Ebenezer and the Invisible World is a 2D Metroidvania-style platformer based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. You explore London as Ebenezer Scrooge, on a quest to return the industrial capitalist, Casper Malthus, to his good-natured self after a visit from the Ghosts of Christmas appear to have corrupted him.
In similar style to Hollow Knight and Blasphemous, you’ll be platforming through various environments, defeating enemies, and completing various fetch quests for NPCs. The platforming here is unfortunately not very enjoyable due to imprecise and unresponsive controls. We often fell from platforms to our demise when the game failed to register a press of the X button to jump, or got stunned by an enemy mid-jump, causing us to reset to one of the few and far between save points, losing our progress.
The combat is equally frustrating, feeling sluggish and clunky. Enemies feel very limited with only one or two moves, and wouldn't be such a threat if it weren't for the unforgiving hit boxes. They don't line up with the visuals, causing you to take unexpected hits and struggle to land attacks. The ghostly abilities Ebenezer can unlock and utilise do redeem the combat slightly with some enjoyably chaotic powers — fireballs, ball and chain, and harpoon throws to name a few.
The game's presentation is hands down the best part of it, with gorgeously detailed hand-drawn environments and animations that bring Christmassy joy and warmth. Unfortunately, this is overshadowed by the lack of main route guidance and the numerous bugs and glitches present throughout. Quests don't advance when completed, leaving the game soft locked; crashes cause you to lose unsaved progress; box puzzles don't function as intended, causing you to get stuck on the environment; text disappears, causing you to miss key story points, and the list goes on and on. We couldn't complete the game, only managing to make it a couple of hours in before having to restart entirely multiple times since the main questline failed to move to the next step.
Soft locks, crashes, and bugs burden this gorgeously presented Christmas story. Until this nightmare before Christmas is patched, we'd suggest finding something else to place under your Christmas tree.
Comments 20
Bugs are the least of my worries to be honest. 90% of games release with bugs.
Looks like I'll be playing this one after a few patches. Looks great.
Oof! that's a low one. Will look to see if others concur. Can't decide about the graphics though. You call them 'gorgeous' and part of me agrees, the other part of me think it just looks OFF.
That’s a shame. It seemed like a really novel idea…
But (mostly) seriously, I’m be all in for more Dickens games. Maybe a FPS take on Bleak House or an Oliver Twist survival game.
It's amazing they can release a game with so many progression bugs. Minor stuff is one thing, but not being able to complete the game is unacceptable.
An Oliver Twist battle royale set in the orphanage.
Winner winner gruel dinner!
@Lup Why not release a decent game instead of what you say or make it early access?
Where is the quality control at Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo that you can patch does not excuse this poor quality.
If you release a broken game make it early access if you plan for gamers to be your unpayed playtesters.
I see people excuse this garbage why is the bar set so low now?
I know you can patch stuff but this is getting out of hand fast this is reaching Steam levels of shovelware.
I see enough about great Indies getting buried shovelware because of the massive amounts of this crap what a waste.
I mean, you're not wrong. I agree. In a perfect world, not even Spiderman 2 would need patches.
Sadly, this is the world we live in today. If AAA games from practically any company are released with bugs... What can be expected of smaller ones?
Not saying it's right and I would have probably never imagined myself saying this but I just accept it as normal.
If they can patch this up by Christmas it could be worth a look. Christmas 2024 that is. Ho ho ho
Man, this game looked really cool. I played WrestleQuest on day 1 and literally ran into all of that same cons that were listed for this game. I couldn’t progress due to soft locks and bugs and I wasn’t the only one, everyone in the Reddit group had the same issues. The game is apparently all fixed now and I do plan to eventually return to it but completely unacceptable to release games in this poor of a state.
Sounds like old Ebenezer shat in the hat
Interesting choice to adapt into a video game all the same
Imprecise and unresponsive controls are pretty much the biggest sins a 2D game can commit. Even without any of its technical issues, that alone would make it one to avoid in my opinion.
When i think Christmas Carol i think metroidvania XD
Though between this and the grinch xmas games are having a resurgence. Not a good one but its a start lol
I wanted this to be good so much. Bob Cratchit’s wife, the superboss.
@Lup A patch and files bigger then the full game are quite different and it's seems to be getting worse and worse. I understand that smaller developers have it a little more rough but I won't be looking away if the base of a game is broken the gameplay.
So like Marley this is dead on arrival.
Played it for a few hours. Zero bugs so far.
Glad I tried it for myself.
@Lup Great to hear but i wait for reviews now there are so many games big and small and especially with digital there is no incentive to buy it early.
Wait get it cheaper and fixed and there is no difference if you get it early only that you pay the higher price and it's normal to release a broken game nowadays.
Knowing the game could be patched is fine and dandy but why even bother to get it on release.
@Lup Has it had any patches since the review went live? This remains the biggest issue to me about reviewing in general in the modern patch-filled age... it's generally really difficult to know when/if a game HAS been fixed, and the reviews remain a blemish on its reputation long after they're even accurate.
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