With Marvel releasing films almost weekly, it feels like the superhero craze of the last decade is starting to reach critical mass. The comic-book giant’s huge catalogue of heroes and villains seems inexhaustible, yet LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 puts them all to good work, using and dispatching them with the cold-heartedness of a Disney executive who just realised his director might dare to deviate from the script a little.
Granted, it’s great to see the weird and wonderful characters of Marvel getting a LEGO incarnation. You can tell when Stan Lee started to run out of ideas when you see names like Man-Thing, Spider-Gwen, and Man-Ape - and those only scratch the surface of the villains you’ll fight and the heroes you’ll meet. Chief among the former is Kang the Conquerer (played well by Peter Serafinowicz) who has taken portions of 16 different universes and melded them together to create Chronopolis.

Chronopolis serves as the sandbox for LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2, and while it certainly is a colourful one - containing sections ranging from New York 2099 to the Wild West - it’s disappointing to see that almost none of it is made out of LEGO - and that goes for most of the levels, too. LEGO Worlds proved that the PS4 can handle the power of rendering loads of individual bricks, so the fact that Chronopolis is mostly just normal textures seems lazy and is a detriment to the experience.
The open world is littered with different activities, from preventing pretty crimes to mini boss fights against obscure villains, as well as plenty of collectibles. Unfortunately, it's not a compelling world, and considering that this is a LEGO game there's no real reason for anything other than a small hub world to be present in the game. The only thing that Chronopolis really adds to the game is increased journey times between missions, which is a minor inconvenience.
Still, the different backdrops do lead to some fun missions in the main story. One memorable level takes place in New York Noir, set in the Roaring 20s, in which Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel team up with Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Spider-Man Noir to storm Fisk Tower and take down Kingpin. The whole level has an old-timey filter laid over it with a jazz score playing, Spider-Man Noir constantly self-narrating, and multiple characters waving their fists as if they were cast in a silent film. The boss fight with Kingpin is excellent too, involving dancing, a car with really bright headlights, and a boombox. It's a classic example of TT Games’ charm manifesting itself.

Yet that's one of the few highlights of the main campaign, as boss fights are consistently underwhelming but for a select few. It's less “villain of the week” and more “villain of the minute” with many levels containing multiple forgettable encounters. Most fights follow a strict formula: defeat a boss’ minions while it has its shield up, punch the boss a view times when it reveals itself, rinse, and repeat. Very rarely do they contain some sort of puzzle - most of the time they're simply tests of how quickly you can hit square.
Button-mashing is a theme of the game in general: whether it's smashing crates to get parts for a build, smashing crates for studs, or punching goons, you'll be - ahem - pushing square many, many times. In the odd event that the game slows down and gives you an actual puzzle - often in its best moments - you'll only be allowed to deliberate for a few moments before the solution is presented to you, and that's if you're lucky. Most of the time the game lets you know the solution as soon as the puzzle is revealed, either by the camera focusing on it for so long that you can't possibly miss it, or by a character telling you about it. We understand that the game is partly aimed at kids, but the amount of hand-holding in the game is almost suffocating - at least an option to turn hints off without turning off the whole HUD would be nice.

Speaking of the audience, TT Games seems to be confused about its own. While there are huge amounts of the aforementioned hand-holding, the sheer number of characters in the game also makes it pretty hard to keep track of which character has which power, and this can really over complicate proceedings. LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 is far too easy for adults, but for kids there are way too many things to keep track of. As well as the different characters, there are also massive selections of collectibles - gold bricks, pink bricks, True Believer rewards for getting a certain amount of studs in a level, secret characters, and one Stan Lee to save in each level; the latter being a fun idea as LEGO Lee is voiced by the man himself.
The voice acting, jokes, and dialogue in general, however, are pretty mediocre. While there are some good performances (Kang in particular) most of the heroes are forgettably voiced - Star-Lord and Spider-Man will induce plenty of groans with their endless bad quips, and we're not even sure whether they're tongue-in-cheek or not. Again, we understand that the jokes are often meant for kids, but the story will be pretty hard for children to follow since heroes and villains constantly enter and leave, throwing around Marvel terminology that even we didn't get at some points. Although there are some legitimately funny moments - the ending is a highlight - they're still a far cry from the early days of LEGO games when the humour was visual and clever. In fact, they're a far cry from the earlier games in almost every aspect, and while change in good, in LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2’s case it isn't always positive.
Playing LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 is a constant battle between being pulled in by TT Games' charm and being pushed away by the repetitive gameplay. For every excellent moment there are seemingly multiple forgettable ones, but if you can stomach the lows of the story, then there are some fun times to be had. Still, this middling effort shows that the LEGO series is in need of some revitalising changes.
Comments 14
Nice review, Sam. Shame that the LEGO games have worsened. I have very fond memories of LEGO Star Wars, but that was back on PS2. Changes have been made since then, obviously, but I think an open world and the sheer number of characters overcomplicates and dilutes what used to make these games special. Hopefully their next game is pared back a bit.
@Quintumply Cheers! Yeah, the best way to describe this game is bloated - there's no real reason to have an open world in a LEGO game, just a simple hub world like the Cantina in the LEGO Star Wars games.
If anyone has any questions, fire away!
They’ve definitely run these into the mud.
@Anchorsam_9 great review, I just wish it was a higher score. My daughter and I played lego marvel 1 constantly. She loved to pretend to be a superhero in New York. Does the open world have random side quests like the first one? Is it engaging besides the main quests?
Was hoping to get this, but a 5 makes me hesitate. I guess my daughter can keep enjoying lego worlds.
Nice review Sam, after an amazing time platinizing lego marvel 1 with my son, we bought both Lego Avengers and Dimensions. We ran around 4 levels in those games and neither have been picked up since. Too many releases and the quality just isnt there.
@Elodin Thanks! The open world doesn't have any real sidequests - they're more random encounters with goons mixed in with some mini boss fights. If this game gets a price cut around the £20 or less mark then I'd say it's worth it since you'll be playing it with your daughter, but as you say I think LEGO Worlds is the better game anyway as it's much more different and interesting compared to the other mainline LEGO games.
@themcnoisy Yeah, I think TT either need to slow down their release schedule a bit or just find a new gameplay style entirely as their games are getting too formulaic and bloated now. LEGO Worlds was definitely a step in the right direction, though, so hopefully they'll make more original games instead of pumping out licensed ones.
This one is actually better than the first from my time with it thus far, far more fun and entertaining, with lots more to do and see. Take a look at a few other reviews to get a more rounded impression, ign and gamesradar both loved it and gave it 8
Looks ok but the presentation is clearly a poor man's Splatoon!
Now seriously, I have platinum for the first one and I loved it so much...but after playing the Avengers one and finishing the story, the repetition was just so so so much..I couldn't plat it.
This seems like more of the same so this time I'll wait for a huge sale on PSN
Wow that's a low score for a Lego game!
Nice review but even the verdict hasn't put me off.I love all the games and have never gotten fed up with the same style of gameplay and collecting.The glitches however for nearly all of the games are another story.
That's my biggest complain with Lego games: repetitive gameplay.
The first game was cool, but I will not buy this sequel on the release date.
Lego games are perfect bargain bin fodder.
I love Lego games, can't help myself. As long as I don't play more than one or two a year they are really fun time for me. So this is definitely on my Xmas list for sure.
Maybe it's time to stop the Lego Games as a whole, there's only so many things you can do before ruining it beyond repair. But I think that already happened sadly.
@Bread-Not-Toast Same here, I always wait for the LEGO games to drop down to $15-$20 New or cheaper.
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