Republished on Wednesday 29th January 2020: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of February's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
We’re not sure whether they’re brave or stupid, but developers will insist on releasing online-only multiplayer games for PlayStation VR. Fortunately for Firewall Zero Hour it’s one of the better attempts yet, but it’s still plagued by the long waiting times that have affected titles like StarBlood Arena and Sparc in the past.
There’s no beating around the bush: First Contact Entertainment has been heavily inspired by Rainbow Six: Siege here. Of course, there are worse muses than Ubisoft’s tactical first-person shooter, and this style of ruthless gameplay feels right at home in virtual reality; you can actively peek out of cover and check your corners, all by acting out the exact same motions you would in real life.

The release has been built with PSVR Aim Controller support in mind, and it’s a pleasure to use Sony’s weapon-shaped peripheral again. There are some tracking issues, but the accessory is represented adequately in 3D space, and aiming down your virtual sights a la Farpoint remains a novelty even after a year and some change. The DualShock 4 is also supported, but it drifts badly and just doesn't provide the same tactile experience.
The gameplay is as merciless as you’d expect it to be, with a narrow time to kill and no respawns. Matches, then, are intoxicatingly tense, as you listen for footsteps and stare out to the distance hoping to get the jump on opponents. Working as a team is essential, and the minuscule community is pleasant and resourceful at this early stage.
But finding allies isn’t as easy as it could be, and the developer has got its work cut-out ensuring that lobbies remain populated moving forwards. There is some token single player content but it comes in the form of training, and you can also play co-op against the uninspiring artificial intelligence, but it’s in four-versus-four competitive battles that the format shines.

Sadly, the studio hasn’t really helped itself. Bouts are limited to single round affairs, meaning you can find yourself dead and buried in 60 seconds flat. While you’re given the opportunity to then help your teammates by observing a camera feed of the map, you’ll be back to the lobby within five, and if anyone quits you’ve got a wait on your hands.
With so much time spent in lobbies, it’d be nice if rounds lasted longer. We like the lack of respawns, but perhaps a best-of-three structure would give you a little more game time before you’re forced back to those irritating wait screens. The delays are at their most infuriating when the host quits and you lose connection to the lobby entirely.
A ranking system and hearty selection of cosmetic unlocks gives you incentive to keep playing beyond the satisfaction of the loop itself, and each of the title’s generic military contractors comes with a unique ability, such as an additional hand grenade or extra magazine of ammunition. You can even unlock a second perk, allowing you to personalise your protagonist a bit.

The character art is as nondescript as it comes, with each “personality” coming with a paragraph of lore designed to explain their backstory. We appreciate the effort, but the environments are the visual standouts, providing claustrophobic but nicely detailed backdrops for you to shoot up. A rain-slicked shipyard is a particular highlight, but they all look decent if a little empty.
The best part about the game is how it allows you to interact with your teammates intuitively using gestures with the motion controls. You can, for example, nudge your weapon forward and nod to demonstrate which direction you’re moving, and it’s all tracked and reflected in-game. It's a bit janky, but the virtual reality really does add a lot to this type of experience.
But if it can’t cultivate a community, then it’s all going to be for nothing. The technical issues can be cleaned up with a bit of server maintenance and a patch – heck, even the annoyingly short rounds can be solved with an update or two. But if there aren't enough people playing then it has nothing else to offer, and we’re sceptical even at this early stage.
There’s no doubt that Firewall Zero Hour’s tactical combat works well in virtual reality – in fact, the fledgling medium adds a lot to this FPS, allowing you to naturally gesture to teammates and intuitively check your corners in a way you couldn’t on a standard display. But while there are some structural and technical issues that we have confidence First Contact Entertainment will be able to fix, it’s the question marks over its community that make it a tough sell. It’s a catch-22 situation that’s unfortunate for everyone involved, but it’s something that the developer would have been aware of when it embarked on creating an online-only multiplayer shooter for an install base of a few million headsets. Good as the game may be, it's something you need to keep in mind as well.
Comments 101
Though I get what you're saying, I still find it a bit unfair. Bad reviews for a potentially small userbase will ensure the userbase will never be anything but small.
I've seen a good bit of player feedback about the game, and other people have mentioned having no problems with tracking. It may be your setup (too many light-sources in the room?).
Also, like Naruball said, it seems unfair to mark the game down for something out of its control, and especially since the game's only been out a day and a bit. I'm still waiting for my copy in the post!
@klog60 @naruball I get where you're both coming from but it's not really our job to sell people games, it's to inform, and I think Sammy's made a very valid point. If people are buying this game they need to be aware of the potential player numbers.
@klog60 Tracking is okay with the PSVR Aim Controller (although there’s some minor drift). I thought it was sub-par with the DualShock 4.
Both playable, although I think the Aim Controller works better and is more fun.
Been a long time lurker here, but I had to comment on this review...
While I agree with most of it (no tracking issue here, but some adjustment like a best of 3 would make it even better), I don’t feel the score reflects this game quality...
On my side, I’m having a blast and I hope the developper continues to support it.
Hopefully, the high Metacritic user score will convince PSVR users to jump in!
@KorsaRaph Thanks for registering! I should probably add that 6/10 on our site is above average and still a game we enjoyed.
I know on other sites a 6/10 is a catastrophe, but it’s very much ‘Not Bad’ here. And I do think this happens to be a good 6/10, which I hope the text reflects.
Sure, I get that you're informing people that they should be aware of player numbers, but the devs can't choose how many people play the game. They can only make it and hope it's received well.
The 6 just seems very harsh to me, especially at this early stage when the game has just been released and the player-base could still be growing.
Glad to be part of some gaming community... last one was 3DRealms forum (mostly for DNF, been burnt out I guess)!
Yeah, I know it’s above average... I’m here everyday and mostly agree about any reviews of games I own (a lot).
The tone and score for this one felt was quite off from what I expected. But such multiplayer game experience varies more from people to people!
To me, it’s a good 8!
I can’t believe I actually created an account on this site for this but here we go
This review is misleading at best and misconduct at worst.
It honesty reads like you didn’t even play it and watched a few videos. You give no details about anything that couldn’t be learned by playing videos. It’s insanely fun, people are saying their favorite gaming experience ever on on reddit.
How is VR a fledgling medium? It’s a $250 peripheral that continues to sell.
This would have been like rating Goldeneye a 9/10 back in the day, because that’s what this game is
@ShogunRok Informing the consumer about that is fine. Focusing so much on that and giving it a lower score is, imho, a self-fulfilled prophesy.
I'm not saying give it a higher score to help it sell (obviously that's not your job). Just don't lower its score because of an assumption.
@Johndyce I mean it is a fledgling medium — it’s still very much early days.
I’m not sure what more you wanted out of the review but I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.
I’m glad people on Reddit are enjoying it but ultimately that’s of no consequence to me. I’m here to share my thoughts not regurgitate those of others.
A small user base is well within the developers control, and seems like a legit complaint, and one that absolutely should be mentioned in reviews. When a developer makes an online, muliplayer VR game it is very predictable that there won't be a lot of people playing it.
Great review! I might finally have to buy an aim controller so I can enjoy this.
If you could only eat three types of cheese for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?
@NYJetsfan123 It pretty much has to be cheddar, mozzarella and parmesan. I don't even like mozzarella that much, but I gotta have pizza.
Good choices.
I myself will go with provolone, mozzarella, and muenster! Gotta love mozzarella and pizza!
Good review. Fair score too. I mean, remember, it wasn't just a small playerbase, but it was the waiting times and small round duration that amplified it. All the waiting sounds miserable.
After my first match, I thought @get2sammyb was nuts and this was a solid 8 maybe 9/10. But now I’ve had nothing but connection issues including right in the middle of shooting an opponent. Which is bringing me to his score of 6/10. If they can fix these server issues and add more game modes then the score should be revisited.
Loving it so far. Amazing gameplay, visuals and overall experience.
I've only played for about 5 hours but if I was to score it, I would give it an 8-9. For me, it's right up there with the best VR games so far.
I'm playing on a Pro with the Aim controller. No tracking issues so far.
I actually just sign up because I thought your review was actually unfair. You might as well doom any multiplayer on VR to a score of 6 if straight out of the gate if the technical limitations of the platform and the number of users adopting it so far are judged more importantly than the gameplay, which is like you said only can be achieved in VR.
I made an account just to respond to this review.
I strongly disagree with your score of 6, this game deserves a solid 8.
Ive played this game for around 10 hours so far and the gameplay is amazing, sure theres room for improvment more modes and a few fixes.
The tracking issues are to do with your set up and lighting not the game.
You gave Bravo team 5 and this game gets one more point a 6??
Bravo team was completely unplayable and deserved a 2 , i took the game back same day it was so bad.
Firewall is a great game and i hope terrible reviews like this dont put people off, ive spoke to at least 30 differnt people within the game all love it and saying how amazing the game is.
Bravo team -5
now that is a joke and proves this review is way off.
Also i havnt had any long waits between matches, around a min and back into the action, the matches are quick tense and fun in a good squad, keeps u coming back for more.
I too felt it necessary to create an account to chime in. Terribly unfair to mark a game down for the idea that it MIGHT not have a lot of users. If it happens it happens. Its worth mentioning but it shouldnt affect the score of the game.
yep definitely an unfair score, ive never responded to a review in my life but this seems just way off to me.
It's great to see all the constructive feedback in the comments. Definitely keeping this game on my radar now
@get2sammyb unfair review - reads like you've marked them down for potentially having empty lobbies. As other's have said it's a valid concern but there's loads of people online right now, and your score is on metacritic :/
If you're getting drift you need to look at changing your setup - there's plenty of help to be had online here.
[inserts popcorn gif]
Whether you agree with the review or not, welcome to the site, newcomers!
I've made a new account just to comment on this review. All I can say is we should respect the opinion of the review but a whole lot of people have said this is the best game to come to any VR headset, so that can only be a good thing for VR !!
Yeah this absolutely should have a single player component. I dont get on my vr often enough that it is likely the community will have dwindled by the time i get around to this.
I have actually bought the game in the pack bundled with an aim controller just because i needed an excuse to pick one of those up (although amazon have let me down and are now estimating delivery tomorrow...) but that is largely so i can get the most out of farpoint - and hopefully start enjoying Doom VfR. Hopefully i will get an opportunity to enjoy this though
I do respect sammys opinion and ive enjoyed many of his reviews.
But in my opinion i think hes way off in this review, when Bravoteam gets 5 and Firewall gets a slightly higher score of 6.
Ive had no problem waiting to get into games only a min or two and gives u the chance to adjust your loadout if u want to.
Shame to see drift is still an issue (with what is essentially still PS Move),
drift isnt the game causing the problem.
drift is caused by your lighting and your set up
ive tested this in different rooms under different conditions with the camera at different heights on different games
Would be interesting to see a 2nd opinion on this one from another member of the team. Just to get a different perspective.
PSVR.. death by a thousand bad reviews... especially from this site...
the aim controller has drifted on every game so far,it depends on camera distance and lighting and calibration.
ive spent a lot of hours trying different things with good and bad results.
"6/10 - not bad"
"What?! How can you say it's bad???"
It seems the player base has spent more time in this comment section than the actual game
the game has great graphics
great sound amazing guns sounds
amazing gameplay and a blast to play
room for improvement yes, more modes etc.
For me an 8 out of 10, everyone ive spoke to is saying 8 or 9 out of 10.
They've nailed everything bar host migration and having more than one round per session. Something that I'm sure will be cleaned up with patches.
Criticising a game because it might not have a user base is one the silliest things I've heard. It's not the game's fault!
It's more to do with marketing and sales which essentially means that the criticism is aimed at the marketing budget for the game!!
Another thing that can kill a game is giving it a lowish score so this review ironically becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
A 6 is slightly above average score. I really can't see how a game that is one of the if not the best FPS in VR is "slightly above average".
Tracking issues have more to do with individual setups. The developers can only implement things within the limitations of the hardware and also have to contend with less than ideal setups. I've had zero issues with tracking because I know how to set the thing up as a result tracking is excellent in the game for me.
Very disappointed in the criticisms of the game in this review since it doesn't reflect the experience I've had with the game.
I personally agree with ehat people are saying. This game is NOT a 6/10 when Bravo team is 5/10. Everyone is saying at least 8,9/10. You shouldn't lower the score (that is on metacritic!) because of an asumption?! Of course you should mention it but don't doom a great game because of it. I am sorry for the developers who surely did a great job with this vr multiplayer shooter... I should mention that I think normally Sammy is a GREAT writer and reviewer so this suprised me a lot.
The thing is, I kinda liked Bravo Team. 😬
@poorhorse Not to be rude or anything but at the end of your comment you said "Very disappointed in the criticisms of the game in this review since it doesn't reflect the experience I've had with the game" isn't that the point of a review though to hear about another individuals experience with the game?
sammy bravoteam was a very poor quality game.
Even the developers said in a recent interview the game suffered during its production.
I found it completely unplayable ,dull graphics terrible gameplay and everything was out of proportion ,absolute terrible game deserved no more than a 2,most reviews were really low and some didnt even score it.
I took it back and got a refund on the same day.
@SKC_Diamond Yeah, that's understood but it doesn't preclude my right to reply.
It wasn't my intention to be rude or anything but it's hard to reconcile the views of the reviewer with my personal experience.
Ultimately it's one subjective view vs. another. Not the end of the world.
I'm not a journalist, but it's obvious to me that the developers here have taken a step forward to help with VR growth and should be commended. Every multiplayer game has the risk of a dwindling player base hanging over it. This is another review that doesn't give the VR component enough appreciation. In this case, the VR component is everything. People getting this game want a tactical, immersive FPS. Pretty much everyone who has played it seems to think it does.
I'm losing faith in mainstream critics. I honestly believe that some critics just don't seem qualified to review certain games. VR is a separate platform and should be reviewed as such by people who are fans of the medium. It seems that Pushsquare are only one step away from the 'I suffer from motion sickness in VR so it gets a 2/10' group of critics.
6/10 is really going to drag down the Metascore for this game, which unfortunately is a measure a lot of people use at a glance. I believe Pushsquare are aware of this and have scored the game knowing it will create attention. Going by your review standards, a 7/10 would have been more reasonable. Hiding behind the excuse that it's 'subjective' shows that you don't understand the balance of subjective/objective opinion that a review requires.
PS. I don't own the game, so my reaction goes to show how far off from the general response your opinion is. A review site should give the reader insight into making an informed purchase. I came here for that information and it’s left me wanting to look elsewhere because you have completely missed the point. I hope you find that important balance readers need to have confidence in what you write.
Can't help but disagree on all the negative comments on this review. If you read the text and not just focus on the score, the text states that MP rounds are short, and if players drop out or host disconnects you can have a lot of wait time in lobbies. The matches are also quite short.
Personally, for a game where the install base is naturally going to be very low and there is little other worthwhile content, the impact is going to be significant. The gameplay can be great but if you are stuck in lobbies waiting for games then obviously not.. A review looks at the complete package.
@Rudy_Manchego Like Counter Strike right?
@BlueW1zard guess that depends on Pushsquare's review for Counter Strike...
@NYJetsfan123 I would choose cheddar, camembert, and margherita.
@OneManDroid We're easily one of the biggest supporters of PSVR on the web. I don't know how you can say that.
@pspro I always play in the same setting. There's very minor drift with the PSVR Aim Controller and more with the DualShock 4. It's not game breaking at all in my experience and I found the tracking to be generally fine, just worth pointing out.
@BlueW1zard You haven't played the game but you know better than someone who has? Is that correct? Like I said earlier in the thread, if you felt you didn't get the information you needed out of the review then I'm always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Just a note that I updated the conclusion to say "catch-22" as suggested in the comments. That makes more sense.
@get2sammyb ... when 90% of the PSVR games on here rock in at the 5/6 mark scoreline (Moss gets a '7' FFS), regardless of how many you review - the 1000-word limit and general PSVR apathy really isn't helping it much... what were the hours played on this? This review feels rushed to be one of the first out there to give it a 'meh' rating...
@LaNooch1978 Yes.
@OneManDroid Several hours were played, although admittedly I spent most of them sitting in a lobby. I tried all the modes, saw all the maps, and explored all the customisation options. There's not much else to do.
I just don't know how you can accuse us of VR apathy when I'm like one of its biggest fans. But I can't inflate review scores just because I personally like it. You'll notice I recently gave my favourite games of all time in Shenmue a "lowly" 7/10. That's because even though I absolutely adore them, they shouldn't be scoring higher than that.
@Rudy_Manchego My point being that Counter Strike has very simple gameplay and limited game modes yet it is considered to be one of the best online only FPS games ever created, and is reviewed as such. I can't be certain, but I'll hazard a guess that it doesn't get pulled apart based on its future player base and it's lack of modes.
On another note, you could argue that the VR element is that significant in Firewall that all other non-VR FPS games are really shallow and lack immersion.
@LaNooch1978 You would be correct! I think it's because all sites work on different scales that it muddies the waters, but there's nothing you can do about that.
@get2sammyb - I genuinely think if reviewers on this site spent more time playing the games (several hours, on an MP game like this just released really isn't enough - it needs a good week or so after release - as only hardcore purchasers are going to buy this day one - so of course lobbies will be quieter at the start) and less time defending their poor scores in the comments section (let us not forget the recent review which will remain nameless, deal of the week though if you're interested, with the first comment being from the reviewer defending their poor score...) - then everyone would be happier... :/ get rid of this ridiculously low-word count rule... off-topic a minute, but insane robots review on here was awful - it told the reader NOTHING of the game or how it works - I had to read other review sites just to get a flavour of how it played, presumably due to the arbitrary word limit... and I do think this is stunting reviewer scores / opinions...
@OneManDroid Like I said, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the game here in the comments if you don't feel the review adequately explained something you wanted to know.
@get2sammyb No, I don't know better than somebody who has played the game. That's not the point I was trying to make and didn't and mean to give that impression. However, my point still stands in that you have rated a game much lower than pretty much everyone else that has played it so far. Every single snippet of feedback I have seen has commended the game for its efforts, and VR gameplay.
What I do know is that your opinion is both polarising and also what appears to be in a tiny minority. As a reader this concerns me, especially when it comes to making an informed decision based on what the critics think.
So, with that in mind (and being aware that I don't know any better than you) I am best to avoid getting it because you make it sound bad.
Thanks for the review, the game sounds like a complete nightmare. I might see what the other reviewers say first though, just in case.....
@BlueW1zard "Thanks for the review, the game sounds like a complete nightmare."
I'm just not sure how you've inferred that from the review, but appreciate you reading and commenting all the same.
@get2sammyb I was exaggerating. I will change it to: You make the game sound like a mediocre FPS with some little cool elements regarding gestures in VR but unfortunately you spend too much time in lobbies etc...
I have made some valid points and you respond to this part?
Most other people that have played it are saying that although it has some things that need tweaking/patching, what they have done right is absolutely brilliant and the whole experience in VR has been done really well making is one of the best VR titles available.
Like I said, tiny minority.
if the reviewer was having a hard time finding matches on launch that is something definitely worth being a major factor in the final score of the review but review a game as it is not what it could be in the future for good or for bad. the present state of the online community got less time in the review than musings about what whether there will be a online community a year from now and that isn't really helpful information.
This review is an all-time low for Push Square. Clearly a review to cause controversy. Ever other VR site/you tubers has given it overwhelmingly good feedback. It’s by far one of the best looking, most immersive, realistic shooters on the PSVR to date. Firstly this is a review written by someone who clearly hasn’t set their PSVR cameras and controllers up correctly. How can drift be the game developers fault? Yes it has it's issues, but it’s been out two days and they WILL be fixed with the first patch, like practically ever other game ever made in the last 15 years. ‘The best part about the game is how it allows you to interact with your teammate’s intuitively using gestures with the motion controls’ - Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable thing to say. For anyone interested in the game, check out the huge number of meta critics user scores which currently ranks an average 9.2. Don’t listen to this clown. Deserves an 8/10 minimum in its current state.
@MajorT It does make you wonder.
@get2sammyb - Hi Sammy, I think when People see a Six, they perceive a just above Average Game, where a Seven begins to edge towards a good game - Instead of having to comment - "It was a Good Six" would be better with a % Score, where a Good Six would be 66% or above -
No doubt this has been discussed before, but thought it worth a mention
Who has the time to make so many bogus accounts just to cry at Sammy?? He's not gonna change the score whether you like it or not. Move on dude...
@Eternallover21 it already is strong. Never failed to get a game yet.
The review reads much higher than a 6/10, but what I'm very confused about is Bravo Team got a 5/10. Extremely bizarre. You gave Brave Team that score BEFORE the big patch it recently received as well, which makes it even more strange. Having played both games extensively, my mind is completely boggled that the scores are even remotely close.
@Ackbar7 Is cheddar considered cheese? You should ask a swiss person for the answer
I think it's great when gamers give their opinions and question articles/reviews. Which are also opinions. I just wish they always remain respectful and I hope the author doesn't take it personally. It's also great that S takes time to reply and address the feedback. You should encourage this sort of discussion instead of downplaying it.
@JJ2 Yep, I'm happy for the discussion. Like you say, the review is just my opinion and everyone else has their own view. That's great — it's what the comments section is for!
@get2sammyb @LaNooch1978
Made an account to disagree with this review as well. I've had little trouble finding games (3 to 5 minutes once being the longest wait) and the 1 minute wait time (plus loadings) between games is not a big deal. Game deserves an 8 at least. It's very fun to play and the best MP PVP VR game yet.
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy, I am really happy we have a great discussion here but is it a bit strange that so many accounts are being made to comment on this review? I personally agree that this game deserves a lot more but I can't help to question if all of these are legitimate accounts. It seems a little strange that so many new accounts appeared but if my suspicion is wrong it is great that our community is getting so much bigger every day
@YeYa They seem to be legit so I’m assuming the review got shared somewhere.
@get2sammyb got shared somewhere?! Meta Critic being one of the largest review sites on the planet! People like me visit that site to see what the critics have said about a game and base their purchase somewhat on the overall view. Thankfully in this case your review is a standout from practically everyone else's. That's where I saw it and that's why I came here like so many others, and felt I needed to register just to give my opinion. Hopefully people reading this review will scroll down your comments section and see that a much larger proportion of people are loving it as opposed to your own single experience.
@TrickyDicky99 have you played it?
Although it interesting o hear a different point of view from what seems to be the general consensus that this game is excellent and will probably be a milestone in the development of VR fps, I too agree that it is unfair to penalise it because the player base MIGHT be small at the beginning. From what I can see up until now it actuality seems to be a very enthusiastic community of grown up people, which is nice.
@MajorT It's just an opinion don't forget. It's a good job it's not an opinion that will influence game purchases....... Wait.
@debbio1642 Luckily, we seem to entering an age of where professional game critics are mearly offering their opinion that no longer has any objective weight to it.
Maybe we're wrong and once all the reviews come out a 6/10 is the average, but I doubt it.
I’m reminded of a review of a certain racing game and a peripheral steering wheel ...😜
@TrickyDicky99 Isn't it also a professional opinion?
Like visiting your financial advisor, or taking advise from a car expert regarding a certain model, or even going to your doctor?
When all the other expert opinions are saying the opposite, when would somebody's credibility be questioned?
If it's all 'just opinion' then why even have game critics?
Hey, it's just my opinion.
@TrickyDicky99 So you've not played it then, and the reason why I know that is because if you had then you'd understand why so many people chose to come on here and complain about it. Push Square is a site considered worthy enough to appear on Meta Critic, so yeah I think they have a responsibility to be fair and this review just isn't based on what he's clearly marked it down for. Reviews that appear on metacritic can have an impact on a game developers studio and even the sale of hardware for a company. I don't know about Reddit? I've never been on it. Yeah it is a free country so I'm also entitled to my opinion which a vast amount of other posters agree with. Just buy it and tell me I'm wrong.
@BlueW1zard Any reviewer claiming to be objective is bogus. It’s all subjective and opinions. You objectively can’t be objective in a game review. The only thing seperating us and most critics is being able to elegantly write it out, and sometimes familiarity with the subject, but I’m pretty versed here as well so that’s not an advantage here. Sometimes they’ll have a education in art and recognizing what that means, but not always.
@Jaz007 I appreciate what you're saying and I am aware that reviews should be written with objective opinion first.
The objectivity element best describes the technicalities, performance, optimisation, content etc, some of which were covered on this review. The subjectivity is best used to describe the excitement, pace, learning curve and general feeling of the game.
However, what seemed to come out of it all was a general feeling of the game being annoying, with tracking issues and long wait times. It then gets a lower score due to possible future player numbers.
All this talk about 'personal views' and actual objective gameplay reviews, reminds me of the complaints, which I made against PushSquare's review of Warhammer 40,000: Space Hulk, here...
and here...
Don't worry about it, they have form and are repeat offenders. Only the loss of advertisement (if they carry on, in this manner), will prompt them to change their ways.
@BlueW1zard What? I said reviews can’t be objective. There’s no such thing as an objective opinion. They literally are opposite things. Sure, the review will objectively inform you it’s a FPS, but every word used to describe it beyond that is subjective. Read the description or do to Digital Foundry if you want an objective review. The problem with the player numbers is that the games waiting time makes it a notable issue. It works against solving the issue. It was very reasonable.
This review is a travesty. This should be hung in a museum as a masterpiece of delivering "mayhaps" speculation and misinformation. This game sits at the top of PSVR Mount Rushmore.
This site has hit a new low since they changed their name. Who wrote this Sammy? "Methink'st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee"... at this magnificent game.
@pspro Wait,bravo team got a 5 and this gem got a 6? Jesus take the wheel.
When a lot of sites started dropping "scores" I thought it was a bad idea, but with the way of the internet these days, it's actually a pretty good idea. Haha.
At the end of the day, Sammy thought it was an average game, I'm sure there are plenty of others that will agree with that, as there will be plenty that don't agree.
Opinions are just that.
The only crazy thing about the review is that Bravo Team got a 5 and Firewall only got a 6. I was really looking forward to Bravo Team but it failed in almost every way. For me it was one of the most disappointing VR games so far. Firewall however, is right up there with the best VR games.
But then that's just my opinion. Haha.
The other problem, that's pretty unique to VR reviews, is the experiences can vary massively from person to person. Everyone has a different setup and different lighting which can effect your experience. Not to mention the comfort factor. That can have a huge impact on the overall experience, therefore effecting the final review score.
Unfortunately for VR, getting people to actually try the game is one of the biggest hurdles.
Maybe more demos need to be thrown onto the stores.
Exciting to be post #101, almost created an account just for that @TrickyDicky99 @KorsaRaph @HipstersTears @YeYa @BlueW1zard and others; I personally prefer to check "VR Game Critic" when it comes to VR reviews at least. They are fully dedicated to VR games and more often than not provide a better overall picture than metacritic (for this game they already got 8 reviews as of me typing this).
Might not agree to all you say @get2sammyb in this case, but overall when seen next to various critics it's providing another opinion which deserves to be heard.
@TronS thanks for the suggestion - I firmly believe people should read multiple reviews if they want to get a broad opinion or are unsure, so VR Game Critic looks like a good source.
According to their publication overview: https://vrgamecritic.com/publication/1006 it says Push Square "scores -7.8 points lower than other media on average" based on the 100 point scale. So on our scale, that's less than 1 point off the average score.
That suggests to be that we're broadly inline with the general consensus on average, which is what I would expect.
I wonder if, in the light of the many comments this review received, they will be ready to reconsider their mark. Also I can say that the community they were so worried about is fantastic (full of grown-up collaborative guys who are all excited by the game and don't mind when they lose) and I would never trade it with the overblown community of Fortnite (just to say one).
... played it all weekend, zero waiting in lobbies (always packed) - what an awesome game... woefully reviewed here... it deserves another 1-2 points added on... especially as one of the main issues was long wait times... (which if the review had been done over a week or so and with decent play times - this would have been seen as inaccurate) :/
@get2sammyb no disrespect but I think you f*cked up the score pretty hard.
The game may have its issues but a 7 if not an 8 would have been a fair score. It may have its flaws and most of them are fixable but first of all its fun!
This game is what PSVR needs to get people invested and obviously gamers choose to, regarding the overall scores, videos and chitchat around the interwebs ...
I also created a new account just to comment on this review. I'm not interested in arguing opinions, but this review is simply unprofessional on several levels.
1. The reviewer based his score on his opinion of other PSVR games as far as the size of the playerbase is concerned. Since FWZH is the first game of this kind, this doesn't seem warranted - and the actual que times are definitely proving the author wrong so far. I've been playing for at least 8 hours every day since the release and I haven't bumped into the same player twice unless I queued with him. I've seen several people who got level 20+ on day 2. They were basically playing for 30+ hours straight. This wouldn't be possible if what the reviewer said about player numbers was right.
2. The reviewer focused more on the platform in question than on the game itself. I'm pretty sure that PSVR owners don't need Sammy to tell them that their community is smaller than the pancake PS4 community, or that playing multiplayer PSVR games involves some waiting. The review does not contain any information pertaining to FWZH's performance in terms of traffic when compared with other PSVR games. Consequently, the reviewer ends up reviewing PSVR as a whole instead of reviewing FWZH as a PSVR game.
3. Just a minor gripe, but the term "ranking system" implies that there's an ELO system in place, which isn't the case, at least the moment.
Given the fact that the review simply missed its mark and doesn't discuss the game itself, as it is, I'm not even surprised about the score. I mean yeah, PSVR is, at best, a 6/10 multiplayer platform. However, FWZH is definitely not a 6/10 PSVR game.
Really enjoying this when it works ... I was last man standing, stormed the base and eliminated 4 (no less) grizzly lookin' Middle Eastern "contractors" ... revelling in glory and eagerly anticipating the hoorahs from my cohorts, I was dismayed to find that the host had pulled the plug, my comrades were gone and I got ZERO XP!! Something fishy bout this!
Surprised this game has had little to no exposure. For a release I thought was eagerly anticipated, hardly any of the sites are reviewing it. Maybe a reduced price for first week couldve attracted a larger community. Would suggest a Rocket League PS Plus thing but not sure even that would work on such a comparatively small user base of headset owners. The potential is definitely there and when it works its really tense.
I've been playing this game for last few days and I think review score is way off the mark. For a game that is "6" I've had absolute blast with it. Metacritics user scores are way much higher. There are over 100 comments here. Giving low score for low user base is unacceptable. Thumbs down for this game review.Obviously hundreds of players cannot be wrong but one Pushsquare reviewer can ? Even other professional game reviews seems to not agree with Pushsquare. It is this site vs everyone else. I feel sorry for the developers who take risks and are not being appreciated and average review score being artificially pull down because of one person mistake.
@LaNooch1978 They are both really good!
Had to create an account just to say how "Off the mark" this review is. You pay alot of attention to areas that are relatively small and dont celebrate the achievement of the things the game does, enough.
Saying the best part of the game are the gestures? Not a single person has used this in any of the games in the way you speak of, its just not an accurate statement at all, you can't even see those gestures all that clearly, voice comms is what is most used.
I have played for about 10 hours or so and there are issues that need dealing with like disconnecting. But the games are mostly full and wait times are limited to the menu loading and games themselves, not waiting for players.
The community is very active and full of polite individuals who just want to have fun, this is so refreshing to see, yet none of this is mentioned? You pickup on the fact the the playerbase is small but in reality, that doesn't appear to be all that accurate.
The credibility of the site will diminish with inaccurate reviews and poor focus in parts of the game.
@get2sammyb I've enjoyed all of your video reviews. This review seems so "objectively" unfair that I felt compelled to create an account to post my criticisms.
Too much of your review focused on a downgrade in score because of matchmaking issues or the assumption that the existing PSVR userbase would not sustain the game. If possible, were you to revisit the game today, you would find a lot of community support and increasing player numbers. I've played maybe 50 hours, and after the v1.03 patch was released to address squad matchmaking, the lobbies are always full. Within 2 minutes max, I'm in another game with players from all over the world, and I also notice many new players are joining or buying the PSVR specifically for this game. If anything, this might be the game that actually popularises multi player VR FPS.
In my opinion, having played games for 35 years, Firewall is in one of the VR genre-defining games for FPS. Success in the game relies on exploiting the incredible 3D audio, blind-firing, requirement to actually chat with teammates (not gestures), careful coordinated strategy, etc. The seamless integration of the Aim controller to allow intuitive free movement, tied to the aiming down sights, and the ability to look around independently to cover blind spots... it's unlike any other game that exists at the moment (PCVR does not have a gun peripheral...). This is multiplayer VR magic captured in a bottle.
Aiming down sights versus using a laser for hip-firing.. these are core gameplay decisions that each player needs to make, and it's extremely well balanced, with the laser allowing for rapid target acquisition at the expense of giving away your position to enemies. Even grenades have different pros and cons, e.g. frags do more damage and can roll further or bounce off walls; impact grenades explode on impact but are less powerful and are less useful if you need to clear a room by throwing a grenade around a corner.
I cannot commend enough the amount of balancing the developers have achieved to give variety and depth to gameplay based on a very solid game engine. The perks/skills actually allow for extremely varied gameplay styles that each player can develop. When skills are paired correctly specific loadouts, there is a lot of depth to this game.
And this is one of the key factors that I feel is missing from your review.
I'm absolutely ok with everyone having an opinion, but you don't seem to be giving enough credit on how polished and balanced the game mechanics are.
Furthermore, the PSVR in-game Firewall community is also extremely friendly. This is an incredibly important point because many PC shooters end up very toxic. The actual design decision by the devs keeps communication live only between teammates, which fosters the positive vibes and encouragement. Even the lobby has been designed to encourage players to chat...(as explained by devs). The scoring system also encourages teamwork above everything else. The need to attend to cameras after you die keep players involved and contributing... overall, the game design is extremely well thought out to nurture team bonding.
Separately, most players mention no or minimal motion sickness, which is an important achievement by the devs that should be recognized and applauded.
Overall, to me this is game that achieves a Goldeneye-like paradigm shift in VR FPS gaming. It's a 10/10 despite some areas it needs to improve upon...
... and this comes from a player who doesn't particularly enjoy FPS! To mark this game as a 6/10 just doesn't do the game justice.
A patch or servers sorting out would make this game more enjoyable. Spent money only to sit around in lobbies or lose game because host has left and can't join a part of a party. Needs sorting or us small members of the VR community will leave for pastures new
What are your thoughts on re-reviewing games?
I imagine when this game arrives on ps+ next week that empty lobbies should no longer be an issue and as I understand it, the game received numerous patches giving quality of life improvements since it's arrival.
So assuming an influx of new players doesn't overburden the servers and everything goes smoothly, it might make for quite a different experience now.
I can't think of anything else to say. Sorry.
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