If you're a fan of Dragon Ball, be it the brilliantly detailed original manga series or the animated adaptation, the chances are that the story is now embedded deep within your psyche – especially if you've played even just a few of the licensed games over the years. It's hard to surprise a fan, then, because they already know the plot inside out from start to finish. Any sort of story mode is just going to be retreading the same ground again and again – and that's partly where the concept behind Dragon Ball XenoVerse comes into play.
Instead of once again watching Earth's greatest warriors kick the snot out of the universe's biggest bad guys, XenoVerse incorporates time travel into a plot about Dragon Ball's history, and how it's being changed by an unknown force. Venturing to different points in the well-known timeline, it's up to you to set history back on its intended course. For example, what if the evil Raditz had avoided Piccolo's killer blow, and had emerged victorious from the fight that was meant to be his last? What if body-switching alien Ginyu had stolen Vegeta's form, and stomped our heroes before Goku ever arrived to save the day?

The developer has clearly had some fun thinking up these alternate realities, and fans should really enjoy some of the more subtle touches throughout the game's story missions and subsequent cutscenes. In fact, the whole title's filled to the brim with references and nods to the original work, while the graphics recreate the universe well, with bright colours, flashy visual effects, and lightning quick animations.
The best part of it, though, is that you play as your own custom character. Choosing from a selection of five different races, which includes Saiyans, Namekians, and even Majin, the character creation isn't the deepest that you'll see, but there are enough cool options on offer to keep most players happy. Your fighter is at the heart of everything that you do in the release, as you level them up, learn new skills, and kit them out with fantastic looking accessories and clothes, many of which are taken straight from the source material. They'll even appear in cutscenes, and although your avatar isn't voiced, the franchise's consistently stellar art style still fills them with personality.

You work together with many of the property's main cast, and the release does a decent job of making you feel like you're playing an important part in Dragon Ball's legacy. All together, the story missions will last you around ten hours, but there's little doubt that if you stick around that long, you'll be trying your hand at a lot of other stuff on the side.
You see, XenoVerse certainly isn't your standard fighting game. It's far more Dragon Ball Online than it is Budokai 3, and as such, if you were looking forward to a somewhat traditional brawler, you'll be severely disappointed. You can still play one-on-one battles both online and offline with a relatively large and unlockable character roster to pick and choose from, but with the way that the whole title's set up, you'll be much better off approaching it from a different angle altogether. Put simply, this is more of a role-playing game than an out-and-out fighter, and although it's difficult to pin the title to any specific genre, the real meat of the release comes from developing your custom character as you tackle myriad optional quests and the aforementioned story missions.

Speaking of which, parallel quests are where you'll be spending a lot of your time. Essentially smaller objectives that have you taking on specific opponents in varying arenas, you'll nab rewards upon victory, which can include new techniques, clothing, or accessories. As far as special moves go, the game features just about every attack that's ever appeared in the source material, and being able to equip you own character with a slew of iconic moves will prove to be incredibly enjoyable if you're a fan.
In many ways, the release is comparable to not-quite-an-MMO shooter Destiny, except instead of jetting off to different planets in order to shoot things, you'll be warping to varying points in time to beat people up. The similarities begin to stack up when you realise that XenoVerse even has loot in the form of equipable skills and wearable gear that boosts certain statistics, along with a hub-like location that acts as the starting point for any adventure.
In this case, Toki Toki City is your hub, where you'll buy, sell, and combine items, as well as pick up your missions. It's also the place where you'll meet other players, challenging them to duels or adding them to your team for the next quest. You can interact through a list of short phrases, from greetings to more specific comments, and you can even perform often comical actions and pull dumb looking poses if you're keen to be the centre of attention. Many of the mentioned interactions are taken from the original work, too, so once again, fans will adore their inclusion and appreciate the attention to detail.

That's not to say that the title's only playable online, though. It's perfectly enjoyable if you prefer to be alone, but you'll be missing out on some brilliantly designed player characters. Indeed, you can take a seat in the city and just watch as countless great looking fighters go about their business, and then you can hit the triangle button if you're eager to take a look at their personal stats, and see what sort of rare gear they've managed to get their hands on. All in all, the developer's built a surprisingly social addition to Akira Toriyama's ever-popular creation, where fans can gather and celebrate his work.
XenoVerse's outer shell is well-realised and very enjoyable, but the core of any Dragon Ball game is always going to be its combat. Unfortunately, the battle system that's on offer here isn't the best that the property has seen, but it still manages to be a competent, and above all, fun take on the source material's outrageous brawls and over-the-top action. Anyone familiar with Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z's mechanics will likely grow into this with relative ease, but here, things are more accessible, and tuned to a much better degree. You can choose to grow your custom character however you see fit, turning them into a long-range powerhouse or a melee combat specialist, for instance, and while some tactics are arguably more effective than others, any sensible build should be enough to see out the game's single player content.

Whether you're taking part in a one-on-one duel or a team battle, combat is quite deliberate, and forces a certain tactical awareness. Alongside your health bar, you've got stamina and ki gauges, each of which are used to perform certain actions. Special moves deplete your ki, while stamina drains every time that you block, dodge, or make use of an evasive skill, meaning that it's particularity important to understand when it's best to use up your resources, especially near the beginning of the game, when you can only seem to manage a single teleportation before you're out of breath.
At first, combat seems quite limited: you make do with the same few basic combos, a couple of not-so-special techniques, and fights quickly become repetitive. However, stick with it, and battles really begin to open up as you make use of longer combo strings, eye-watering super moves, and teleport to your heart's content. As mission difficulty increases, the artificial intelligence gets much cockier, too, which results in some pretty spectacular looking brawls as you and your opponent zip around the wide open arenas, trading blows and firing off massive beam attacks. Of course, all of the classic Dragon Ball sound effects are here as well, which gives combat that much needed oomph.

The game does a lot right with its fighting mechanics, but it can end up being a little frustrating at times. For starters, those looking for a lot of technical depth will be disappointed with the title's accessible systems, while many players will undoubtedly become annoyed with enemies that love to spam the same attacks, which means that taking the fight online against other users can be hit or miss. What's more unforgivable, though, is that even computer controlled opponents will occasionally do the same, repeating a single technique again and again. This is particularly noticeable when certain boss fights are ruined by opponents who'll do nothing but smash you away with an evasive skill every time that you manage to pull off a combo of more than a few hits.
However, these issues aren't quite enough to drag the action down. For every cheap match, you'll have at least a few highly enjoyable brawls, and if a particular mission is really ticking you off, you can always come back to it later after you've powered up your character, or you could recruit a couple of strong allies to help you win. Indeed, every parallel quest can be undertaken as a team of up to three members, and some of the title's best moments arise when you're all playing ping pong with your opponent, smashing them back and forth between you and your new friends. The matchmaking is hassle free, too, and even though we mostly had to team up with Japanese players due to the release not being available in the West yet, we didn't suffer from any obvious lag issues or disconnects.

And finally, for what it's worth, we definitely recommend switching to the Japanese dub – at least until you're finished with the story. Although the English cast perform their parts perfectly well – and even though you can select Dragon Ball Abridged's very own Nappa as a custom character voice in what is an absolutely amazing cameo – the lip syncing is atrocious at points, going as far as to completely ruin the mood of the otherwise very well made cutscenes. Disappointingly, the rest of the game's audio is forgettable, barring the rousing Cha-La Head-Cha-La cover that plays during the title's opening movie – it just never gets old.
Sadly, if you've been holding out for a more traditional Dragon Ball fighter, Dragon Ball XenoVerse isn't it. It is, however, a well realised and refreshing take on Akira Toriyama's universe, which allows fans to appreciate the source material from a whole new angle. Accessible, bombastic combat, entirely customisable characters, and some fantastic online functionality give the game a unique identity, and arguably make it one of the most ambitious licensed titles that we've seen in years.
Comments 64
Ahoy, Push Square readers.
I'll be hanging around the comments section for most of the afternoon, so if you have any questions regarding the review or the game, just copy me in using @ShogunRok and I'll do my best to answer them.
Exactly how much on display here is like Battle of Z?
@ShogunRok During multiplayer, do both users earn trophies or just the account that first launched the game?
Looks like a good game this may be the 1st dragon ball game I buy in a long time
@Beta As far as I know, you should both earn the trophies, as long as you both meet the requirements.
@Punished_Boss_84 Battles are similar in the sense that you're plopped into wide open arenas, and you lock onto your targets. XenoVerse is thankfully far less cheap, though, and various tactics are much more viable.
Basically, if you thought Battle of Z had potential but never quite got there, this is the game for you. Personally, I think the combat is far better here.
@ShogunRok Thanks!
@ShogunRok Remembered one last question! Is there a way for each player to play with his/her own created character in multiplayer?
Sorry if I'm bothering you too much DX
@ShogunRok My wallet hates you.
So when you say it's more like Dragon Ball Online, do you mean that when you start off it has you in kid form then you go around doing random tasks to grow and get strong? I mean, how close is it to DBO?
@Beta Don't worry about it, it's the least I can do!
You can actually make quite a few custom characters (if it's the same account, quest progress, items, skills, and costumes carry over over between them, but levels and stats don't) so if you're playing locally, the second play can pick a custom character too. If you're playing online, yes, you and your friend can each be your own character, which is cool when you want to show off what you've made.
@B3ND3R It's not massively close, it just has more in common with DBO than any of the franchise's fighting games. The fact that there's a hub area, there are quests, etc.
Edit: Sorry, not hub world, just the fact that there are online areas, like Toki Toki City. Like Destiny, XenoVerse isn't quite an MMO, but it's just about as close as you can get without actually being one.
Very thorough review. I haven't played a DB game since DBZ: Sagas on Gamecube but all the stuff they rolled into this one has my attention. I don't play online so I can wait for a price drop or sale and just enjoy the 10 hour storyline and multiplayer w/ my kids. And we still need to watch season 5 of DB first.
@rjejr I think if you and your kids really enjoy Dragon Ball and know the storyline, you'll love the story missions in this. Definitely worth a go sooner or later.
@ShogunRok - Thanks. Yeah, we'll definitely get it. I think we got PSASBR about 2 years after it released for $5 on PSN
Do you know if the PS3 version is mostly the same as far as storyline and multiplayer? I'm fine w/ PS3 graphics and no Share button but I may own a PS4 by the time we pick this up.
@ShogunRok my wallet (and lack of free time) hates you too.... but nice review, thanks!
Can you say something about local multiplayer? is it exist? managed through splitscreen? Works fine? Can you go online together? thanks in advance!
@rjejr I believe the overall experience is the same, yeah. The only differences are found in the visuals. The PS4 version looks pretty good, sharp and colourful, but from what I've seen of the PS3 version, that looks quite pretty as well.
@arnoldlayne83 Local multiplayer is a bit weird, but I'll try to explain as best I can.
For starters, there's no menu. You don't just select a versus mode or anything like that. Instead, you have to walk over to the world tournament section of the map, and select one-on-on duel.
Instead of having a splitscreen like the Budokai Tenkaichi games, the camera pans to the side, so it looks more like a traditional fighting game if you're playing two player. As for going online with a local friend, I'm afraid you can't.
@ShogunRok Thanks, very clear and fast answer!
It's exactly what I'd feared--I'm going to have to get this game. Hahaha
Thanks for the great review!!
@arnoldlayne83 No problem. If you do play local versus though, just remember to go to the world tournament registration area. I didn't know this at first, and I must have spent about twenty minutes trying to figure out how to set it up.
Please take your self-promotion elsewhere. - get2sammyb
I'm surprised the score is an 8. I was expecting something over 9000.
That's all i needed to hear.
@SuperSilverback It's just tough love, I'm sure.
@ShogunRok But it can't be done (locally) if the character I made is saved on my user account and the other is made via another user account?
@ShogunRok when will online parallel quest be unlocked or usable
@ShogunRok I Wanted To Know If There Is A Split Screen Coop?
@ShogunRok Is my main man Bardock a playable character??
@bamkingbam Online parallel quests should be playable now — I had no trouble doing so when reviewing the game.
@KokuBelle There isn't unfortunately. Co-op is only available online.
@SuperSilverback ...
He is! And you can eventually find his armour for your custom character to equip!
@ShogunRok Seems like it'll be a good game. I've only played BOZ's demo, so I can't really make too much of an opinion of that game. The last games I've really played were the Tenkaichi games. Would I enjoy this game?
@ShogunRok This pleases me greatly. Altho equipping his armour to a changling/frieza race may be disrespectful to his memory.......
@DerMeister If you enjoyed the Tenkaichi games, I think the chances are that you'll like this, too. The combat isn't quite as technical (even though Tenkaichi's combat wasn't all that technical in the first place) but I'd say that it's just about as enjoyable, especially once you've levelled up your character.
@SuperSilverback Some races can't equip particular items. Not sure if the changlings can use Bardock's gear, but yeah, he'll be spinning in his grave if they can.
@ShogunRok Ok thanks! I'll definitely get it when I can.
Can you be a student of only one person or can you train with as many as you want?
@bamkingbam You can train with as many as you want, but only with one at a time. If you change to a new master, you'll need to switch back later if you want to continue learning your old master's skills.
@ShogunRok how many people can you train with and once you have a master can you change them or are you stuck?
@ShogunRok great thank you I disn't wanna be stuck with krillin lol
@bamkingbam Yeah, if you just go talk to a different master, you'll be able to switch. So long, Krillin.
Hello. Fantastic review. I was just wondering, as a big fan of Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, would I enjoy the combat in this game ? It was the last DBZ title I played.
@Zetta The combat's not much like Burst Limit. It's not really a traditional fighting game, instead, battles take place in wide open arenas, and it's quite deliberate and even a bit tactical.
If you like Dragon Ball itself, I'd say give this a try. If you want a game that's more like Burst Limit, you might be disappointed, because this isn't like a normal fighting game.
Ah, I see. Love the source material surely enough to give it a go either way. Future Trunks present and accounted for ? Because that jacket is always stylish.
Thank you for the response !
@Zetta He's in it and playable, yeah. And no problem!
Alright I'm in Toki toki city, but everywhere I go, they say they're closed. What do I do?
Greeat score! I have played for some hours and really enjoy it. I have not played a DBZ game since Budokai Tenkaichi 3. I enjoy the open range fighting which I have missed. The game could use a few updates for online play as well as for locking on to an opponent. Those are kinks that can be fixed. If you have been waiting for a nice Dragon Ball Z game this is a great go!
Perfect score Robert!
@spolheber720 you have to do more of the story to open op more stores in Toki Toki
How do I do that though, because every single place says they are closed so I don't know what to do besides walk around
@spolheber720 You need to complete more story missions by speaking to Trunks. You can find him in the Time Nest, which is through a big gate in the very first area where you start the game.
Great review! Can't wait to start playing the game myself. I'm so glad Namco brought Dimps back to develop this game.
So glad its good! I enjoyed the Beta, cant wait to pick it up on Friday
@ShogunRok. Japanese dub? Ever heard Goku's voice in japanese?
Gotta say, this looks like it's the DBZ game that I've been waiting for all these years! Think I'm gonna re-watch as much of the anime as I can before I get it though, that way I'll be able to fully appreciate all of the references (and also will benefit from the inevitable drop in price)! But yeah, either way I will definitely be getting this at some point, but this month my money is going to FF Type-0
@Sanquine Bit squeaky, other than that, nothing wrong with it.
"You see, XenoVerse certainly isn't your standard fighting game. It's far more Dragon Ball Online than it is Budokai 3, and as such, if you were looking forward to a somewhat traditional brawler, you'll be severely disappointed."
Well, that counts me out. I was REALLY hoping for it to be more like Budokai 2 and 3...
@ShogunRok - Thanks for all the replies. My 10 year old really wants this now, it's his #2 behind Mario Maker. He has diverse tastes. I'm personally more inclined to wait now as I'll need a PS4 for DQH. Gaming is good this year.
I know this may be a long shot, but can PS3 players play with ps4 users online?
@4stringsteve Nah, I'm afraid not. At least you didn't get your hopes up!
well, I am on a dilemma to pick this one or guilty gear :/
Now I have to buy this, knowing Takahata101 is in it.
Thanks Push Square.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the helpful and descriptive review.
I was going to pass on this game since it was a fighter, but after reading your review I'll probably play the PS4 version next year when it's $30 New or cheaper.
Think they'll ever update the game to play local 2 players online kind of sucks when my gf and I want to play together and not just versing each other, just saying I think a lot of ppl would be happier with this game.
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