Final Fantasy XV is mostly a game about four guys driving around in a car. Sometimes, they get out and kill monsters. Other times, they don't want to drive at night and seek shelter around a nearby campfire, where they look over photographs and recall their journey so far. Lead character Noctis can be stubborn, moody, and lazy. Brains of the operation Ignis can sound like an overdone parody of an Englishman. Burly bodyguard Gladio can be frustratingly abrasive. And Prompto, the only party member not of high social standing, can seem like a total wimp. Already, the game's flawed cast is more relatable and endearing than any melodramatic character that the divisive Final Fantasy XIII introduced. Final Fantasy XV is not the return to the series' roots that so many have been yearning for, but it's still an experience that resonates with one of the property's core elements: adventure.

For years now, Final Fantasy as a whole has been struggling to stay as relevant to the gaming sphere as it once was. It still has its legions of fans – there's no doubt about that – but the brand has been damaged by numerous titles that lack the heart and soul that was once so important to the series' identity. 30 years of history weighs on the shoulders of Final Fantasy XV, and that's no easy weight to carry – especially when this latest entry has been in and out of various development cycles for a decade.
At times, the wait has been nothing but a detriment to the franchise's already bruised reputation, but now that it's over, it feels as though the property can breathe a sigh of relief. Now that Square Enix's massive marketing machine has stopped pumping out a new trailer every ten minutes, and fans finally have the game in their hands, it's almost like the end of an era. We're very fortunate, then, that this ten-year saga is punctuated by a Final Fantasy title that goes a long way in restoring our faith in the franchise.
The majority of your journey will be spent exploring Lucis – a vast country consisting of dusty deserts, rolling green hills, and picturesque mountain ridges. Lucis is an open world that, for the most part, embraces realism, which makes its fantastical elements – like the gigantic meteor that sits at the heart of the country – all the more impressive. When it comes to providing a sense of scale, we'd argue that the game's unmatched on today's market. Even though the size of the map isn't the biggest that the genre's seen, it's packed with awe-inspiring views that'll have you scrambling for the share button. From truly colossal rocky structures to breathtaking, sprawling cities built on water, the environments make Noctis and the gang feel like specks of dust by comparison.

Needless to say, making your way through Lucis – by foot or by car – is enjoyable. There are times when areas will seem a little empty, and there aren't quite as many secrets or details to discover as there are in, say, a Bethesda title, but the concept of leading your best buddies on a road trip across a nation gives the game an undeniably unique flavour. Whether you're trekking across the wilderness looking for a nice spot to set up camp or you're carefully hunting a dangerous creature, Lucis offers a richness that isn't defined by the density of its map. It's a world that doesn't exist for you; it's a world that Noctis and his friends simply exist within.
That's not to say that Noctis is merely a cog in the machine, however. Our often grumpy protagonist is crossing the country with a purpose, and that forms the basis of the story that Final Fantasy XV attempts to tell. We use the word 'attempts' because for the majority of your journey, the game almost seems to forget that it has a plot. Instead, it has you travel from place to place with your three companions as you follow a string of very loosely connected events in order to progress further across the map.
To call the story disjointed during this substantial portion of the game would be an understatement. Dialogue feels like it's constantly cut short, with characters rarely questioning what they're doing or why they're even doing it. You'll meet secondary members of the cast that come and go in what feels like an instant, you'll fight against villains who are given no time to establish themselves as threats, and you'll witness awkwardly placed flashbacks that don't add anything meaningful to current affairs. It's a mess, but the disappointment is at least dampened by the chemistry that Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto share. Indeed, the four heroes are able to carry the narrative – you'll keep playing to see what becomes of them, rather than what becomes of the plot.

Having said that, it gets increasingly difficult to ignore the story as you get further into the game. Around three quarters of the way in, the release suddenly remembers that it has a plot, and funnels you into a more linear set of chapters that push Noctis and the gang towards a conclusion. It's worth noting that you do have the option of returning to the open world when resting at camp, but by this point, you may actually find yourself too invested to do so. In the space of a couple of chapters or so, Final Fantasy XV decides to kick things into gear, and the story finally finds momentum – it almost becomes an entirely different game.
However, not too long before things wrap up with what can only be described as an epic and fitting finale, Final Fantasy XV baffles and frustrates with one of the most poorly judged gameplay sections we've ever seen. Shunning established gameplay mechanics in favour of half-baked, tedious nonsense for the sake of variety, this segment, for whatever reason, decides to do its best survival horror impression – and the result is ghastly for all the wrong reasons. It's not quite enough to ruin the bombastic set pieces that come before and after, but it's unforgivable design all the same.

It's a terrible, terrible shame that Final Fantasy XV's story doesn't step forward sooner, but at least the game can fall back on an engaging combat system. At its most basic, you're holding down one button to attack and one button to defend, but the system is nicely layered with contextual mechanics. For example, hitting an enemy from behind does extra damage, and you have a chance of activating a link strike, which sees Noctis partner up with one of his allies to dish out a deadly blow.
Battles are stylish, too, thanks to a suite of crisp animations and flashy visual effects. Noctis can also warp around the battlefield at the cost of magic points, allowing you to either close the distance on an enemy or quickly teleport out of danger. Once you've wrapped your head around the general flow of combat and the advantages of each weapon type, a really satisfying rhythm begins to emerge. It's not quite full-blown action, but it's a fun, fluid blend of positioning, tactical use of special moves, and knowing when to strike.
As is usually the case with Final Fantasy, the soundtrack is the icing on the cake here. It's been a long time since legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu worked on the series, but those who have followed in his footsteps have done a great job so far – and that doesn't change with Final Fantasy XV. Heading the music this time around is Yoko Shimomura, who's crafted an absolute stunner. The battle themes in particular are sublime.

The visuals are similarly accomplished. Main character models and animations tend to look great, while the detailed enemy designs are truly top notch, putting the comparatively generic foes found in so many other titles to shame. As mentioned earlier, the world itself can be a joy to behold, but there are some jaggy textures knocking about here and there when running on a standard PlayStation 4 – especially when it comes to vegetation.
Fortunately, on the technical side of things, the finished game runs a lot smoother than its demos do. While the frame rate does sometimes dip slightly in busy areas, it never drops to a point where it takes away from the experience. And, aside from the long load screens that appear when loading your game or moving onto a new chapter, it's nice knowing that you can travel from one side of Insomnia to the other without encountering a single pause.
Final Fantasy XV is a strange, patchwork beast that's made up of countless different components. Having been in development for so long, things could have gone far, far worse for Noctis and the gang, but as it stands, this is an engrossing journey that delivers a unique experience – and that's something that can rarely be said about today's open world games. When it's at its very worst, Final Fantasy XV is mind-bogglingly misguided, but thankfully, those moments are very few and far between, and are soon forgotten when you're running off on adventures with such an endearing band of brothers. As a whole, Final Fantasy will likely never recapture its former glory, but Final Fantasy XV fills us with hope that the series can still carve out its own path, even after all these years.
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Comments 68
Hi guys great review. Just a quick point that the world you are exploring is called Eos, not Insomnia. Insomnia is the name of the royal capital city.
Good review. The weak middle section nearly killed this game for me, but the linear section toward the end is redeeming it. I really enjoyed chapter 13 lol
Edit: I can't really agree the music is on point, though. Aside from the battle music nothing really stands out. Some world map music occasionally kicks in (sometimes stopping randomly after a few seconds) and then the same weird song at all the (identical) outposts.
I'll wait for the 60 fps pro patch before playing this, also the story patch.
Fair review 8/10 is about right, great game you can lose yourself in but it's to easy atm, nothing in the game challenge's you and if something does start to become challenging you can rely on the "win" button the random summon's that are totaly err random then some nice God will come down and one shot the mobs for ya, battle over, win button used time to move on! I can't believe it took 10 year's to make this. They could of implemented a bit of variety as well. For example in Altissa there's a nice hotel to stay in etc and it has 2 receptionist's, stood right next to each other, and they havge used exactly the same character they look like identical twin's (it's not intentional) and Kenny's diner's use's the exact same character in all his shop's bar 2 so when you do hunt's 90% of the time it's the same guy serving you even though your on the other side of Eos. It's lazy and not what you would excpect after 10 years, 10 years! Apart from that i'm enjoying it, but it has nothing to do with the character's I don't feel attached to em at all and the story is not only short it's lame it's the open world that's fun for me, Square could of had a blockbuster here but they were lazy.
@xMEADx To be fair this 10 year thing isn't exactly right, more like 3-4 years, sounds like it went back to the drawing board a number of times
I'm absolutely loving this game so far, granted I haven't hit these so called weak chapters but this open world so far is very refreshing after so many copy/paste ones I've experienced recently. The combat is superb and a lot more tactical than I was expecting, then there are three looks and this in high resolution and HDR looks fantastic to the point of making my non HDR games now look at bit dull and lifeless. At the moment it could be my game of the year, I'll just have to wait and see how bad these sections are first whilst somehow finding the time to finish the game.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah for sure the whole 10 year thing was a publicity stunt or something to try and help sell the game "10 years in the making" sound's epic. I really enjoy the game though and i've not played much else tbh it just doesnt have that polish.
@carlos82 No doubt, the game looks bloody incredible sometimes, especially with HDR.
@xMEADx Yeah it's just a bit away from greatness in my opinion, stuff like the copy and paste outposts, weak side quests etc. I'd much rather have had say 10 strong side quests with meaningful narrative and interesting rewards than 100+ fetch quests. I'll get the story DLC though so perhaps this will make up for that.
Fantastic game for newcomer's and since putting the disc in release day, it has not came out. I will probably sell the disc and buy digital in the psn Xmas sale. I don't buy season passes normally but this will be an exception.
@Sakhasm Whoops, you're right about Insomnia - Lucis is the country. I've fixed it now.
@carlos82 @StaffyDog @kyleforrester87 Also getting the season pass and I agree it look's gorgeous on the Pro.
Sounds pretty good, I see a lot of people are enjoying it. Will give it a go at some point.
I don't see any mention of this in any review....but the never ending spawn of 'Imperials above us' that then comes at you with a thousand bullets is the most annoying CRAP I've seen in a videogame! Jesus Christ, I almost rage quit the other day....what a terrible gameplay mechanic! They just shoot at you endlessly
@AFCC LOL! I only played the demo, but... by chance, would you happen to mean that, like in the demo, imperial dropships appear like clockwork to drop a boatload of mooks to kill every few minutes? I was hoping they'd fix that in the full game.
I will carry on with Final fantasy 7 just got me a buggy while I wait to download the Witcher 3 and tuck into some EA SPORTS Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR as part of the BOGOF deal. Glad I did not go to the shop and pay the rest for Final Fantasy 15 lost a fiver i'll pick it up at some point ideally digital disc swapping is so yesterday.
Just hope Yakuza 0 comes out next month.
At chapter 8 & I've put in 72hours now & Its fast approaching my £1=1hour of entertainment rule (I spent £115 with the season pass).
I'm not even trying to milk the game. There is just so much to do. Even the mini games are really well done. I've probably even spent about 10 hours fishing (Caught the Angler's Nightmare last night )!
My only complaints are the story which is so confusing. One second i'm fighting someone to the death, the next they are helping me. No explanation.
The majority of the side quest are also just fetch quests & find 'x' in highlighted area which was disappointing (there are exceptions).
All in all it's an 8 in my book too. The open world is fantastic & I find the characters charming. If the story matched those aspects of the game it would be my GOTY.
@Ralizah YES! They come every 2 minutes when you are sidequesting and I get so annoyed! It's not even fair since they are like 15 at the same time and they just stand and shoot! If you hold square then you get stuck dodging bullets for all eternity! Ridiculous
Just finished it weird game, but good
Great review thanks! You mentioned "bombastic set pieces". How good are these compared to the ones from Uncharted?
@Bhattiboy Why wouldn't it? Appears to be locked in, no?
@AFCC Exactly like Episode Duscae, then.
Thanks. I'd been wondering whether I shouldn't just break down and grab the game, but the absurd encounter rate with imperial soldiers in the demo is the biggest thing that put me off of it. If that's in the full game, I won't be getting it. Having absurdly aggressive enemies descend from the heavens every few minutes to send my party into disarray isn't fun. Oh well. c'est la vie. Maybe SE will get it right in 2026 when FFXVI releases.
I just want to add the fishing is pretty close to real. It took me 20 mins real time fighting to land this fish, sweating that the line didn't break lol
@ShogunRok I'm not reading this now, spoilers, but glad to see the 8.
We're you apprehensive at all about reviewing a game that still sounds like it won't be complete for another year? Or at least until the "holiday" patch. Witcher 3 seems like as great as it was they made some major improvements to the menu system about 8 months after release.
Did you take into account the movie and webisodes setting up the story? I got my wife the steelbook bluray for Christmas b/c it included extended versions of those cut into 1 long movie. (If I read it right.) We won't start the game until we watch both of those and the holiday patch is out, we'll play R&C and DQH until then.
So, expect another comment from me when I finish the game in the spring.
I got this game because of @JaxonH and BestBuy, as I am not paying full price for it. Not sure when I will play it (if ever) as I just seem to collect unopened JRPGs. The lack of girls in the party doesn't help matters either. I know they have a reason for this but I still miss my Tifas and my Yunas.
I'll wait for it on PSplus 😉
@get2sammyb Gut feeling in saying that you have reassured me there will be no hiccups.
Hope you enjoy The Last Guardian you have been looking forward to it.
Sounds on point with other reviews i've read. I don't really think there's ever going to be a game that contains a large, sprawling, open world that can have a plot that makes sense while also giving you the freedom to whatever you want without some sort of time limit to advance the main story. Either way, as long as the gameplay itself is fun, story shortcomings can be forgiven. I'll start playing this after i get through Witcher 3.
@GraveLordXD It was horrible in the demo, too. I can only imagine what a game full of that is like.
@Ralizah @afcc except there's a good way to deal with it. Quad cast fire or lightning is very easy to make and wipes out the entire squad in one shot 👍 That wasn't in the demo so it didn't work as well
Got way too many story rich open world games to play at the moment..
First world problems sniffle
@GraveLordXD see my above comment
Honestly I am starting to think the bits and peices of story were left out or not yet worked on for future dlc purposes. They have a really solid game here and if they put effort into it they could turn this into something even more amazing. As for those of you having trouble with too many troop ships dropping in on you, I am about 56 hours in and have had like maybe 3 airship encounters.
@Ralizah I'm like in chapter 3 but I already have 10 hours in! And that's my biggest annoyance with the game! That only happens while sidequesting or just exploring but It really is dumb...I started running away from encounters now!
@DESS-M-8 well they have the vegetarian homosexual boy racer market all to themselves going on what your typing.
Your loss, continue believing that this games rubbish. Its anything but, in fact its unique. I like the characters, grandeur and gameplay systems. You like playing with yourself.
@ztpayne7 Sure but what if I don't want to press start and go get magic, I prefer using weapons...I just started running away from them, better than staying and get totally annoyed xD
@GraveLordXD you can run away from the encounter! I'm just surprised not that many people are complaining!
@AFCC it is annoying, although I quite like farming those encounters for exp.
To the friends who have played more I am in the first chapter. Is anything permanetley missable if I rush to see how the storyline unfolds?
@belmont I dont think so, you can go back to the open world at any time by all accounts. Honestly bro push into chapter 3 I stuck around chapter 1 until it was completely barren and it was pretty pointless. A couple of the side quests in chapter 3 have you going back to golden quay and visiting cid and the hunts dont disappear.
There's going to be a ng+ option anyway and I'm pretty sure I will play this through twice once Noctis and co are buffed up even if some side quests go awol.
@KingofSaiyanZ Dragon Quest Heroes
I don't know, its in the house waiting to be wrapped and then opened at Christmas along w/ the PS4 Slim U4 bundle, FFXV, R&C, DBXV2, I'm guessing you know that that one is and Skylanders Imaginators PS4 edition w/ Crash and Cortex.
But we all really liked Hyrule Warriros, and who doens't like DQ? And I only paid $10.00 so I don't need it to be great, just enjoyable.
@ZurapiiYohane64 level 40 for chapter 4? Man I was level 40 when I completed it, you're gunna stomp through the game
@kyleforrester87 think that's crazy I'm level 59 just reached chapter 6
@kyleforrester87 are you running a ng+ when the update drops?
Also is this game coop then, I've yet to try that?
It's a totally fair review. I'm one trophy off the platinum right now, and I have to say it's one of my favourite games of the year. But it's riddled with problems and they'll probably be too much for some people.
It does recapture the spirit of old school Final Fantasy though. It makes me feel awe and wonder in ways that other recent games in the series didn't.
I have high hopes that if we get a Final Fantasy XVI, it might actually be a return to the glory days. As it stands, this is the best entry since IX, but that's not exactly high praise as far as I'm concerned.
@Miles_Edgeworth They're not quite the same style as Uncharted's set pieces because the platforming mechanics aren't there - I think they're more comparable to something llke God of War III. Huge in scale, with absolutely insane things happening on screen. Stupidly impressive at times.
@rjejr That thought's been in the back of my mind, but at the end of the day, we have to review what we've got - I think that's important.
I did take the anime series and the movie into account, but I didn't watch the latter. I know that it does shed some light on some otherwise vague proceedings, but I wanted to play and finish the game without seeing it purely because I think a full-priced game should be able to stand on its own. Having to watch a movie to get the full experience is ridiculous, in my opinion.
@themcnoisy No co-op yet, that's coming as some sort of DLC.
Just finished Friday night at levei 50 with almost 45 hours. Great game, but the last 2/3 chapters are boring as hell, the criticism abou this point is spot on...
@ShogunRok Thanks Robert, great review. I was hoping for a 9, but you just cant award it that with all of the issues you pointed out. I think we all agree its an essential game though.
@themcnoisy Maybe, now that I've done the story I'm actually having more fun than I was previously just knocking around the world doing the side quests and mini games. I got the flying car which is really cool (the back to the future quote when you take off made me laugh).
I absolutely love this game and it's my favorite final fantasy since ffx. That's like...fifteen years. 😉 It captures the magic of old, but there are definitely problems with it. I'm in chapter 8 and some things in the story just seem really odd. Hopefully it resolves itself. And the walking/long driving do start to get really old sometimes. I do feel like the dungeons give the scale of what the old ones would look like if they were on PS4.
Hope reviewers will take another look at the game after the updates. I love it and it is good the creators see they have still to deliver more parts of the story. This game completely feels like they did the best they could to meet the deadline. Everything that is there is of high quality. So I hope they insert the missing story parts soon.
@ShogunRok "but I wanted to play and finish the game without seeing it purely because I think a full-priced game should be able to stand on its own. Having to watch a movie to get the full experience is ridiculous, in my opinion."
All fair points,agree on reviewing it as is. But I'm still watching the movie first anyway.
@Bliquid I thought I read somewhere the anime was back story from when they were kids or teens? Oh well, maybe I read it was just side adventures while they were on their road trip. But yes, that's the order I was planning on, anime, movie, game, thanks.
@Bliquid Well that makes sense. We're getting the extended version w/ the bluray so we'll be watching it all as a 70 minute movie.
I'm still on the fence about buying this. There just seem to be a lot of small things that the developers glossed over. Every major feature (story, combat, exploration, etc) at contains one of those small issues so it feels that there no truely outstanding part of this game. I feel that they could have fixed most of the issues had they allowed more people to playtest it and if they would have pushed it back a few months.
@NESguy94 I've not seen anyone who has got it who isn't happy with it.. Of course there will be people who arnt but the general feeling is it's an excelent game.
I think most people think it's excellent as well but I've heard complaints from everyone I know who's played it. Many of their complaints mirror the ones in this comment section so I think it's fair to say the game has its flaws.
@NESguy94 yeah it does, my point is though if you are on the fence it's probably worth getting it, since everyone I see seems to like it a lot regardless of its issues
Nice review! I can't really disagree with any of the faults you highlight but I do feel like this game is somehow bigger than the sums of its parts, so it feels more like a 9 for me in the end. As @johncalmc pointed out it feels like they now got a vision of how to deliver a modern final fantasy and if a XVI chapter comes out, it has the potential to be epic. As it is, best chapter since IX for me.
I just want to say that I agree and mirror the sentiments that it is indeed a fantastic game and 8/10 is perfectly fair and reasonable. It's the best FF I've played in a long time and really does capture that sense of awe. That said, yes it does have flaws; it's not perfect, but close enough!
One thing I am somewhat baffled by is the complaints about imperial encounters. Anyone who would dismiss the entire game based on that is... being a bit silly. To begin with, they're easily dispatched. For another, you can avoid them. I mean, I've seen the dropship many times and simply outran it when I didn't feel like fighting. If they stop you car, just fight them. The combat system is brilliant anyway. Plus you can always hop onto a chocobo to avoid encounters altogether!
For outrunning, I've discovered a stamina trick -> press L3 just as you run out of stamina (Noctis starts slowing down), it will instantly replenish the bar and allow him to continue sprinting.
Edit: I've played the pinball minigame for an hour last night, so addictive!
Edit 2: I think gamers have become really picky these days, and I can't blame them, we all want quality since we're dropping a lot of money for our games (and we're generally older and know better what we want). Having said that, I do think that blemishes make any game's shining parts shine even more as long as there's a decent balance between the two (and these niggles are sometimes 'niggles' - fully intended by the developers, just not always appreciated). I think the niggles here help appreciate more what does work and when it does it's fantastic.
Story-wise I am still in the early parts, however I keep discovering little hints of things to come like in the sea side I found a magazine lying around introducing all 6 gods and naming them! I think stuff like this is for those of us who remember the old days of jRPGs, which demanded you checking every nook and cranny for items etc. They've done it well here, but obviously the world is a lot bigger to comb through now!
although its far from perfect and has obvious flaws FF15 is my overall GotY.
I honestly thought that nothing could bang me away like DarkSouls3 this year but man have I been wrong - FF15 is all I was hoping for!
Finished the Story, grinded to lv 99, and now im grinding AP to max out all Skills (thats like the Definition of "exhausting" lol seems endless) - 70 hours in so far and still far from being anything near complete. All those Side Quests are overwhelming, cant wait to challenge the secret dungeons and superbosses (thats why im grinding like crazy lol).
Please SquareEnix- give me DLCs!!!!!!! More More More!!! More Dungeons, Bosses, Story, ALL lol ^^ But first - work on the issues (loading times!!)
I've put about 80 hours into it. I 75% agree with this review/score. I'll say this though, it's similar to XIII in the sense that it establishes the characters and their world. While I did enjoy the story in XIII (probably more than XV), it wasn't until XIII-2 or Lightning Returns that some of the concepts came to fruition. I feel that XV might be similar in that regard. Whether it be in the DLC or XV-2, I think we'll be able to appreciate the story more in the future.
The main reason I say 75% agree is becomes I don't think the combat system is at all engaging. I can't think of an easier Final Fantasy game. There is almost no challenge at all, and when there is, it's because the massive HP pools on some monsters. Most of the time, I'm 'stuck' soloing the endgame stuff since the AI characters are weak (I could talk more about this, but it's not that important). Other than some of the scripted fights, it's just not an exciting combat system in the slightest. I still prefer it over a turn based system since it's more believable, but I'd like to see some depth added in the future DLC/titles.
EDIT: Still my GOTY. I hold Final Fantasy to very high standards. In terms of single player PS4 games, I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a very very long time.
@NathanUC wow 80 hours in a game that's barely a week old !?? I work 60+ hours a week , are some of you on here Premiership footballers !
Wish I had that much time to game , I get about 3 hours a week on the PS4
@MinerWilly Hey, it's 2 weeks old today, that's a respectable 6 hours a day
@MinerWilly I wouldn't say barely a week old, it's been out 2 weeks I had some time off work and made sure I had very little commitments that week. I love me my Final Fantasy! It also helps that I have no children yet
Got it yesterday. I would've got it sooner but I was in Texas for a month. So far I really like it. It conveys its scale and sense of adventure well and has a fantastic eye for detail. It's just full of nice little touches and ideas.
My original fears that I wouldn't like the characters, that they'd be boring, are still holding up, though. 6 or 7 hours in and I still sometimes get their names mixed up. No one has done anything interesting or with any personality. Well, there are little things like how Promptis fancies Cindy (who wouldn't?) and how Gladios catches the coin that's thrown at Noct in a very bodyguardy way. But really, they feel like generic NPCs that I've hired to follow me around like you can do on, say, Pillars of Eternity. The story so far is just "drive over there so a man you don't know can marry a woman you haven't even seen".
That said, I do have patience and will happily stick with it. It's just that if I'd been playing FFVII for 6-7 hours I'd have experienced all that amazing stuff up to leaving Midgar and may even be at Junon. So much story and character development. In XV I've got my car fixed and driven to a pier where a man threw a coin at my head.
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