Republished on Wednesday 30th November 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of December's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
One of gaming's most beloved trilogies is back, and quite frankly, it's better than ever. If you loved the intergalactic adventures of Commander Shepard the first time around, then you're obviously going to love Mass Effect Legendary Edition. And if you never had a chance to play the originals? This collection represents a perfect excuse to jump in and see what all the fuss was about.
In case you're totally out of the loop (or desire a quick refresher course), Legendary Edition includes three remastered games: Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3. The second and third entries are direct sequels, and back in the day, one of the trilogy's main selling points was that your role-playing choices carry over into subsequent games. By the time you get to Mass Effect 3, you'll have made numerous, hugely important decisions that alter the course of what is an epic sci-fi saga.

Throughout all three titles, you assume the role of Commander Shepard — a human military officer who's yours to customise. An overarching story of imminent galactic peril ties the trilogy together, with Shepard at the heart of everything that happens.
In this review, we'll be looking at each Mass Effect game individually, in order to better analyse what makes them tick. But before we get into specifics, we should talk about performance.
As a remastered package, Legendary Edition is just about everything that you could want. Visuals have been noticeably improved, with higher quality assets, textures, and an overhauled lighting engine. Everything runs a bit smoother, and the infamously long load times have been cut down to mere seconds.
On PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility, Legendary Edition runs at a buttery smooth 60 frames-per-second, in 4K resolution. It makes for an impressively crisp experience, and is without a doubt the best way to play. But even on PS4, it's rock solid. On PS4 Pro, you get to choose between a higher resolution at 30fps, or 1080p at 60fps.

And for games like Mass Effect, that 60fps makes a big difference. When it comes to action, all three titles are essentially third-person, cover-based shooters — so having a smooth frame-rate is a real plus. If you've only ever played through the trilogy on PS3 — where the frame-rate had a tendency to stutter — then you'll definitely appreciate Legendary Edition's upgrade.
It's also worth pointing out that Legendary Edition bundles all of the DLC for all three games into the deal (aside from Mass Effect's Pinnacle Station DLC, which was apparently lost years ago). Additional weapons, armour, missions, and full-blown expansions are all included.
Mass Effect
Even back when it first released in 2007, Mass Effect was a janky, awkward game. When it arrived on PS3 five years later (it was originally published by Microsoft before EA bought developer BioWare), it was nothing short of a chore to play. To be bearable in 2021, Mass Effect needed a lot of work — and BioWare has thankfully delivered.

The first Mass Effect has been overhauled quite dramatically in Legendary Edition. Entire environments have been rebuilt with better looking assets, and the gameplay has been tightened up considerably. The result is an RPG-shooter that actually feels okay to play, and trust us when we say that's a real achievement.
Mass Effect is where it all begins. Commander Shepard discovers a device that gives him or her premonitions of galactic destruction, and then you set off in search of salvation. The first game has you chase down a rogue agent named Saren — who's hellbent on bringing about the aforementioned apocalypse — but Shepard's mission is roadblocked by the galaxy's alien rulers. Humanity is the new kid on the block, and it's yet to earn the trust of its extra-terrestrial peers, who have been on the galactic scene for up to thousands of years.
This setup leads to a lot of political intrigue, and Mass Effect does a fantastic job of bringing you up to speed. The first game is all about setting the stage; it introduces you to the series' main alien races, all of whom are distinct and well developed. Mass Effect's world building is among the best in gaming, and although it does borrow a lot of concepts from various sci-fi media, it pulls everything together expertly.

Shepard's inaugural journey sees you visit several planets, each defined by a key quest or two. The Mass Effect series is linear in overall structure, but you're usually free to choose the order of your missions, along with the team that will accompany you. And this is where BioWare's sci-fi property excels; it's home to some of the most beloved and well written characters in video games.
Many of them are right here in the first Mass Effect. Shepard builds a diverse team of elite soldiers early on, and this gives the cast plenty of time to develop. Through the series' trademark dialogue wheel, you interact with your allies aboard the Normandy — Shepard's very own starship. You get to know their hopes and struggles, and each character adds to the already impressive world building, providing personal insights into the workings of this intergalactic future.
There's an old school charm to Mass Effect — a kind of whimsy that's mostly lost by the time Mass Effect 2 rolls around. That's not to say it isn't a serious game — it tackles a lot in-depth themes — but you can tell that it's been built on the back of the often goofy Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic — BioWare's previous RPG hit.

An inherent jankiness permeates the first Mass Effect, and at times it's hard to ignore — even with all of the work that's gone into Legendary Edition. Facial and body animations are so basic and stiff that cutscenes can come across as comical, and that stiffness bleeds into gameplay as well.
Again, Mass Effect is essentially a cover-based shooter, but it incorporates special abilities that you can unleash in battle. Abilities work on a cooldown system, which gives combat an enjoyable ebb and flow. Well, when they decide to work, at least. The targeting in Mass Effect is unwieldy at best, and until you're used to the jank, you're going to be hitting a whole lot of nothing with your attacks. Coupled with some extreme gun recoil and horribly unreliable aiming reticules in the original release, it's no wonder Mass Effect could be so frustrating to play.

Thankfully, as mentioned, BioWare has improved gunplay immeasurably for Legendary Edition. There's now a tightness to aiming and shooting that simply didn't exist before, and it makes combat infinitely better. By today's standards, Mass Effect's gunfights are still incredibly basic and very static — but they no longer drag the experience down.
The Mako, on the other hand, is still a bit rubbish. Essentially a six-wheeled space tank that Shepard and co pilot across the surfaces of alien worlds, the Mako adds a sense of exploration to Mass Effect. You can use it to traverse numerous planets, many of which are optional destinations. However, these worlds are mostly barren wastelands with nice looking skyboxes. After a while, the size of these areas starts to feel like padding.
The Mako is also capable of defending itself, but vehicular combat is even more basic than Shepard's on-foot firefights. Armed with a big old cannon, you'll be blasting defence turrets and mowing down helpless infantry units in the Mako, but its sluggishness means that most battles devolve into hammering the trigger and not much else. Mass Effect's vehicular escapades do provide something different, but it's no real surprise that the Mako was dropped for Mass Effect 2 and 3.

With Legendary Edition, Mass Effect looks and plays better than ever, but the title's age still shows. In terms of gameplay, Mass Effect remains the weakest entry in the trilogy by some distance, but in its world building, characters, and writing, it's still a classic RPG.
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2 was a leap forward for BioWare's series, and even with Mass Effect's Legendary Edition enhancements, it still feels like an evolution. Many would argue that Mass Effect 2 is the pinnacle of the franchise — and we'd probably agree.
Compared to the first game, Mass Effect 2 adopts a grittier tone. Shepard is no longer a cut-and-dry military man or woman — he or she is roped into working with Cerberus, a humanity-first extremist group that's out to protect mankind's colony worlds. Thousands of humans are going missing all across the galaxy, and Shepard is tasked with assembling an unmatched team of specialists in order to launch a suicide mission against this unknown threat.

Immediately, Mass Effect 2's setup is less about adventure, and more about personal stories. The title's overarching plot is told over the course of just a few missions, but the meat of Mass Effect 2 is building your squad. To do so, Shepard has to scour the galaxy for bounty hunters, assassins, and scientists, with each character having their own reasons for joining the Commander's crusade. For the main cast of a 40-or-so hour game, it's a long list of diverse personalities — but BioWare's snappy writing ensures that everyone has a place.
Every potential squadmate has their own recruitment mission, and once you get to know your new allies aboard the Normandy, you unlock their loyalty missions — personal tasks where Shepard earns the trust of his or her crew. Mass Effect 2 is very episodic in structure, and it works wonderfully. Each mission gives you something new to think about — a new perspective on the characters involved, or a new motivation. As such, the game's pacing feels fantastic — there's always something to look forward to, and there's very little downtime.
The pacing is a definite improvement over the first Mass Effect, and so is the level design. The environments of the sequel have a lot more detail and personality to them, with the likes of lawless asteroid Omega, with its thumping night clubs and dingy orange hue being particularly memorable. This advancement in level design also bolsters the game's combat scenarios. Mass Effect 2's encounters are much better realised, with more varied enemy types demanding more involved tactics.

Unlike its predecessor, Mass Effect 2's combat hasn't really been touched for Legendary Edition, but that's not necessarily a problem. While it does feel a bit dated and stunted here in 2021, it's still a solid third-person shooter, and character abilities have a lot more kick to them. Likewise, the guns themselves have a noticeable punchiness, giving most firefights a satisfying edge.
Mass Effect 2's many character-driven stories lead up to the all-important suicide mission — arguably the most impactful mission in all of Mass Effect. This is where the choices that you've made throughout the game come to a head. Squadmates can die if you're underprepared, and it can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. It's a great climax to a brilliant RPG.
But is it as much of an RPG as the first game? There's no question that with each instalment, Mass Effect has drifted further from its RPG roots — and Mass Effect 2 streamlines a lot of systems. On the one hand, this helps with the game's aforementioned episodic pacing — you're not dipping into the inventory menu every 30 seconds to equip newly acquired loot like in Mass Effect. But on the other, it feels like you have less control over who Shepard is.

In Mass Effect 2, player choice is completely skewed by the Paragon and Renegade system, which is even more restrictive than it was in the previous game. Basically, you're forced to pick one or the other. Paragon is the path of the war hero — the commander that will always save innocent lives over crushing the enemy. On the flip side, Renegade is the ruthlessly efficient leader who gets the job done, no matter the cost.
Performing heroic actions and picking 'positive' dialogue options increases your Paragon rating; ruthless actions and choosing 'negative' dialogue options makes you more of a Renegade. The problem is, some key dialogue decisions are locked behind your Paragon and Renegade ratings — you need to have a certain amount of points in either rating to get what are effectively the best outcomes during main missions. In turn, this means that you have to stick to one path — Paragon or Renegade — in order to rack up the necessary points. Those looking for a true role-playing experience may find the two-pronged system frustrating.

Overall, though, Mass Effect 2 still stands as one of BioWare's best games. Memorable characters and memorable missions make for a stellar sequel.
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 are role-playing games with third-person shooter combat. Mass Effect 3, however, often feels more like a third-person shooter with RPG elements. The final instalment in the story of Commander Shepard, Mass Effect 3 is easily the trilogy's most divisive game. Its overall direction, the creative vision behind it, and its infamous ending have kept people talking about Mass Effect 3 for almost a decade.

But having played it again all these years later thanks to Legendary Edition, we're confident in saying that Mass Effect 3 is a great game. It's just a bit... Different.
Mass Effect 3 moves on from the character-driven stories of Mass Effect 2 and transforms itself into a full-blown wartime drama. The Reaper threat that Shepard's been fighting against for two whole games has finally emerged on a galactic scale — and seemingly nothing can stop it.
Right from the start, Mass Effect 3 leans into darker, more serious territory. Humans and the alien races that you've come to know over the course of the trilogy are flung headfirst into an apparently unwinnable war for survival. Billions of people are being slaughtered all across the galaxy, and the game reminds you of the doom and gloom constantly. It's quite a far cry from the almost comic book escapades of Mass Effect 2.

The stakes have never been higher, and with uncountable lives resting on Shepard's shoulders, the Commander is tasked with uniting the galaxy's most powerful militaries for one final assault. With absolutely everything on the line, it's no surprise that the game has an oppressive atmosphere, but there are still touching character moments dotted throughout, reminding Shepard of what he or she is fighting for.
Again, jumping from the swashbuckling charm of Mass Effect 2 to the outright apocalyptic vibes of Mass Effect 3 is jarring, but immerse yourself in Shepard's last stand and there are some truly gripping moments to be found in this finale.
Indeed, Mass Effect 3 features some of the very best missions in the trilogy, and it helps that the action is a drastic cut above. A significantly overhauled combat system grants Shepard some much needed agility. You sprint faster, you've got a dodge roll, and you can slip between cover with the push of a button. It all makes a massive difference, and when combined with much tighter gunplay, way more effective abilities, and an impressive amount of enemy variety, Mass Effect 3 is still fantastic fun to play.

Likewise, Mass Effect 3 marks a real evolution in BioWare's level design. Complete with some stunning skyboxes, the third game boasts some top tier environments, and fighting through them is largely a joy. Coming off the back of Mass Effect 2's rather static locations, Mass Effect 3's more open, more dynamic battlefields allow for a much greater sense of player agency — especially when it comes to tactical thinking.
But as alluded, this third instalment does step away from the series' role-playing roots — even when compared to Mass Effect 2. Most notably, Shepard's dialogue is far more automated. In the previous games, you're hit with a dialogue choice just about every other line, but here, you're lucky to get one or two choices per conversation.
In hindsight, it's perhaps a necessary limitation. It's easy to forget that Mass Effect 3 has to take all of your previous decisions into account — decisions that span three whole games. The permutations of Mass Effect 3's story can differ dramatically, and it's still seriously impressive to think about how everything feeds into the trilogy's final act. Nine years removed from the release of Mass Effect 3, and there's still nothing quite like it.

For the most part, Mass Effect 3 makes for a worthy finale, but there's just no getting away from that ending. We won't spoil it here, but there's a reason why it's still debated to this day. Considering how well the rest of the trilogy incorporates player choice and the consequences of your actions, the ending of Mass Effect 3 still feels like a total misstep. We certainly wouldn't go as far to say that it ruins the trilogy — not when all three games have such fantastic qualities — but it's still weak in the grand scheme of things.
Thankfully, Mass Effect 3 has the Citadel DLC, which is pretty much the last hurrah that the trilogy deserves. It brings the whole gang back together, and although a lot of it relies on pure fan service, it remains an outstanding slice of additional content. In fact, we'd go as far to say that Mass Effect 3's three expansions — Leviathan, Omega, and Citadel — elevate the experience to a very large degree.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is the remastered collection that the trilogy deserves. Playing these games back-to-back showcases the immensely impressive scope of BioWare's series — an ambitious project the likes of which we haven't seen since. In some ways, all three titles are showing their age — but excellent character writing and exceptional world building make this a timeless trilogy. An emotional and truly memorable experience, from start to finish.
Comments 66
Fantastic, comprehensive review Robert! I happen to agree with the score, too I'm leaving this legendary series for summer holidays as I'm still enjoying the heck out of Persona 5, but for those who are on the fence- just buy it and enjoy some of the best stories gaming has to offer.
If anyone's got any questions about the games or the review, let me know and I'll try to answer them.
Would have liked to get this review out a lot sooner, but we got the code quite late. And since we were already late, we decided to take our time and do a huge review that covers all three games. Hopefully worth the wait!
Also, the screenshots drop into the review at random — and they're all taken directly from my game on PS5. I put a few "joke" screenshots in the mix for a laugh, so let me know if you find any of them.
Cool to not be pressured to release something at embargo where no one could possibly finish the 3 games in time and wait until you can write a comprehensive review. I'm absolutely loving it so far. I've never played all 3 games in a row and enjoy the moments where you run into minor characters who reference something you did in the first game. Just never gets old!
@ShogunRok Would You Buy a Mass Effect Bundle If It Had The Trilogy With Andromeda in It?
@ShogunRok do you think the success of this trilogy/remaster will inspire BioWare to finally do a remaster for Dragon Age 1 and 2 before Dragon Age 4 comes out?
It seems like it would be worth the time and effort seeing as they did a good job with this one.
Everytime I resume my playthrough of Mass Effect 1 I always find myself listening to the Title Screen music for ages.
I’m loving replaying these games. The first game felt a little dated at first but it didn’t take long to adjust.
These are two and a half of the best games ever made (😁). I actually think ME1 is my favourite. ME2 takes everything to a whole new level but ME1 is where it all began (plus it didn’t have that planet scanning with those god damn probes 🙄).
They really have stood the test of time. I almost want to give Andromeda another chance.
Currently halfway(ish) into ME2 and have just finished the lovely Samara's Loyalty Mission. Its a great remaster and fair play to Bioware/EA for not just doing a barebones remaster. ME holds up pretty well with this remaster with only the Mako stuff being annoying and bland, ME2 though is still one of the best games out there and improves upon ME in nearly every way. Honestly its felt like seeing old friends again and i can't wait for Mass Effect 4.
That was a fantastic and concise review! Great job! If I'm nitpicking, I love the Mako and fighting the Dune Sandworm-like Thresher Maws in ME1.
If you've never played and you're on the fence about it, I can only say it's the best, most realized Science Fiction I've ever experienced in gaming, and you'd be doing yourself a favor.
Not related, but I'm a bit of a luddite when it comes to keeping up with TV series and the like, and I just recently treated myself to the first season of The Expanse. It's great, but what I really loved about it is it seems like all the combat and uniforms, space travel, etc. is ripped straight from Mass Effect! Had to at least be a big influence.
@Areus I wouldn't be against Andromeda being included, but having played these three games again, it's only solidified my opinion that Andromeda is a bad Mass Effect game.
To be clear, Andromeda's not a bad game. It's mostly solid. But it doesn't come close to any game in Shepard's trilogy.
@QBGaming12 I definitely think it's possible, and it would make sense with the next Dragon Age coming along. Would love a remaster of Origins in particular, totally deserves it.
"Immense replay value"
And here I am making the same choices I have a dozen times before, lol.
Glad to hear it’s as great as ever! Mass Effect 1 used to be my least favorite but after a 2016 series playthough it became my favorite of the three. Looking forward to going through it all again after I’ve spent more time with TBC Classic and RE: 8.
@ShogunRok do you think Mass Effect 3 would have been more enjoyable if they let you use the updated characters from ME2 like the new(and improved Jack), Thane or his son.
I always think that's one of the downsides of ME3 because Jacob and Javik aren't that great. Seeing Jack and Grunt in that game is awesome. Also Aria not being a teammate was a huge misstep.
@ShogunRok I was wondering if you had fired this up on the original PS4 and compared performance to the PS5.
I’ve never experienced Mass Effect and want to have the best version so am thinking I will wait until I can get my hands on a PS5, but if the difference isn’t massive I might bite sooner.
About the performance, I'm on a PS4 Pro and just finished ME1 on performance mode, but the framerate takes a serious hit in the citadel and it leads to a lot of judder which is really a shame.
1 con missing Pinnacle Station DLC !
so not perfect
@Kienda See my previous reply. Performance isnt rock solid on a Pro unfortunately
@Flurpsel thanks. I think I will wait until I get hold of my PS5 then. Which could be next year. Lol
Listening to snippets from Blasto 6: Partners In Crime is the best thing about ME3.
I grabbed the platinum trophy for Mass Effect yesterday. Absolutely love these games.
As someone who only played a few hrs of the 2nd and couldn't get into it, I'm definitely thinking of getting this although I'm trying to restrict myself from buying new games at the moment as I still have games I want to play and even replay so will definitely be picking it up at some point, always heard good things about it, but jumping straight into 2 might not have been the best idea at the time. Good to see a proper review for all three games, bravo push square.
1st rules,Mako rules even if planets are kinda wastelands.2 felt too linear and restrictive after,instead of Mako's illusion of freedom and exploration you get that damn scanner.3 has annoying messy journal and you can easily miss some "timed" missions,you get no warning! Badass epic games,cant wait to replay them whilst im replaying them hah
@Samba3 I love the Mako, I don’t care what anyone says. It was much better than the planet scanning in ME2.
@QBGaming12 Hmmm, it's a tough question. On the one hand, I would have loved for more of the old characters to return as squadmates. On the other, I think Mass Effect 2 might have too many squadmates. I always end up ignoring a few of them and never taking them on missions.
I think Mass Effect 3's squad selection is good — it's got a nice balance. But overall, a few more guest characters would have been cool, even if it was for just one mission here and there.
@Flurpsel @Kienda Oh, so maybe the first Mass Effect's updates make it more demanding than the others? Bit of a shame it's not locked 60 on Pro (although from what I understand, it's generally good).
Replaying these on PS5 has been a blast. It was already my favorite trilogy in gaming but getting to play it in 4K 60 FPS with all the quality of life improvements has been a treat.
Damn this is a big review, but a trilogy-in-one package containing a game as big as the Mass Effect universe, it definitely deserves it.
I can't wait to find the time to read this whole review.
I personally view these games at the pinnacle of RPGs along with FFVII. The value for the money here is incredible, and having all of them with all DLCs 4k60fps in one package is frankly amazing. Loving going through them again.
never played this franchise. thinking about jumping in.
I'm so happy with it. I loved the first M.E. when it came out back in the day, and haven't played it through again until now. I Thought it was brilliant, personally. Then 2 blew my mind again. The game by itself was amazing to me, but the carryover from 1 was so wild. When 3 came out, I had stopped playing games for some years, and so I just kind of missed it. So I can't wait to finally finish it all of these years later
@ShogunRok @QBGaming12 Same here! I own Dragon Age 3 but never played it due to the first two games being stuck on PS3.
Here's hoping EA also remasters the Dead Space Trilogy in addition to maybe Dragon Age 1 & 2.
0/10 because Pinnacle Station is not present!!!!
But in all seriousness, one of the best franchise I've ever played. Yes, I even count Andromeda(fully patched of course though)
Pinnacle station was awful dlc that ran awful played awful you really are not missing out on anything. everything they did in pinnacle station they did better in the citadel dlc with the combat simulator being better and the apartment being better
ME1 looks great now but it still very much plays like a game from 2007 but the world story and characters are what make it amazing. Im just glad it gives more people an opportunity to play it
ME3 is actually a fantastic game wrapping up alot of things youve done throughout the trilogy. Until the last two missions and then it doesnt really pay off
but sometimes with games its about the journey rather than the destination
Im surprised in every review and technical analysis no one mentions the sound is messed up on mass effect 1. With Dolby Digital the speech comes out of the rear speakers there a big thread about it on EAs site but no fix
1 is still my favorite (and the only one I care to replay) so for me I will wait until this goes on deep discount or to Switch.
@ShogunRok is the ps5 running native 4k or some kind of psuedo 4k like checker boarding?
@fR_eeBritney I dunno if I’m in the minority, but I’m addicted to the planet probing. It’s just so satisfying when you get a good reading on the graph!
@Bentleyma- I enjoyed it for the first 5-10 planets but I have this compulsive need to scan (and deplete) every single planet whenever I arrive at a new system. I must have probed over a hundred planets by now and the novelty has well and truly worn off 😅
@Bentleyma- I just do the rich planets gave me enough resources to max out all upgrades
Very well written review! I'm still working my way through ME2 at the moment but I'm still amazed just how incredibly ambitious this trilogy is. I honestly don't think we are ever going to see anything like it ever again in our lifetime. It's so fascinating how each game feels so different from each other while all feeding into a collective whole of a narrative that has so much to offer.
I absolutely love Mass Effect and I also feel like Andromeda is pretty darn good too though I agree of course it's not as good as the Shepard trilogy. Then again few games are in my opinion.
As much as I loved 1 and 2, I can’t get over how restrictive 3 was. Between that and the clumsier dialogue, just left a dodgy taste in my mouth. That said, the conclusions to the genophage and Legion storylines are absolutely fantastic.
Awesome reviews. I love the breakdown of all 3 games.
I only ever played ME2 on the PS3 but at some point I'll pick this up and hopefully find enough time to play them all through.
Finished the 3 platinums, loved it, I kinda wish they did a full remake , controls are a little clunky at times , especially 3 where they introduced rolling, but brilliant overall.
@ShogunRok I've only got one question: Is this your favorite game on the Citadel? But seriously, great review!
@ShogunRok Yeah it's generally good and not gamebreaking. But really you're better of switching to quality mode in the citadel. Have not yet arrived in the citadel yet in ME2 (must first restart the game 12 times before I'm satisfied with my custom character, as usual...)
ME1 is truly an amazing experience now. Just got my Platinum Trophy for it. Now to start ME2!
They made the platinum's too easy for the games now they basically just give them to you for completing the game
@Northern_munkey I double checked Digital Foundry on this, and it's unclear whether it's native 4K or just very, very close to 4K on PS5. Basically, it might as well be.
Hi there fellow gamers.
I´m playing the Lengendary Edition at the moment, wich means
it´s my 7th Mass Effect trilogy playtrough and it has been fantastic so far.
There are some issues with all 3 games, but here is the thing:
You won´t find a better sci-fi, cinematic, space opera.
The trilogys storytelling is the best of it´s kind, the character development is unprecedent and the writing of the dialogues and epic situations elevates is what makes this saga so amazing and so beloved by so many fans out there.
And reliving this awesome trilogy on PS5 is an absolute blast.
Please BioWare, please make Mass Effect 4 with all the care, passion, respect and love, just like this phenomenal trilogy so clearly has.
Cheers, stay safe people and happy gaming to us all
It never occurred to me and I had completely forgotten about the DLC that I had skipped out on in ME2 and ME3. I just finished playing the Overlord side quest in ME2 for the first time and I'm completely blown away.
The emotional feels I had about what happened to David at the end of that quest line. No game has ever invoked that kind of response from me before. I was disguested, mad and furious at what Cerberus had done! Can't believe I missed playing this stuff at release! It's amazingly well done. Just as good as the main story.
I hope the rest of the DLC is on pare with Overlord. If so I'm in for a treat!
Bioware had a brief Golden Age of story telling with ME1 and DA Origins, which are two of (if not the) best written games I've played since 1985. They aren't games as much as interactive novels. Then EA acquired Bioware, and the Golden Age ended. EA definitely improved the gameplay, but the story telling was never the same.
@ShogunRok cheers bud..might pick it up soon..played all 3 on the pc..never understood why the 3rd got so much flak.
Bioware have had over 150 people leave since the golden age of mass effect i doubt they will produce anything as good again
So 9/10 huh... That's a 3/ for every game in the collection. Hard pass
I think I must be the only person on this planet to think these games are waaaay over-rated and defintely showing thier age despite some new hi-res texture packs.
I tried to play these a couple of years ago (on my PS3) and found the main protags voice acting cringe and wooden and the story was all over the place. I found it really boring and fell of it pretty hard which surprised me cause if there is a 100 hour rpg with plenty of grinding I am usually there for it.
I thought I'd watch a few playthrough before buying this and I am glad I have cause what I'm watching isn't any better than what I played a while back. The nostalgia must be thick with this.
/unpopular opinion
@ShogunRok it would have been nice for Aria to at least be in ME3 as a squadmate outside of the DLC. Here's hoping she's in ME4 since she is a asari and can age. Jack would have been great in ME3 just because she's awesome.
On ME2 now and god damn, what a game. I haven't gone to ME2 right after ME1 before like I am now, and it's quite a better experience. Especially after listening to the song during the credits of ME1! So dope
@ShogunRok Question: How many hours minimum will it take if I played them all? And would I be able to just jump in on part 3 without too much confusion allowing me to skip the more dated earlier installments?
@Sqush-Pare Minimum hours, you're looking at 15 hours per game or thereabouts — but you'd be skipping a lot of the best stuff (much of which is 'optional' but has a major impact on endings, etc.).
You can technically jump right to Mass Effect 3, but it's not recommended. Mass Effect has so many reoccurring characters, and the whole series has one big overarching storyline. Jumping straight to the end would definitely lessen the emotional impact.
If you do want to cut your playtime down, I would probably skip Mass Effect 1 and dive straight into 2. You'd still be missing out, but it's not as bad as skipping the first two games together.
All in all, though, it's a trilogy that's definitely best played in order and right from the start. But yeah, you're looking at 60+ hours, easily.
@ShogunRok Thanks, my time is quite limited these days.
I tried to play the first one on PS3 during COVID before the remasters we're announced and gave up. That game straight up sucked to play. I'm glad they overhauled it. Looking forward to playing them!
I played most of part 4, 2 years ago and I'm still mass effected out from that, I couldn't bring myself to finish it because the combat was just way too shallow and the character progression just stops about halfway through the game, I remember playing all of these back in the day and I think I'll just leave them as a memory, compared to today's games these a trash even if they have upgraded the visuals and some mechanics. I have about 20 games sitting in my to play pile I'm not adding this, I don't get why people play games on nostalgia purposes maybe I'm broken somehow but it doesn nothing for me, I just notice how crap they are now by modern standards.
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