There are three reasons why Marvel's Spider-Man feels important. First, it offers a chance at some form of redemption for Sony, after The Amazing Spider-Man movies turned out to be, well, not all that amazing. Second, since Batman: Arkham Knight brought that incredible franchise to a close, we're sorely lacking a super hero fix. Third, and most importantly, there simply hasn't been a good Spider-Man game since 2004's Spider-Man 2, and that's criminal.
So it's a good thing, then, that Marvel's Spider-Man is a spectacular return to form for our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man – in every single sense.
What will grab you immediately is just how cinematic it is. Beautifully scripted cutscenes segue seamlessly into gameplay with nary a loading screen in sight. Combine that with some of the most fluid and expressive movement and combat we've seen this generation, and it all combines to really make you feel like Spider-Man.

But first, we really should address the Rhino in the room. Yes, Marvel's Spider-Man is modelled very closely on the framework that Rocksteady established with Arkham City, and Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed. You explore a relatively small open world that's full of collectibles and side quests, gathering and brawling everything in your path to level up and unlock new gadgets and upgrades. Heck, there are even towers you have to visit to unlock more of the map, and enemy bases to destroy – it's that closely modelled.
Developer Insomniac Games fortunately had the sense to reign it in a bit though, and while there is plenty to do, it never actually feels overwhelming. That's partially down to the fact you unlock this extra content piecemeal as you beat story missions, and that the game regularly encourages you to go and do optional stuff between key missions. It also helps that it's just such a fun game to play.
The web swinging is pure bliss from the get-go, and it only gets better as you unlock upgrades. Tap and hold R2 while in the air and Spidey will shoot a web at the nearest surface and swing off it. Press X at the height of your swing and Spidey will soar through the air, gaining momentum. Settle into a nice rhythm and you'll cross the length of New York in a heartbeat, running along walls and propelling yourself off buildings.
It just feels so damn good to be Spider-Man. Really, the biggest compliment we can offer the web swinging is that despite unlocking fast travel at some point in the game, we never used it. We really didn't want to miss out on another opportunity to explore the urban sprawl of New York from Spidey's webs.
Scraps are just as fun too, with Spidey's moveset growing substantially as you progress. There are just so many options at your disposal, from simple kicks to the face to a variety of gadgets that you can fire from your web shooters. Spider-sense is used to good effect as well, warning Spider-Man when an attack is about to land and with a simple tap of circle you can dodge out of the way. Leave it to the last second and you'll web the attacker in the face, leading to a variety of different follow-ups.
While combat is undoubtedly fun, challenging, and full of options, it never quite hits the heights of the Arkham franchise – despite sharing the framework. Dodging just doesn't ever feel as satisfying as a crunchy counterattack, though we do appreciate how it opens up more combat options.

It also gets a bit messy later on, with enemies attacking you in a variety of different ways. You'll get shot at, have grenades flung at you, and have to contend with enemies using shields and various weapons. Each type of enemy requires a different approach, forcing you to prioritise on the fly to take out the most dangerous foes first. And yes, it does solve Arkham's and Assassin's Creed's problem of combat being a touch too easy, but there are times when it just feels too chaotic to keep on top of, and that's when you lose the immersion of being Spider-Man.
What does come as an enormous shock is just how great the plot is, and the individual performances of our favourite heroes and villains. Peter Parker and Spider-Man are on point, complete with all of the 20-something dramas, witty quips, and one-liners you'd expect. It feels a little weird to relate to a superhero, but at times our heart was going out to the poor guy.
The supporting cast is just as great, though we can't really say much else without venturing into spoiler territory. Suffice to say, if you're a real fan of Spider-Man, you'll be in Spidey heaven. This is the pure comic book universe, yet it still feels familiar no matter how you've encountered Spider-Man up to this point. The result is simply one of the best versions of Spider-Man seen outside of the comics. Yeah, we said it.

What's not so great, though, are the frequent stealth sections not featuring Spider-Man. Despite us railing against these irritating immersion-breaking sequences in many other games, Insomniac has deemed it a good idea to incorporate a bunch of them here. So you go from a fluid, non-stop action epic to, effectively, a stealth walking simulator in which failure results in an old-fashioned game over screen. It's as fun as it sounds.
In the developer's defence, it does help you to realise just how super-powered Spider-Man is in comparison to an ordinary citizen, but it's used far too often, and it always plays the same. There's one particular section where it really does work though, and if it had been left to just that, we wouldn't have any complaints. It would have been a special moment, rather than a regular annoyance.
While we're on the subject of criticisms, let's talk about performance. Spider-Man runs at a super consistent 30 frames per second, and it didn't deviate from that at any point in our playthrough. We put it through some very stressful situations too, from whipping through the city at an alarming pace to beating up a ton of bad guys in a maelstrom of explosions. It didn't miss a beat. Problem is, our PS4 Pro was going absolutely haywire. The fans were running so loud that it sounded like a jumbo jet taking off. This is a technical marvel though, and it does defy expectations of what a PS4 game can achieve – much like God of War did earlier this year.
Ultimately, Marvel's Spider-Man is a must-buy, because no matter how you feel about our webbed superhero, this is just an insanely fun game to play, and it's so well put together. Just like the Arkham games did for Batman, this pretty much provides the definitive version of the Spider-Man universe outside of the comics, and leaves us begging to explore more of it in the inevitable sequel. Webslinging is bliss, combat is fantastic fun, and the extra content and collectibles are varied and infrequent enough not to overwhelm. What's more, the plot and characters are an unexpected surprise, with some fantastic performances that are genuinely touching. Marvel's Spider-Man is one of the best games of 2018 so far, and every PS4 owner will feel proud to own it as part of their library.
Comments 150
Cannot wait for this
It's finally here! The review, I mean
So happy to hear the good news! There was so much hype that I was not sure it would live up to it. Friday cannot come soon enough.
lol 87 on Metacritic.. their games never reach 90 or higher
As expected. Cant bloody wait!
Still is a great score, can’t wait!
Sounds like a real treat, can't wait! This looks to be the Spider-Man game I've always dreamed of since I was a little kid dressing up in daft Spider-Man onesies. We've really been spoiled with cinematic games this generation!
Sounds like what was hoping and expecting. Even the flaws can leave room for a more improved sequel.
Also of note so we get this out of the way, Digital Foundry has debunked the "downgrade" debacle. In fact their suggesting the opposite.
@LaNooch1978 Glen fox reviewing this, not Sammy
Always knew it would be something special. great to have it confirmed though, great review Glen !
My only little nit pick would be to say that there have been some great Spiderman games since 2, Shattered Dimensions in particular is much better than 2 imo but this sounds like it beats both of them now anyway
As usual great review 👌🏾 3 days ....
@NintendoFan4Lyf if you can get both honestly.
great reiview! also good on you guys for pointing out some "negative" points so nobody can accuse you for being a fanboy
srsly though this is yet another ps4 exclusive that get's great scores across the board. another reminder why ps4 is the best gaming system this generation.
It still is a GOTY contender,.
f*** yeah
Language please! - Quintumply
Digital deluxe version here I come
I knew I'd love it, but it seems we'll playing 2018's GotY in a few days. If not for the minor drawbacks mentioned by the review, Spidey would get a 10. Amazing indeed!
Sounds terrific, thanks for the review cant wait!!
I can't wait to play for myself! Great review @FoxyGlen
best spiderman game ever.word up son
Friday seems far away now..... I really can't wait to get my hands on that collector's edition.
@PS_Nation it got 88 on Metacritic.. 3 negative reviews.. SMH
@SecondServing. f!ck yeah.sh@t.hahaha😂word up son
@porhawj2016 Sigh, I saw it, but still is pretty good for the first game of the series.
@porhawj2016 again metatritic is not a legit source for me anymore.
the overall score should not be effected by "player" scores. since there will always be trolls and anti ps,xbox etc people out there that give it a 0.
Yup, can't wait for Friday.
@PS_Nation maybe it may reach 90 if it getting 100 reviews
Thank you for the review! Digital pre-order confirmed.
@jdv95 you mean user scores ?
I must give you a big thank you because I loved reading your review! It gave me even more hype to play this game and honestly makes me sad that my away from home vacations only end on sunday D: the extra day and a half will be painful!
Anyway, Sony is killing it with their exclusives and this point I can't even begin to understand how there are people (I know some on facebook) that say that xbox one is better than ps4 lol! Seriously!
Is there good post story content in this? Or do you just keep finishing the sidequests? Either way is fine for me but I'm just curious
@LaNooch1978 lol. wtf.. 8.7 is pretty good score.. IGN must be playstation hater lol. how much does IGN give God of War ?
@beemo Yes.
@jdv95 God of War got 9.2 on user scores so xbox/PC and Playstation haters were not able to make it lower than 8.0 or less
They gave God of War a 10
I can't believe it's 2018 and they've put Ubisoft towers in this game without a hint of irony.
@LaNooch1978 if they give The last of us 2 is 9.0 or lower then screw IGN lol
It's all subjective. If people don't care for Sony's exclusives I can see liking Xbox better. That said, anybody being objective can't deny the best and most varied lineup belongs to PS4. That's a fact. It's sold over 80 mil for a reason, it gets damn near everything (except Nintendo's stellar exclusives).
while ign should not get flack for giving it an 8.7,they are however still a trashy site.
bribery,stealing someone else's review etc.
Thanks for the review!
Great conclusion as well! Makes the wait till Friday feel even more agonising😩.
DQXI is going to have to wait! I’m on that Spider-Man Hype Train!
Seems what I worried about (Open world repetitiveness) came to fruition. Day 1, but since the moment I heard about collectibles etc it sounded like it fell for the open world trap.
@Gamer83 but that's what I say to those people and they can't even admit that! I don't care if you prefer xbox or not, but at least don't lie to yourself....right?
Just pre ordered . Can't wait. Interestingly I have a 4 day weekend this week. Good review.
Great review that's but rest to the worries i had. Going to be a busy few weeks with this and Dragon quest
Good review. I’m gonna hold off getting it at launch, but I’m gonna play it sometime for sure. It’s great to have a proper Spider-Man game.
@jdv95 lol. if they give TLOU 2 is 8.0 then screw IGN
@LaNooch1978 https://www.dualshockers.com/marvel-spider-man-ps4-review/
maybe this site help you more happy
Hmmmm. Just read a review in The Guardian which gave it 3/5. Even this review says it's essentially the same as Batman and Assassins Creed (which gets slated every year up until the most recent one). So how is this a 9/10, really? Hype train!
@NintendoFan4Lyf if you just got the witcher 3 then you are indeed doing yourself a service to hold off on any other game since the witcher will take weeks if not months of your time
Most guardian reviews are a complete joke , most reviews seem to be by some pretentious prat who thinks there farts smell better than anyone else. If something is fun and enjoyable they usual don't like it.
It might be similar to games mentioned but atmosphere , story etc might be better and let's be honest most games are similar to another in some way.
Cheers for the great review!That score does not surprise me in the least
I was kind of hoping I'd get my copy early today but no such luck..
I hope they can fix this noisy Console problem next Gen :-/ My original PS4 runs ok but some games it gets loud the Fan and I find it really annoying really :-/ Anyway the game sounds brilliant When I do finish my PS4 back-log of games I will be getting it
' So how is this a 9/10, really? '
The conclusion is pretty clear how!
So it does the Gravity Rush thing where it allows you play as a character who can move in intoxicatingly freeing ways and then saddles you with a ton of stealth missions that are antithetical to that joyous freedom. Perfect.
Sounds like the game is solid otherwise, though.
I'm considering this my first PS5 game. It sounds great, except for those stealth sections which I hate under normal circumstances but it makes the game sound like Sonic Unleashed here, but I'm expecting them to tighten this one up a bit, and of course the DLC has yet to release.
I bought GoW day 1 and DQXI should be here any minute, common bond, no season pass or DLC.
Good review, good game, but I have a feeling it will get better. And I still need to get a 4k HDR tv.
Great review. Can't wait until Friday.
Also the tower thing never bothered me.
Not gonna get this until I've finished Hollow Knight, The Messenger, Curse of the Moon, and Hyper Light Drifter. Just too much to play right now...Sounds good though.
@JJ2 I guess, if you like Assassins Creed knockoffs. I thought everyone hated those games didn't they?
I'm playing devils advocate of course. I'm sure this game is great.
@suikoden To be fair, Keef Stewart over on those pages is a pretty decent chap. But the Guardian as a whole, of course, if full of pretentious, self-regarding, moralising idiots.
@Carl-G You can't power without heat, you can't have heat without cooling, you can't have quiet cooling without ££££££.
I personally don't want an extra £400 added for high end PC grade cooling.
@adf86 literally just finished watching that, so funny everyone getting upset over what is basically a cube map change, when in reality the resolution has been increased since then, so much for the "downgrade" 😂
Overall the game looks great, I'm not a huge Spiderman fan but loved the Arkham games so will be picking this up soon
There game reviews usual are ok it's more films / tv , I would say most of the time if they don't like something I will and if they love something more than likely i will be bored to death by it
A word of warning about Digital foundry's video, it reveals a major character that hasn't been shown yet so it's disappointing that these channels can't just show footage that was previously shown.
Digital Foundry also said that the graphics are amazing, and there is no downgrade at all. Let’s see how the pretentious douches will try to spin now.
@PS_Nation they most likely will never mention it again but if they do mention it again they will just accuse digital foundry of being a sony fanboy channel or they will say that the channel was wrong.
also now that the review embargo has lifted be sure to stay away from facebook and twitter spiderman related posts because when uncharted 4 was just days away from release,some unknown guy send me and others a PM detailing the ending of uncharted 4. (i didn't read it that well fortunatly).
@jdv95 These fanboys know more than Insomniac and Digital Foundry, of course, lol.
No good Spidey games since 2? Pretty harsh. Shattered dimensions was fun just lacked open world (and some characters were funner than others), web of shadows was very fun to control it just had awful voice work (especially Spidey himself), Ultimate Spidey was fun comic style and added playable Venom, and Amazing Spidey (first one) definitely felt like a more Arkham style Spiderman game.
I don't like Ass Creed.
No 10 nice, that means that I can wait for the complete edition with all dlc for 20 and jump to Dragon Quest XI without any problems
Great to see insomniac back at the top of their game! As a spidey fan my senses are tingling! Gonna be an awsome birthday pressie
This just looks like so much to play, got a lot else on so will pick up in the near future.
Great review, look forward to getting my hands on it at some point. Any word on base ps4 performance?
After reading the review, I'm probably not going to play this anytime soon. I was already not that interested because it didn't seem like anything I hadn't already played (which the review confirmed), and I'm sick of unnecessary stealth missions.
@jdv95 IGN didn't steal anyone's reviews, Filip Miucin did. Don't blame them for the actions of one person who doesn't even work there anymore.
I was going to hang off but damn this hype train has me. I need to fling some goo at some walls.
Then play Spiderman
Nice review. I'm not in a hurry to get this, but I'm looking forward to it.
@NintendoFan4Lyf When I got my HDR up and running, Horizon was the game that really blew me away, and for $20 it's well worth it. God of war also looks amazing, and is getting a new game plus playthrough from me!
Overhyped, typical openworld game, towers n all. Not bad by any stretch, but seen it all and played it all 100 times before I bet. 7/10 seems right.
And nope I haven't played it, just 25+ years of gaming experience tells me what to expect.
I expect the same from Red Dead 2, of course. But then I prefer cowboys to teenagers in spandex. Male teenagers in spandex, anyway.
Don't agree? Boohoo.
As good as it looks, I don't really do superhero games. I'll pick it up when it inevitably hits Plus. Maybe.
I've just read a few of the comments on DF twitter about the analysis. Its getting even more embarrassing how some Xbox 'fans' react.
Its a PS4 game after all. Why they seem outraged is beyond me.
Of course some gamers might get fooled by them though.
@kyleforrester87 WoW , 25+ experience equals to bad taste ? I mean people can judge themself instead of some guy who adores metal gear solid ( i cannot see the greatness in those games 6/10). I am excited and its going to be day one (9/10 based on 20 year experience). #boohoo#hipster#
Edit: forgot pretentious
9/10 you say..

Supposed to.be in his 20s in the game,don't why the games and films fixate on Spiderman as a teenager many of the better story's took place when he's older and married
How's it bad taste , he said it's a good game but really not his type of game, and going on about metal gear is a bit of a double standard.
@suikoden an adult you say? Sounds like he should get a real job then.
I was going to say he did , but he becomes a high school science teacher so I'm not making a good point !
@FoxyGlen Great review, but I just have a quick question regarding the stealth sections. Do you have to avoid getting spotted downright, or can you fight your way to the goal even after blowing your cover? Truth be told, I'm quite horrible at trying to stay hidden over the course of a stealth section, so I'm hoping at least it can transition to a "normal" brawl section.
Sure, it still might be annoying if this is indeed the case, but it's better than a Game Over after being spotted.
@suikoden next step on the career ladder, meth kingpin!
@suikoden Hè rates the game based on experience? For me its like saying: Oohw you Go on holiday to Spain? I hate spain based on experience of never being there maybe i just need to not react to him
@adf86 I watched that video and came to see if anyone mentioned it. Know what you mean about that character reveal, not exactly surprising but they didn't need to show it. I pondered for a second if I should stop watching in case it gave more away.
@Sanquine yeah, it's like, I played about 100 open world games, and from that, I've like, totally been able to form a sort of "basis" I guess you might call it, and with this "basis" I can form a general opinion (a "basis" if you will, think of it sort of like my own personal Spidey sense if that helps you to understand) about any other given game. It's weird but it just works. It's like, I can see this, and know it's totally different from something like Gran Turismo "based" entirely upon previous experience. It's the same learning principal that stops me from using the Hoover on my private parts. Tried it once, not worth it.
I hope that makes sense. Enjoy Spain by the way, I think you said you were going soon. Not my kind of place to be honest. Never been.
@kyleforrester87 Not gonna lie, I sighed real hard when I learned this game has Ubisoft towers.
That's why I am not the biggest fan of open world games, they're all the same Ubisoft template with a different coat of paint.
At least with Spider-Man they say that moving around is a joy on its own. So hopefully it makes up for it in some other areas.
@Octane Insomniac are awesome and are the one reason I'm interested in this game. The genre is stale though (despite some improvements) - I just give it sh*t because I know these devs can push the boat out instead of playing it safe like they are. Too much playing it safe, handholding, treating us like idiots to appeal to the masses to make back the huge development and advertisement budgets. I can understand why but it still bums me out.
@Carl-G open your console and clean it up! You won't believe the difference
@LaNooch1978 it's the concept of unlocking the map by getting to the top of certain towers and completing some kind of basic mini game, or just pressing a button. Then your map fills out and you get a load of points of interest appear.
Why can't you listen in on NPCs, or interrogate them and gather info that way and manually goto sites that are mentioned by them instead of just being fed way point after way point? Because it's not cookie cutter openworld game design, because that would be harder. And the game is worried the player wouldn't put 2 and 2 together and figure solutions to problems out themselves, and then no one would buy it.
@kyleforrester87 it's not 'don't agree boohoo' I think that if you have those opinions you shouldn't play videogames anymore since 99% of games are repetitions from one another with small tweaks 😁
But hey, I'm just saying...
@Neolit there are no locked parts of the open world from what I read in this review! And I honestly don't understand why people hate towers so much 😂
@AFCC well, fortunately 99% is a gross over estimate - there are tons of games that appeal to me fortunately, so no problem there.
Also, as I've said before, I can be forgiving of certain grievances if I find the theme more appealing. I.e the Wild West or a SciFi environment will immediately score more points with me.
Does that make sense?
The morons who spewed crap like 'I'm looking at screenshots, I'm watching youtube videos, I can tell it's a downgrade' will just double down on their bs but fortunately they're a small minority. The reviews are out, the game is great, Digital Foundry debunked much of the nonsense and come Friday most of the talk will be how great the game is. At this point the only thing that could make talk turn negative again is if it flops at retail.
@kyleforrester87 yes it makes total sense! But just to be clear I didn't say that no games should appeal to you, I say that 99% of games nowadays are just similar with small differences...like honestly tell me some recent game that really has an original concept?
Also I only don't agree with you rating a game before you play it, you should really try it first that's just my opinion, I'm not trying to get you mad! I just think that even when you think that you will not enjoy all the parts of the game you should play it before you score it...
For instance I knew Destiny wouldn't be for me so I skipped it, I let myself fall through the hype for Destiny 2 even though I had a small idea it was a mediocre game but I only confirmed it after playing! Now that is a true 7/10 game or even less
@LaNooch1978 I kind of forget the story when I get myself into these kind of debates to be fair. It's a good point. For some reason as I have gotten older I've become less interested in story and more with gameplay. As far as stories in open world games go, they do tend to be a bit too disjointed and you find the game design isn't doing the narrative justice. But I can't argue I do love being invested in a linear story driven game with a theme that interests me, such as Evil Within 2.
@AFCC it's not about needing an original concept. Single player linear survival horror games work.. keep making em. Racing games work. Keep doing em. Platformers work. Keep it up devs.
Openworld games? Something isn't right. This is the genre as a kid I used to talk about in the playground - just imagine going anywhere and doing anything. But the reality just isn't meeting the expectations for me.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, same here. Insomniac and Spider-Man alone are enough reasons for me to check it out, but like you said, I'm just a little bummed they're playing it safe with the bog-standard open world design.
''Why can't you listen in on NPCs, or interrogate them and gather info that way''
That actually sounds like a novel way to fill in your map too. Or just... you know, buy a map. It's New York, I don't believe there's not a single map of the city somewhere to be found there.
I’ll get it eventually. I definitely want it, but it’s not day 1 for me.
@LaNooch1978 mate if this was the same game but Transformers I'd have had it on preorder lock down for months and a week off work booked, towers be damned.
So what's the verdict on puddles?
@Octane @AFCC @kyleforrester87 You know, maybe I missed it, but I find it funny how no one mention or complains about Breath of the Wild having Ubisoft towers more proper than most other games with them. I'm not complaining either, but I think they make sense in Spider-Man too.
@kyleforrester87 Holy crap, if this was Transformers no one would see or hear from outside of hearing how awesome the game is while I eat either.
@Jaz007 Because I think that the Ubisoft towers in BOTW are the least of its problems
@PS_Nation They'll probably focus on the fact (strong possibility anyway) that it won't get a 90 on meta like other games did. It's what negative people do.
@Jaz007 haha I do agree the towers in BOTW are pretty uninspired. But as I have said before in a lot of ways, just in my opinion, BOTW does stuff that is genuinely progressive to the genre. At times this is to the detriment of other aspects, but it actually feel like the developers took a look at what was being done and tried to carve a new path, and I really appreciated that.
@RogerRoger Ok, please educate me here. Is there some US spelling, I'm suppose to be know?
Clearly you didn’t try Henry hoovers sister hetty, that’s all I can say
@RogerRoger My original comment was edited in a sec, as to why you confused me with a reply 10 minutes later. No offense taken, but you do need to improve on your keyboard speed.
Glad i pre purchased. Little disappointing that the developers didnt go open world but there sill be dlc to expand and a possible sequel around homecoming 2
@gingerfrog hmm, got a number?
@kyleforrester87 I'm hopeful we'll see a couple nice additions to the genre with RDR2, of course eventually CP2077 as well
Is this coming to vita ?
@Sanquine He is just a troll that is spewing this BS in every article related to Spider-Man, and his little buddies are here too.
Really pathetic.
I'll get this eventually. Glad to hear it turned out great. I'm not the biggest Spiderman fan so I can hold out. If this was a Hulk ultimate destruction sequel though I'd be all over it!
If you guys are interested, there is a free theme of the game that you can claim on PlayStation’s site.
@Jaz007 Because Nintendo is exempt from criticism when it comes to it's legacy IPs.
@PS_Nation Dude, it's just Kyle having some fun. Not really any different from the tongue-in-cheek "fanboyism" we take part in here. If he was really making tocks of himself, he would've been thrown out by now. We've known him long enough to see otherwise.
Have a chill drink on me. I mean, I'm probably nowhere near you in real life, but hey, it's the thought.
Real talk though: What is it with Spidey that brings the nerd rage outta everyone? Not just this game, but comics and film too. The tears could make a new ocean.
@LaNooch1978 You know, I was gonna make a Star Wars comparison, but I thought it would be too much. Probably isn't though when I think about it. So much blood over a dude in tights.
I say that as a longtime Spidey fan, by the way.
I am sad this wasn't given a 10/10, but I do understand why it was rated 9/10.
Either way, still majorly hyped and looking forward to playing the game, despite the few criticisms.
How would you feel if this was 'only' an 8 with a couple more criticisms?
@bbtothe good points!
@JJ2 I'd still love and play the game regardless/equally.
Point is you have every reason to be excited because about everyone is saying this is such a great game.
@KidBoruto I would love if the scores were even better, but the meta is 87 right now I think, it's a really solid score for the first game of the series. It doesn't have the scores of God of War, but still is a GOTY contender, imo.
@FoxyGlen Thanks for not calling it "Spider-Man PS4" a single time. Really, I meat it.
Thank you <3
For that matter I really don't mind if there are stealth sections. I actually think it's great. They bring some nice variety to the gameplay and storyline. It's not like it's really forced on you from the timing point of view while playing the game as I understand it because you can explore and have fun in the world all your heart content before you finally decide to tackle those. Correct me if I'm wrong.
@kyleforrester87 don't you feel that open world has the biggest space for improvement?
What exactly do you feel about open world games that makes you think they are all 7/10 or they're all the same?
Btw it blows my mind that you think that botw is good and you aren't even considering given this game a chance! I consider botw to be a 7/10...8 at it's best and that is streching it a bit!
@Jaz007 botw is an ok open world game, not even close to the hype that people gave it! And yes it has ubisoft towers and honestly I like the tower thing...don't know what's not to like, it's a fun platforming concept
@LaNooch1978 it's a solid game but not one of the best ever made! I don't honestly understand what new things it brought to the table or what people see as inovation in the game...
Also the weapon breaking system is so annoying damn...
And yes I agree with it being one of the worst Zelda games!
Still had a bit of fun playing it but didn't finish it
@Vee_Flames there are a few different types of stealth section, some of which you can fight out of. There are a huge number where if you get spotted, it’s game over though. They’re not particularly challenging - just annoying.
Warning. Just seen a spoiler on YouTube of unlockable suits.
Mines just been dispatched
I have two quarrels with this review.
1. Ultimate Spider-Man was just as good as Spider-Man 2, and you could play as Venom.
JK on that one though, glad to see it's definitely a worthwhile purchase!
Gonna have to echo some sentiments about "last good spider-man" being the 2nd game. That's... a bit off. Web of Shadows alone was an excellent game, and while Ultimate Spider-Man had some serious flaws, I'd say it was at least "good". Last but not least, Amazing Spider-Man on Xbox 360/PS3 may have some flaws as well, but I'd say it was at least in the "good" tier. I guess what I'm saying is, maybe the wording should be "amazing"? Spider-Man 2 was a huge, innovative game to be sure, but there were games after it that still qualified as good.
That aside, super hyped for this game. Been Spoodering it up all week with marathons of the Animated Series, watching various Spider-Man movies, and of course playing every Spider-Man or related game I happen to own, which is quite a few. Now I just need to survive the wait till the 7th, the review definitely makes it sound worth it!
my copy has just arrived, so thats my weekend sorted!
@LaNooch1978 see sometimes I don't know if I'm actually stupid or something, since Skyrim is in my list of most overrated games!
I obviously know why people enjoy both of those games but I think people put the games on a pedestal they don't actually deserve!
Like I said, solid games, not really the best! At least for me...
@LaNooch1978 I think the game that did that for me back in the day was gta sa, the amount of time I spent in that game doing nothing more than driving around is insane
Played for 1.5 hrs . Loving it .
First off, excited for this game. However I'm bummed that the Open world gets smaller and smaller. I suppose the likes of spiderman 2 (and arguably 3) really are one and done huh?
@JJ2 I never said I wasn't excited about the game, I'm just sad/disappointed that it wasn't given a better score/review.
I can still love the game to death but also be disappointed by a site's review/opinion of it, can't I? lol XD
@PS_Nation Fair point, I don't know why I was ever expecting God of War level scores/reviews...besides the massive hype train leading me to such a conclusion.
You absolutely right. I meant you shouldn't be sad.
To be fair the review could score 5 I would not care. I mean that would be too bad if the reviewer doesn't like it doesn't meant I have to agree. Its not the score that matters to me. For that matter 9 is supposed to be amazing. I don't know why people want 10s haha. No game is perfect.
@JJ2 Sadly it seems like alot of gamers have become extremely dependent on website's scores of games...which sometimes mean gamers are passing on excellent games just because they're scoring 7-8 or lower in reviews etc.
It's a fantastic game. I finally upgraded from PS3 this weekend and bought a bundle with free Spider-Game fully thinking I'd sell it straight away - but the GAME is FABULOUS. Highly recommended.
Just started playing. The fight scenes are a tad moronic and the health depletes too quickly. The web flying buttons are a tad jammy. Just still out on my rating.
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