Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto is the second downloadable character episode for Square Enix's action role-playing release. Filling in yet another gaping hole in the main game's story, the two-or-so-hour journey plops you in the snow-filled shoes of Prompto as he attempts to reunite with Noctis and the boys after ending up in a frozen wasteland.
Much like the previous escapade, Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto tries to inject its pasty hero with some depth. It features a handful of cutscenes that provide a little more insight into the game's most useless party member, and while the featured exposition is disjointed at best, it's what we've come to expect of Final Fantasy XV's storytelling.
Dialogue often feels mismatched and there's still way too much gasping and panting going on, but Prompto at least goes through some sort of character development. By the time it's all over, Prompto's been fleshed out just enough to give you renewed appreciation of his plight and his role within Noctis' party.

Unfortunately, the episode really struggles to offer a compelling gameplay concoction. Gladio's adventure was repetitive and rather dull, but its weighty combat was serviceable and acted as a decent foundation for some exciting boss encounters. Conversely, this episode's mix of unsatisfying third-person shooting, an unreliable cover system, and clumsy melee attacks result in a frustrating mess of mechanics.
Episode Prompto certainly boasts more gameplay variety than its predecessor, but most of it feels half-baked. The scrawny teen can pick up and use various weapons ranging from automatic rifles to rocket launchers, but as alluded, the actual gunplay never really clicks. You can riddle enemies with bullets but they'll barely react, and it doesn't help that many foes have overly large health bars.
The DLC throws in some slightly open exploration for good measure, but again, it's a component that lacks quality. Prompto can hop on and off a snowmobile and partake in a few hastily built side quests, but there are no notable rewards for doing so, and the snowy environment itself doesn't house any particularly interesting secrets.

What's more, we ran into several annoying bugs while riding the snowmobile. Our first involved a seemingly random loading screen popping up as we zipped along, and once the interruption was over, we were pelted with enemy missiles from a foe that hadn't even materialised. On top of that, there was a point where we were unable step off the snowmobile, and we also had an issue where the vehicle got lodged in the ground. We were forced to reload our last save on both occasions.
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto plugs another gap in the main game's still woefully disjointed story, but a seriously shoddy mix of gameplay mechanics makes it a difficult DLC to recommend.
Comments 28
Sorry that we're so late with this review. The DLC came out right when I came back from holiday, and then I had a load of other games to cover.
Anyway, it's here now.
I have the season pass for FFXV and I'm still probably not going to play this. One thing I am curious about though, is do these DLC missions slot into the story if you play it from the start organically? Or do they exist as separate entities to fill in the blanks once you've finished the main game?
Looks like this DLC was a.....misfire!
It really is heart-rending how uneven Final Fantasy games have been since XIII. For many of us, this was the series that made us passionate gamers in the first place.
@johncalmc As far as I know you can only access them via the main menu under the 'downloadable content' tab.
Having them separate from the main game definitely makes it all seem even more disjointed, but to be brutally honest, I wouldn't want to play them as part of the story anyway.
@ShogunRok I always thought I might go back and play Final Fantasy XV again once they'd patched it to death and fixed up some story issues, and the DLC slotting nicely into the main game would have been an extra incentive to do that. There's huge gaps in the narrative and the DLC could have fixed that. But if it's not part of it it's less attractive. And if it's rubbish then I guess I'll just wait for the Final Fantasy IX PS4 port.
I enjoyed the gameplay pretty well, but dang did that story feel weird and forced. It was also realllllly short if you don't do any extra exploration.. The thing that annoyed me most were those audio tapes. They could have played them in the background with well timed hallways or something, but no... take a knee for a minute and listen to this audio clip...... it might as well be a loading screen.
Episode Gladioulus was way better and made way more sense.
@ShogunRok again i can see why people would think this but remember FFXV WAS NOCTIS STORY, you saw things from his point of view so why would you play as the others during the times they vanished?
yeah maybe they should have been free updates or included on release but they wasn't and remember while people say it was in development for 10 years it wasn't, first they had to start over once Vs became XV and then they had to scrap the that version because the game engine didn't work and start again, this one was in development 3 years at most
@b1ackjack_ps don't worry it's a decent piece of DLC a 5 or a 6 star rating maybe but Push Square just seem to hate on FFXV for some reason
@FullbringIchigo Can't stand that game: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2016/12/game_of_the_year_2016_4_-_final_fantasy_xv
For $5 it is what it is. I don't hate this game and the patches have definitely helped, but the DLC is in no way a game changer, just a small extra to fill your curiosity for some story gaps. I will say this DLC made me care a tad more for a character I couldn't stand previously.
@get2sammyb i'm not saying it's everyone but most seem to
i'm not saying it's a perfect game, i honestly don't think any game is perfect but it's no where near as bad as some on here make it out to be
Glad they left this out of the main story seems like we could have just used the narrative without the 1/2 baked gameplay ideas
It's about a 6, very little replay though. Then again it's like 3.99 so I didn't expect much.
I really did like this DLC, especially for the cheap price. It tried something new and hey, it isn't perfect but it holds together. Prompto does pant a LOT but his and Aranea's story is interesting and does fill a regrettably large hole in the base game's story. It was a bit confusing when Prompto turned up close to the end of FFXV and he was suddenly a robot.
My issue with these dlc is that they really should have been in the main game. You never would have had a situation in ff 1 - 12 where a character randomly disappears for a while with the events not being covered in the story. For me, this stuff should have been addressed; and the dlc - if they wanted some - should have been focussed on something else. It just feels like assassins creed 2 and the 'animus glitch' which removed two chapters all over again.
As it is, I got the season pass for my birthday, so will still play these bonus chapters, but it still smarts abit. And I LOVED final fantasy 15 for what it was, and had a lot of fun from it.
Not often you see a 4 given.
Some of as on hear have played FF1-12 and in comparison, this game is far from the brilliance the series once was. This game might no be a bad game, but it is a massive disappointment to a lot off us and paves the way for future letdowns. They have stated that the FF7 remake is based off the gameplay of FF15 and that just makes my hole body feel ill.
@Tingle_The_Great The whole FF15 is a misfire. I love FF (replaying ff12 right now and close to platinium) the only thing that this FF has is gorgeous graphics.
@OneArmedGiant can't agree more here. I have played FF 8-10-12 and love them (My preference goes to 8). But FF15 was just a beautiful game. and has very little of a real final fantasy story like 7-8 10 or 12
@atadakimasu I've never played the other FF games (though I do have roms of FFIV and FFVI) and I only played the first five hours of FF15, I liked what I played of it. Im just waiting until square polishes the game a bit more to play more.
I strongly disagree on this one - I liked it way better than Episode Gladio and found it amazing value for its price (less than a Persona 5 costume set) The general consensus is also that is pretty good so maybe there's something in this kind of gameplay that you really don't like...
@atadakimasu @atadakimasu @OneArmedGiant FF15 is great, its my favourite final fantasy since 10 and is actually pretty good.
I understand the story at times is disjointed and the fighting is servicable at best but its still clearly a final fantasy game with loads of secrets, locations, enemies and side missions.
I personally cant wait for ff16 now. Loved my time with ff15 and would take that over mass effect andromeda and fallout 4 all day, every day.
@FullbringIchigo It's not FFXV they hate on, it's Square Enix itself! Most say that FFXV turned out ok for being in development hell for a decade.
Some day the season pass will be on sale and I'll grab all of these.
@OneArmedGiant from what i saw of trailers and the like FFVII Remake looks more like it's based on Kingdom Hearts than FFXV
beside the FFXV game engine isn't bad and with a bit more work could be just fine for FFVII Remake
@RedMageLanakyn yeah and like i said before when you take into account the version we got was only in development for about 3 years after a game engine change, what we got was perfectly fine
could it have been better, of course, though you can say that with any game but the game was good and i really enjoyed playing it and still do enjoy playing it even now
@Bliquid Ahah I thought exactly the same thing for FFXII : the game was under sever bashing for a decade, people saying that "the last good FF was the X". And then I remember that FFX was, also, pointed at as a "linear disaster - dude TRUE FF IS DEAD BUDDY" etc etc...
Personnaly I loved FFXII on Ps2 (the story construction really felt like Star Wars for the first hours of the game) and I'm eager to play the remaster.
But I also really, really LOVED FFXV, who tried to tell its story in a different way. Strangely, I kinda liked the fact that we don't see everything that's going on, that we represent a tiny spot in way more vast conflict. I felt the focus on Noctis ans his buddies was right, cause that's what bring me to tears in the end.
@Bliquid awww that's very sweet! I am currently replaying XII and though it's an incredible game, it's cast just can't find a way into my heart the wa the 4 Bros did. Agreed on ep. Prompto.
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