controls have changed since the last one, if at all, before jumping into multiplayer. Some CoD players, all they moan about is "not enough good maps in multi" rather than the 5-8 hour cookie cutter campaign, you know how it goes.
"as compared to say GT Sport"
Yeah I didn't like GT Sport either. Still prefer GT6 on the PS3, even though running it in 1080i/p gives some nasty frame drops and sometimes tearing. The actual driving physics and career progression is better to me, although I still feel they've walked too far away from the super customisable GT1/GT2 era a bit, but it's still my favourite one overall.
@GREGORIAN "With regards to games release volume, it's not a Rockstar only issue "
You're right, it's not, but my point is looking at the timeline, GTA Online arrives at the point where other games disappear for 5 years before RDR2 so it's obvious why this happened - R* have been putting their developers to work making chintz for GTA Online and working on RDR2 rather than working on GTA VI. I know the excuse "but the games are so big and complex to make now", and yes they are, but Ubi are still able to punt out an Assassin's Creed title every year, well usually more than one actually. Sure, AC games aren't as well-crafted as GTA titles, you can convincingly argue that, but that's besides the point. Defending a developer on the basis of "No dev team has released more than 2 x games this past gen." (which by the way basically isn't accurate; there's more than half a dozen AC titles for the PS4) isn't really on, I don't think.
For a more detailed exploration about why a big contingent of gamers loathe GTA Online, myself included, go watch this :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAURPd-5dSY
"BALLAD OF GAY TONY is the best Gta post launch DLC release. "
I'd pick The Lost & Damned but I'm a former biker, so I have bias. Anyway both of those Episodes from Liberty City are great (boaty handling cars and questionable shooting mechanics aside), and represent proper DLC, not adding heinously expensive cars, long grindy heists etc to an existing creaky 7-year-old platform.
I don't think it's fair to handwave the latter as "Gta O is just the way Rockstar used to release post launch DLC" because it's weak tea DLC to make money; it's not in the player's best interests, of making a memorable experience. It's to turn the gullible gamers into ATMs, who regularly cough up for GTA Online, SHARK cards etc and provide a constant source of revenue. It works better for R* because then they aren't relying on a "one-time purchase" for a single player story campaign, they have it monthly ongoing as long as they can keep players hooked, like rats in a maze. Sadly it means their days of making great, 3D-era sandboxes are basically gone, but I'm sure in time other developers will take their place at it.
@fiddle245 @zekepliskin...... Today you have proved that two people can has disagreeing conversations with being vile and rude to each other. I have greatly enjoyed our well differing communication.
So I am gonna throw another curve ball at you, how about we do as the Scientific community and redifine the definition of vapourware just like they redifined the definition of a planet which in turn resulted in Pluto no longer being a planet.
So with regards to the definition of vapourware it actually does not need to be redefined, you said "Vapourware is the name given to a product that is promised but never shows up."
So under very high scrutinity of the definition then this game would also qualify since the whole gaming world's idea of Cyberpunk2077 is that initial CGI vision trailer and the final game even on a pc packing either a 3080 or 3090 on a 10 gen i7 does not even come close to the initial 2013 showing, which technically means the product promised in the initial reveal has not shown up, yes the name is still Cyberpunk2077 but not the Cyberpunk2077 shown that all expectations on the game are base on.
I know I'm stretching a bit here, just could help Mt self.
@fiddle245..... Tell me this.... What was soo fast about in 1899 wild west.
RDR2 amazingly renders 1899 wild west America like not other media before.
Also life was very boring which is perfectly rendered in the game.
Also the game makes you appreciate money unlike most games. I am not American but I have never valued a dollar like RDR2 make you do. Every dollar counts in RDR2 whereas money is just loot in most games to service the game mechanics and or narrative.
@GREGORIAN Yes I agree, it's a good civil debate, contrasting opinions but all polite.
I've been thinking that the game isn't vapourware, but their promises technically are because there's a lot of cut content and missing features.
Oh, and their "good guy" reputation has most definitely gone up in smoke, and you might also say smoke is a form of vapour, so... 😂
@ShogunRok.......... Thanks for this reply further insight. When the take away from that 2018 media showcase was that "this is not the final build and final game will be different from what was shown in that secrett showcase my suspicions started to kick.
So is it possible that the game was still at Tech-Demo stage at that 2018 media showcase...... Reason I am asking that is no bias or butt-kissing but you are one of the most honest and balance reviewers at Push Square and generally in gaming media and for you to give this game a 3/10 then you know something is inherently wrong at the core of the game even when you ignore the bugs.
Keep up the good hardwork.
P. S.: is there a way for Push Square to allow us to vote for your performances of the year like game awards but for you guys.
You definitely get my reviewer of the year for 2020
@fiddle245....... There is a game released years back I think it's Dragon Age or Dragon quest not sure about the title but I know the game has sick dialogue, the dialogue in that game makes the dialogue in CP2077 seem like a 1 page dialogue conversations......
Also the dialogue in CP2077 is a child compared to a simple game like Detroit Become Human. In CP2077 you talked for the sake of talking, yes it may look slightly sexier due to the angle captures of the dialogue scene, but it's just talk for talks sake. In Detroid Become Human the dialogue is impactful cause everything you say or do could very well result in your character dying in a few seconds
So no, no matter much you try to push an angle, The is nothing ground breaking about Cyberpunk2076 and i am not referring to the console version, I am specifically referring to the pc version running on a great 3080 or 3090 on a 20 gen i7 on 32 gb ram. It only shows shinier graphics.
This is simple a CRYSIS situation aka CRYSIS GATE 2, in that i has details image textures and that's about it.
@Robinsad.... Good but then an 8/10 is just okay FIFA21 level or That Finix rysen game or Days Gone or Metro Exodus or even Valhalla or Tony Hawk 1+2....... Not a 10/10 or 11/10 genre defining masterpiece which this game was touted as.......
So even after the bugs are removed it is still at best okay and not a jaw dropping wow..... This is not a jaw dropper
@GREGORIAN Haha thanks! I appreciate the kind words.
On the topic of when Cyberpunk's deadlines really started to kick in, we might never really know. Prior to this year, we had a lot of footage and interviews with developers that painted a very different picture of how the game looked and operated.
Honestly, it all seemed genuine. I don't think CDPR has been lying to us from day one — I think it just got to a point where the original vision wasn't feasible if Cyberpunk was going to actually release before... God knows, 2022 or something.
So as with any game, content starts to get cut and edits are made. But in the case of Cyberpunk I think a lot of stuff had to be either cast aside or reworked. Obviously the devs must have realised very quickly that the April release date was never going to happen. The five month delay that the project received — until September — suggests that management was willing to give the studio ample time to get everything finished and working. But I think the reality is that it was still nowhere near ready given the scope of the game.
Then it gets pushed from September to November as everyone has to crunch and basically just get the game shipped no matter what. Problem is, when you look at the Cyberpunk that we go, I think it's clear that all remaining resources were poured into making the main story and key side quests as presentable as possible. Pretty much everything else was left to rot — hence why the game lacks things like proper driving AI and an actual wanted system. Strong suggestion that the dev team simply had to beeline it and hope everything else could be fixed post-launch.
This is all just my guesswork, but I think after the colossal success The Witcher 3, CDPR was eager to keep the momentum going. Hence the (in hindsight) very early reveal of in-engine footage and other announcements of the project's progress. I think the company went all-in on expansion and going nuclear with Cyberpunk to maximise profit. And once things were in motion, it was impossible to stop — even when it was abundantly clear that development was troubled.
Fair to assume that it got even worse once Keanu Reeves was brought in and the marketing machine started up. You get the distinct impression that the marketing budget for Cyberpunk was out of this world. And once you're riding that train — assuring everyone it's coming in 2020 while throwing money at adverts of all shapes and sizes — it becomes increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to back down.
Bit of a rant, but just trying to get my thought process across! Long story short, I'm not sure the gameplay was ever really a "tech demo" (apart from maybe the very early stuff), but I definitely think that the stuff that was shown from 2018 etc. was part of a much different project that was yet to really come together.
@AJDarkstar LMAO 😂
My god, really? In what way was he trolling?
I read it, and although there are some parts I don't agree with, it feels like an honest opinion and experience, certainly NOT trolling.
👎 to you, sir
I've been hovering around this article all month waiting for the score to drop. This game and it's poor scores give me such schadenfreude.
@ShogunRok "I think it's clear that all remaining resources were poured into making the main story and key side quests as presentable as possible. Pretty much everything else was left to rot — hence why the game lacks things like proper driving AI and an actual wanted system. Strong suggestion that the dev team simply had to beeline it and hope everything else could be fixed post-launch. [...] Fair to assume that it got even worse once Keanu Reeves was brought in and the marketing machine started up. You get the distinct impression that the marketing budget for Cyberpunk was out of this world. And once you're riding that train — assuring everyone it's coming in 2020 while throwing money at adverts of all shapes and sizes — it becomes increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to back down."
That doesn't sound like ranting at all. That sounds like an educated guess, and I'd bet 50-80% of it is spot on, to be honest. This means the driving/police AI subsystems we got in the game were placeholders, and given more time would have been reworked into something better. Maybe they still can, but my gut tells me they'll patch this as best they can and then wash their hands of it because the stench of it is all over them. I'm almost certain they won't introduce multiplayer now, and I'd be surprised if there's any DLC because all the focus/effort that would have gone to those now has to go to fixing the basic world building immersion stuff.
@eaglebob345 "This game and it's poor scores give me such schadenfreude."
I know, right? The whole drama around it is often as broken in terms of gamer logic as AI logic is in the game itself, and the hysterical reactions, the pivoting of IGN and others from "we love this game" to "oh crap we better damage control that we said that cos people are P***ED now"... there's so much to love, in a guilty kinda way.
@AJDarkstar I like that you say you will explain, then say you won't, then kinda do anyway. Contradict much? 😂
Dude, I'm a lot of things some of them bad, but if you've ever bothered to read anything I've written here you'd know calling me "far too simple" can't even land as an insult because it's not true. You'd have been better calling me, for example, an obnoxious blowhard or something like that because it might actually be closer to the truth. 😂
Oh I've just realised something; you were trolling Shogun when you said he was trolling; how unintentionally meta of you!
@zekepliskin I know I should feel a little bad, but the amount of effort people are putting in to defend it kinda negates that feeling for me. 🤣
@ShogunRok..... That is the fairest take on the whole situation and kind of at least gives us room to give CDPR the benefit of the doubt that it just got too big too quickly in terms of ambition, scope and vision.
I think it's kind of a situation that Metal Gear found itself in when moving from 16bit into 32bit on the ps1. MGS was shuck a shock in terms of realizing the potential of what a game can be as a medium that as soon as the sequal was unnoticed with the upcoming ps2 the expectations for the game went through the roof that even the games' scope kind of ran away from Kojima particularly with the showing of the opening level, which is why I think Kojima went with narrative twist of Raiden....... I maybe too ambitious and maybe put too much respect to Kojima but in think the original scope of Sons of liberty was a game along the beat of the opening level including both Snake Eater and Patriots but was just too big and hence the Riaden plot twist and the other chapert got released via Snake Eater and Patriots, only differemce being that Sons of liberty was playable and Cyberpunk2077 has been released way too early to even be in a stable playable and presentable state, but that my take on it as I think you are spot on in that the complete scope of the is a game not releasing before 2022.
P.S.: With power of the next gen systems I am really interested to see if HELLO GAMES gives No Man SKY another shot via a sequal, the game just needs a new strong narrive director and the dev teams deserves to show us their initial version with the new power of the next gen systems, the grinding in the game just needs a strongly tied narrive and story to it and it could be majestic.
Ubi also need to give Watch Dogs another try(probably the last), there is a very good series to be had with the franchise if they can get a good game play and narrive director.
@Thelegend159 But if they don't care about making it good, isn't that worse? They're gonna lose more money than if they just cancelled this version. It's Christmas time is the biggest culprit if you ask me
@Greenfisted They're making a PS5 version
Well, patch 1.06 has just been released, so let's see if they've pulled a Christmas ~miracle~ damage control and stopped the damn thing crashing on all console versions, at least.
@Whyita I’m aware and thats one of the reasons im holding onto my ps4 copy. I think i just read your comment wrong, sorry about that. Im still having fun with the game.
3/10 is being very generous with the game's current state...glad I decided to hold off and wait for PS5 version in 2021.
@GREGORIAN For me if i get a game thats when i will review it not two months down the line. I bought it full price as a reward so i expect quality i dont buy early access games with a reduced price so i dont feel like betatesting a game. Lets be honest the game wasnt ready and they knew it was a mess it should have been pushed into next year.
A 3 is what it deserves. Definitely not touching this or any of CD Projekt Red’s games after this.
It sucks because the Witcher 3 is sooo good.
@GREGORIAN Dude what's a "narrive director" out of interest?
@nathanSF just finished it last night, had a blast as well beating it. Now to go back and get all the side ***** done
Brilliant. I'm switching between both
Brilliant. I'm switching between both
@zekepliskin.... Please see below Narrative Director Position description from Crystal Dynamics......
Narrativ Director
Redwood City, CA, United States
Apply Here
Crystal Dynamics, a part of the Square-Enix family, is constantly on the hunt for top-tier gaming talent worldwide. We pride ourselves on attracting and developing the best talent available to concept, create, and contribute to the most exciting projects in gaming today. 20+ years of history creating fun and exciting titles for the world to enjoy as well as our studio’s 1000+ years of combined game industry experience provides a rich tapestry of tested and new ideas to draw from and has established us as one of the best studios in the world to work for.
Position Summary
The Narrative Director will be tasked with the direction of the game’s cinematic and gameplay experiences. They are expert in collaborating across design and narrative disciplines to make memorable, emotional, and cinematic experiences. The Narrative Director will work in partnership with the Game Director and Art Director, to create the narrative tone of the project. They will work cross-discipline with other writers, designers, and artists to develop a high-quality narrative AAA gameplay experience.
Essential Duties & Responsibilities
Take responsibility of the game narrative and shepherd its implementation across the entire development process;
Ensure the consistency of the game’s narrative voice and execution on creative vision throughout production, from initial concept and foundational development, character development, important narrative milestones, through to final polish.
Collaborate with the Game Director to understand the game direction and effectively convey it through the game narrative;
Design and write the overall game narrative, in collaboration with a team of writers;
Create an emotional gameplay experience that remains consistent to the game’s creative vision.
Collaborate with and lead other game writers and narrative designers to design, develop, and implement narrative gameplay elements.
Work with the game design team to develop gameplay features that will support and convey the story;
Understand the flow of the narrative and adjust gameplay elements accordingly.
Manage a team of internal and contract game writers;
Write and edit across all levels of the project, including concept pitches, style guides, cinematic scripts, in-game dialogue, and public facing copy;
Other duties as assigned
Position Requirements
Crystal Dynamics is an EOE and M/F/D/V employer.
@GREGORIAN Just a correction of your typo "narrive director" would have been fine rather than a reposting of the entire job spec 😂 thought it might have been some word I'd not come across before, i.e. non-English or some such.
@zekepliskin..... I thought it was a widely known position in the game industry..........
loved it... crashes bugs and all =)
@GREGORIAN It is when it is spelt correctly 😂😏
This game was kinda ***** but it wasn’t as bad as other said it was. I personally enjoyed the game
It's playable now but still buggy and glitches crashes and freezing is the worst
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