Marvel's Iron Man VR represents another concerted effort from the comic book powerhouse to bring its characters to gaming in a meaningful way. Following the immense success of Marvel's Spider-Man, this PlayStation VR exclusive had a lot to live up to. The end result is a highly impressive action title that goes the distance to literally put you in the shoes of the titular superhero.
With a PS Move controller in each hand and the headset strapped to your noggin, you already feel geared up, and Iron Man fits the virtual reality mould very well indeed. Holding down the triggers fires the suit's thrusters, and you'll be propelled from wherever you're aiming your palms. To fly forward, for example, you hold the controllers down by your side, palms back; to fly up, hold your arms out in front of you, palms down. It's an instantly intuitive movement system, and between your hand positions and the direction you're facing, you'll be soaring through the sky and feeling invincible.

The cracking controls don't end there, either. Holding the Move controllers upright will allow you to aim and fire Iron Man's repulsors -- it's as simple as that. A little later in the game, and you'll unlock auxiliary weapons, mounted in the suit's forearms. To use these instead of the repulsors, simply aim with the Move wands pointed forward instead. Swapping between movement, repulsors, and your suit's special weapons is something to get used to, but it's a brilliantly fluid system that's great fun to use.
Good thing, too, because you'll be doing a lot of it. The majority of the game's missions see you suiting up for combat encounters against armies of repurposed Stark Industries attack drones. A mysterious new enemy, Ghost, has stolen Tony's old technology and is using it against him. Fortunately, you're Iron Man, and are more than capable of destroying the various enemy types. Most are up in the air with you, but they all employ different abilities to put you through your paces.
In addition to the aforementioned weapons at your disposal, you can rocket punch baddies by holding a button and throwing an actual swing, which is never not satisfying. A ground pound is performed in a similar fashion and is ideal against those pesky tank-like bots. Finally, you'll gain access to Unibeam, a powerful laser blast that can cut through your foes like butter. It takes some time to charge up, but it's useful when you're being overwhelmed.

All of this serves to make you feel like Iron Man, and it's where the game really sings. Developer Camouflaj has put a lot of effort into making the gameplay as intuitive and enjoyable as possible, and it shows. Levels are mostly huge, giving you ample room to fly freely and explore the game's systems. The downside to these open environments is frequent and lengthy loading screens, however, which can interrupt the flow of the campaign.
As we mentioned earlier, Ghost is one of the game's villains, and kickstarts the story. She destroys Tony's private jet, injuring Pepper Potts in the process. Tony employs both his current AI companion, Friday, as well as his old partner Gunsmith, in order to track down this ethereal foe. The writing favours quips over drama, but the narrative does throw some neat twists and turns, introducing new threats and taking the time to slow things down. Indeed, embodying Iron Man means becoming Tony Stark, and there are lots of moments throughout the campaign that see you out of the armour.

Between missions, you'll often be in his Malibu home where you can teleport to various spots and interact with a handful of things. Distractions like a pull-up bar and a basketball arcade game give you opportunities to cool off before tackling the next big objective. There's even a wall dedicated to Trophies; it'll be populated by the trinkets you've unlocked as you earn them, which is a nice detail. The main attraction in this space, though, is tinkering with the suit.
Using points earned from completing missions, you can craft numerous upgrades to the armour's systems and weapons. Whether it's installing a thruster mod to increase your top speed or equipping new auxiliary weapon types, there's a fair amount to play with. The weapons vary from a shotgun-like blast to a cluster bomb, and offer ways to deal with different situations. You can equip two of these special powers -- one on each arm -- to be prepared for anything. You also get access to two loadout slots, meaning you can create a duo of Iron Man builds -- one focused on speed and the other on power, for instance.

We mention this because of the game's optional flight and combat challenges. As you play through the game, you'll unlock races and enemy gauntlets to test your skills. Completing them earns you more points to put towards the suit, so they're worth exploring. Beware, though; these challenges are tough. There are times set by the developer that at first seem impossible to beat. With practice -- and the right upgrades installed -- they're doable, but difficult.
You can also replay missions if you're short on points, too. Each one ends with a results screen and a rating out of five that determines how many points you get, so there's value in revisiting levels if you think you can improve.
It's a robust game, then, and has a decent run time for a PSVR title. Impressive as it is, there are some drawbacks on the technical side. As well as all the loading, hectic fights may cause some frame rate issues, which is a no-no in virtual reality. Having said that, we never once felt any motion sickness during our play time. Motion tracking is generally good, but we did hit some snags on occasion. Our advice for the best experience would be to play standing up, if you can. It's a shame the experience couldn't have been a little smoother, particularly with regard to the loading, but the action makes up for all the waiting around.
Marvel's Iron Man VR delivers on the mission to make you feel like the armoured avenger. Some technical hiccups aside, this is a well rounded virtual reality title that takes advantage of the tech to immerse you in Tony Stark's world. It wins the day with fantastic controls and engaging combat, and the optional challenges will keep you busy once the story's wrapped up. If you don't mind waiting around in loading screens, this is a thoroughly enjoyable PSVR experience.
Comments 38
Thanks for the great review. It sounds amazing.
Counting down the hours.
EDIT: Just read another review which pretty much repeats what you've said. Good news!
EDIT 2: Seems to be getting good reviews everywhere. Great news!
Any questions, tag me into your comment as usual!
8/10. Feck me. I was certain this would be mediocre. My attention has been triggered.
Thanks for the review!
I wasn’t too impressed with the graphics from the latest trailer, but I have it pre ordered and it’s been a while since I put on the headset. Looks promising after the review though!
@Quintumply Very very interested now. Great review. My only real question is whether there is much variety to the missions. Trailers have largely shown you flying around shooting stuff, so i was curious how much the game mixes things up. I really need to download that demo!
@Quintumply Have Sony said yet weather or not the VR set is compatible with PS5? I only ask as I would presume this will greatly improve the loading times and frame rate, also did you run it on a Pro?
Great review & can't wait for the game to arrive tomorrow, not sure I can put TLOU2 down yet though!
@Rob_230 Missions are largely flying around and shooting stuff, but that's thankfully the best part of the game. There are some bits that change things up every now and then, but it's mostly a (fun) shooting gallery.
@Mostik PSVR is compatible with PS5, yeah. I reviewed this on a standard PS4, I'm afraid I can't vouch for how it performs on a Pro.
Camoflaj seems to have knocked it out of the ball park, I hope Sony consider picking them up as a developer. They need a strong suite of studios to push VR gaming.
@Quintumply Thank you 👍
This sounds very cool indeed. Had my doubts when it was announced but looks like it's worked out nicely!
I had a feeling this would be good, luckily I have pre-ordered
Two questions:
1) how long takes for an unskilled player to beat it? Can he make it in 4/5 small sessions in time for GoT day?
2) is the cost of the deluxe edition worth for someone who will beat it once only? Does upgrade your skills faster makes the game better?
@Quintumply How was the game with motion sickness?
The loading screens seem to be a huge complaint. They occur every time you change locations - even small ones - and take 45-90 seconds to load. Yikes!
I have never really been into VR. I am glad it exists for those who enjoy it, but I have tried the system and it just doesn’t really appeal to me for a number of reasons.
Iron Man VR is the first game that makes me sad that I don’t have the system. It looks great! Looks like VR owners are getting a very good game.
@thefirst There's no hall of armour. There are 10 or so colour variants that you have to unlock in order to use
@Ken_Kaniff I didn't get any motion sickness whatsoever.
With Iron Man, Star Wars Squadrons, Walking Dead (out now!), Pistol Whip, Dreams, Sniper Elite and Vader Immortal all coming soon, PSVR is really getting some killer titles.
Waiting for a PS5 Half-Life:Alyx PSVR announcement to come in. Surely its got to happen!??!
Crap!... now I need a PS5 and a PSVR. I have 4 games on my list that need it.
@Futureshark I hope ALYX come to PS5. PSVR Owners will love it.
God I want a PSVR.
@Quintumply great review , may I ask a question please? The loading you mention , this was present in the demo and took away some of that wow factor ie the plane exploding and you getting sucked out then hitting a loading screen . Does it still load mid level like that or is it more seamless in the full game ? Think I’ll still get it I love the PSVR and have fallen back in love with it all over again recently
@Unffclcntrllerpd There are a lot of load screens, and many of them are quite long. It’s the game’s biggest drawback, sadly.
That includes mid-level loading, to answer your question.
@Quintumply Okay thanks. Do you ever have problems with the motion sickness with VR, or are you one of the lucky ones that dont?
@Quintumply that’s a crying shame , like I say I’m getting it regardless but was hoping it was due to the demo seemingly being the one that’s been In circulation for at least a year before it got its own release . Still you never know we may get a ps5 patch yet , that should sort it right out
This is one of the more positive reviews I've seen. Only averaging a 75 right now on metacritic. Still, considering the history of most licensed superhero games this could've gone a lot worse.
I’m glad I got the version with the controllers then. Was mostly buying it for the Move controllers being a bargain but I get a pretty good game with it too!
Played it for about 3 hours today and I must say it's a really good VR game.
The only downside is you can't move freely during the scenes. I would have hoped to visit freely Tony's house..... etc.
Teleportation should be banned from VR imo.
@Ken_Kaniff I generally don't suffer with motion sickness, haven't really had any trouble with VR.
@Chryssy75 Glad you're enjoying it! I don't mind teleporting to specific points, but I guess it would've been nice to explore freely.
I may pick this up as it sounds great, gone a bit off of Marvel with the movies but I enjoyed Insomniacs Spider-man.
@Futureshark don't forget Budget Cuts!
Mine came today but playing the last of us 2 first but i did love the demo so much fun
Really hoping that they improve the loading times as soon as possible.
I get sick of the first downhill racing part when playing a first-person race game in VR. Can I handle this?
@Bartig literally zero sickness for this, I struggled with that too mate.
The loading times for this is brutal. Waiting mins just for it to load up after dying.
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