If an AI were to create a game based on popular Google search terms for video games, Far Cry 5 would likely be the result. Whether that's a good or a bad thing largely depends on what you expect from Far Cry at this point, and probably games in general.
Because Far Cry 5 isn't a bad game – in fact, it's an awful lot of good old fashioned fun. But it doesn't do anything you haven't seen before, and the core loop is incredibly repetitive. Long time series fans will bemoan the lack of survival mechanics, too, and they'd be right. It's probably the most criminal aspect.
Especially when the opening cutscene sets you up for such a thrilling experience. You play as a rookie cop who's sent in to help arrest the leader of a religious cult. On the chopper ride there, the local sheriff, a US marshal, and a deputy fill you in on the happenings so far.

The scene is terrifically set. The sheriff is clearly terrified and suggests you turn around multiple times. Meanwhile, you can clearly see that the cult isn't to be messed around with. There's basically an army of them and they've taken over an entire state. Three cops in a chopper feel very ill equipped to deal with the situation.
This all culminates in an incredibly tense arrest while cult members surround and jeer you. It's terrifying, and very reminiscent of Resident Evil 4. Soon enough, everything goes wrong and you're running for your life, hiding amongst the trees trying to seek out a weapon as a mad cult chases you.
If things remained this tense, we'd be in for a real treat. But soon enough you're in an action-fuelled car chase, mowing down hordes of cultists like it's Call of Duty or Uncharted. This sets the tone for the rest of the experience, which is a goofy, balls out action game of shooting cultists, blowing stuff up, and driving really fast.

To Ubisoft's credit, it's all incredibly slick and competent. The guns are satisfying, the explosions more so, and you don't have to learn a thing to pilot a chopper, quad bike, or jeep. They just work, and handle really well.
The core loop is less satisfying. You have to form a resistance in three different areas so you don't have to fight an army by yourself. This involves the usual Far Cry stuff of attacking outposts, as well as destroying cult property, rescuing civilians, and killing VIP targets.
Each of the three areas is controlled by a lieutenant, and killing each of them is your ultimate goal. To lure them out, you have to gain three levels of resistance in the area they control, which forces a showdown. Each time you gain a level, you also have a mini face off, which gives you an opportunity to learn more about them, the cult, and the big bad boss who calls himself "The Father".

The cult's reasoning is more interesting than you'd expect, and is tied into very real political events. It might even hit a nerve if you can lose yourself in all of the melodrama, but ultimately it's all just a little too far-fetched to get its claws into the most scrupulous of players.
It doesn't help that the villains feel ripped right out of a Batman Arkham game, and spend so much time trying to convince you that they're not crazy while staring far too intensely into your eyes. If we could accuse a video game character of over-acting, we'd level that complaint at all of the villains here.
Aside from the main stuff, there's a bunch of side quests to complete, like Tony Hawk-inspired stunts to perform, collectibles and treasure to seek out, and henchmen to hire. You can even hunt animals, fish, or take on wingsuit glides if you're not feeling a gunfight. Most of this stuff rewards you with cash you can spend on new weapons, modifications, vehicles, and outfits.

While this all culminates in a a ton of initial fun, it all starts to run a little thin about two thirds in. Despite Ubisoft's clear efforts to tackle it, ultimately there's just not enough variety, and the occasional goofy quest to hunt down bull genitals for a "Testy Festy" just doesn't cut it.
It doesn't help that the design doesn't encourage you to use many of the game's features. Attacking a cult outpost is as exciting as you make it, but once you've settled on the easiest method of tackling it, why would you make it more difficult for yourself? Aside from a few easy challenges that reward perk points, there's no encouragement to experiment, and that's a shame because there's so much to experiment with here.
What does help, though, is that you can play almost the entire game in co-op, with a friend taking on the role of hired help. It's so much more fun working together to tackle an outpost without setting off a single alarm that you'll wonder how you ever played Far Cry without it.

Then there's Far Cry Arcade, the true multiplayer component. Here you can create and play a variety of challenge maps with your friends, and level up your multiplayer level. We can't imagine many will bother with it, and we can't help but feel like Ubisoft has missed a trick by not including a Battle Royale multiplayer mode. Far Cry just seems such a right fit for it.
The best thing we can say about Far Cry 5 is that it's competent, and the worst that it's far too safe. Ubisoft is clearly more interested in making an experience that appeals to everyone to satisfy the bottom line. That's a real shame, because there are the makings of a highly entertaining sandbox survival adventure here. Sadly, you won't see any of it, because there's no encouragement to experiment when running and gunning is as effective as it is.
Comments 56
Was kind of interested in it given the setting but pass. I was having loads of fun with 4 until I saw it for what it was and never played it again.
Helpful review. I'm going to wait for this game to be marked down.
Far Cry is probably one of my most guilty pleasures, in that I 100% completed 2, 3 and 4 but to be honest, I was pretty exhausted by the format by the end of 4 and skipped primal. I had a quick play at EGX and it looked nice, as they all do, but felt very familiar. I had hoped for some real variation or less busy work.
I will probably get it, maybe on XB for the Coop play with a friend but certainly not a launch. Especially since FC games tend to drop quicker then an overly hormonal teenagers knackers.
Pre-ordered the Gold edition as the DLC and Far Cry 3 bonus looked more interesting than Far Cry 5. Still should get some 'fun' from the main game...
The gameplay trailers looked choppy, but will be #1 next week.
I'm currently playing ghost recon wildlands and I'm disappointed because there's a severe lack of variety, and it looks like this game has those same problems. So sad as I immensely enjoyed FC3 but found FC4 to be boring. Maybe I'll get this when it gets a hefty discount.
I got mine today. This is the first FC game I play so even if it is just a "reskin", it is new to me. Great graphics and the story seems good, but too early to have a fair opinion
"Each of the three areas is controlled by a lieutenant, and killing each of them is your ultimate goal. To lure them out, you have to gain three levels of resistance in the area they control, which forces a showdown". — sounds like a cut and paste from ghost recon wildlands to me. ubisoft seem to have crow-barred every mechanic from all their open word games into each other that they're all becoming less distinctive, and more repetitive. i've watched the opening hour of this on tube, and it looked dull, and i've never liked the idea for the premiss of the story in the first place. shame, because some of the dlc sounds way more interesting.. the alien bug hunting one sounds like the kind of decent starship troopers game that was never made. (i know there was blacksite area 51, but it was rubbish).
What a disappointment! Safe? This seemed to be over the top crazy and they played it safe?
Shame on you Ubisoft! Far Cry 4 was a fun game but even that felt repetitive...so I don't get why they don't try something new! Maybe more linear missions with crazier elements...
The DLC now sounds way better than this!
Sounds like if you've played far cry 4, you've played this, shame really. Anyone know if the dlc is standalone? The Vietnam dlc looked cool.
Sounds like pretty much exactly what I wanted.
Somehow I have made it through life without playing a single Far Cry game. This looked interesting, but maybe I’ll wait or just play FC4 for like $10. I kept thinking they’d put it for free on PS plus. Either way, I’ve got other games holding my attention atm.
I'm not sure why anyone would want survival aspects added to a far cry game, it's pretty clear they're chasing the 80's and 90's blockbuster action movie feel since the third entry. I'm just glad there's full campaign co-op, really looking forward to that!
Most reviews I've seen for this so far are pretty much what I was expecting...more of the usual FC gameplay - with a few tweaks - in a new setting. Most are giving it average/good scores (it's current PS4 metacritic rating is 81) I finished FC 3 & 4 so will no doubt get plenty of fun from this too. Have pre-ordered the Gold edition from Amazon, which should hopefully come tomorrow.
@Cpt_Price you know Ubisoft hasn't released a complete edition or goty edition in a long time now their gold edition is what took their place.
Got this game very cheap, used some loyalty points at the site I usually buy at, so won't be losing too much on trying it out.
Only just played an hour or two, graphics are great and it feel pretty fluid and running is fast, something I like when the game is one BIG openworld sandbox game.
Thanks for the review!
Big fan of FC3, but I was somewhat disappointed by 4 & Primal, so I’ll pick this up once it’s been heavily discounted.
Doesn’t seem like it’s the revolution I was hoping for .
Great review.
I'll probably get it when it's on sale, and knowing Ubisoft games, they're usually on sale pretty quick after release.
if you want a hard survial game play metal gear survial you cant waste a thing food is very time consuming to get looking forward to far cry 5 cant beat a bit of gun run
I have a question!
I heard somewhere that you don't have to hunt animals to create bags etc etc...but does this game still have perks? Cause if there's no character progression it's a sale for me I think
I played 1,2 and 3 finished the 1 and 2 completely but quit half way through 3 as I found it boring. 4 looked like 3 in a different area of the world, 5 just look like it's set in a open world town than looks exactly like 3 and 4. Plus the idea of having to lure an enemy out that is pure wildlands right there
@kyleforrester87 in what way did you see it for what it was? I'm interested because I've never played a FC game and am considering purchasing the FC4/Primal joint pack in the Easter Sale. Would you recommend against it? Or would a first time player like me enjoy it?
@AFCC There are still plenty of perks, don't worry! It's all tied into challenges which you have to complete for perk points. It's a relatively deep system, so if you like that stuff you'll be pleased.
You can still hunt animals too, but it's purely for cash this time around.
@tomassi It was the first FC game I played since 1 (and a little tiny bit of 2 but I don't think that counts) and I was having a lot of fun for 15-20 hours or so, then the penny dropped and I realised I was just brainlessly running from way point to way point ticking boxes.
Still, these games clearly aren't terrible as they tend to average 8/9 out of 10's so it's a personal taste thing more than anything.
FC4 has got to be worth a punt if you are not sure considering how cheap it is these days.
@kyleforrester87 OK man, I may do it. I always see it for about £12 in the sale, but then again, maybe it will even appear on Plus at some point, so I can afford to leave it for a while yet. Massive backlog of games as it is!!
@FoxyGlen I like that you only hunt if you want to, but still expected more rewards than just cash!
I do like the perk system in Far Cry so I'm happy with that! I'm on the fence about this one...some very good reviews and some very mediocre ones...hard choice now
Only 7??
I still have to play it, but I watched over 3 hours of gameplay.
I usually dont watch gameplay for most games, but this one really got me hooked. The AI is the only thing that doesnt totally convince me. The way the mission objectives are made, and how you can get to the area boss, is simply superb.
Farcry 5 is the reason I'm buying a PS4 Pro again.
I hope this game does well, It's obvious a lot of work went into it.
@Kidfried i get that, but against say MGS5 it just didn't inspire me in the same way to play it like that.
This is my problem with most Ubisoft games in general, sure they aren't bad by any means but most of them usually boil down to completing everything on the map to progress and after so many games with that type of gameplay it does start to feel tired, hence why I haven't bought a game of theirs in several years. If a new Splinter Cell is announced this year at E3 like the rumors suggest that will likely change, I love that series.
Sounds like a, far cry, from the series' best.
I'll wait till this hit PsPlus like Far Cry 4
Let us not forget MG: Survive 8/10
@Melucine Hey, I'm happy for you! I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to turn off the mini-map for the best experience (in all the other games, I just ended up staring at it constantly, even looking at it more during gunfights than at the rest of the screen)!
Like others, I'm burned out of this series, so I'll be skipping it...I hope this is the last time they make FarCry 3 with a different skin!
@smelly_jr Thanks! I don't know if there is an option for it, I play with default options, but there is no mini map. Also unlike other Ubisoft open world games I have palyed, there is no "tower" to unlock the map, so at least this is something new.
Well i liked Primal and Farcry 3 so i think i still gonna get it. 😁 On my other site they really liked the game. And with this review does not sound to terrible. 😉
Looks like FC3 is going to remain my series high point then...
The setting seems interesting but I think I've had enough of the Far Cry formula for now. Will buy when it's a tenner or something. Played Watch Dogs 2 recently and really enjoyed it. Ubi tried new stuff there and I think it really paid off.
Great review!
Only played Primal (which was awesome) and got FC5 deluxe with €30 off so I think I'll be enjoying 5 a lot. Only drawback would be the repetitive fetch quests but I'll work my way through.
@FoxyGlen: Is it possible to complete the story first and play on after to collect all other trophies? And are there any missable trophies I need to keep my eye on in particular?
I want this game, but I will wait for a sale.
Was bored of the game format halfway through FC3, fair to say i'll be giving this a wide berth, even on a sale.
I want FC5 to be a game i like. If for me it bcomes my second favorite FC game behind FC3 then it should be enjoyable to play.
From the promo videos FC5 looks like stupid fun. I like stupid fun.
"we can't help but feel like Ubisoft has missed a trick by not including a Battle Royale multiplayer mode"
Thank god for that. Far Cry is about lengthy FPS single-player campaigns in an open world, and is one of the few remaining games to cater for the audience which wants that. No need whatsoever to copy what everyone else is doing. All online shooters devolve into the same thing... play one and you've played them all. Credit to Ubi for not following the herd.
What is with the promo screen shots? Was there no gameplay ones available?
I really enjoyed FC4 but felt kinda burnt out from the series. This review and others have yet to convince me this is a worthwhile purchase.
I only played Far Meh 3 and it was deadly easy even on the hardest difficulty. I had to put a piece of paper on the TV to hide the minimap, still a mindless shoot shoot shoot...
@Cpt_Price oh I agree with you about open world fatigue. I have so many games I keep bouncing off of because they are open world and so time consuming and it bothers me because I used to never leave a game before beating it. I've been finding myself going back to older linear games to cleanse my system from all these open world games and it seems to be helping
i cant help myself ill be buying it today, that intro sounded insane but i stopped reading for spoilers lol
@Dpishere Definitely agree with you here. Ubisoft has clearly settled on a formula that works for them and sells, but it leaves a lot of us with burnout. Just makes me respect devs like Bethesda even more. We might not get a new game from them for 6 years, but you know it's going to be a completely different experience.
@FoxyGlen Yes Bethesda has been one of my favorite developers since Morrowind, in my mind they can't make a bad game. Too bad we most likely won't get a new Elder Scrolls for another couple years because I think most people are ready to move on from Skyrim, and that game was released way back in 2011. Either way hopefully they have something cool to be excited for this year.
I’ll wait for a drop, it’ll be half price by the end of next week.
1/10 from me, it was so short completed in not even 10 minutes, I saw no action whatsoever. I choose to not arrest Joseph Seed, walked out the door, credits rolled... aw well may as well trade it in for something else.
EDIT: Sarcasm aside, after putting in over 10 hours so far this is the best game I’ve played this year so far, it’s now a 9/10 from me (reserving the 10/10 for RDR2 😉)
OK serious question, i have only ever played FC3 and it was OK, do you think this one is worth getting for a person who isn't well versed in the franchise?
Although generally the reviews have been good I’ve found some of the more negative reviews strange. Was anyone actually expecting anything other than what far cry 5 has in fact offered. I don’t know, maybe that’s why I’m enjoying it so much. Even with that amazing opening scene I never once prepared myself for anything other than driving around and shooting.
@MaccaMUFC you must have not played ni no uni 2
@Th3solution I think you should take Farcry 3 good fun. 😁
@FullbringIchigo played 2 and hated it. Played 3 and gave up as it was boring.
Skipped 4 and primal, and finished 5 today. About 25 hours or so and I had a great time. It's nothing revolutionary, but has a lot of laugh out loud moments and some really horrible scenes. It's fun, and with a friend in co op it's even more so.
A bit of advice; there's two people you can get as guns for hire who'll do missions with you. Ones a senators son and one is a nutter with a flamethrower. The dialogue between them is genius. They'll chat to each other randomly.
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