NieR always deserved a second chance, and you could argue that the very well received NieR Automata was exactly that. The tale of 2B touched the hearts of many a player back in 2017, but for a while, it felt like the original NieR had been left behind and largely forgotten. After all, the NieR that we got here in the West — the one starring the grumpy father figure — divided opinion to an extreme degree. The 2010 release was an intriguing title that featured a bunch of unique and surprising ideas, but it was hamstrung by clunky gameplay, piss-stained PS3-era visuals, and a story that didn't go anywhere for about ten hours or so.
And yet here we are, 11 years later, playing NieR Replicant Ver. 1.22474487139. Halfway between a remake and a remaster, it's based on the original NieR Replicant — the Japan-only version of NieR that featured a younger protagonist, instead of the aforementioned father figure that made it West.

Right off the bat, this remake-remaster does away with what was arguably NieR's biggest problem: the inherent jank. Running at a super smooth 60 frames-per-second, the new NieR Replicant is a joy to play. The controls are tight and impressively responsive, allowing for the kind of satisfyingly slick motion that eluded the original NieR.
Needless to say, it also looks a hell of a lot better than its PS3 predecessor. Although it still makes use of a rather muted colour palette, the infamous brown-grey-yellow filter that was so prominent on Sony's last-last-gen console is gone. What's more, character models have been overhauled — mostly for the better. We say that because there was a strange but somehow fitting ugliness to characters in the original NieR, but now, the main cast resemble immaculate porcelain dolls. We suppose that the change was inevitable, but hardcore NieR fans may not appreciate the alterations.

Okay, so now we have to try and explain what NieR Replicant is all about. The gist of it is that you're a young boy with an even younger sister, and she's not well. Set far into the future, human civilisation is in ruins, and murderous monsters known as shades have pushed mankind to the brink of extinction. It's a dour setting for a dour story, but your duty as an older brother demands that you find a way to cure your sibling's mysterious illness.
The opening hours of NieR Replicant are slow to say the least. You'll learn the ropes by accepting the most basic of jobs from people who live nearby, which mostly involve sprinting from one side of the village to the other more times than you care to count. Give it a bit of patience and the story does start to unfurl little by little, but for some players, it's going to be an exercise in frustration.
And at this point, we really should mention the side quests, which are largely terrible. Almost as soon as you're free to explore the village, you'll find opportunities to help the locals with their unspeakably mundane tasks. The majority of these missions boil down to fetching a number of items, or delivering a message to someone on the other side of the map. To be frank, they're not worth your time, and NieR Replicant is a far better game when you stick to the main story.

Thankfully, you can do just that. While there are a few diamonds in the rough when it comes to side quests — a handful do hinge on touching personal stories and interesting world building — the rest will quickly sap your will to play. What's more, there's no immediate value in pursuing every quest that you come across. Money is usually the sole reward, and on a regular playthrough, you don't need a whole lot of dosh.
Now, we get why the side quests are there. As noted, they do give you insight into the state of the game's world, and the roles of the people that inhabit it. However, to lock somewhat important world building behind such mind-numbingly tedious tasks is one of NieR Replicant's greatest sins.
It's this kind of design that no doubt put a lot of people off the original release, but look beyond the horrors of being asked to find ten different types of fruit, and NieR Replicant has an awful lot of heart. When the main plot finally kicks into gear and you're introduced to the rest of the game's main cast, the adventure begins to blossom. There's still an odd magic to NieR that's difficult to properly convey; a unique combination of sombre music, outlandish plot twists, and an underlying sense of otherworldly dread.

The actual gameplay structure of NieR Replicant isn't all that special. The game's world consists of several towns, separated by relatively small stretches of wilderness. The story has you go back and forth between these settlements, again, slowly unravelling the mystery of your sister's disease. And from time to time, you'll traverse a dungeon, complete with platforming, puzzles, and combat encounters.
It's really the subversion of expectations that makes NieR a cult classic. The structure might be quite formulaic, but there's a lot of creativity in the way that the game presents itself. Most notably, the title uses different camera angles to great effect, shifting the perspective during specific stints of exploration. For example, one dungeon later in the game forces a top-down, isometric view of the action, and transforms the adventure into what feels like a Diablo-esque RPG. It's these flourishes that make playing through NieR Replicant so memorable.

The game's story also leaves a valuable impression when all's said and done. We obviously won't spoil anything here, but certain plot points elevate the entire experience. That said, the writing is borderline egregious at times — the kind of nonsensical slop that would make Kingdom Hearts blush — but NieR's fusion of oddball humour and anime-style swagger is enough to carry the game's more questionable moments. Overall, it's a great ride.
Speaking of rides, combat can be quite the thrill. Even as a child, the protagonist is more than capable of swinging a sword, slicing enemies to ribbons with deft cuts and lightning fast movement. NieR Automata's influence can definitely be felt in the overhauled combat system, which is more fluid than what you'll find in the original game. Simplistic controls and easy-to-learn combos, combined with a generous dodge roll, give fights a fast but precise feel. It's fun stuff, even if it lacks the depth that was added in Automata.
Boss battles in particular showcase the strengths of Replicant's high-energy combat. The best of them have you utilising all of your abilities — including the satisfying magical attacks that come courtesy of Weiss, a brilliantly voiced talking book and steadfast companion. Your other allies aren't bad in a brawl, either, but it should be noted that you have almost no control over them. As such, combat is more Devil May Cry than a party-based action RPG.
NieR Replicant remains a memorable and affecting action RPG. Elements of its PS3-era design really haven't aged well, but this remade remaster does a lot to enhance the experience. Incredibly tight and responsive gameplay, tied together with a touching tale of uniquely oddball characters, makes for an adventure that stands the test of time.
Comments 45
If anyone's got any questions I'll try to answer them. Just remember to tag me in your comment.
I just can’t wait for more people to experience the whole Emil story with the music and then listen to Emil’s shop theme in Automata.
"The tale of 2B touched the hearts of many a player back in 2017"
Hearts...yes...we'll go with that.
@ShogunRok Is this longer, shorter, or about the same length as Nier: Automata?
@GamingFan4Lyf I'd say it's a bit shorter overall. Automata feels more 'open' and the side quests are generally a lot better, so there's more incentive to play for longer. Plus seeing all of the endings and all that makes it a massive game.
Replicant is similar, but not to the same extent.
@Bliquid Yeah, it's worth playing Replicant before Automata. Automata is a sequel, and Replicant sets up some of the world building and a few... Other things that I won't spoil.
I somewhat agree with the sidequests considering a lot of the fetching you have to do. Not a huge fan of them but still a great game imo.
@GamingFan4Lyf - It's about the same if you just critical path the 2 games, it has the same structure so requires multiple playthroughs for different endings. If you're looking to platinum the game you can add a solid 25 to 30 hours for material farming alone. This game does not respect your time at all when farming. It has garbage drop rates for rare items and this version hasn't changed that.
Literally started Automata yesterday and have put about 10 hours in to it so far. I may have to shelf it and start Replicant if its a direct prequel to Automata. I didnt realise this.
That sounds like a massive wait for sale for me. Knowing square Enix this might take some time. I am still waiting for I am setsuna to go on sale for about 20€. They playing the Nintendo card as of late....
@ShogunRok @Shigurui Not a trophy hunter, so not worried about getting a Platinum. I am just concerned with the main story/endings with a few side quests to help with world-building.
Thanks for the info!
@Kidfunkadelic83 I wouldn't worry about it too much. Automata is a mostly standalone game — it's just that some things carry over from Replicant into Automata. Gives a little bit more context to the world. You could easily finish Automata then play Replicant afterwards, and treat it as kind of a prequel.
@Kidfunkadelic83. Whats going on playa.hows everything been.yes this game is good i agree.cant wait for biomutant and ni ja gaiden collection.word up son
@Shogunrok Thanks for the review, does this games has multiple endings like Nier automata?
I’m about six hours in and I’m really enjoying it.
‘ piss-stained PS3-era visuals,’
Not sure that’s the colour palette Sony were aiming for!
@Tencho2010 It does! Seeing the first ending takes about 20-25 hours depending on how much optional stuff you do. The rest can take a lot more.
@playstation1995 hey man. Not been a good time for me lately if im honest. My dad passed away Thursday so ive been trying to lose myself in some gaming but thats not for a PlayStation forum.
Ninja gaiden will be good. Word up.
It's a great game for sure but it's so weird in parts and I like weird.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Hey I'm sorry for butting in but I just want to say I'm very sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in 2015 to Cancer and honestly I haven't been the same person since.
@RubyCarbuncle i appreciate your condolences. Mine to you also 🙏
@Kidfunkadelic83. Sorry about your lost man.one of my friends lost his father last week.so its mess up.too many people are dying.always keep your father memory alive.the good times.i know god is watching out for you.word up son
@RubyCarbuncle. Wow thats crazy .2015 sorry for your lost.i know you had a great time when he was around too many stress in this world.and i hope you trying to enjoy yourself.word up son
I am sorry for your loss. I lost my mom twenty years ago to cancer, and you never really get over it. Still think about her every day. The memories hurt, but that's how you keep him alive. Best of luck to you in dealing with this.
@ShogunRok I’ve heard his relationship with his sister, is, sketchy, sketchily close. Is this true?
@Jaz007 Not... Really? I never saw it that way — it's nowhere near as sketchy as some of the brother-sister relationships you see in other games. Not even close.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Sorry for your loss. It always seems so dark when someone close passes away, like life will never be the same again — and it probably won't be. But time really does heal and life goes on regardless of what happens. I like to think that people live on through the memories that we made with them.
I hope you're finding some respite in the games that you're playing, or anything else that you enjoy.
Like Automata, I can assure you the extra endings in Replicant are far better than the first one. Unlike Automata, the fetch quests and literal gardening in Replicant were ridiculously boring. I loved this game on PS3 but I never platinumed it due to something related to an eagle egg. It’s like 15-20 hours of dice rolling horrible drop rates for one stupid item. That said, if you like Automata I don’t see how you wouldn’t really enjoy Replicant.
@Niktaw I THINK eagle eggs might be easier to find in this new version (if their rarity was the problem first time around?). I looted the item spot where they spawn maybe two or three times, and I got an eagle egg every time. Maybe I'm just insanely lucky, I don't know.
I wish this game allowed you to play the Western or Eastern version.
It would have been a simple matter to make a new model for Father Neir and use his dialogue from the old game if necessary.
Not that I'm not interested in the brother character, but there were small dialogue changes and having both characters included would have been preferable and more complete.
@ShogunRok I don't know whether you can answer this because of spoilerage - I never played this game the first time around. What I'm interested in is how you mentioned that the game had a grumpy old man protagonist but here we play as a kid. Is the old dude just evaporated into the ether, like he never existed, or is he still a part of it but we just don't play as him? It seems like a really bizarre choice. I don't know why I'm even interested in the answer to this question.
@johncalmc There was two versions of the original game, one for Japan where you play as the brother, and one for the West, where you played as the father. This remake is based on the Japanese version of the original, that's all.
Nothing much changes apart from the character model and a few bits of dialogue because of that.
@ShogunRok Just wondered if you had any idea how it performs on the actual hardware it was designed for as I noticed it was reviewed on a PS5? Does it feature any Pro enhancements?
@johncalmc Yeah, basically what @DrClayman said. Dad-guy doesn't exist in this game because it's based on the Japanese version where you play as Raiden Jr.
@sanderson72 Performs fine on PS4 Pro as far as I know. I believe it's 60fps on all platforms, even base PS4. I think it might be a slightly higher resolution on the Pro.
@ShogunRok Thanks. Good to know.
@ShogunRok - You got lucky. I've hit that spot in the Eyrie no less than 50 times so far and beside the one guaranteed egg for the side quest I've got exactly zero eggs. Got a sh*tload of moldavite though lol. This game man.
@Shigurui That's insane. Insane that I got so lucky and insane that the drop rate is still ridiculous.
@ShogunRok - Yeah the abysmal drop rates were what stopped me getting 100% completion in Nier Gestalt, guess it'll be the same with this version. I refuse to farm items for longer than it takes to actually complete the game. Oddly enough I caught the Rhizodont on my very first attempt, that took me hours to do in the old game!
@ShogunRok Thanks for the honest review! I'm not a fan of the series so in no hurry to play, will wait for a $20 sale like I did with Automata.
Btw, what are the chances of both Replicant and Automata getting PS5 upgrades? (not "update patches")
@Shigurui Yeah as much as I enjoy NieR Replicant it has very little respect for your time. The grinding for 100% completion just isn't worth it, for me personally. The side quests, the backtracking, and the farming are just way too much.
When I was younger I cared about doing everything in a game, but I was more than happy to just stick to the story in this remake.
@KidBoruto Hmmm, I suppose anything's possible. Maybe one day, Square Enix decides that putting NieR Replicant and NieR Automata in one remastered PS5 collection is a good idea. That certainly doesn't seem out of the question, but there's obviously no way of knowing whether it'll actually happen.
@ShogunRok I meant more along the lines of free digital upgrades, but a Collection re-release would also work.
Hopefully Square-Enix does eventually do that in the future.
@ShogunRok - I just remembered an exploit of sorts. If you go to the egg spawn area and keep throwing yourself off the bridge the game will fully reload the area and spawn you at the egg location with a chance the egg will be there. With the rapid load times on PS5 it's less painful than it used to be.
I can't decide which game is more disrespectful of the players time, this or Ni No Kuni. Close run thing.
@ShogunRok Except several endings, I think it’s very much worth to mention there’s a brand new Ending E (exclusive to this remaster)! I won’t spoil anything here, but it’s a real treat!
@Kidfunkadelic83, you have my condolences. I can relate as I lost my father last year between Thanksgiving (US) and Xmas. It's hard but, we must endure. I don't think our lives will ever be the same but, we can grow and learn from even our losses. Anyway, as far as the game goes, I'm in the played through Automata but, never played NieR 1 group. I'd say people who are in this group will like Replicant better if they keep in mind that this is an update to a 2010 and not a full Final Fantasy VII like remake. However, it's considerably better looking and from what I've heard playing game. It's best to just get the 9 swords before the time skip to ensure you get all of the endings and skip the fetch quests that you can. Automata's were worth playing through but, not most of these. The music is quite good but, too repetitive (instead of 46 full and distinct songs, it sounds more like 15 songs that just have multiple variations) to be considered better than Automata. The story is good but, I'd give the edge to the sequel. It's worth buying in my opinion. I would like to clarify a couple of misconceptions that have turned off a lot of people when it comes to buying or going past the first "ending". The A to E endings are more like ends to chapters than endings of the game. So, this means that the multiple playthroughs are more like chapters from a different perspective and/or reveal a lot of new content. At least that's how it was on Automata and I could be wrong, what I expect on Replicant. This isn't up to the Automata masterpiece level but, is worth playing.
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