Quake is one of the shooters. Part of id’s holy trinity alongside Wolfenstein and DOOM, Quake is the newest of the bunch and, depending on who you ask, the best. This newest delivers the experience you remember, with a whole lot of added value. This is quite the bundle, packing in five campaigns – including both Machine Games’ 2016 campaign, as well as a brand new one – and the game’s legendary multiplayer mode. While the servers aren’t terribly populous, time will tell if that changes. Since the game still gets regular play across the globe, it might simply be down to a new avenue of play not being necessary.
Mechanically, the game still offers a compelling experience, with satisfying gunplay and movement in maze-like environments. Quake takes the formula the previous shooters established for level design and makes them less opaquely obtuse: you don’t have to spend hours clicking on every random bit of wall to find secrets, you just need the wherewithal to look in the corners the game isn’t trying to pull your eyes towards. It results in a sort of best of both worlds situation, as the game features the design principle of both contemporary and early FPS, making for an experience that is still great after all these years. It’s especially interesting to play the campaigns developed by Machine Games, as it’s immediately obvious just how much more there is to them. Credit id with crafting a game with such a decadent toolset that Machine Games can craft campaigns for a game that launched over 20 years ago, and still have them feel like a part of the same experience.
Enemies are visually grotesque, and their blinding-rage aggression makes for an experience that, even if you’ve played previously, is a challenging experience. You have to make the most of all your weapons, although the classic strategy of “use your shotgun as often as possible” remains viable. Ditto for the rocket launcher, the weapon most closely associated with the game.
Comments 24
I’ve had a pretty fun time playing this. Just waiting for the ps5 version (that’s apparently coming soon) to really dive in to the campaign.
I tried playing quake champions on my pc but it just crashes when I try & start it up , I'll get this eventually not sure weather to get it on ps4 or switch though
I've been playing it here and there on PC. I played a ton of Quake 3 as a kid but never touched 1 or 2.
I bought a souped-up PC just for Quake 2 way back when.
Happy days.
Now please give us quake 2 on PS5 with Ray tracing!
And a CRT mode with active shadow mask emulation to simulate a Voodoo accelerated PC from the 90s
Dreaming I know
I really having fun playing this on pc, I don't think it's playable on console with gamepad since the movement is really really fast, sometimes I feels like I'm controlling a car instead of people lol.
@hypnotoad Bought voodoo 2 to play quake 2, I still remember the first time I shoot the gun in the game and there's lighting effect that illuminate the hallway, it's so amazing back then
Nobody wanted this...
@wiiware Yes I remember being amazed by that lighting.
@wiiware Hahaha.
I bought a PC with 2 Voodoo 2 cards running side by side....wadda moron !
@KundaliniRising333 I did. And am glad to have it!
@KundaliniRising333 what you mean is "i didnt want this"...speak for yourself dude as nobody else is..
"you don’t have to spend hours clicking on every random bit of wall to find secrets"
Such an important part of the review so thank you for pointing this out. I purchased Doom 64 a week or two back and it's frustrating rather than fun. The shooting is great but the route finding is rubbish. I can't ever see myself picking it back up.
Glad Quake is different in this regard.
@SM1FFY01 That’s not what all the ps news sites were saying at the time but you might know something I don’t. PS Blog even stated that the ps5 version was going to take advantage of dualsense features.
Now I want Rise of the Triad Remaster !!!
@SM1FFY01 there is one already announced. Supposedly with 120fps and hopefully RT like quake 2 PC mod. (That needs to come to PS5 too)
I lick my swollen lips in anticipation of playing this.
I did
Me and my BFF LOVED quake on the 64 in our teens, we cant wait! Co-op campaign! Yes please!
And dont forget theyre adding FREE MODS too!
@themcnoisy I really like Doom 64 too honestly, I played a lot more Doom than Quake when I was younger, but Quake's campaign definitely has a more coherent sense of logic to them when it comes to layout and secrets. Makes for a less frustrating experience if a newcomer tries out the game, so yeah, hopefully, you should have a better time with this!
@Gmork___ This new port of the game includes the N64 version of the game! It mentions something similar actually haha. The description reads like "for those who might have fond memories of a different version of Quake, you can play the N64 version in full." It's in the add-ons menu I believe, it wasn't on the main campaign page, but it was in there!
If you are used to fps games on a controller then Quake is no less difficult on a pad then any other fps. If anything easier than Doom Eternal because you are usually fighting no more than half a dozen enemies in Quake at any given time.
@andykara2003 The good old time for tech in gaming
@hypnotoad Having pc with sli is one of my dreams, but the tech already become outdated when I grow up and have money to buy it lol.
@PegasusActual93 I played doom 2016 and eternal with no problems on console (ps4) but quake 1 movement is really fast and the environment is small (easy to get stuck or fall). Maybe the game didn't have good auto aim like doom 2016 & eternal.
@wiiware as the commenter above pointed out, it's absolutely doable on a controller 😃
I've been playing it since it was out on my Switch and having such an awesome blast!
By the way the new version includes aim assist and gyro aiming (both "togglable" on and off), so there's a lot more leeway than just your dexterity with the right stick 😃
Can't recommend this enough to anyone who likes old school shooters!
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