"More like New Gundam Broken" started out as a dumb joke that we slung around the Push Square office after spending just 20 minutes or so with this latest mech-'em-up from Bandai Namco, but here we are 20 hours later and nothing has changed. New Gundam Breaker is a disappointing wreck of a release, and yet another stain on Gundam's spotty video game track record.
The Gundam Breaker series focuses on one simple gameplay loop: you smash up other mobile suits through a somewhat basic but fun hack and slash combat system, collect their parts, and then use those parts to upgrade your own suit. On a fundamental level it's a bit like anime robot Diablo, and the last game in the series, Gundam Breaker 3, came very close to being a great Gundam title. It had obvious flaws, but the core gameplay loop of smash, loot, upgrade was on the cusp of something quite special -- especially for fans of the franchise.

And that makes New Gundam Breaker all the more disappointing. Instead of building upon the things that its predecessor got right, it decides to scrap a number of key elements, replacing them with poorly implemented ideas and misguided concepts. It's an immensely frustrating turn for a series that was showing so much promise.
Rather than stick with the straightforward mission-based structure of previous instalments, New Gundam Breaker opts for a visual novel approach. The story is told through static backgrounds and character portraits as you're welcomed into a school where the only subjects are Gundam model building and Gundam model battles. Thanks to the magic of virtual reality, students compete with one another to determine who has the strongest suit and who the best pilot is. If you've watched any of the Gundam Build anime, then you'll likely know what's in store.

On paper, the visual novel style isn't necessarily a bad thing. It allows for the introduction of a wide cast of characters and plenty of in-depth dialogue, giving weight to the overall plot. In practice, however, it's painfully cliche. It relies so heavily on generic anime tropes that events quickly lose any and all impact, and potential twists are snuffed out immediately. Lacklustre dating sim elements certainly aren't enough to salvage this brain-dead attempt at storytelling.
As if the wrapping wasn't bad enough, the missions themselves put the nail in the coffin. The majority of missions adopt a three-on-three format. You team up with two computer controlled allies -- usually the girls that you're trying to impress -- and your goal is to score more points than the opposition within the time limit. To earn points, you're tasked with completing quests -- small-scale objectives that pop up during the match. More often than not, these quests have you destroy certain enemies -- which spawn independent of the two teams -- or collect a specific number of suit parts.

The mission structure instantly cancels out any sense of rivalry with your opponents. Instead of having you clash with established characters in skill-based duels, you just end up running around the map desperately trying to gather points at a faster rate than the enemy. You can still go ahead and attack the opposing team, but there's little incentive when completing quests is the only way to actually win.
Quests can come and go so quickly that matches almost always devolve into total chaos. Grunt enemies litter the battlefield to the point where you can barely move without being knocked down by an attack that you could never see coming, and the chaos is only amplified when part gathering and switching are added to the mix.
As you fight, your foes will drop parts which you can collect. Parts are added to a list at the bottom of the screen, and you can equip them on the fly if you desire, although sometimes you'll have no choice, as your own parts can also be stripped when you take damage. Initially, the whole thing's a complete clusterf*ck. You'll lose your arms, your legs, and even your weapons on a constant basis, meaning that you'll have take a step back and hoover up any fallen parts that may be of use. By the end of a match, you'll probably end up with a suit that barely resembles the one that you started with, making you question why you should even bother building your own mech to begin with.

To be fair, your suit does become harder and harder to damage as you progress through the game thanks to more durable parts, but even hardcore Gundam enthusiasts will have trouble making it that far. Dire storytelling and a deeply unsatisfying mission structure aren't the only issues that drag New Gundam Breaker through the mud -- the real gut punch is the game's performance on PlayStation 4.
Unresponsive controls are compounded by a frame rate that fluctuates constantly. Even on PS4 Pro, the title stutters and hangs for seconds at a time, right in the middle of combat. It comes as no surprise, then, that the game's online modes are a total waste of time. You can team up with other players and put your suit to the test, but why would you when lag spikes combine with incredibly poor performance to create one of the worst online experiences we've ever had on Sony's system? It's virtually unplayable.
As we near the end of this review, we find ourselves asking whether New Gundam Breaker has any redeeming qualities -- and nothing really springs to mind. Yes, there's still some enjoyment to be had in crafting your own mobile suit and the customisation options are extensive, but the pain of actually collecting parts is barely worth putting yourself through.
New Gundam Breaker is a disaster. A near broken mess of an action game, even Gundam maniacs will struggle to stomach its many, many flaws. Its visual novel elements are so obnoxiously cliche that you'll have to stop your eyes from rolling our of their sockets, and the gameplay is a mix of clunky controls and unfathomable chaos. Add some unbelievably poor technical performance to the mix, and you have a Gundam game that's not even fit to be mobile suit scrap orbiting the Earth.
Comments 32
Sounds like a perfect game for me!
As a massive Gundam fan, reviewing this game — while I was on holiday, no less — made me want to go full Char and smash a meteor into Earth.
You didn't mention the font designed for ants! What about the fact you have to spend aaaaages storing the parts you get in battle if you want to keep them?
But, yep. I bought it on Friday and sold it by Sunday. Absolutely awful. Constant freezing, unreadable font, and awful MOBA elements where they're not needed.
To anyone reading this, if you want a good Gundam Breaker game, get the english ver. of 3. It's on the Asian store and easy to import if you want the disc version. I hope the old studio comes back for the next one, otherwise this is just another Bamco beta for a new engines.
This is sad. I loved Gundam Breaker 3 and was excited when this was first announced. It was a new game and i wouldn't have to spend ridiculous money importing.
But this seems like a huge step backwards on all fronts. Less Gunpla, terrible new gameplay additions, and a meh visual novel story. Not too mention performance issues. Geez...
Namco was better off just localizing Breaker 3 for Western markets than making a new game that damages the brand. Heck even a Dynasty Warriors Gundam 5 would be great.
They've been giving us alot of weak Gundam titles lately, like Versus and that PS Vita exclusive one.
Do they want Gundam to fail over here?
@ShogunRok How can we be expected to teach children to learn to build Gunpla if they can’t even read the text!?
I saw this review and was like yes yes yes. I had totally forgot this was coming.
A pity the developers did the same.
@Spectra Definitely. Gundam Breaker 3 is the better game in every way.
I cant agree with this review more. It caught me so off guard that they put out a game several times worse than even the first Breaker. Hopefully they dont gauge the western market off the sales of this trash heap and give us a proper Breaker 4 some day...
2 out of 10? It looks like a game made by Microsoft Studios.
@PS_Nation oh yeah looks like a microsoft game.no doubt chief.state of disease.sea of piss and crackhead is down.👍😂😱.hahaha word up son
Wow, this is worse than I thought. And I thought Seven Deadly Sins Knights of Britannia was a diservice but this one takes the cake!
Also, am I the only here who likes Gundam Versus? The game isn't perfect but it's the best gundam game we have here. Plus, the gameplay is great, even if it doesn't live up as its precessors.
Edit: Side note, all I want to say is that I hope Bandai Namco learns it mistakes. Not just from this game but also their previous mediocre cash grabs like Seven Deadly Sins, Eyes of Heaven and Asterisk War. After all of this and their recent announcement of a new Tokyo Ghoul game, my faith with their anime games (that aren't Naruto, Dragonball or One Piece) is starting to dwindle.
@SoulsBourne128 I really liked Gundam Versus as well, for the record. Thought the gameplay was top notch, just not keen on the DLC practices.
Oh wow, a 2. Definitely not a good game.
What a massive shame. They should've localised Breaker 3 instead (unless they did, all I know is there's an English Asian version).
Yikes. I was going to pick it up. Oh, well.
sad face
This is the game you buy that person you don't care about for their birthday. Making sure not to remove the 'reduced to clear' sale sticker, just so they know categorically what an absolute bas***d you really are and how little you care.
@ShogunRok man o man it's a freakin shame really, I thought things looks funky when I saw them add in frames, it's as if they literally thought about putting in a real grade theme for promoting purposes only and forgot there were making a game! I find my self asking this yet again why on earth do they finally decide to port over gundam games that have low effort put into them. Even with vs ir feels like things are missing the first xtreme vs har more content to keep one busy then this! I easily see breaker 3 selling better then this in the first 2 weeks. Like seriously they went backwards and it practically feels unpurpose that's how bad it is , even Japanese fans are outraged! I mean com e ooonnn taking away canceling and turning what could be a cosmetic and extra weapon surely into a cosmetic when u used to have the option for it to beeither or???? Man this is truely an outrage i refuse to buy it until its 20 bucks! Battle operations 2 looks like a true upgrade compared to its predecessor and it's even free, but they simply haven't sent that over seas wich is heart breaking! Guess I'll be making another foreign account just to play that!😩Starting to wounder ir it's true about them keeping the games that are good in Japan and sending dissapointments over seas but that seriously some bad business.
@Spectra At this point u shouldnt even second guess yourself my friend!🙁
There should be some merit award for having to review a bad game. Thank you for suffering for all of us.
What a great PS4 exclusive Bamco, what junk will you release for Sony next!
Twenty hours in, knowing it’s crap, and still playing? That’s dedication. I realize it’s a review, but sheesh! Push Square should institute a two-hour rule. If you’re two hours in and you think it’s a 3 or less, please stop playing. It’s bad. We’ll take your word for it.
Poor guy. I hope you’re okay.
So today i bought this... I imported Breaker 3 so I was like “awww, if this just as awesome with more stuff, awww yis...” but after playing for like 5 minutes i’m like “this feels like absolute trash... maybe it gets better tho” but after an hour i’m like “WTH is this garbage, let’s look for a review and see if i’m the only one who thinks this is a step back to utter garabage”...and here I am...
But i’m still gonna play it... everything for fashion gundam... hope my brain won’t melt and my controllers won’t snap
@Zubaz Please watch the language
@Zubaz Dude play Versus instead, time better spent and not just 3v3 on repeat with bad combat.
@Tasuki Nani?
They are ruining Gundam IP...
Feels like a complete disaster from all the reviews I read or watch.
I wonder how this game got greenlighted.
@whywai88 Just a reminder to please watch the language. You have been asked several times in the past and it's been awhile, let's not start back up please.
@Tasuki lol ok. Didn't know even that word was forbidded.
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