The LEGO games are famous for their humorous adaptations of popular movie properties and comic book characters, but in more recent times developers TT Games and TT Fusion have begun creating their own LEGO adventures. This year's LEGO Worlds saw the franchise's detailed take on Minecraft, and only a month later the distinguished brick's first completely new story has made its way to the PlayStation 4. LEGO City Undercover was originally released on the Wii U back in 2013, and at the time was heralded as one of the system's best exclusives. Four years later, can the title reach those same heights?
You don the badge of police officer Chase McCain, who has returned to LEGO City to fix the wave of crime spreading across its streets. McCain's arch enemy Rex Fury is the villain behind it all, and with the added incentive of rekindling an old flame with ex-girlfriend Natalia Kowalski, Chase sets out to rid the city of evil.

Without an already existing license to pull from, LEGO City Undercover relies on bringing its story to life with a copious amount of jokes, clichés, and references. The plot itself takes you on a bonkers ride that wouldn't look too out of place in a James Bond or Mission Impossible film, and this is then supplemented by the character of Chase McCain whose quick-witted personality and cheesy dad jokes help to turn everything into more of a parody of older crime fighting movies, rather than a serious detective report. And with the supporting cast putting just as much effort into making every pun and one-liner hit, TT Games has crafted a tale full to the brim with humour that will have kids laughing and parents chuckling as some gags fly straight over their child's head.
Chase McCain's policing duties play out almost exactly the same as in every LEGO game that has proceeded this one, but with a slight open world twist. The sandbox is more of a backdrop to the main missions which take place in separate, self-contained areas where you'll carry out the typical tropes of a LEGO game, including beating up henchmen, gathering bricks, and solving puzzles via either breaking or repairing objects in the environment. In this aspect, LEGO City Undercover fails to provide any real innovation and instead decides to stick to its tried and tested formula - something that's become far too stagnant for some players over the past few years.

In true LEGO game fashion, you can dress up Mr McCain in a number of different outfits and play as someone entirely different. McCain's wardrobe includes his typical police uniform which gives him access to a grappling hook and a detective and criminal scan, an astronaut outfit which comes with a jet pack and a laser gun, and a fireman attire which comes equipped with a fire extinguisher and the ability to save cats. As well as a number of other ensembles for McCain, you can also play the game as a mammoth 290 other characters.
While LEGO City Undercover remains true to its roots in a number of ways, its open-world allows the franchise to expand a little. The game features over 20 different districts which take inspiration from cities throughout America, and within these are a number of hidden areas and secrets to discover. Side quests can also be found dotted around the world and these have you doing all manner of things, from taking part in a cop car chase to launching pigs back to their farm with a cannon. The elusive gold brick also makes its return, with 450 to collect throughout LEGO City. Regular LEGO bricks can also be collected and traded in at super build points which when constructed allow you to call upon any vehicle that you have unlocked. The story itself can be completed in around 15 hours, but with this amount of side content on offer, you can add another 10 to that playtime.

The original Wii U version of LEGO City Undercover didn't come with any sort of co-operative feature, but this has been implemented into the current-gen re-release. However, it all feels a little tacked on, as upon a second player joining the game, they're treated to a simple palette swap of Chase McCain and nothing else. They're simply a bonus, with the game continuing as it would if there was only one character on screen, rather than taking advantage of the second player's presence. We guess that the co-op inclusion is neat, but it's only there to bring the title up to the standard set by previous LEGO games.
However, the main offender of this package is its frequent load times, which can last up to a minute. Needless to say, they completely pull you out of the experience and can become incredibly frustrating when you're greeted by one every five to ten minutes. This was also a problem in the Wii U version, and so it's disappointing to see that it still exists in this enhanced port. Elsewhere, the technical side of things fares a little better. The game runs at a smooth 30 frames per second, and while the graphics haven't been touched, it still reaches an acceptable visual benchmark.
It's easy to see why some would outright dismiss LEGO City Undercover purely on the basis of it being a LEGO game. The formula has gotten a bit too stale over the years, so if you're looking for something fresh in the LEGO universe, Chase McCain's adventure won't satisfy you. But if you're still interested in some brick hunting and cop action - and you can look past some awful load times - then LEGO City Undercover will serve you nicely. Its charm, humour, and open world nature was, for the most part, enough to win us over.
Comments 23
That's a low score for a game that's supposed to be the best of it's franchise (although that was the wiiU version)
I personally really loved undercover and think Tt should stick to original stories, although it can still be licensed like marvel 1 and all 3 batman games.
Undercover is still the best Lego game made. 6/10 is way too harsh
@LiamCroft Do you think there's a chance they'll release a future patch which will fix the loading issues?
Otherwise I'm sadly disappointed, just assumed they'd fix it for the PS4 port.
@ToddlerNaruto Possibly? It is mostly just a simple port job though so I doubt it.
@Dreamcaster-X It's also four years old.
Nice review.Was really disappointed when this was made Wii u exclusive so excited to see this now being released for the PS4.Surprised at the low score though but long loading times should be a thing of the past these days.Still,it's definitely a game I'll be picking up at some point.
@get2sammyb @Dreamcaster-X Honestly I found Lego Dimensions to be the best Lego game, but having to buy the packs might turn people off to it. Still I even felt that Lego Jurassic World was better then Undercover. To each their own though.
@Tsurii Right. But this game is selling for £44, is four years old, and hasn't really been improved all that much...
A 6? Didn't see it coming, haha. Review made me think only loading times were a problem; other than that, it seems like the score is 6 because the reviewer was tired of the formula LEGO uses. Anyway, ignore it, just felt like a feedback might be welcome, I personally don't care about scores, more about your opinion, hehe.
@LiamCroft That's a shame. I'll probably still buy this, but not for a year...I expect it to be $20 New by BF 2018.
I thought this would have released at no more than the Harry potter remasters - I konw they have done a bit of work adding co-op and stripping out the nintendo references, but full price for a Lego game that, based on this review, take less time than the average lego game to complete is just silly.
15-25 hours to fully plat a lego game is pretty short - Then again, Jurassic world and Force awakens only took about 25 as well - I remember when they would take 35-40 to fully 100%
Not only is this full price for a rerelease 4 years later, it is even more expensive than the original ever was.
Still my favourite Lego game though.
I think an 8 would have been more like it. There are some graphical and frame rate glitches as well as the loading times but they aren't a 6 bad.
Bought it for the Switch. I skipped the Wii U version so this is a new experience and I have to say even for a 4-year old game it holds up pretty well (of course I wouldn't on the same level as top of the genre stuff like GTA V or Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag or The Witcher 3, Zelda and Horizon if we're allowed to include open world, action-RPGs). Fun story and characters and an interesting world to explore. Definitely my favorite Lego game but I also haven't played a ton outside of Lego Batman 2 and a few of the Stars Wars games. Interested in checking out Worlds now though, I've that's as good as this one.
Did you mean to use "preceded" after picture 3?
Surely they could have fixed the load times? That aspect alone killed the WiiU version for me. Disappointing.
Loved this on Wii U. My 4 year old son watched me play through and loved it. Really disappointed it was only one player on Wii U as he'd have loved to drop into the game with me. The co-op probably makes it worth purchasing again. Hes 7 now ... would adore this in co-op.
I want this, but not for $60. Full price for a remaster of a four year old Lego game is ridiculous, but not all that surprising from WB. They may be the youngest of the major publishers, but they certainly wasted no time establishing themselves as the biggest money-grubbers of the bunch. No doubt this will drop in price quickly though. I'm sure I'll be picking it up for $20 or less by the end of the year.
@get2sammyb So it's 4 years old is a minus now for how good of a game it is or isn't? No other Lego game since has done as much in an open world as this game has.
@Dreamcaster-X When it's retailing for £44, hasn't improved massively, and had underlying issues to begin with... It affects the score, yes.
I dunno why y'all going so crazy — it got a 6/10. I.e. 'Not Bad'.
@get2sammyb Here's an idea: maybe people think the game is good, and they don't get it when you slap 6/10 in a very low end of what "not bad" could mean.
@Mahe They're free to think the game is good, reviews are entirely subjective. S'all good!
I was interested until long load times was mentioned.
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