We have to say, it's rather pleasant to play Far Cry 3 again. There's a simplicity to it that we appreciate -- the wildlife is present but less malicious, the main antagonist is still wonderfully unstable, and the Rook Islands still make for an enjoyable, picturesque backdrop. That we are playing this entry through again on PS4 is funny, given Vaas' speech about the definition of insanity, but this is a slightly different version of the game, when all is said and done.
Far Cry 3: Classic Edition consists purely of the single player from the PS3 open world shooter, ditching co-op and the other multiplayer offerings found in the original version. As far as the story mode is concerned, this is beat for beat the exact same experience, only slightly polished up for its PS4 re-run. For those who may have missed out on Far Cry 3 the first time around, you play as Jason Brody, a 20-something, happy-go-lucky guy who takes a trip to the Rook Islands with a group of friends. After a fateful skydive, the pack of holidaymakers is captured by pirates, and following a daring escape, it falls to Jason to find and rescue his buddies.

It was never the greatest story ever told, but it remains an enjoyable enough tale -- even if the narrative does go off the rails at points. The way Jason transforms from a nervous kid who's never fired a gun to a psychotic murderer of man and beast is gradual, but tonal inconsistencies and other problems hold back the plot.
But this wasn't really a game celebrated for its narrative. The interwoven systems, dynamic firefights, and free-form progression were widely praised at the time, and although the formula has been spoiled somewhat by years of repetition - within and without the series - Far Cry 3 is still a compelling and chaotic first person shooter. We roll our eyes at the mere mention of fog-clearing towers, crafting, skill trees, and world maps peppered with icons, but the fact remains that this game does all of these things very well. If you aren't a fan of this school of design, the Classic Edition of course won't change your mind; this is very much a 2012 time capsule, in which the Ubisoft open world structure was comparably fresh and acceptable.

So what's different in this re-release? Well, it's graphically a bit of a step up from the PS3 version, and it certainly runs more smoothly. Where the last gen original struggled to maintain 30 frames per second, the PS4 port seems to be far more consistent. This isn't a remarkable remaster by any stretch, but it is nice to have the game running better, and visually it holds up surprisingly well.
The main problem we've faced is in control. Aiming your weapon in Far Cry 3: Classic Edition feels more difficult than it should, and that's down to an oversized dead zone on the analog sticks, which makes it hard to line up precise shots. Hopefully this is an issue that can be ironed out with a patch, because while it doesn't break the game, it makes the moment to moment gameplay less enjoyable.
This is a very straightforward port of Far Cry 3, a game loved and loathed in equal measure. The Classic Edition is a great way for newcomers to experience one of the best games in the series, despite some clunky controls. Many people will have made up their mind about Jason's journey years ago, but on its own merit, this is a competent re-release of a fun, if a little dated, open world shooter.
Comments 38
I'll probably get this in a sale sometime. I always stopped playing it around the time you go to the second island.
Even though Far Cry 4 and 5 have refined the formula, I still think that they can't match 3. I hope that for the next installment they'll go back to the basics and start fresh, because I just can't see myself playing what is the same game, over and over again.
I’m playing this right now and have been since tuesday last week when it released and it is still superb and not dated one bit imo. The dead zone issue does need addressed because precise aiming is really finicky like the review said but man is this game still a joy it actually reminded me of how good it really is. The pro version which is what I’m playing looks beautiful easily as good as far cry 4. It runs in 1440p and has effects activated that weren’t there on last gen systems which brings the world to life even more.
Started this a few days ago after finishing FC5. Still loving it!
I liked it at the time, I even 100% it on 360 I think but having played 4, I probably won't go back. Good for its time though.
@ApostateMage and with good reason. The barren second island was a huge step back from the dense jungle of the first. This affected gameplay as well because instead of hiding in the bushes you would just pull out a silenced sniperrifle and pick everyone off from a distance.
Still love how the more abilities you unlock in Far Cry 3, more of the tattoo on his arm fills out.
Such a nice touch that I really like, even to this day.
I still think it hands down the best game of the series. It holds up very well IMO.
@LaNooch1978 Lets not forget that this game had the best tutorial ever.
@Quintumply Does this include all of the single player DLC?
@ToddlerNaruto I’m pretty sure it’s just the base game.
Yup. I agree 100%. The controls are so bad I can't enjoy the game. I hope they patch it soon
@Quintumply I only ask because I've heard people say it also includes the single player DLC.
I still have the PS3 version so no need to double dip but i totally recommended this game to anyone who missed playing this game back in the PS3 era
I play this on pc years ago, it's super fun and vaas is the best far cry villain. I don't think I want to replay it on ps4 with 30 fps though, first person shooter is best played at 60 fps, unless it's a rpg like skyrim or fallout.
It's basically the pc port but i may get it when it's under £15 on sale at some point I was nearly through the PS3 version but the MP mode is awful and can't be bothered to try because the servers get cut off
Sounds like a dissapointing low effort remaster i think i will pass.
@Flaming_Kaiser It's not a remaster it's just a port.
Primal is still my favourite, but all the games in the series have been fun to play through. Far Cry 2 was the deepest and most engaging one for me, but Far Cry 4 and Primal had the most cool stuff in their games. Primal and Blood Dragon are the only ones I would replay, so I don't think this remaster is for me.
Have they patched the control issues yet?
Is the dead zone while aiming fixable as precise sniping is needed to play this game well?
FC3 played well on my PS3 with stable frame rates and no issues in action like 3 jeeps exploding. Only issue was strange faint grid lines on faces in close-ups.
With multiple fun plays on PS3, and still having the game, i will probably pass on this unless i purchase the season pass and get it free and the dead zone is fixed.
FC3 is a game i recommend to first time players, but only if the dead zone is fixed.
Good game, bummer no pvp tho.
I hope they sale this game separately on PSN store.
When FC3 started, I liked the graphical upgrade. Yes the distant views were a little blurred but it looked fine. But sadly the game now plays like crap. It really is unplayable. Ubisoft have bust it on PS4 Pro. The left stick to moved forward has a weird latency that gets starved of processor attention.
When you push forward, you move forward in slow stutters, getting slower and slower until it just stops. The stick is still pushing forward flat out but the forward motion just stops. It runs out of gas. The only way to reset it is to let go of the stick and push again, but the same thing happens. Useless.
In order to get the thing running with the improved graphics, Ubisoft have had to put the joystick command at the back of the queue for CPU attention. It gets starved and goes into a dormant state.
The FC5 DLC Hours Of Darkness suffers exactly the same left stick issue. Which programmer thought this was OK. And trying to fix it by just altering the dead zone is the same horse crap we got from the Prey dev, until the fixed it properly by optimising the actual game code.
No wonder Ubi gave FC3 away free with the season pass. It's worthless. Although I really enjoyed the FC5 campaign, the DLC and map editor are full of game busting bugs. The excellent map editor has lots of audio glitches that mute the sound and sometimes AI don't spawn in when triggered which makes your assault maps unplayable because they cannot be completed. A real shame because the quality and versatility is second to none.
I'm starting to think Far Cry is going the way of AC Unity with a sloppy drop in quality. The Gold Edition doesn't look very gold now due to all the content being bust, so that is making me doubt whether to buy all these gold editions. I might just buy the standard edition of AC Odyssey incase it spreads.
I only played Farcry 2, 3 & 4. 3 is definitely my favourite. Still have my PS3 so won't need to double dip.
needs blood dragon, no buy without
@ToddlerNaruto I have sen the single player DLC icond on the map as i have played along so i's defiantly there. Just a shame co-op didn't make it to this version
@Ryumoau Far Cry 3 Classic costs $30 on PSN, if you don't have the FC5 Season Pass.
@VatoLoco47 Thanks for the single player DLC confirmation.
@justerthought I haven't had these problems with FC3 or hours of darkness
The game is still bust and it's not the dead zone. I started the game after the patch to avoid the issue, but hit it full on. The good news is that when you reach about 6hrs in, the problem completely goes away and you get glorious smooth movement on the PS4 Pro. I'm still in the first region but I appear to have skilled up out of the bug problem. I haven't even visited Dr Ernhart yet.
Anyone 6hrs in will have reached the part where it clears up naturally and think its the recent patch working. Classic case of a causality error.
The L joystick was not getting CPU access time. Forward motion simply stutters to a complete stop. You can demonstrate the problem by pushing the L sitck at a diagonal halfway between straight and hard right. Zero forward motion occurs. You are nailed to the spot. 6hrs in and the diagonal movement works. It's not the dead zone.
Another related issue. Aim with the bow while walking forward with L stick, then let go of L stick to stand still as you draw the arrow. You continue to creep forward causing you to mess the shop up. This completely goes away 6 hrs in. Again the L stick not talking to the CPU properly updating the current state.
Ubi need to fix it because I nearly deleted the game in disgust because it was unplayble, but I carried on and it works fine now. First impressions are crucial.
I'm glad it does not happen to everyone then. You would know it when it happens. The game is like walking in treacle stuttering to a crawl, then freezes you on the spot. FC3 actually fixed itself 6hrs in so I'm enjoying it now. Hours Of Darkness went the full 10hrs to the end without fixing itself.
They are related because it's the same issue I have never seen before in a game. I don't think it's a hardware issue because I've just completed God Of War without any problem.
I've just tested the controllers as well just incase one controller was faulty, but it works fine on both controllers at this stage. I use one controller while the other is charging, so both have had a go during my 6hr play through. It's not a hardware issue.
No they haven't fixed it but the problem goes away naturally after about 6hrs in as you skill up. It now runs perfectly smooth and is a huge upgrade over the PS3 version. Two hours ago it was unplayable. I've upgraded a few health skills and the hip fire stuff.
We now get the full colour palette the PC had with rock solid detailed graphics and lush veg on the PS4 Pro. It has none of the PS3 fuzzy shimmering blur or screen tear.
The lighting looks far more transparent now with god rays and lens flare. Still no water refraction though. Each individual blade of dense grass now reflects light from a low sun or moon like we saw in Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm liking the treatment because it looks really tropical now with a humid atmosphere.
Wow this is embarrassing, but needs to be highlighted. Ignore all my comments about the stutter on the left joystick in Far Cry 3 Classic Edition on PS4 Pro. The problem has nothing to do with CPU overload or bad programming by Ubisoft.
One of my controllers developed a really strange fault that severely throttled the output of the left joystick. It was intermittent so hard to track down but it's definitely cured with that controller out of the mix. Apologies to Ubisoft.
To be clear, the game runs perfect and is very smooth with a really nice graphical upgrade. I have to give credit where credit is due. Ubisoft did an amazing job and giving it free with the season pass is massive value for money. The game has not aged at all and is still great fun to play.
Solid 8. Having played this for the first time in 2023, I can say this is a much better game than Far Cry 6.
@Flaming_Kaiser Solid 8. This game is so good. I just played for the first time and it’s far more enjoyable than FC6
@nyXhc420 I already played the original release so I don't need to get it again great to hear you liked it.
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