The Redwall-esque world of Moss was an absolute joy to play through when it first launched on PSVR. Inhabiting the mantle of the omniscient, invisible “reader,” you guided the ASL-fluent mouse heroine, Quill, on her journey to vanquish Sarffog. Moss: Book II picks up in the immediate aftermath of the first title as Quill and a handful of allies must now gather the five pieces of glass before her enemies claim them and bring calamity upon the world of Moss.
The phenomenal gameplay of the first title returns in force, offering a great combination of hack-and-slash and VR item manipulation. While not the most challenging of experiences, using Quill to beat back hordes of enemies remains exhilarating, and more importantly, fun. One of the biggest changes is the introduction of multiple weapons for Quill. In addition to her glass sword, a hammer and chakrams have joined Quill’s arsenal, though switching on the fly in the heat of combat is a little shaky: weapon swapping is tucked into a menu reached through the touchpad, but we can’t help thinking the weapons should have been mapped to the d-pad instead. Fortunately, the weapons themselves are all fun to use, and each serve different purposes for puzzles thanks to their charge attacks. The hammer can smash metal surfaces, the sword allows for a dash, and the chakrams can of course hit items at range.
The combat pairs with the “reader” powers impeccably yet again, as the level design really leans into the strengths of both systems working in harmony. Locking the camera down and presenting environments as dioramas for you to look through remains one of our favorite design decisions in this series. But while the level design may take the same approach in Book II, the complexity has definitely increased. Puzzles are much more elaborate, especially in the late game, and the solutions are often satisfyingly clever. And that’s to say nothing of the staggering environmental variety: forested woods give way to a castle, which in turn leads to an impressively mechanized factory, with an abandoned conservatory being a real standout. The game is able to showcase an impressive array of locales considering its five-hour runtime, and each and every one is gorgeous.
While Polyarc doesn’t get too wild and crazy with its second title, it didn't need to considering how solid the foundation was with Moss. Book II takes the time to tighten up a few lingering issues from the first title, while providing more of the incredible world of Moss, albeit on a grander scale. Moss: Book II is further proof that Polyarc is among the best developers working in the VR space.
Comments 20
This is wonderful to hear. Admittedly I was on the fence with this because of the headset's wires but after reading this and my strong liking of the first game this is a no brainer for me now.
Sounds like the only reason you should be letting your PSVR gather moss...
So glad they're putting the MOSS into this.
[sitcom laugh track plays]
Moss is one of those series I really hope gets a vr2 version (or is backwards compatible), looks really cool. Hope I get to try it some day.
Hopefully both this and the original will be available for PSVR2, maybe even at launch.
Never owned the OG but potentially going in for PSVR2 day 1 as long as they make enough ports of the pre existing big hitters.
The original is already a VR classic. I'm delighted to see the sequel scoring so high.
I have it installed and ready to go, but I'll be saving it until after Elden Ring.
Would love to play this series but VR doesn't sit well with me. Doesn't seem like they are willing to make a non-VR version either sadly.
I really want to play this but I'm not sure I can be fussed with the PSVR setup anymore. Hopefully Book 1 and Book 2 come to PSVR2.
@Ogbert It's really built around VR. The idea that you don't just control the character but can reach into the world and manipulate the objects is key here.
I still have psvr hooked up, but until we hear anything about back compat or free upgrades to a psvr 2 version, I just can't justify purchasing any new games that could be potentially stranded on that hardware.
But glad to see Book 2 is well received. Loved the first game and have been eagerly anticipating the sequel for almost 4 years now.
Luckily my VR is still setup and available...although does anyone else have issues with the padding flaking off?
Anyway, really enjoyed the first Moss, so I'll give this one a go.
@lacerz yeah the padding on mine has recently started to flake. Weird how it's been fine for over 5 years then all of a sudden starts to fall apart.
I really hope this comes to PSVR2. I don't even have the adapters yet for PS5 for PSVR1, but Moss is kind of the defining title of PSVR1 to me, and, a reminder of the old days of big Sony showcases.
I loved the first. I'd buy this day one, but I want to wait and see if there's eventually a physical release.
I really hope this gets a physical release. PSVR literally takes 5 mins to set back up, so no problem playing it.
Slightly annoyed this isn’t an IT worker simulator.
Hoping to play 1 and 2 on PSVR2.
@RainbowGazelle @Uncharted2007 It's definitely possible. I know the first one had a disc copy come out about a month after it was released digitally in the states, cuz that's when I bought it. Hopefully, they'll release this one that way too!
@Robbirtles @lacerz That actually just started happening to mine. No problems with it, but now all at once, anytime I take it off, my forehead is covered in a whole bunch of those flakes
I'll only get Moss 2 if it's confirmed the PSVR2 is backwards compatible with PSVR1 games.
@get2sammyb I do that sort of thing in Dreams all the time with the Move controllers
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