Forager is a wonderfully apt name for this curious adventure game. Not only does it tell you immediately what you'll be doing - foraging for resources with which to build up the world - it also hints at the game's many borrowed elements. It's a potent mix of classic action games and the gathering/crafting/farming trend that's been so prevalent in recent years. However, while this quirky title makes use of tried and tested ideas, it differentiates itself by combining those ideas and distilling them down into something that feels much simpler.
At least, it starts simply. Controlling a little white character and provided with no explanation, you begin the game on a small patch of land with a pickaxe and a dream. After a fast and loose tutorial, you'll have built yourself a furnace with which you can build new materials. Get used to holding down Square, as you'll be doing so a lot in order to mine resources from trees, rocks, enemies, and a huge number of others. What you then do with these resources is largely up to you.
Things escalate as you discover more and more materials and build up your own little world. Once you rack up enough money, you can purchase new spots of land; what they contain is a mystery until you buy them. It's important to note the game isn't just about crafting goodies and earning dosh -- there are quests to complete, treasures to find, and enemies to fight. You can cook, fish, farm, explore dungeons, craft better equipment, and unlock a huge array of game-changing skills.
Thanks to simple controls and near constant progression, this can quickly become unbelievably addictive. There's a lot more to Forager than meets the eye. Save for some occasionally fiddly controls, this is a pleasant surprise indeed.
Comments 9
Hello! We're introducing a new review format — mini reviews. This is an evolution of Indie Bin; instead of lumping together smaller games, we're now going to give them their moment to shine in shorter reviews like this one.
Also new are pros and cons, which you'll likely see on all our reviews going forward
Any questions about Forager, copy me in.
@JoeBlogs Enemy movements are erratic and the controls can make it tricky to target them properly. The upshot is that you don't necessarily have to do much fighting at all — the open ended nature of the game means you can largely ignore that side of things if you want.
@Quintumply I love this new format!
@Quintumply really like the new format
Off topic.
Will you guys be reviewing age of wonders planetfall?
@Frigate Part of why it's so addictive is because you can make progress pretty quickly. It does become a bit of a grind as you get further into it, but it's not bad really.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the mini review format To be clear, our regular reviews are very much still a thing — this is just a new way for us to cover smaller games too.
@suikoden The answer is possibly! 🤣
Yay thank god for starting to review smaller games here. Indies make up 95% of my purchases and they fill up the store but get no mention here. Nothing bores me more than super realistic open world cutscene slogs with no game action other than shooting people in the head. Gimme a fun fast Indie all day everyday over that.
@Quintumply Really like it keep up the good work. 😃👍
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