Releasing an indie roguelike in 2016 is tough. There are already several almost perfect and incredibly popular entries in the genre floating around in the wild. Indeed, not only is the market flooded, it's flooded with liquid gold. Thankfully, Enter the Gungeon not only borrows good ideas from its peers, it also plays enough new tricks to differentiate itself.
If you've played an indie roguelike in the last couple of years, then you'll probably know what Dodge Roll Games' debut title has in store for you. You'll make your way through increasingly challenging floors of a randomly generated and enemy-infested dungeon, each ending with a particularly tough boss fight.
Every time you enter the gungeon, you'll discover new combinations of weapons, power-ups, and enemies which will require you to rebalance your strategy. The goal of this endeavour, then, is the perfect run; the ultimate marriage of skill and luck which sees you best all of the game's baddies, and conquer all of its floors.
As mentioned, this structure is certainly nothing new. However, one of the ways that the game sets itself apart is in the nature of its moment-to-moment gunplay. This sharp-shooter is clearly inspired by the bullet-hell genre, and as such, its enemies fire wave upon wave of complex bullet patterns which require you to pull off mind-bending displays of agility while also concentrating on firing accurately and efficiently.
Thankfully, you're equipped with a nifty and incredibly satisfying dodge roll. This often life-saving ability allows you to quickly evade enemy fire and relocate to safer soil. What's more, there are various obstacles which can be toppled and used as bullet barriers, as well as a plethora of environmental hazards which can be turned against your enemies.
Most importantly, though, there are many guns to discover. Some of them are fairly straightforward, but many of them are gleefully outlandish, and require you to change up your strategy in significant ways. For instance, there's one gun which shoots a hail of bullets in the shape of the word bullet. Another will occasionally transform your enemies into helpless bunny rabbits.

All of these individual elements come together to create gunplay which is dynamic and exciting. In particular, the combination of random enemy patterns and bullet-hell quirks mean that it has a rhythm unlike any of its contemporaries. It's fast paced, while also being very methodical, and this makes for a very fulfilling gameplay experience.
But this mechanical prowess wouldn't be worth a great deal were it not for the distinct sense of place that the game creates around it. There are countless enemy types, each with new and interesting visual designs and attack patterns. Similarly, there are passive and active abilities hidden in chests and shops throughout the stages, which can meaningfully alter the way that battles play out.
These efforts are compounded by NPCs you find as you explore. After chatting with them, they'll appear in the game's small hubworld, and either set you tasks to complete or sell you items which then appear in the gungeon. What's more, there are many different secret routes through the game's challenge. All of this means that the experience has a fantastic sense of internal progression, while also feeling like an intricate and living world.

Tying all of these elements together is the game's presentation, which is fantastic throughout. The visuals are crisp, and littered with neat little interactive details. Similarly, the electronic score keeps things moving during tense battles before seamlessly switching to a more contemplative atmosphere during exploration.
With all of that said, the title is not without its flaws. As with most roguelikes, there are times when you'll simply get a bad random selection of weapon and items. Similarly, there are infrequent occasions when the screen can become so busy that it's nigh on impossible to actually discern what's going on.
But by far the biggest issue is the game's lack of leaderboards or a daily run mode. As mentioned earlier, it does a great job of creating a sense of progression, but it can still feel a little empty at times. This is a particularly glaring omission given that these modes feature in just about every other game of its type currently available.
Enter the Gungeon is another in a long line of fantastic roguelikes. Its razor sharp twin-stick gunplay, huge variety of passive and active weapons, and clever world building make it an absolute joy to sink countless hours into. The lack of leaderboards or a daily run mode is a frustrating oversight, but you'll be too busy running, gunning, and dodge-rolling your way through its many caverns to notice or care.
Comments 14
Hearing lots of good things about this one. Might grab it in a sale for some fun co-op. Or hope it joins PS+ eventually.
Your podcast guys said it was good for the bin! Think maybe they're a bit harsh on the indie games.
@LieutenantFatman Right, but @BenTarrant also thinks Firewatch is Game of the Year.
@get2sammyb Fair point, I forgot about that!
Hmmmm see i like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, but do i need another one seeing as those two still get played?
Plays like a 9/10 to me...
@Johnnycide Good question! I've not played Nuclear Throne, but for what it's worth, I think there's enough here to differentiate it from Isaac.
Also, I found this significantly more difficult than Isaac, so if you're looking for a challenge it's worth a look.
@Johnnycide Absolutely! This is an excellent little title. I prefer this to Nuclear Throne and that is a great game. I'm not sure if I prefer it to the binding of Isaac but with the new DLC for that coming out in a few weeks there is plenty of rogue like action to be had
@Boerewors I had trouble with the score on this one. I was a gnat's wing away from giving it a 9, if I'm totally honest. Thanks for reading
@Boerewors I would agree entirely, it shouldn't be deducted marks for not including leaderboards or daily runs as the game is not supposed to be focussed on competing with friends scores it's more enjoyable to just try and beat the game. Also not many other rogue-likes include leaderboards, The binding of Isaac doesn't, Nuclear Throne does but they never really worked and I'm not sure if rogue legacy did.
It's a well written review. An 8 or a 9, who cares?! Based on your review I would've checked the game out anyway. I pre ordered this game because I played it on several trade shows and the Devolver Digital representatives had to kick me out of their boot every time cause I couldn't stop playing. DD is a great publisher but the way, they seem to scoop up pure good with every game they get the publishing rights to and Enter the Dungeon is one of my favorite games of the year so far.
There's been a real transformation in my live as a gamer anyway, where I seem to be playing more indies than triple A games as the years progress. These indies give me the gameplay I desire, where triple A games are too focussed on stuff that in the end doesn't really matter for me as a gamer.
Really happy with the game! Lost like 4 or so straight hours in it last day xD
Love it!
@Boerewors Here here, that's the key.
At some point last year I had a selection of what are considered good retail games but ended up playing resogun, rogue legacy, pix the cat, hotline miami and my ps1 on the vita back catalogue for a good 2-3 months. I then bought a mega drive (that was pooer than I recollect to be fair). Then Rocket League happened.
@Boerewors Yeah, I'm exactly the same. I just don't the time/money to play the big AAA games anymore. I'm much more interested in the cheaper shorter stuff. Thanks for reading
@themcnoisy Axiom. Verge. Now.
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