The Order: 1886 dares to tread where so many others have fallen, by attempting to fuse interactivity with cinematic qualities. And in some ways, it succeeds: developer Ready at Dawn has clearly sipped from the Holy Grail of the graphics gods, as this is arguably the most technologically accomplished title ever released. However, in its attempt to marry movie-like storytelling with more traditional gameplay, it's committed a number of cardinal sins – and it's these which impede the release's pursuit of knighthood.
You play as Sir Galahad, a centuries-old servant of The Order tasked with maintaining the peace against an ancient threat. In this alternate history fiction, mankind has battled against a sub-race known as the half-breeds for hundreds of years, and this conflict has accelerated the industrial revolution. As a result, your Victorian avatar has access to various James Bond-esque armaments that didn't exist in the era, such as electrified arc cannons and explosive thermite rifles. It's this mix of antique with steampunk chic which is one of the title's greatest accomplishments.
The real beauty, however, is in the ease with which the Californian company sells the universe: London's smoggy skyline looks and feels familiar, but also harbours hints at a different city to the one that we know. Zeppelins loom perilously beyond sooty chimneys, for example, while monorails run in parallel with cobbled walkways. And, contrary to common opinion, you'll have plenty of opportunity to explore this adapted architecture, as the game isn't quite as on-rails as the pre-release critics would lead you to believe. Unfortunately, it's not always that interesting either.
You'll spend much of the escapade ghosting around gorgeously rendered corridors, soaking up the atmosphere. This isn't a bad thing per se, but a lot of the time it feels like you're a phantom, eavesdropping on a world that doesn't really know that you're there. Citizens will go about their business, picking apart the grisly murders that are occurring in Whitechapel – a major plot point, of course – but once they've completed their routine, they'll often pause, although stuck in time, urging you to move forward.
Occasionally there'll be objects for you to interact with; newspapers can be scooped up from sideboards and pored over for more information, while recordings can be listened to for additional narrative context. There's a lot of care and attention been put into these collectibles, but with so few of them to actually grab, the setting can feel a bit like a gallery, intended to be observed – but never poked and prodded. It's almost as though the outfit played the Tibetan village sequence in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and decided to build a game around it.
Not that you'll be purely soaking up the scenery, of course – there is a bit of gunplay thrown in for good measure. This is largely well executed, with imaginitive weapons that practically erupt each time that you pull the trigger – but the encounters that serve to justify them are poor. Braindead artificial intelligence is the biggest problem, as most enemies simply stick to one form of cover, waiting to be picked off. There are a couple of third-person archetypes – such as the daring shotgunner and the heavily armoured grunt – but these fail to inject any meaningful excitement.
Most disappointing, however, are the handful of half-breed encounters, which should have been among the game's greatest highlights, but are infuriatingly formulaic. Here, you'll often find yourself pegged in as the lycans charge you down, but they'll regularly run from the exact same direction each time that they approach, and while upping the difficulty adds a little more variety, you can often simply ready up and wait to pull the trigger. It's a bafflingly basic approach, and it's made all the more frustrating by the fact that these sequences should have provided the game's most pulsating moments.
It's left down to quick-time events to truly capture the horror of your mythological adversaries, then. There are several spectacular fight scenes littered throughout the eight or so hour campaign, and while these may amount to little more than button prompts, they're at least choreographed well. The problem is that, while some of these do branch, mistakes in places can lead to instant death, which actually has an adverse affect on the game's immersion. Fortunately, the title has stellar checkpointing and lightning fast loading times, so it's never a major source of irritation.
This frustration is instead reserved for the handful of stealth sections poorly incorporated into the escapade, which see you die the second that you're spotted – even if you're at a distance. One section sees you attempting to infiltrate a stately building in the driving rain, but if you venture too close to the proximity of a guard's spotlight – or fail the takedown prompt – you'll be shot in the head without an opportunity to recover. It's an example of the storytelling taking precedence over the gameplay, and it's a disastrous piece of design.
At least the plot is handled a little better. The developer deserves credit for straying into taboo territory – one cinematic involves full male nudity – without being gratuitous about it, and many of the characters are brilliantly written and acted. It's just a shame that the final act – which paves the way for a sequel on different soil – is rushed to a conclusion, with many loose threads left to dangle. The game allows you to pick up on many of the sub-stories for yourself, and that's good – but the narrative doesn't really come to a fulfilling conclusion at all.
The one flawless feather in its hat, then, is the presentation, which is staggering from start to finish. The title has a very authentic look to it, which can be attributed to its high quality textures and lighting model. The developer claims that it studied various lenses to nail the release's look, and that's pretty obvious from the fusion of soft focus, film grain, and chromatic aberration. But while the post-processing effects give the game its gritty look, the attention to detail is what completes the illusion, with every single corridor that you traverse lavished with love and attention.
The soundtrack's not too shabby either, using moody string-based melodies to add to the dense atmosphere. Unfortunately, it's just not enough to paper over the package's many problems. Ready at Dawn has crafted a world worthy of your attention, but it just doesn't do enough from a gameplay perspective to finish the job. And while the studio would probably argue that the story is the star of this Victorian show, we'd counter that the action, in areas where one minor misstep will result in a restart, actually detracts from what it's trying to achieve.
The Order: 1886 is an antique that's aged ungracefully. The presentation is sublime from the release's rousing start right the way through to its anticlimactic finish, but several shoddy design decisions detract from its otherwise exemplary gloss. The developer's crafted an incredible universe, but outside of the title's core cast, it's failed to do much of note with it. This is a property that's begging for a sequel to realise its undeniable potential – but only time will determine whether it gets that opportunity.
Comments 113
So my "Sony's Ryse" hunch seems to be right? I will be checking more reviews as they appear.
I actually hate that sequelitis mentality you hint at, Sammy. It is as if the developers don't give it their best, in hopes of getting a sequel to improve upon things that may have been corrected from the first title.
Ironically all 99% of users here are going to do here is skip straight to the score, ignore the review and rant or rave, Scores eh?
As for the review it's pretty much what anyone who hasn't had their head in the sand expected no? Said it before and I'll say it again, if this was £20 it would be a must buy for the majority. Will still be getting my hands on it next week though (enough left on a gift card to not have to spend a penny) as you can't judge until you try. All the people who are about to rant or rave now could do well to remember that...
I'm happy to answer any questions you may have, and we've got a little more coverage for The Order: 1886 locked in for later in the day. Just copy me in if you want to know anything, and I'll do my best to respond.
"Braindead artificial intelligence is the biggest problem, as most enemies simply stick to one form of cover, waiting to be picked off"
"This frustration is instead reserved for the handful of stealth sections poorly incorporated into the escapade, which see you die the second that you're spotted"
Those seems to be the the biggest offenders
Kinda dissapointing, i mean, i knew it looked bland and somewhat boring but not this :/
Sounds as if they looking to far ahead instead of making the game stand up well on its own.
@Gemuarto bit harsh.
Here we go...Saw some reviews already and the game seems so dull! I like pretty visuals but it's just not enough!
Glad I didn't pre-order! I had a hunch this game wasn't good :/
PS4 needs that "BOOM" exclusive ASAP because it's taking too damn long...
Well, the writing was on the wall. Still dissapointed! Probably should cancel my preorder and pick this up on bargain at some point. Seems like a weekend rental after all.
Judging by the scores awarded by other sites 6/10 is probably the most frequent score awarded. the highest I have noticed so far is around 6.5/10.
It seems most reviewers are awarding these scores because of the visual presentation and its audio but the story itself and gameplay is unworthy of reaching this.
Seems I won't be getting this - unless it gets offered in PS+ but then only for the Trophies
@get2sammyb One aspect I noticed lacking in your review was how replayable the game felt/is.
Well this is a bummer. Its already installed so no turning back for me. This score is what most sites gave it. Granted I didnt actually read ANY of the reviews seeing how the story is almost all the game has going for it. Ill play it and hopefully enjoy it but it doesn't look like a game I can recommend to anyone until its $19.99. Sigh.
@AFCC Agree, and one could argue that BloodBorne might be the one, but i dont know how that game would fare outside of the most dedicated players (which will be awesome)
@BAMozzy To be fair iv seen 2 sites give it 8 and 8.5 respectively. PS lifestyle and Dualshockers.
@Jazzer94 Not very. You can chapter select, but once you've seen the story through, there's really no reason to play it again unless you're missing a few collectibles.
@3Above To be honest I haven't seen those reviews myself but I am not surprised that those sites would add extra marks to a PS exclusive title...
@get2sammyb Welp my interest just went way down, maybe it should of had multplayer.
Still convinced I'll have a good time with this game, in my eyes I have picked it up for half price as I used a voucher (Christmas present) towards it, so I'm still looking forward to playing the game, just looks like my kind of game.
Would have been nice to have more replay value to the game, but in truth there are very few games I play more than one time through anyway unless they are really special.
For anyone saying it's the PS4's answer to Ryse: SoR I really enjoyed that game, although Ryse does have a decent MP mode as well.
Can I just take this one opportunity to say I told you so, @get2sammyb, @Confused_Dude, @BenTarrant?
@Jazzer94 It probably needs a Resident Evil style 2nd character option with story variations.
@get2sammyb As some who's had many year's experience playing 3rd person shooters, what difficulty would you recommend?
@BAMozzy haha my thoughts exactly. Dualshockers especially.
Well this is quite unfortunate :/ I was hoping for a 7 or 7.5 at least.. doesn't seem like much of a difference but in my opinion the difference between a 6 and a 7.5 is huge.. oh well still picking this up tomorrow to see for myself !
Think I'll wait for a price drop on this one...
@AFCC It took three years for Uncharted 2 to have the same impact on the PS3. We're only 18 months into the PS4...
@3Above There's still things to enjoy about it, so don't be too disheartened.
@adf86 The AI's pretty boring on all settings, but normal's very easy. I'd go with hard, though the only major difference there is that you can take fewer bullets.
@get2sammyb 18 months from the PS3 release MGS4 was released
@get2sammyb At the moment in the E3 announce trailer where they entered Whitechapel I immediately thought 'Jack The Ripper!' Without spoiling too much are the Ripper murders even referenced in the game?
@3Above Yes.
@get2sammyb Ok, that's something. Thanks!
@get2sammyb great review, will be holding out for a massive price drop on this. Insta death stealth sections are the worst. Can you swop between characters or are you stuck with whoever the story deems you to be?
I've seen reviews on this game range anywhere from 3-9.5, this is crazy. I won't be buying the game anymore. I just can't.
I know there is an agenda against anything PS4 exclusive, they say The Order isn't doing anything diff, but most games don't. Don't worry though them yearly COD's, broken 343 Halo's, and DLC micro transaction infested games like Evolve will still get those 9's. I guess Sony hasn't been sending in checks this gen to the reviewers. Idk I just find it strange how everything PS4 exclusive gets low scores. But I know there's truth to these Order reviews because everyone is crucifying this game like crazy. 60 bucks I can keep in my pocket.
Guess I'm not racing out to pick this one up. I'll consider picking this up if they fix the issues with the game - but as for release day, I'm not interested.
Almost picked it up this morning at €60 in the supermarket. Sounds like I did well to resist the impulse.
@Dohv I would disagree with you...... but I kinda think you're right.
I can understand the blackbars on the screen during cutscenes but during gameplay? Who thought that was a good idea?
@Dohv You know, Maybe theres another reason... maybe the exclusives havent been good at all ? besides TLoU the exclusives has been pretty dissapointing, and that one was a remaster
@Faruko The difference is that the PS4 is selling incredibly well without a big knockout exclusive. As long as their keep pumping out decent to great exclusives on a regular basis people (who don't go on gaming sites everyday like we all do) will end up thinking that "the PS4 has a lot of games now". That's why they were clever last year with partnering with Watch Dogs and Destiny because although they weren't exclusives they still gave the impression to a lot of people that they were.
One more thing, and this is a general rant (same with Evil Within), remind me why should games have black bars in the era of widescreen TVs ? its not cinematic at all and it was done because TVs used the 4:3 format back in the day, theres not a single reason to have black bars when theres widescreen
@get2sammyb Personally I'm waiting for this to hit $30 usd. I think this game looks worth that--a fun afternoon, maybe I'll replay it once or twice later. Does that sound about right?
@Faruko it's a presentation choice. Cinema screen presentation isn't 16:9 like widescreen tvs, so it is cinematic to present with borders.
I have The Order preordered as a present. I'm sure I'll get some enjoyment out of it. So it's not breaking any boundaries but looks very pretty. Sounds like what most people said about Second Son, which was great fun.
I've played plenty of very entertaining games that scored 6 out of 10, even in official publications.
Offt glad I avoided this one, I was tempted when I got an offer of half price if trade in one of the latest titles lol but think I'll be getting dbz game out next week
@dohv I agree totally. It does seem like every PlayStation exclusive gets a harder ride if it isn't a Naughty Dog game. 1. Knack: Never played it so it might well be bad but the media openly mocked it from the moment it was announced. 2. Killzone Shadow Fall: Really good solid shooter but critics were too busy with COD to care hence why some reviews didn't even bother with multiplayer. 3. Infamous Second Son: Excellent game with fun powers and gorgeous world but critics felt it was too short and weirdly lacks anything that's "next gen" whatever that mean? MLB 14: Annual sports game move along. The Last of Us Remastered: Doesn't count since it was on PS3 apparently. Driveclub: Mocked long before it gets released due to been heavily delayed so it's "doomed on arrival" yet The Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight get a free pass? Not bad for a game that was the UK's best selling exclusive. And LBP3 came and went. And now The Order which let's be honest people were out to get this game from the moment it was shown.
@AFCC that exclusive will be called "Bloodborne"... you'll see...
@Dohv I really don't think there is a conspiracy against Playstation Exclusives - maybe thats just your paranoia and/or perception but the reality is that the big Exclusives just aren't the killer titles we want or expect.
Killzone may look pretty but its not exactly ground-beaking or spectacular in its gameplay and had it been a multi-platform or other-console exclusive I doubt that the review scores would have been any different. Same goes for Infamous - I believe the average was around 8-8.5 which I think is fair. I cannot respect any reviewer that marks games down for being a PS (or other) exclusive but the same goes for marking them up for this reason too
@BAMozzy Agree.... simply all the exclusive since now weren't so "great", and I played all of them. The best have been still TLOU(ok, a remastered exclusive) and Driveclub, which could have been superb, if only for is abysimal launch....
Infamous is good but nothing that makes you hurry buy the console.... best games so far for me have been all multiplats....
@get2sammyb Like Faruko said MGS4 was released pretty much at same time we are now! Also, one of the things that people expect in the jump from PS3 to PS4 is the GREAT exclusives! Last gen had the best console exclusives and it's only fair to be expecting games of the same quality on the new gen! They all been disappointing apart from Infamous and that's a bummer!
@arnoldlayne83 @Faruko Yeah, Bloodborne seems pretty solid! Problem is that that kind of game isn't just for everyone! I love Dark Souls (the game has so many things that feel copy paste) but there are many gamers that don't really like the idea of dying a lot and don't really enjoy the mechanics of the game.
@AFCC yep I agree with you... but in my opinion the combact system looks more "stretched" between a gdr and an action game (more than DK I & II). I believe this will attract people not used to gdr but more into the action... the horrorific atmosphere and the presentation (such awesome-looking boss battles) will do the rest.
@themcnoisy You only play as Sir Galahad.
@Dohv No one wanted this game to be amazing more than me. Read this article for a little more information on the game's failings, and how they can be resolved:
@Splat I think the black bars are fine myself. Don't let that put you off.
@Kidfried I reckon this is better than Unity, even post-patch. Worth keeping in mind.
@glassmusic I've played through twice over the past week. I doubt you'd want a third playthrough.
@AFCC I've no doubt that Sony will publish some amazing first-party titles this year. It took a chance on The Order and it hasn't quite panned out - but that doesn't mean the forthcoming releases will disappoint as well. I'm glad it backed this game all the same, and it's games like this — even if it is disappointing — that make me a PlayStation fan in the first place. Which other publishers would have taken a chance on it?
6 is still too high.
@get2sammyb kudos for your service and your double article in so close time! I can see you really wanted to love the game...
What do you think will be a selling numbers that will push Sony to produce a sequel of this?
@AyeHaley Have you played it already?
@arnoldlayne83 It doesnt feel like it was a cheap game to be fair, but games like RE6 sold more than 5m and had a hard time at first to recover the cost
@Faruko maybe they could use this amazing engine (do not know if it is developed in house or not) for some other game.... maybe a resident-evil like horror, would look great and amazingly scary....
@arnoldlayne83 Exactly.
For me Killzone is good and fun but its not as great as its predecessors. Killzone 2 had a fantastic campaign and the third was a more in depth MP.
I also preferred the previous Infamous games too.
It seems this generation is a case of Style (visual presentation) over Substance and nothing seems to illustrate that more than this game - unfortunately!
@ShogunRok Hey, I think you'll find I said REDACTED.
Oh yeah, and I'm Batman now. You're lucky I was looking through the comments.
Disappointing. I've read several reviews now, even the one from Game Informer, an outlet that imo is too easy on games, and even at GI it seems like the impression is an overall 'meh.' Unfortunately I think I'm going to cancel my pre-order, I was expecting mixed reviews but its actually worse than that. So now the question is, spend the $60 on what is clearly yet another mediocre failure of an exclusive or wait and see if Bloodborne turns out better. Or maybe support the developers of Toukiden who while not blowing people away from a technical and story aspect are at least delivering on content and gameplay while still making a product that on the graphics front looks good enough.
Sad though, yes I know the argument will be 'exclusives don't matter,' blah blah blah. They do matter though because that's what sets consoles apart and Sony has failed massively to this point. Even PS3 for as much crap as the console got in its first few years had some great first party content. Looking at the rest of the year, if Bloodborne failed, its going to be a disaster because all that leaves is Uncharted 4 which is no guarantee to be a 2015 game. Until Dawn does seem good at all, God of War and Gran Turismo aren't even close, Street Fighter V is probably fall 2016 at the earliest and we've heard nothing about Ratchet & Clank.
@Gamer83 I really really hope Bloodborne will deliver... the premises are good at least...
Agree with you on everything. It hurts to say but at the moment except Driveclub no exclusives trully delivered for me, and in this Xbox one (with Forza and Sunset Overdrive) is a far superior machine..... didn't expect that... on paper Sony had more exclusives but the few shots Microsoft had went more on target (apart the big disaster that was Halo MCC)
@arnoldlayne83 No idea. I'll actually be interested to see how it performs. It's definitely shot up the Amazon charts of late.
@get2sammyb That's true! I have no doubt PS4 will have the best exclusives down the line, I just wish we had them sooner :/
@arnoldlayne83 I'm a bit jealous of forza and suset on the xbox, but what we get on the ps is way more jp games. Although the first party titles have been a bit lame - I have really enjoyed the ps4 more so than any console since the original playstation. Ok the order isn't great, however some of the graphics on show are impressive, if Sony can now marry the graphics with better gameplay we should see some amazing mind blowing games in the next year or two.
@themcnoisy that's why I hope the Order engine will be used for some more "meaty" release..... a survival horror or whatsoever is in the mnd of the developers... they must avoid rushing games and refine the gameplay at best....
So Infamous: Second Son still seems like it's gonna my favorite PS4 exclusive still
@Batman Oh right, yeah. Don't worry Ben Potter, your secret's safe with me.
Ouch. I was expecting this game to be divisive, and clearly it's more than that.
To be honest, I progressively lost interest as I kept hearing about it. I was hoping it could be like an Uncharted 1 for the PS4, but this game looks more like a shiny antique.
And this is why I'm not a fan of meshing cinematography and video games. Video games should be just that- games. Fun little interactive experiences to entertain. Not sure when exactly it was every developer decided games had to mimic Hollywood movies and realism but it wasn't for the better. I mean, it's cool once in a while but dang if it doesn't get old when everyone's doing it religiously- only a select few ever seem to elevate above the sea of mediocrity.
My pre order already shipped, so I'll bite the bullet yet again. But I'm canceling every pre order on PS4 besides the Witcher 3, Batman and Final Fantasy. All that other crap is gonna have to wait for a review from now on. I had plenty of 2nd thoughts on this game but all the fans kept saying "oh it's gonna be great, people are just hating" and I allowed that to sway my judgement.
I really never was a fan of Sony's exclusives. On rare occasion they release on the money but not often. It's the slick interface, snappy UI response, superior frame rates and wide selection of 3rd party games (and 3rd party exclusives like Diablo 3) that's always been my selling point. If they happen to release one or two 1st party exclusives worth buying over the generation, all the better. But 1st party was never a selling point for me personally.
Yep, pretty much what I expected.
IMO, The Order: 1886 represents the gaming industry at its worst; a title that was first and foremost designed with presentation in mind, whilst the gameplay itself was a secondary concern. From what I've read, there is literally nothing that even remotely resembles an attempt at originality.
If there were microtransactions, day-one DLC, and a plethora of bugs - then this would be the veritable antichrist of videogaming.
Get your act together, Sony.
@Faruko I know, right? Agenda against exclusives my ***.. the games just really. Arent. That. Good.
@JaxonH "Video games should be just that- games. Fun little interactive experiences to entertain."
I don't know, man - I like my super tight arcade titles, too, but the medium is capable of so much more. Just because one game has fallen short, doesn't mean we should stop wanting the industry to progress.
Although a lot of people have hated Ready at Dawn's decision to go for a heavy cinematic approach, I was honestly excited to see how it would turn out (you know, with the intentional low fps, letterbox presentation, film grain, etc. I find it an interesting experiment, like what The Evil Within did). And it seems they succeeded on that the cost of having mediocre level design, decent gunplay, and excessive QTEs (reminds me of Resident Evil 6 from what I've heard...the QTEs in that game were horrendous and everywhere).
I was really hoping the game wouldn't turn out like this, but oh well. :/ My fears from reading and watching previews have come true. I'll definitely still rent it though. It's worth doing that to experience it. By the way, enjoyed the review, Sammy! Wonderfully written as always.
Agree and disagree. There's nothing wrong with having great cinematic experiences that tell a great story, but you also need to hit on the gameplay. Sadly it appears this one didn't really hit on anything as some reviews I've read even say the story lets itself down as it gets towards the end.
Ya just my personal preference really. I like a good "cinematic" game as much as the next guy, my problem is that 90% of the games nowadays fit into that category, and that's what I don't like. Once in a while, like a cart racer once in a while, a fighting game once in a while, a "cinematic shooter" once in a while, then it's all good. But it seems that that has become the gold standard of what the majority of games should be nowadays. As a result, even the good ones don't impress cause your just so burnt out on that type of game.
For me, it's much more than one game. There's been a whole lot lately that just aren't living up to expectations. It is my personal belief that is from the overarching genre of "realism with humanoid protagonists and guns" being way too overcrowded and unequally weighted toward one approach.
Idk, maybe I'm just getting burnt out on shooters and cinematic games in general. Tomb Raider was decent. Last of Us even better. But everything else has slowly and surely impressed less and less. I'll certainly give this one a go though, seeing as I already bought it.
That's a fair analysis, and maybe that's what I'm trying to say is missing. Fun gameplay. When cinematics and graphics are there to enhance an already fun game, all is well. When they take center stage in an effort to mask boring gameplay, all is definitely not well. Maybe I'm just getting tired of games that showcase visuals and spectacle but are lacking in actual fun.
Who? I'd thought you were The Joker? That's more fitting than Batman.
Destined to be critical dud, from day one.
@get2sammyb Best review of the game I have read so far this morning. Why? You actually focus on the particulars of what is wrong with the game's limited game play. Most just say it has limited game play or that it's too heavy on the cinematics etc.
You, however expound on those sentiments and get right down to the nitty gritty. Thank you for letting us know that what game play there is is formulaic and downright dumb at times. That they failed to elevate the game play to the level of the presentation's polish is what I got out of this review.
But, you were fair here and gave credit where credit was due. The game is certainly very gorgeous and does a great job at style and presentation and I am certain the story is very well done which is why I want to play the game.
My point here is not to stroke Sammy's ego here but to point out that he dinged the game for not getting the game play elements right not that they share the spotlight with the story and presentation. Too many people are up in arms because it isn't the prototypical "game" and are therefore drubbing it for it's apparently very short play time.
Lots of lazy reviews about this game out there but this isn't one of them. Thanks Sammy for the professional review.
I like my cinematic games from time to time, but more often than not, they try to be much more cinematic than games...
Half Life 1 and 2 are pretty cinematic and had touching stories without even have a single cutscene, you play the story.
The Boreder 1886.
Very respectable review, Sammy. Those stealth sections in particular sound truly awful.
Wow even though sams opinion pieces drive me crazy he took time to just answer questions, I like that.
@JaxonH Yeah, I can agree with that actually. Variety is the spice of life, etc.
@-CraZed- Thanks for reading.
Rental it is. Thanks for the informative review, @get2sammyb.
Ill pass this one, waiting for bloodborne!
I love reading all of these reviews, yours is the best so far Sammy! I can't wait to get my copy so I can form my own opinion. I'm a sucker for Victorian settings and the time period, so I'm hoping that for my money I'll enjoy it. I'm blessed that I have enough of a disposable income to try these games for myself, but thank you for such a great review. It's nice knowing that folks can come to this site for honest reviews that could save them some money. Keep up the great writing!
Eh, I'll still get it. It looks like the sort of game I enjoy! This is the kind of reviews that Knack got, and I really enjoyed that. Nice review though!
I knew it would turn out like that, but also exactly how I wanted the game to be.
When the developers said they want to create a great cinematic experience, then I thought that game would be something like a Telltale game without the ability to alter the story. Or an Uncharted with 200% more Cinematics.
I am sure I will have a lot of fun with that game.
Definitely this game is not worth the 60$, so it might have been a better idea for RAD to make this an episodical game with just ~30$ per game.
I think most players misunderstood the intention of the developers. They want that game to be something different than the developers wanted it to be.
Thanks Sammy, great review
6s everywhere. </3
Unfortunate this game didn't pan out. I have't followed much news about it recently but I'm actually surprised by the amount of QTE. It sounds a lot more like Until Dawn or Heavy Rain than what I thought it was suppose to be.
Seeing this game drives me bonkers because the characters and art direction are some of the most beautifully rendered creations I have ever layed my eyes on. I can probably satisfy my urge to experience it by watching some of the live streams that will pop up tonight. Great review, BTW.
Well let's hope Bloodborne knocks it out of the ball park. Order clearly fell into Foul territory.
I'm crushed, I was looking forward to this. The only way I'll play it is if it becomes a Plus game, which I feel that it won't take long for it to end up there. Sony should start doing some serious quality control from now on when it comes to exclusives. I guess I'll be waiting for Bloodborne to be the first real amazing exclusive title.....
I'm saddedned to hear it's a 6/10 title, but will prob still buy it cheap during Black Friday 2016 or sumthin.
Great review, and can't say I'm at all surprised tbh. This was never going to be a day 1 purchase for me, despite the lack of games this month, so I'm not overly disappointed really.
I've learnt my lesson from pre ordering new IPs this gen with Destiny. Such a let down that turned out to be in the end. Only nailed on pre orders for me this yr will be Witcher 3, Arkham Knight and Uncharted 4
Started playing this morning. I'm enjoying it thus far, looking forward to the rest of it.
@AhabSpampurse Glad you're enjoying it. I know people tend to look at a 6/10 and think "rubbish", but that's not the case on our scale at all. There are still redeeming qualities among the problems here, so I'd urge anyone attracted to the concept to give it a try.
@Kage_88 there is nothing wrong with a game that is not original, it just needs to have a good story & polished gameplay. The Last Of Us was far from original but did both very well, i'll be waiting for The Order 1886 to drop in price before I give it a go, but I did think it would have did a bit better.
Yeah, I was expecting some negative reviews. But I was thinking it'd be a game that got a mixed reception, however, I'd say right now it seems more like a negative reception. Still undecided what I'm going to do. I do want to see how the story plays out but I could probably do that by watching videos on youtube. Something like Toukiden or Bloodborne may provide more actual gameplay.
Well, Sony drops the ball on.......yet another.......exclusive. This is actually starting to get worrisome, even though Xbox One isn't exactly doing much in exclusives either.
I really wanted this game to be great, as I love single-player, story driven games. I will still give it a rent & hope for the best. Looking at the Metacritic scores, if you take out the ridiculous, click-bait '20' Digital Trends gave it, then it seems the general consensous is about a 6-7 out of 10. Not bad, but certainly sounds like a rental to me.
Bah. Playstation exclusive shooters tend to be a bit disappointing anyway.
I really, really wanted to like Resistance when it came out on PS3, but it had cardboard enemies, weak-feeling weapons, and boring levels.
Killzone has been consistently sluggish and underwhelming - albeit pretty - since PS2.
It's been months since I bought a PS4 game, whereas a couple of years ago it felt like there was a must-have PS3 game (or two) coming out every month.
Faster, Sony.
Been playing it all night. Good job RAD.
That's quite disappointing. While I expected this, I was really hoping it would end up being a killer app. I'll definitely be picking it up on sale though, the setting is right up my alley. There's just too many other games I'm planning to get that I can't pick this up at full price. :/
Been playing it most of the day and im thoroughly enjoying it. The game is good. Im in chapter 11. Im not disappointed so far.
Bought it yesterday, played an hour of it so far and although the pace seems a little slow, the atmosphere and action sequences are pretty good, it's definitely not the worst game I've played, but on the other hand it's not the best either. It seems very linear and there's too many QTE moments in there, but the shooting elements are good. I think 6/10 is a little harsh to be honest, I'd give it a 7.5 from my initial impressions. Feel a little sorry for RAD, I think people are way to expectant of bigger better games that do something new now that we're on a new generation of console. Well not all of us like that, I personally prefer third person shooters, there aren't enough of them about and this will definitely fill the void until Uncharted 4 arrives later this year. I'm not a massive fan of huge 80+ hour open world games where it takes you over an hour to walk from one point on the map to another, it bores me silly.
Ok, got the game today, had a chance to toss it in and see what it's all about for myself.
This review is mostly spot on imo. Game looks great, and the story is (so far) very well done and intriguing. It wouldn't be hard to get lost in it thinking you're watching a movie. It's definitely very cinematic, a little too much for my liking actually- to the point you're forced to walk during a lot of the gameplay just because it looks cool? Idk. Lots of quick time events and tap X, hold Triangle, hit Square, that sort of stuff.
Idk, it's not all that bad really (so far anyways), of course, nothing about it really grabbed me as being all that great either.
Me, I don't really dig the whole movie/game hybrid thing too much, but I'm guessing if that's your genre then your gonna like this game, at least more than most anyways.
@JaxonH @Wunters @3Above Glad you folks are enjoying it. Like the review says, there are positives here for sure, the game just lets itself down in other areas.
I'm certainly hopeful of a vastly improved sequel.
You know what's kinda funny? It is indeed PS4s Ryse and as a game it shouldn't leave a lasting impression... But for some reason it does, just like Ryse did back then. I've totally forgotten bout most launchgames and I hardly compare any game to the likes of Killzone, Knack or Forza 5; Ryse however is being brought up at the strangest times, and I've got a feeling The Order will have the same lasting appeal you can't quite put you're finger on.
All in all its just one big tech- demo, but because it's such an extreme visual powerhouse and such a divisive game, I feel I'll still vividly remember it when we're all playing the PS5.
Been out of the UK since October but I'll definitely buy this when I get back home..could have scored 2 and I'm still going to buy it...because I never have and never will buy a game based on review or review score(even a well written one like Sammys) the order is something i want to play..simple as that.
@get2sammyb There better be a sequel after that ending! As another review said " it feels like they lost the last third of the script". Still it waa enjoyable and I dont mind replaying to experience some key moments again and to nab the plat.
I picked it up yesteday, tbh, im really liking it. The setting is fantastic, the graphics and ive had some cool firefights. Now if a multiplayer was to come out at a later date I would def enjoy that.
I only get time for maybe one or two hour long sessions per week on the ps4 these days so itll last me a few weeks.
The graphics are phenomenal! Ive never seen the like of so thats pretty exciting in itself, maybe theyre planning a stack of dlc? Just the norm now.
@teknium_ im pretty much the same, a game i absolutely love and still enjoy is Thief on ps4 and that was panned!
Maybe its all subjective any how, how can one person quantify anyones taste? As long as a games not fundamentally broken there will be fans of it.
I finished this joke of a game in less than 7 hours on my first playthrough. The writing was very good and the soundtrack. It is a gorgeous world but they should have just made a movie. Such a waste of money. Second Son's First Light DLC took longer to finish.
please watch the language -Tasuki-
@get2sammyb Why did you lie about broken stealth? Stealth is so simple, I were killed only once playing stealtth levels. I mean, you have crossbow and can kill everyone from safe places.... And you made it look like stealth is super bad, and game is broken because of that. Only to give 6 instead of 7? Meh... Sad that this is not an indie game =(.
Just beat it. It's a good game, I made a post in the forums discussing what I liked and didn't like. All I'll say here is that I hope there will be a sequel.
I've just finished it and have to say that I really enjoyed it. I thought the story was great and the gameplay was spot on. I actually enjoyed the shooting in this game, but, I'm not a CoD or BF perfectionist when it comes to shooters. The stealth sections were OK and using the crossbow was great . The QTE's were not too intrusive either and the cinematics were just amazing and I actually wanted to watch the cut-scenes to see how the story panned out. I would personally give it a 8/10. If it had been more open-world then I would quite easily have given it a 9/10.
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