Journey is as magical today as it was when it first released on the PlayStation 3 back in 2012. thatgamecompany's masterpiece is a thought provoking, emotional experience that everyone should try at least once, and now that it's on the PlayStation 4, complete with cross-buy support and enhanced visuals, there's never been a better time to go on such a glorious quest of self discovery.
It's difficult to explain what Journey's all about, and that's mostly because it proves to mean something different to each individual that plays it. Some may see it as a spiritual title, with themes of reincarnation resonating with them, while others could well see it as a voyage of discovery – an adventure in a strange world. Whatever you make of it, though, the game remains both a visual and audio treat, while its social aspects will make you think twice about the fundamentals of human interaction.
Playing as a robed wanderer, it's your destiny to reach the shining top of a mountain that sits on the horizon. As its name suggests, however, Journey isn't about the destination. The adventure is filled with strange happenings, gorgeous landscapes, and a real sense of peace. It's a relaxing, almost meditative release, and with incredibly simple controls and no player death, it's a game that anyone, regardless of skill level, can enjoy.
Ultimately, gameplay consists of walking and gliding through several environments, although you can do so at your own pace. There are secrets to discover throughout, and you may even stumble across other players as you go. Speaking of which, there are no mics or headsets here, and you can't join up with friends. Instead, you're forced to communicate by chirping with anonymous strangers by tapping the circle button, which in itself is an interesting social experiment. If you're both up for it, you can even trot through the entire adventure with your new friend, and the whole thing arguably seems as innovative now as it did three years ago.

Traversing golden deserts or echoing underground caverns, Journey has always been a sight to behold – but now it's even better. Bumped up to 1080p resolution on Sony's newest machine, its world is crisp, and the colours absolutely pop on a decent display. The art direction remains the star of the show, though, still sporting a brilliant simplicity, with everything from your wanderer to the clouds in the sky looking like something that you'd be proud to hang on your wall.
However, it's the 60 frames-per-second enhancement that really seals the deal. Doubling the title's framerate has transformed an already smooth, polished game into something that's effortlessly elegant and even more of a joy to play. Sailing down sand dunes and spiralling through the air feels fantastic, and that's saying a lot, seeing as the original release felt spot on to begin with.
Of course, it goes without saying that this is the same game that launched on Sony's last-gen system three years ago. If you've played it before, but for whatever reason aren't eligible for the PS4 version via cross-buy, then it's really a case of weighing up how eager you are to do it all again. The visual improvements undoubtedly make this the definitive edition of the release, but even so, they may not be enough to tempt you back to Journey's glittering sands if you can't take advantage of a free copy.
Journey remains one of the most cohesive titles to grace PlayStation. A sumptuous art style and a stunning soundtrack fuse to create an experience that's flawless from start to finish. Its story never utters a word, yet it has more to say than most scripts, and its handling of social interaction eschews tradition in favour of eye-opening anonymous bonding. Enhanced visuals and a silky smooth framerate made possible courtesy of the PS4's power make this the definitive edition of the release, and put simply, Journey is still one of the greatest games ever made.
Comments 43
Love journey but what exactly has changed with this?
Nom nom nom. One of the greatest ever. I still remember finishing this for the first time and just thinking, "Wow."
Brilliant review, @ShogunRok.
Nice review, Robert! Journey is really something special, and I like how you pointed out that it speaks to people on different levels. For me, it's definitely on a religious one, and I'm surprised you chose "Pilgrim's Progress" as the subtitle because I originally compared the game to John Bunyan's book after playing it for myself! One thing though is that I found the co-op a double-edged sword. It can make a world of difference with your experience for better or for worse with someone who takes the game seriously or ruins things on your end by messing around. So while I find it innovative as well, that first person someone plays with in their first playthrough of Journey can either be a good or bad influence on their experience.
Other than that, I loved every second of Journey, too. Truly magical and transcendent with its artistic direction, world, and themes. I've only played it once, so I think it's time to give it a second go!
@DrJoeystein Brilliant that you got the reference Joey - that's made my day!
Well, I need to go ahead and get this for the first time
@ShogunRok And you made my day for even making that reference! lol I've had yet to see another person make that connection between the two until now.
Def getting this as it was one of those games I was always envious about having a 360 instead of a ps3. Looking forward to playing it for the first time! When us the release date?
@sham8nix just checked... It's out now! (Runs to the psn store)
An excellent review! It's great that Journey has been given a new lease of life. One of the most amazing games I have ever played. Transcendental!
There seems to be a few games I ignored on PS3 which may have turned into a blessing in disguise as with the Last of Us I got to experience it first time through at 60fps and improved graphics and now I'll get to do the same with this. I've no idea why my taste in games was so poor just a couple of years ago but I really can't wait to try this
Journey is a brilliant game that i look forward to enjoying again. I do have to ask though. This was a remaster, and nothing was really added or changed from its original. A similar course was taken with god of war 3, which was at its time and still is a brilliant game. Yet it got a 7 because of not much changing, and its price. If at launch you gave gow3 a 7 then i get it, but i sense a bit of a double standard there.
@BigDaddyT0101 I can't speak for @get2sammyb, but I think price is key here. Journey is cross-buy, so even if you have owned it, it's worth playing again because it's free. On the other hand, GoW3 is a full price game with no cross-buy option or even a discount.
@ShogunRok That I can understand. I would hope that at some point these remasters would support the option if you had purchased the title digitally, but from a business standpoint the cost of the remaster especially for your larger titles I can sort of understand the reasoning for not doing it. For your smaller indie titles, Cross buy is a great decision, it lets your original supporters continue to support your game and policies, and also provides a little more good favor to those who never bought it or experienced it. Plus for your smaller studios, the renewed interest in your back catalog can represent real value for your company, while the larger studios can unfortunately afford the take it or leave it mentality. Either way, I do wish remaster reviews (not only on your site) would post their original score when the game launched, and an updated score to reflect the state of the remaster, and its overall value. For instance at its worst I would imagine most would give GOW3 an 8 originally, and unless you have never touched a GOW game, the remaster didn't really provide value as it is pretty much the original game. Thank you for the reply, it was something I noticed and couldn't help but voice my opinion. As always, your site is still wonderful, over the past 2 years its been my go to site after consulting google news for ps4 stories when I wake up taking the throne from that site which will not be mentioned.
@BigDaddyT0101 Thanks! And yeah, I can definitely see your point. I actually quite like your idea of including the score of the original game, for reference. We're always open to feedback!
@ShogunRok @BigDaddyT0101 For me it's also a case of originality. There's nothing else quite like Journey, whereas we got two God of War games since God of War III was released. As Robert said in the review, Journey still feels magical now, whereas God of War III - as good as it is - is nowhere near as special.
I have it on ps3 but it is still trying to charge me on my ps4, prolly a stupid question but how can I get the cross buy to work?
Great review, and score well deserved!
@SonyInfinity There should be an option. Try on the Web Store. If you still can't get it to work, you might have to contact Sony.
@get2sammyb I thought that first God of War was medicore at most. It was never special, that's what I'm saying =).
Do you guys know if it has different set of trophies on ps4? Can I get 100% again?
When I played the PS3 version I thought it was one of the best online experiences I have ever had. After playing the PS4 version I still feel that way...
There are no PSN names over peoples heads and no voice/text chat and that just makes it better some how. I don't know why but making this "Journey" with a stranger just makes me smile.
I think this is the type of review that should've been written for gow 3. Nothing new but still a great game rather than being marked down for lack of content.
I played it for the first time last night and I'd say it easily deserves it's 10 out of 10...such a fantastic experience and the online "feature" was such a surprise for me and really took it to the next level for me. Won't spoil it for those who haven't played but loved it!!!
Their games really have gotten so much better each time...Flow was okay, Flower was great and Journey is a real masterpiece. Can't wait to see what they are working on now.
@get2sammyb Me too.
The first time I played it I joined someone in a white cloak who guided me to the end and showed me where the secrets were.
Even though we couldn't communicate properly, I felt a strong bond between us as we took our last steps up the mountain...
Was a very unique and moving experience and well deserved of a 10/10.
I think this would be a perfect candidate for next month's ps+ games. Here's hoping!
This is the best game ever created! It's a big statement but it really is true. A gaming masterpiece!
Well I went and bought this and downloaded it last night - I'm off work tomorrow so this is my game tonight.
@ShogunRok how much time should I put aside to finish it in one sitting? Ive heard anything from 2-3 hours. Os that right?
@themcnoisy I did it in about 1 hour and 50 minutes and I didn't rush it.
@viciousarcanum Improved graphics and, I'm assuming, a better framerate. That's about it. This seems to be for people who missed Journey the first time around or who already own it and don't mind giving it another go on PS4. It's still an amazing game of course, but if you had your fill the first time, there's nothing new here to entice you.
@john81 Oh, I'm sure it'll make it into the PS+ lineup eventually, but next month? Not a chance.
@themcnoisy I'd say first time it'll take you roughly two hours. Definitely best to finish it in one sitting.
would definitely have preferred this on PS5
One of my favorite games, EVER.
Downloading journey right now can't wait to try it for first time only problem is been downloading for 3 hours and say 4 hours to go I have 50meg fibre broadband could there be a problem on sonys end?
I'll play it if it's ever free on PS+.
I just watched the trailer and actualy I probabaly won't play it ever....
That game is brilliant. I was on my Todd to start with and then some other journey journeyer showed me where the hidden flower was in the desert after bumping into me. We stayed together and then I didn't make a jump 2/3 of the way in and I felt a genuine sense of loss. He/she disappeared into the ether never to be seen again replaced by a journeyer who couldn't jump - I ran away from him. Well worth a go, is the game worth all of the praise and 10/10s? Well no not really, but its still an experience unlike any other and well worth a tenner.
Journey is not for everyone. It's good, but it's short, and it's not a game you'd sit around and play at a party. The PS4 version crashed on my first boot-up, but I restarted the game and then it worked. It's definitely different. The music is the best part of the game. Turn it up or use good headphones.
@Markos74 - Downloading speeds off PSN suck no matter how fast your internet is...
@milero91 @ShogunRok it took me 2 hours 5 minutes, perfect Wednesday night entertainment.
@themcnoisy Lavleeeey
I bought this on PS4- do I get crossbuy on Vita or no...?
That Pilgrims Progress header threw me for a loop myself. It's a book not often read in today's society, at least, not by most.
I really want that game - I got Flower and Flow, both I liked (well .. Flow is a bit hmmmm ^^) but what holds me back is the play time i admit. Only 2 hrs to finish it? I just dont want to buy it and then its for free in March or on Sale, 15 Euro are a bit too much for 2 hrs, even if they supposed to be stellar and awesome sorry
why did noone here mention the IMMENSE GAME BREAKING BUGS this game has on PS4???
sorry guys but I downloaded this after hearing so much praise over the last months (years) and Im shocked that a developer like "Thatgamecompany" isnt able to fix those constant crashes - just google it, there are many players like me that have the same - game breaking - issues.
The game itself sure is something special - although Im not that much of a philosophical person (the ending left me more like "wtf" than "hugely impressed" - and not in a good way) the game sure is meant to be a "seamless" experience - those constant crashes just ruin the whole atmosphere, since there are no checkpoints (only chapters) one has to do the whole chapter again if the game crashes ... that nearly ruined it for me.
All in all its a 6/10 for me - could be an 8/10 if those bugs would be patched (but I doubt that after this long time). Along with the constant crashes the game is way too short - only 2 and a half hours to complete is simply put too short. Graphics, Sound and Atmosphere are great, coop is .. "unique" .. but overall im not ok with that high score here
To be honest this review here had me finally change my mind and download it, Im hugely disappointed
Wanted to just tell anyone thats interested to be aware of those constant game crashes - Is possible you wont have issues with that game of course - I did, and many other too - so I guess its worth mentioning
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