Just like the game's fateless protagonist, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Fatesworn exists against all odds. This is a brand new expansion to a game that first released ten years ago, from the same development team that brought us the remastered Re-Reckoning in 2020. It's an incredibly strange scenario, but hardcore Amalur fans certainly won't be complaining.
Like Amalur's previous expansions, Fatesworn whisks your hero (or antihero) away to an intruiging new region, complete with its own storyline, quests, and characters. It's an endgame DLC that's only accessible once you've beaten Re-Reckoning's main campaign, and it assumes that you've hit the level cap of 40. Indeed, Fatesworn can be quite tricky in the combat encounters that it throws at you, but thankfully, the difficulty hasn't been cranked up to the point of tedium.
Tedious is how we'd describe most of Fatesworn's side quests, however. Similar to the base game, optional excursions often boil down to basic fetch quests that offer little in the way of reward outside of experience points. There were already more than enough of these MMO-esque missions in the main release, so it's a bit of a shame that the new expansion doesn't at least attempt to do something slightly different.
It sounds like a lazy description, but Fatesworn really is just more of the same. And look, you can't blame the developers for the DLC's lack of ambition. Crafting a new expansion for a title fast approaching its decade anniversary doesn't allow for much wiggle room — deviate too far from the original blueprint and you run the risk of buggering things up beyond repair.
That said, we're not sure every Amalur fan will appreciate Fatesworn's central storyline. It's nothing crazy — Fate, meet Chaos! — but you could argue that the developer is a little sloppy in its handling of the game's established cast and lore. But for what it's worth, we do think Fatesworn is heartfelt — a genuine homage to a game that would have been undeservedly forgotten, had it not been for THQ and Kaiko's efforts.
Comments 10
I think a current gen sequel (do we still call it next gen?) could be quite good. I think a strong and daring story would have helped overcome its graphical limitations and maybe help garner an audience for a possible sequel. Why stories in games often are such an afterthought is beyond me. Is the available talent pool shallow or something?
Edit: I think the subheadings on this site are far more creative than many gaming stories out there
Characters and world building are so uninspired, story telling was also bland , kinda rushed to the end after 10 hours mark . No dlc for me
Do you think Curt Schilling will play it?
I'm having fun with Amalur, it looks like a ps3 game (because it is) but it's fun enough. I'm going to buy this when i finish it.
I fear this is as close as we are going to get to a sequel. I would love to be wrong though.
Sounds like an average 7 out of 10. Will give it a shot on steam at some point.
The main game is mind numbingly boring after 10 hours or so, I thought
I enjoy Kingdom of Amalur’s gameplay and put over 80 hours into the remaster, but I was hoping that due to the length of time between DLC’s this new one would be improved over the older content. Obviously they can’t do much because it’s an old game, but even things like the camera angles while talking to NPC’s are the still awful.
Loved it back in the day, but tried it a few weeks ago and was disappointed to discover how dated it looks. I simply didn't enjoy it, especially knowing that there are awesome modern games that I could be playing instead.
That's an unfortunate bad score, hopefully they are working hard on a true sequel to the original game.
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