Life Is Strange 2 sure is living up to its name, with the direct sequel to DONTNOD’s surprise episodic smash bumbling under-the-radar like it doesn’t even exist. Since the release of the follow-up’s debut, Roads, popular developer Telltale Games has shut down, and the third instalment in The Walking Dead: The Final Season has been resurrected and released by Skybound Games. In fact, it’s been four months since we last saw Sean and Daniel Diaz – the protagonists of the French developer’s all-new slice-of-life teen drama.
It’s clear that Episode 2: Rules was meant to release around Christmas, as the footprints of the festive period are all over this particular chapter. The politically charged plot sees the two siblings on the run after a misunderstanding ends in the death of a police office and the pair’s father. As was the case with Max in the original game, there’s a touch of sci-fi to the tale as Daniel is just beginning to learn that he has telekinesis powers. But with the brothers on the run from the police, this is as much a story about survival as it is superpowers.

Rules overlaps with the events of The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, the free demo that DONTNOD released at the tail-end of last year. Sean and Daniel travel to Beaver Creek in order to seek refuge with their grandparents, and end up befriending the Eriksens who live next door. Each environment that you visit is densely detailed, and as has become a trademark of the franchise, there’s absolutely tons of story-telling in the items that you examine. Whether it’s a bossy wife or a selfish daughter, the developer leaves you to suss out its cast, rather than beat you over the head with exposition.
Clocking in at over four hours, though, this can be a glacial experience at times. While we appreciate that the French studio is still allowing the new cast to settle into their roles, there are moments of sheer tedium during Rules, as you wait for the plot to actually make meaningful progress. The art direction is excellent, and the whole game feels larger and more detailed than we’ve come to expect from episodic instalments, but given the limited amount of character development, it’s hard to argue that this was worth the epic four month wait. Future instalments simply need to come quicker.

There aren’t even that many meaningful choices to make. Yes, as Sean your actions do continue to influence the behaviour of your younger brother in interesting ways, but Life Is Strange has historically placed you in impossible situations, and there’s almost none of that in this particular episode. It is interesting to see how The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit overlaps, though, and if you’re a fan of intertwining narratives then you’ll definitely get a kick out of the crossover between the two episodes – and the cliffhanger that comes at the end of the chapter.
Life Is Strange 2 feels like it’s flying under-the-radar, which is unfortunate because this sequel has all of the hallmarks that made its predecessor a success. Episode 2: Rules is slow, but DONTNOD is still easing its new cast of characters in. There’s definitely something good brewing here, but for whatever reason we can’t shake the feeling that the developer has utterly failed to capture the imagination of Arcadia Bay’s biggest fans.
Comments 17
What a flop this has been. It's a shame because I'm kinda enjoying it.
I am a huge fan of the first two games but I don't like this one. I am not familiar with how the Mexicans live in USA, running from the police makes no sense, the superpowers don't fit in the narrative, the story doesn't make you care for the characters...
@get2sammyb From what I’ve seen, people don’t care unless it’s got Max and Chloe in it and tbh, I’d rather it be an anthology sort of deal than the devs picking their own canon ending to continue.
How many episodes are there in total? Im waiting til all are out like the original. Which considering the 4 month wait for the second episode may be some time
@belmont I think the superpowers fit this one better than the first one to be honest, but I'm not a fan of the sci-fi aspect at all. I thought Before the Storm was stronger because it did away with all of that.
@nessisonett I think that's stupid, though, because Max and Chloe weren't established characters when the first Life Is Strange came out. As with anything, you've got to give them a chance.
@Danloaded Five episodes in total.
@get2sammyb thank you.
I think that episodic games have run their course tho. Should just release a full game especially if the episodes are up to 4 hours long. The council, Life is Strange 2 and Walking Dead are the only ones i can think of
Ugh i hate episodic. Wonder how long this is going to take. Going to wait until its all released. Until then ill continue to ignore any reviews etc. Im dying to play it, this sucks lol.
@Danloaded Yeah I think episodic is probably over now as well. Doubt we'll see too many more games like it.
Should have just carried on the story from the bae over bay ending.
@Kai_ Ehh, you can understand why they didn't, though. The story was done. Imagine if Quantic Dream had just continued the plot of Heavy Rain, y'know? Sometimes it's nice to start afresh.
@get2sammyb I guess. I think it's quite clear that Max and Chloe were the reason it was successful though, not the format.
I don't mind that they introduced new characters, I'm just waiting until the whole season is released as a physical copy. Played through the original all in one go and the experience was great, I just can't wait in between episodes, same goes with tv shows as well, I binge a whole season in one go.
People just want more Max&Chloe, that's it. (Not even mentioning the fact that the new characters are not that interesting as M&C).
Totally agree with Kai_. Developers chose the format over the characters people fell in love with.
There's still a chance if M&C appear in new episodes AT LEAST as supporting characters.
Definitely want to check out season 2 at some stage, but I waited until the seasons were complete to play both the original LiS and Before the Storm, and will likely do the same here again eventually.
I still think y'all crazy. I love Max and Chloe, too, but I also loved Nathan Drake. Doesn't mean I wasn't interested to see how Joel and Ellie turned out.
You have to give new characters a chance before completely writing them off. Max and Chloe weren't established characters at one point either.
Life is Strange 2 is absolutely incredible. The story is heart-wrenching and there are some intense incredible choices throughout the story that will change your path. "What do I choose!?" Awesome! Lotsa Re-Play Value. Fantastic looking game... can't wait for the next episode.
I wasn't originally intending to get this, but a sale putting it at 4 euro made me buy in the spur of the moment. Let me say, it is pretty damn good. I think you might as well try it out, the first episode costs less than a tenner. And make sure you finish the episode, the most powerful moments hit towards the end
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