The corest of core PlayStation fans caterwauled for more of Kat and crew, and Japan Studio has delivered in abundance: Gravity Rush 2 is a much, much bigger iteration of Keiichirō Toyama's physics defying favourite – and while it's still far from purr-fect, it's hard to deny that its heart is in the right place. This stylish superhero sequel is guaranteed to take existing enthusiasts on an entertaining upside-down ride, while it may pick up a few new stragglers along the way.
As far as follow-ups go, though, this one (gravity) falls into the bracket of evolution rather than revolution. The contrary yet kind-hearted main character largely has access to the same suite of abilities as in the original, meaning that you'll once again find yourself floating through colourful worlds, kicking orange-eyed foes named Nevi into the metaphorical litter tray. As the campaign progresses you'll unlock two new superpower styles, though these don't fundamentally change the way the game plays.

Why fiddle with a winning formula, right? Well, because the largely untweaked combat still feels like the weak link in what is otherwise a very strong series. While the open world traversal – which sees you altering the flow of gravity in order to clumsily "fly" from destination to destination – is among some of the best that the industry has to offer, Gravity Kicking those who stand in your way can take real patience at times. And that's despite improvements to the way that the lock-on works.
The release has regressed in some areas, too: the gem collection aspect that was so compulsive in the original has been pared back in order to make way for new activities, while the skill tree doesn't feel as satisfying to fill in, and collectible modifiers named Talismans don't really lessen the blow. But while these may sound like damning criticisms, it's absolutely worth stressing that the remainder of the package tends to build upon its 2012 predecessor – and for fans of the franchise, that's a good thing.
In fact, you're getting more Gravity Rush than you may have bargained for here. The core campaign itself – which seemingly ends, only to then be extended by a beefy final chapter – will take you a good 20 hours to beat, with dozens upon dozens of side-quests and end-game activities to keep you occupied beyond that. Where the PlayStation Vita original boasted a slender running-time, Japan Studio has absolutely packed this follow-up with content – and there's still a free expansion to come.

You may be forgiven for thinking that, with such a long running-time, the game may rely on padding – and it's true that the mission structure can feel a little formulaic at times. However, the title manages to negate this criticism by keeping the narrative interesting; while it can be hard to follow in places – particularly during the off-the-wall ending hours – the cast never fails to endear itself, and you will fall a little bit in love with every single one of the primary personalities.
This actually extends to the side-quests, which use the title's core systems in intelligent ways. One mission, for example, sees Kat assume the role of a stunt woman, while in another she has to help market a new brand of ice cream. It's light-hearted stuff, and while the moment-to-moment gameplay remains quite rote, the scenarios that are built around the optional activities are strong enough to make you want to see as many as you possibly can.
Of course, as you tick these off, you'll be exploring the expanded world, which encompasses an entire new map. Hekseville does also eventually make a return, though the novelty of seeing the original game's setting rendered in high definition has been reduced by the release of Gravity Rush Remastered. Still, it's the fresh backdrop of Jirga Para Lhao which will thrill; the expansion to the PlayStation 4 means that the world is bigger and busier than ever before, and the bandes dessinées-inspired art really pops.

The soundtrack, too, is a highlight. As was the case in the original, jazz-esque motifs provide the backdrop to the topsy-turvy action, while the title's fictional language – a fusion of French, Japanese, and English – helps to give the setting a foreign yet familiar feeling. If there's any disappointment with the presentation it's that the engine is prone to copious pop-in and texture filtering issues, while the cut-scenes are unforgivably rendered at a sub-HD resolution, resulting in ugly compression artifacts.
It's a strange oversight, because the care exhibited elsewhere in the package is hard to fault. Some sloppy – but, let's be honest, bizarrely obligatory these days – stealth segments aside, there's a real attention to detail here that's indicative of a long and focused development cycle. The final boss battle, for example, may accentuate the shortcomings in the release's camera system, but it goes on and on – ramping up the stakes with each successive bout. And the playable credits sequence is a joy.
There are little flourishes elsewhere that elevate the package, too. A new photography system is both integrated cleverly into missions and used as part of an online component, where you can share your snaps with the world. There are also treasure hunts which see you guiding other players towards landmarks using your camera, while the returning challenges system from the original now has a DriveClub-esque competitive mode where you can invite the rest of the world to beat your best scores.

And this is without even mentioning the new end-game activities like mining – which see you working through some rare and challenging Nevi – and the ability to collect furniture for you to kit out Kat's sewer home with. The gameplay does, at times, creak under the sheer weight of the content that's been created for it, but with so much to interact with – there are even collectibles that you must photograph – there's always something slightly different to do.
Even though the core of Gravity Rush 2 remains largely unchanged, you'll be hard pushed to find a fresher open world title in a sea of Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed clones. Kat's traversal mechanic is still among the most satisfying that the sandbox genre has to offer, and an endearing cast of characters means that you'll actively want to spend time in their world. The combat and mission structure may still be this series' biggest shortcoming, but colourful scenarios mean that you'll stick around long enough to see the sizeable story and its many side-quests through. So, while not everyone will be dazed by what this release has to offer, the sequel should at the very least ensure that existing fans continue singing Kat's chorus.
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Comments 51
Any questions, please just copy me in and I'll attempt to respond to you all.
Nice, wasn't a huge fan of the last one - after collecting so many gems I just began asking myself "why?" I'll get this at some point but not just yet.
I do love Kat though.
I hope to pick-up my preorder soon.
I'm really glad that this is even getting a sequel, looking forward to playing this and Yakuza 0 back to back.
The first installment was my number 1 game on Vita, loved the combat and everything else about it, so will definitely be picking this up after I am done with FFXV, which still requires a serious time investment from me.
Really want to get this but just too many games to play at the moment (including the first one, oops). Will definitely pick it up at some point though.
Pretty disappointed to see all the reviews basically confirm it's not that big an improvement. I was hoping for a leap at least similar to Watch Dogs 2. Oh well, still looking forward to playing it. The demo was confirmed the game is good enough for a purchase and I do love Kat. Will have to rush through it though because once Yakuza Zero hits, everything takes a backseat.
For me it's enough knowing that the game it's more of the same, I played the first game both on Vita and PS4 and loved.
A very fair review. I personally can't wait to play GR2. I loved the first game despite its flaws, and I'm sure I'll love its sequel just the same.
@Gamer83 It's long so make sure you set aside enough time. It is an improvement over the original in terms of scale and stuff like that, and the gameplay is marginally improved, but it's not a big leap. That said, the original was already pretty decent.
@get2sammyb Without going too much into spoilers, how's the story? The original left something to desire, there was a lot of promise, many questions were raised, but none of them were answered. Does GR2 clear up some of the confusion regarding the backstory and lore?
Already preordered the special edition
Getting 95 on destructoid & dualshockers, 4.5 stars on usgamer, 90 on gamespot, and recommended on eurogamer. Not bad, not bad at all
@Octane It can be hard to follow at points as these Japanese games tend to be, but it answers all of the questions you have and wraps up brilliantly. Once again, though, it's the moment-to-moment conversations and the characters that are the highlight, rather than the overarching plot.
@wiiware I'm so happy to see others loved it as well. Such a charming game.
I'll be picking this one up later in the month.
"Kat's traversal mechanic is still among the most satisfying"
And possibly the most frustrating? Especially in combat...
Still enjoy the game though!
@Dodoo Well, I mentioned the issues with combat elsewhere in the review. Purely as traversal, though, I think it's up there with the likes of inFAMOUS as some of the most entertaining locomotion in games.
I'm really happy to see that it's reviewing very well.
More of the same is exactly what I wanted. I just platinumed Gravity Rush Remastered and it was probably the most enjoyable plat I've ever gotten.
The challenges, the traversal even the combat it just works.
I really hope there aren't any multiplayer focused trophies i.e. successfully lead a player to a treasure, as I have terrible internet.
REALLY want this to do well. Would love Japan Studio to come out at E3 and reveal Freedom Wars Remastered and announce Freedom Wars 2.
@Fight_Teza_Fight There aren't any multiplayer ones, though there is one to collect 60,000 gems. Seeing as I've only gotten 10,000 in my 30 hours with the game, I'm not entirely sure how you get that one...
I'm sure someone will put together a guide. But yeah, looks like all of the Trophies can be earned offline. The online stuff is pretty cool, but it's just a bonus — it's not essential to the experience.
@get2sammyb Cool well you've played it, I haven't (except the small demo) so I'll take your word for it.
Totally agree about infamous, controlling the dude with smoke, neon etc was awesome fun! (though I don't remember any locomotion! lol sorry)
@get2sammyb That's great!
Basically what it comes down to is I have four days to beat it, I believe Yakuza Zero hits shelves on the 24th. That should be more than enough time to complete a 20-hour game. I'm looking forward to Gravity Rush 2 but the reviews have definitely lowered my expectations. The first is still my favorite Vita game and one of my favorite PS4 games so maybe I'll like it more than I'm expecting now, we'll see. I for sure want the game to sell well enough so that we could get a GR 3 that maybe makes the leap this game should have.
Do check out the spoiler-free video review if you haven't already. Lots of new gameplay from the final build.
I really love Kat but I'll have to wait on this one as I won't have time to play it before KH 2.8 releases
Looks like but I may wait and see how Resident Evil turns out first
Played the demo and loved it. Looks and feels like a Studio Ghibli film, but the first one is in my backlog. And Miku releases today...
Glad the game even got made, can't wait to play it
Will buy after its release, got Yakuza 0 and KH2.8 coming this month...
I'll have to wait until I've played the first game, but I'll be sure to check this out whenever possible. Good review.
@DerMeister If you're in Europe, Gravity Rush Remastered is currently discounted.
Harsh score, but you were very clear about your problems with it, and the review seemed pretty fair, so I'll try not to be too butthurt. I'm still incredibly excited for this.
I loved the original, so I'll have to get this soon. I kinda forgot it was coming out this month... 😅
@Ralizah 7's a good score on this site.
@DLB3 No, I don't think so.
Want to pick this up eventually doubt I'll get it for 80 cents like the first.
Contemplating whether to go for this or get Remastered, was hoping you'd say the combat is significantly better to sway me.
@get2sammyb I don't, but I don't think it's too pricey anyway. I should get it in the near future.
I'm not bothered by bad side quests, since FF XV side quests are total crap except a handful of them...but man, I've read the game has frustrating boss fights and awful stealth missions..those are already too much troubles for 1 game....I do love GR 1 thou
Gonna preorder this week. Been waiting for a sequel since i finished the orginal on Vita back in 2012.
@AFCC While I agree with those criticisms (particularly the stealth ones), they're not the deal breaker they may seem. Irritations rather than flaws. And the side-quests are vastly superior to virtually anything in FFXV, which is... Quite surprising really.
@get2sammyb Alright! Seems like I'm buying it sooner rather than later then
Good review but surprised it only got a 7.I played and really enjoyed the first one on the Vita but ashamed to say I got stuck near the end and went onto something else.But the demo of GR 2 was fantastic so will definitely be getting this...at some point.
Loved the first and gonna get this as soon as its out with this and 2.8 2017 is shaping uo to be a good year for gaming
Day 1! Loved the first one. Is there any continuation on the side story of lovers between space and time?
My favorite features of the original game were the different combat system from other adventure games and the varied mission structures. Since those were the only two complaints, I guess I should absolutely love this title.
@get2sammyb so you liked it but you're not raven about it?
@get2sammyb Brilliant review Sammy, do you think your recent gaming exploits in FF15 and WD2 have affected you enjoyment of GR2 with them all being open world?
Buying it day 1, really looking forward to it. It sounds like more of the same, which is quite a comforting thing. I also wanna find out how they'll wrap the story up.
@Kidfried Yes, the story wraps up nicely in my opinion. I was very satisfied with the conclusion. It goes a bit "anime" in places, but I really like the characters and writing, and I thought the home straight through to the end of the credits was really well done.
@wiggleronacid You'll love it.
@themcnoisy Not really because Gravity Rush 2 feels quite unique to me.
@ThroughTheIris56 The ending's cool!
Don't forget GR2 was just a DLC wich should come on ps Vita
But now look at that! This is new game with new desine and bigger world. Any way i enjoy demo and i will buy it!
I hope Toyama star a horror project again and give us new siren or any other thing.
I don't know why sony made him to make a DLC for GR2 ?! He should use his talent on horror not on this game
I hope we could see new siren on E3
A 7/10 huh...
Was expecting higher but, I guess I'll find out soon enough
I really wish it was on the Vita, but things happen... I'll probably get it whenever I get a PS4 (when KH3 comes out, to be exact). Weird side question: Is Sony making any first-party Vita games anymore?
Edit: https://gamerant.com/sony-first-party-vita-games-ps4/
The cutscenes were rendered below HD and contain visual flaws?... Why? This is not a port or remaster, this was made FOR the PS4, released AFTER the release of the Pro-version, no less.
Sounds like someone made a big mistake during development and they swept it under a rug somewhere.
Nonetheless, I might end up getting this game if I like the first enough. Sounds interesting enough in terms of its world and the visuals and perhaps also sound.
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