Where The Dark Below seemed to stumble around in the, er, dark, Destiny's second so-called expansion, House of Wolves, clearly aims to right the wrongs of its predecessor. Alongside the shooter's most recent patches, the newest slice of downloadable content does its best to make meaningful, positive changes to the shooter's formula, and, to an extent, it succeeds. Bungie hasn't magically fixed all of the game's problems, but it's arguably tweaked just about as much as it can without overhauling the game as a whole.
The problem is that mere 'tweaks' may still not be enough to drag many disenfranchised players back into the fray. As with The Dark Below, House of Wolves' asking price seems steep for what you're actually getting in terms of content. The add-on features several new story missions, a new strike, a few new competitive multiplayer maps, and two new game modes. In all fairness, it's a decently sized package if you happen to play Destiny day in, day out, but for more casual users, it's still asking for a considerable chunk of change – especially if you haven't splashed out on the expansion pass.

Diving straight into the story content, it's clear that Bungie still hasn't quite fulfilled its promise of a rich and epic sci-fi narrative – but we doubt that anyone expected a vastly improved plot at this point. House of Wolves takes some inspiration from The Dark Below, in that a lot of its story is explained through new characters as you jog to your next objective. It's competent storytelling, if completely unexciting, although the overarching tale – which is all about a rebellious Fallen clan – does feature a few interesting bright spots here and there. Fortunately, the mission design is largely engaging, and there are numerous enjoyable shootouts to get stuck into.
Of course, those that play Destiny religiously will likely blitz through the fresh story missions in under a couple of hours, because at the end of the day, it's the co-op and competitive components that really matter. There's a ton of cool loot to find via House of Wolves, and with the maximum light level boosted to 34, there's once again plenty of reason to get grinding. Thanks to the title's latest update, upgrading your equipment so that you reach the new cap has never been simpler, as any piece of legendary or exotic gear can be improved with a new item: etheric light. This change potentially means that even those who don't own Destiny's expansions can hit that max light level, but dig a little deeper, and it's obvious that users who don't own the DLC are still being held back.

Etheric light is hard to come by, especially if you don't own House of Wolves. The said upgrade material drops from weekly nightfall strikes, Prison of Elders, and Trials of Osiris, and those in the know will quickly realise that the latter two activities are integral, exclusive parts of this new expansion. It's safe to say that players who have yet to nab the DLC remain at a disadvantage, but even then, we're sure that many would argue that etheric light is overly rare to begin with, even with the expansion installed.
Because it can take some time to gather enough etheric light to fully upgrade your favourite bits of equipment, we've no doubt that many Guardians will simply swap out their prized possessions for gear that drops from missions set within House of Wolves, which may naturally boast a higher default light level. And while there's nothing necessarily wrong with this – it's always exciting to grab new gear, after all – it's an example of how the game's progression system still hinges on some infuriatingly random elements. There's simply no end to the grind in sight.

However, if nothing else, the grind is what keeps people coming back to Destiny, and, for what it's worth, it has been made more enjoyable thanks to the aforementioned Prison of Elders. House of Wolves doesn't feature a raid, so there'll be no need to gather five other Guardians and head into an all-new abyss, perhaps to the relief of those who could never truly find the time to commit to the game's biggest challenges. Instead, Prison of Elders represents a more dynamic, streamlined experience that's far better suited to the overall grind.
The new mode requires a team of only three players, and the goal is to fight your way through waves of enemies while also fulfilling randomised objectives. At its core, it's a little reminiscent of Mass Effect 3's co-op component, and in truth, it's hard to believe that such an activity wasn't included in Destiny in the first place, as it appears to be perfectly suited to the title's general mission design. In a game where the silky smooth, satisfying gunplay is king, Prison of Elders scratches a particular itch that should have been scratched a long time ago, as you and a couple of friends mow down hordes of alien aggressors with your favourite instruments of destruction.

You'd best keep those friends around, too, because you'll likely need them for Trials of Osiris. A whole new competitive multiplayer mode, Trials of Osiris sees two teams of three battle it out in what has been billed as the title's most hardcore player-versus-player experience. While that accolade is still up for debate, there's no denying that the new mode can prove to be incredibly intense. Teammates can revive each other, but not themselves, and there are no respawns, which makes for matches where the balance constantly swings between certain defeat and utter victory. If you're looking for the thrill of battle, and know a couple of players who can communicate well, then Trials of Osiris could easily become an adrenaline junkies' new addiction.
As expected, House of Wolves sticks with the pack when it comes to story missions, strikes, and new multiplayer maps, but it still represents a point in Destiny's life where Bungie has tried to push things forward, attempting to leave behind the mistakes of the past in the process. Both Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris are welcome additions to the formula, and are the real reasons to invest in the DLC – even if the asking price remains a little too steep and the title's core problems persist.
Comments 13
PoE is so bloody difficult. We couldn't even manage a level 32 run.
Poe and the new strike were both decent enough .
Not so keen on a couple of the boss fights so far though, 34 boss this week with trickle was a poor choice - more frustrating than difficult. And skolas with arc was a right pain too.
Problem with the dlc is they've gone too far away from the rng and grind! After week one I had all 3 characters at level 34 and upgraded all the exotics I'm remotely interested in using.
Only thing left to play for now is the new exotics and a bit more light to upgrade my favourite legendary guns, so I can see me being done with destiny again after next week...
If you want a hand running 32 then give me a shout.
Dlc does sound over priced again but I'm hoping the "year 2 expansion" offers far more "meaningful" content because for all the stick it gets (some of it rightly so) the core game is terrific and there's huge potential for an awesome sequel.
@DeWiz Thanks for adding just now, yes I may take you up on that this week, honestly I'm not sure if we got unlucky with this weeks 4th round but we just couldn't get the bombs defused on the 3rd wave without getting hammered by wizards and their superpowered arc damage.
You think level 32 is hard? Me and my friends spent 4 hours trying to beat level 34 and we got rocked at the last mission. We finally gave up. Im going to try it again later today. However, here's a tip for you on the 4th wave at lever 32, if you have gjallies, kill the wizards first before defusing. What me and my friend did, we split up to where the wizards would spawn. As soon as they showed up, we rocked them with rocket launchers. If you get rid of the Wizards early on, 4th wave is probably the easier one. If you're using a hunter, go invisible to defuse the bomb.
I'm actually liking the HOW DLC, however i felt bungie got really lazy with their character design. A lot of the new boss's are characters are redesign of existing characters. The "New" areas are just backward version of existing areas.
@Kayoss Thanks, we did think about trying to down the wizards but it seemed impossible in the time frame.. None of us had gjallarhorn either!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi What are you asking them, exactly? To be honest from what I gather they do not really seem to be taking on any feedback in general, just getting on with it as they see best. Obviously not everyone appreciates that, I try to see both sides.
Lets be honest, this expansion is pretty standard stuff. Not a must play by any stretch other than for destiny fans who still play occasionally.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It could use a hold the right stick type for basic messages type of communication, but otherwise, I don't see what they could do. Voice chat shouldn't be on by default or forced because some of us don't want to jump talk with people who lack any online edict (read: keep language and such clean).
I don't have a problem with Etheric light and think it's a great idea at face value, however, the fact that it's almost impossible to get without a fire team is infuriating. You also forgot to mention that you can get it in the Iron Banner, which is the only way I can get it. I'll never be able to upgrade my weapons at that rate. At least for before the DLC you could max out weapons without a fireteam without spending half a year doing so, and even then only a few can be maxed out.
I skipped first dlc, can i Just go buy only this one?
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Oh... In that case I agree completely.
Not sure it'd be worth it to be honest, there aren't really any new things happening week to week aside from the Tuesday reset and those changes are pretty evident. You do get a notification when a new emissary is in the tower i.e Iron Banner.
I guess they could send a news letter about where Xur'll be that week but nearly every gaming website reports on that.
Maybe if there was more regular content I'd agree. Hopefully one day they'll get it to that point lol
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