Persona 5 stole our hearts back in 2017. It was crowned Push Square's Game of the Year, and it remains one of the greatest role-playing titles available on PlayStation 4. It's impressive, then, that Persona 5 Royal makes the original pretty much redundant. This enhanced re-release is hands down the best way to experience the tale of the Phantom Thieves -- the main attraction being a whole new school semester and story arc that's bolted onto the end of the game. Simply put, this is the definitive version of Persona 5.
For the uninitiated, Persona 5 is a character-driven, calendar-based RPG. It puts you in the shoes of a Japanese high school student who awakens to a strange power, and from there, you're tasked with changing your seemingly doomed fate. You balance everyday life with crazy dungeon crawling, as you and your teenage pals steal the hearts of society's scummiest big shots.

There's a lot of dialogue and a lot of dungeon delving, but it's all underlined by meaningful player choice. When you're not attending class or getting stuck into a main story beat, your free time can be spent socialising, or developing your abilities in a randomised labyrinth called Mementos. The genius of Persona 5 lies in the way that each and every gameplay element is connected. Stronger bonds with your friends result in more powerful persona -- otherworldly beings that you collect in a kind of Pokémon-esque manner. Meanwhile, real world skills can be boosted by reading books, working part-time jobs, or studying. Your time is limited, but everything has a purpose, and watching the days tick by, knowing that you're always progressing, makes for a seriously addictive -- and highly customisable -- gameplay loop.
But without spoiling anything, the ending of Persona 5 did feel a little bit lacking, despite its detail. It certainly had its crescendo, but after such a long game -- Persona 5 clocks in at around 100 hours -- it struggled to tie everything together in a way that was truly memorable. Fortunately, Persona 5 Royal improves on this dramatically, introducing an encore that really solidifies the underlying themes and morals of the story.
The new act accounts for an additional 20 hours of gameplay, give or take, and it's fantastic. The setup may be predictable -- especially if you're already familiar with Persona 5 -- but the execution is excellent. Its plot is packed with twists, its new dungeon is one of the game's best, and the boss fights are amazing. Three years have passed since we first got our hands on Persona 5 and it shows; the overall quality of the new semester is a definite cut above what's found in the main release. And that's high praise.

Having said all that, the new semester alone wouldn't be enough to justify spending another $60 on Persona 5 Royal. There's no getting around the fact that this is essentially a re-release launching at full retail price. Perfect if you're new to Persona 5, but if you've already played it? It's a tall order, and you have to ask yourself whether you're prepared to run through the entirety of the original story all over again.
Fortunately, Royal has much more to offer than its touted third semester. For starters, it introduces two new characters: determined gymnast Kasumi Yoshizawa, and soft-spoken guidance councillor Takuto Maruki. Both of them show up quite early on, and they're woven into the existing story with care. They each bring a fresh dynamic to the game's sizeable roster of secondary characters, with Kasumi relying on the protagonist as her senpai, and Maruki offering a considerate shoulder to lean on when times are tough. As you'd expect, both Kasumi and Maruki are well written, grounded characters that you can't help but grow attached to.

Okay, so we've got a new semester and two new characters -- what else? Well, there's a whole new location that houses a bunch of new shops and attractions -- including a darts minigame -- but it's in the finer details that Persona 5 Royal really begins to shine. So many smaller gameplay additions and alterations have been made, carefully tweaking what was already a seamlessly structured experience and making it better.
Persona 5's brilliant turn based battle system has been enhanced with stunning cinematic 'showtime' attacks. Mementos is back and bigger than ever, now sporting unique rewards and bonuses that are well worth chasing. There are new personas, weapons, armour, and accessories. Every palace has been expanded, and every boss has been overhauled to some degree, making for even more dramatic encounters. There are new cutscenes, and new places to visit alongside friends. And, most importantly, Morgana, commonly known as the meme cat who tells you to go to bed, isn't quite so strict this time around. Generally speaking, you've got more free time -- especially at night -- and so building up your social standings as well as your core knowledge, charm, guts, proficiency, and kindness stats is less of a grind.

In a lot of ways, Persona 5 Royal presents a streamlined experience. There are tiny quality of life adjustments running right through the whole game, and ultimately, they all add up to the point where going back to the original Persona 5 would be incredibly difficult. We could sit here and list every single welcome change that Royal brings to the table, but this review would end up being far too long, and way too technical.
Again, the thought of playing through Persona 5 at least once more can be daunting, but we think there's enough here to rekindle the love for what is still one of the most impactful RPGs of this generation. If anything, Royal's myriad improvements allow the base game's strengths to shine through even brighter than before. Persona 5's ability to meld the mundanity of everyday student life with the absurdity of an alternate reality, where people's distorted desires manifest as monsters, is nothing short of masterful. And with Royal, it's easier to appreciate, and to enjoy, than ever before.
Persona 5 Royal improves upon what was already one of the greatest RPGs of this generation. The entirely new semester -- Royal's headline act -- is a fantastic addition, but really, it's the countless smaller improvements to gameplay and structure that sell this enhanced re-release, especially if you've already played through Persona 5. Our only criticism is aimed at the price tag -- full retail at launch -- but ultimately, it's difficult to deny the quality on offer here. The Phantom Thieves are back, and their tale of rebellion rings truer than ever.
Comments 64
I just spent 170+ hours on Persona 5, easily in my top 3 games of the generation. I'm not ready to start it over though. ^^
If anyone's got any questions about the game or the review, just let me know!
I'm going to play Persona 5 someday. I swear.
Yes please. This has me so excited for my pre-order tomorrow. It's hard to believe the new semester is that good, but even if it's only partly as good as you make it out to be, it'll still be phenomenal. As far price I'm getting the collector's edition since I don't the original CE, so that's not a huge object. I'm so glad it'll be easier to max out social stats and level up confident this time around. I only wish you could use P5 clear data to bring over your P5 social stats. I understand why it can't be a full new game plus, but they could have done better. The P5 save data bonus is so lame.
I loved the game so damn much back in 2017 so buying this was a no-brainer. Probably my favourite JRPG ever.
Excellent review and glad to see a top score!
Received my steelbook edition yesterday and I've been dying to load it.up but I promised myself id finish Trails Of Cold Steel 2 first which I thought I was near the end of..
Seeing the score and from someone that played the original has reassured me of my fears that it just wouldn't be worth going back too if you'd already spent over 100 hours on it.Absolutely loved Persona 5 (although I think I preferred 4 to be honest)and never wanted it to end..now I have an excuse to spend more time with the gang.
What about the music?what I've heard of it isant half as catchy as the original but is it all new tunes or still keep the originals too?
I'm really excited to play it but I just reckon FF7R will be my only purchase for a while. The current situation is so uncertain that I'll just limit myself to the one game for now, despite Resi 3, DOOM and P5R being on my radar. I've already sunk 100 hours into P5, I'd rather play a game for the first time for now but I swear I'll play this version at some point, it's still one of my favourite games of all time.
@ShogunRok Thanks. Brilliant review and im excited to see the new content when i get round to it (i have the game, but cant bring myself to replay it with FF7 on the way).
You havent mentioned this in the review, but in another article - but it seems a tad silly that the 3rd semester is missable if you dont meet certain criteria. When you are making a commitment to sink so many hours into a game, you want to be confident all content is accessible to you.
Does the game make it clear what conditions need to be met in game?
Looking forward to playing through this again. Best game of the generation so far - with Horizon and God of War
After putting 120 hours into Persona 5 this past winter, I'm hyped for Royal. Glad to see Royal adds to a masterpiece.
@Wazeddie22 With you on persona 4. I think it just edged it for me. The characters were more memorable. Hopefully it gets a ps4 remaster!
@Wazeddie22 The soundtrack's mostly made up of the old songs — the majority of the new stuff can be heard during the new semester. I wasn't quite sure what to make of the new tracks to begin with, but they grew on me massively. The soundtrack is just so good.
The one most people will notice right away is the new normal battle theme. If you get an ambush, you get the new battle track. If you don't get an ambush (you're spotted or surprise attacked) you get the old battle track.
@Rob_230 While I do think it's a bit... Weird, in this day and age, to have the majority of the new content locked behind certain requirements, it's thankfully hard to miss.
If you've played a Persona game before you'll see the requirement coming a mile away. If not, it's still heavily hinted through dialogue.
I love Persona 3 to bits and Persona 4 was a wonderful follow up but I unfortunately didn't like Persona 5 in pretty much every regard (The stupidly long wait for it to release and the hype I had for it probably didn't help)
I wish I enjoyed it half as much as everyone else did but I don't think I'd ever play through P5 again and I certainly don't feel compelled to get royal.
Regardless of my feelings for P5 and apathy towards Royal it's a good review ShogunRok 👍
Hopefully P5 Scramble might actually tempt me to give these characters another chance whenever that releases!
Started my 3rd playthrough of P5 with all the noise about P5R I felt like I was missing it. But I dunno if I'll play it to the end. TEXT.
Mine came today so I've been playing it. It's cool noticing all the small tweaks they've made to mechanics and dialogue.
Another important PRO for many players: localized now in Italian, French, German and Spanish.
Can't remember something similar for the definitive edition of such a massive game. 👏👏👏
Does anyone have (a link to) a list of the small QoL improvements without spoiling major new things? (I've played P5 before though).
Weirdly I remember preordering this game steelbook edition $60 at amazon, but when I see my order today, it's only $50.
@Lynox We put together a list of all the notable changes and new stuff in Persona 5 Royal: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/03/guide_persona_5_royal_new_changes_-_all_differences_compared_to_persona_5
It doesn't go over every tiny alteration, but it should hopefully give you a good idea of what's new and different.
@wiiware On amazon, as long as you have the order already placed, if the price ever dips, you get it for that lower price. I've gotten books way cheaper than expected that way before!
@ShogunRok @get2sammyb must have loved this review lol
@gbanas92 No comment.
I’ve still only played persona 4 golden. And my plan is to first play 3 FES on the ps2 and the fem route on 3 portable on the psp, than play Q on the 3DS, than 5/royal and than Q2.
Weird how this franchise started at number 3 though, it’s like how valve can’t count to 3, atlus can start from 1 and 2.
@get2sammyb 😂
Excellent. I look forward to playing this eventually. Going to wait a while though, as it was only a year ago I was playing Persona 5.
@ShogunRok Did they fix/streamline the spaceship dungeon? I beat vanilla P5 twice, and that section always seemed like a drag even with the godly art direction the game has.
@ShogunRok Oh that's a pretty neat little feature..in that case I'll try and get spotted every time then!
No doubt I'll probably get used to the new tunes too but the original soundtrack was fantastic so that's good news!
@Rob_230 Exactly!All of the above..plus it had a much better twist..you never saw it coming.
@darkswabber P1&2 do exist though, but they still kept the Shin Megami Tensei moniker and Persona as a subtitle.
It's a bit of a shame they dropped it seeing all the success P4&5 got in the West, it might have helped push mainline SMT games too.
If you meant it as a joke, though, I'm sorry for being pedantic 😅
I bought the original but never finished it, can’t remember how far I got. Will probably buy the “Royal” version and replay it from the start, but will wait until it comes down in price.
This is coming from a guy who doesn’t play too many RPG games but I loved Persona 5. I won’t get Royal just yet, a lot of other games I need to put in time for. However, Makoto is still best girl.
@Claude I didn't actually get a chance to compare them directly, but I will say I got through that dungeon a hell of a lot faster than I did in Persona 5. The whole airlock system seemed like it was streamlined to me, but I'm not totally sure.
I only played through the whole of Persona 5 once, and that was ages ago, so it's not like I could tear through it based on memory or anything. Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer for you.
I'll buy this when in bargain bin.
For me this rpg is grossly overrated.
Sure it's stylish but TO stylish if that make sense. Sensory overload.
Story wise it takes its sweat time and loses urgency the farther u go.
The battle system is OK but nothing special.
For me, the best jrpg's on ps4 are still the cold steel games. By a really big margin.
But then this is all opinion of course.
Thanks @ShogunRok the airlock section was the specific part that gave me the most frustration, especially the first time. If it seemed to go faster, then that's enough to not make me dread when that section's coming.
I'm definitely up for playing this masterpiece again, but not yet – especially at full price. The original took me 130 hours to finish. I loved it, but it was incredibly long. Give me another 24 months and I'll be up for round two. It sounds like they've fixed most of the small gripes I had with the base game.
@ShogunRok This might be a hard one to answer, but I watched a review of this where the guy said that most of dungeons were better this time around, but that the infamous, worst dungeon from last time is even worse in Royal. I had no idea what he was talking about. Any ideas?
Worst game ever.
I only bought Persona 5 a couple months back, sounds like I should have waited for Royal.
Oh well, in gaming you win some you lose some. Last Easter I bought both God of War and Detroit Become Human at the same time, the latter a pre-owned copy that cost me £27.
The following month Detroit was available for free on PS Plus.
Ah if only I had waited!
Still, I'm over 50 hours into Persona 5 and it's a brilliant game. If you haven't played it then you should definitely go for Royal, you lucky sods you!
@johncalmc No idea to be honest, I didn't have an issue with any of the dungeons in Royal (and I didn't like the airlock and mouse parts in the original Persona 5).
Again, I don't know if that's just me being a top tier gamer who's played Persona 5 before or whether things have been streamlined. But in my opinion all of the palaces have been added to and altered for the better.
Considering this is the same game with a few changes to the mechanics and stuff bolted on mainly to the tail end of the experience, I'll wait for it to hit the $30 price it should have debuted at as a piece of premium DLC.
@ShogunRok @johncalmc Walking/sneaking around as a rat maybe?
I really likedk the original Persona 5, but felt like it really, seriously overstayed its welcome. The characters were great, and the social calendar and that all interesting, absorbing and well done, but I found the dungeons and Mementos to be really soul-destroying after a while.
But I would say it's one of those games even though a lot of it dragged, when I did finally finish it I felt like something was missing from my life.
Not sure I can face going through it all again in PSR. The one thing I don't think Persona 5 needed was more Mementos and more dungeons.
Also cheeky to be asking me to shell out for a full price game consdering it's only been a couple of years since i played the original.
I'd be tempted, but there really aren't enough hours in the day for two runs through persona 5.
@gbanas92 Yeah that's always nice when it happens
@ShogunRok I'm only on Day 18 of the OG Persona 5, should I just skip it and move onto Royal?
Or is there a reason to play both games fully? I've heard Royal is different enough to justify playing the OG.
@KidBoruto If you're planning on buying Royal anyway, I would honestly just skip Persona 5. Royal is just Persona 5 with more stuff and loads of welcome gameplay adjustments. It basically makes Persona 5 redundant.
Persona 5 is still fantastic if that's all you have and all you're going to buy, but they're largely the same game in terms of story and structure. If you played the original now and then went straight to Royal, you'd definitely feel like you're (mostly) playing through the exact same thing all over again.
The bottom line is that Royal is the best way to experience Persona 5, hands down.
Hope that helps!
@clvr yeah it was a joke. I’m part of r/persona where people joke about P1, and both P2 games not existing due to atlus’ negligence.
@darkswabber oh I see! Sorry, it went straight over my head as I'm not very knowledgeable about Persona 😅
Have a nice day/night!
Just wondering if it supports HDR? Also on PS4 Pro so what resolution does this run at?
@ShogunRok Are the confident bonuses changed much or at all from the original?
@DigiTM Not sure about HDR, but the game definitely runs at a higher resolution on PS4 Pro. Things like character portraits are noticeably sharper — anything drawn is super high quality.
Unsure whether it's full 4K, but it's a clear improvement. I wish this stuff was easier to find out on the PS4 itself...
@Jaz007 Some of them have been tweaked. Ryuji's Rank 7 perk, for example. In Persona 5, it made it so any weaker enemy that you ambushed was instantly killed. In this one, you have to be sprinting for the same perk to activate. So a lot of the changes are quality of life improvements.
The big one is the baton pass stuff. In Persona 5 you had to unlock baton pass for each character through confidant ranks, but in Royal, everyone has baton pass unlocked right from the start.
On a whim purchased just the standard edition. I figure I will play this vanilla without any costume DLC. Hopefully I am not missing out on anything. New to Persona and I have to say I am having trouble putting it down, it's fantastic.
In terms of HDR, it's not in the game which with the artistic nature HDR would have suited the game well. Still looks good at 4k though.
While I tried to play this game I found it hard to get into.
However I applaud the developers for making this update which seems like a love letter to fans. More developers should try this.
I already have P5, is there an option to upgrade to Royal? I don't think I can justify paying for it again.
I truly enjoyed the 120hours I put in the og persona 5, but I'll wait for the price to drop cause with ff7r on the way I won't have time to play both, but I will play it again someday
@Bigkopman Nah, no upgrade option sadly.
@ShogunRok In that case i'll give it a miss until it hits the sales. Disappointing to be honest.
Is expensive at launch really a con? I'd say the only con is the stupid expensive dlc cosmetic content.
@ShogunRok Hi rob, great review! I bought persona5 some time ago and have it sitting in the cupboard but have yet to play it. Are the improvements to what was already a critically acclaimed game worth buying this version to play instead?
@R1spam If you haven't played Persona 5 at all, I think it's worth playing Persona 5 Royal instead. That is, if you obviously don't mind buying it.
Royal is the definitive way to experience the game, hands down. Persona 5 is still amazing, but if you have a choice, then Royal is the way to go.
@ShogunRok cheers, from the review I got that feeling! To be honest, if I'm going to give it 130 hrs, then I'm picking the refined option, I'm not sure I'd manage two play through. Watch me buy it for the second time, then bounce off it like Sammy did after 6 hrs 😂
@R1spam Haha don't even joke!
@ShogunRok Thanks! Still waiting for Sony to add an option to permanently delete games and their trophies from trophy lists.
So I don't have Persona 5 OG staring at me, begging to be 100%'d lol.
P5 is 12$ cad on psn now, was going to get it, thinking p5r is a multiplayer offshoot.
Now i dont know, will take a while for r to go down so low as well i guess.
I never been into Japanese games much, but i like rpgs, adventure style of it, turnbased combat, and realistic mature themes.
Not so much the teen dialogue, cartoon style, and corny style.
Watched a play thru, 1st couple hours and was into it, feels like living in a cartoon adventure.
Japanese games often seem so generic, fast done story, dialogue, music, art..
Just the facade of the 1st palace is so generic, simplistic.
The story seems to have blatant mistakes, like at the beginning, there's a subway accident and the guy in the car says no wonder there's lot of traffic..
It's an underground accident..unless i was too tired and missed something.
The music in the 1st couple hours couldn't be more generic, simple, monotone, repetitive cheap synth, as in most of Japanese games.
That be one good reason to wait for R to go down, if music is better.
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