R.B.I. Baseball 16 is a game of pure baseball simulation, opposed to MLB: The Show's more gleaming, polished take on the sport. While its Sony-backed competitor is innovating, R.B.I. is content with treading water and refining its gameplay – which is by no means a bad thing, considering how easy it is to pick up and play this year's entry in the franchise that started way back in the 80s.
Upon entering the game, you'll find that it's a very bare content-wise for a sports game. All in all, there are four modes in R.B.I. 16: Exhibition mode is the usual pick-up-and-play fare, while the Season and Post-Season modes let you take the helm of a team over the course of a year – with the ability to simulate games instead of playing them added in this year. Of course, there's also an online multiplayer for you to select – but that's about it. This lack of new modes is understandable considering the low price and the fact that this is only the third edition of the franchise's reboot, but it doesn't make the game's mode shortage any better.

Although the simplicity of its modes is a shortcoming, the simplicity is of its gameplay is certainly a strength. Batting, fielding, pitching, and base-running are all very easy to do, and all feel realistic and satisfying. A full nine-innings game can be played in under 20 minutes, and – despite the tutorial only extending as far as a few in-game tooltips – you should be able to pick up the controls in your first match, thanks to most of the gameplay being based on two buttons; a big selling point for casual players.
Batting now feels more realistic thanks to a new engine, and fielding is far improved with the addition of dives, wall catches, and fake throws – though often times you can't control when your players dive, with the AI handling that aspect. In fact, most of the game's new features solely focus on AI and real-life statistics factoring into the game, so barely any of the improvements are noticeable, and R.B.I. 16 still feels like "just another roster update" – the stereotypical chain that all sports games try to shrug off.
Then again, what a roster update this game is. The ability to edit line-ups before the game and make substitutions has been added in – as well as being able to switch between 40-man and classic 16-man rosters – and thanks to its official license from the MLB and MLBPA, all of the game's players, scenarios, and AI decisions are affected by a huge statistical database, meaning that the gameplay often feels like the real thing. Pitchers who, in real life, have a strength in varying speeds will change up their pitching speeds more often, and batters who specialise in hitting narrow or wide shots will often play to their strengths.

But that's really all there is to say about R.B.I. 16. Sure, it's a fun baseball game, one that's easy to pick up, and one that's better for casual fans rather than hardcore baseball nuts, but its shortcomings do make it feel a little disappointing at times.
While its competitor MLB: The Show swings for the fences, R.B.I. Baseball 16 is happy to bunt this year round – and that's okay. The controls are easy to pick up, the games are short and sweet, and the simplicity of it all is what makes this year's edition appealing to casuals. Still, its lack of innovation and modes mean that the title gets to second base – but not much further.
Comments 13
I will say this. The cover does look like it could be a game about a super-hero baseball player with the powers of flight - accompanied by his baseball friend Gerald.
@Churchy That would be a vastly superior game that I would seriously want to buy
Great review, and I couldn't have said it better myself. While I do like the RBI series for the pick up and play feel of older console baseball games, the simplicity might not be for the hardcore fans. I plan on picking this up for my baseball fix.
I kinda wish another Bigs would come out
Although it doesnt have real players, Super Mega Baseball is good fun. Arguably the more "fun and arcadey" baseball that some may look for...
@Churchy Is it me though or does he look bored by this catch? Like, he is SOOOO over baseball.
@Tasuki Thanks! Another Bigs would be great. Either that or World Series Baseball, that's probably my favourite baseball series.
@dellyrascal I quite liked Super Mega Baseball, though I don't really play it now. It stripped the game down to the basics, though it still had some compelling elements, but I mostly play football and american football games now.
@Anchorsam_9 My favorite has always been Ken Griffey Jr MLB on SNES followed by Baseball Stars 2 on the Neo Geo with The Bigs a close third.
@Tasuki I want Bigs 3!
Great review Sam - maybe this is a better option for me as a casual fan compared to the show. How did you find the trophies?
@themcnoisy Thanks! Bad news on the trophy front though - no Platinum, which seems to be happening all too regularly now.
@Anchorsam_9 @themcnoisy. Well after doing some research appearently the developer of the Bigs, Blue Castle Games was bought out by Capcom and became Capcom Vancouver, which has a deal with MS (they made the Dead Rising game for Xbox One). So if they did a Bigs 3 it would more then likely be an Xbox One exclusive.
Got this earlier today and from first impressions I'm already enjoying it more than The Show 16! That game has all the polish and is feature-rich, but it's so overly complex! I don't think even hardcore baseball fans could fully appreciate the batting mechanics in that game! That said, it is still a decent game, just wish some of its mechanics were simplified.
...which is exactly what RBI does! 2-3 buttons used at most, responsive AI on fielding, simple batting and fielding controls, it's easy to pick up and play for even the most casual fan.
I enjoy watching baseball and The Show definitely has the better presentation and RBi suffers a painful lack of modes, not even a practice mode exists! But for fun gameplay I'd pick RBI every time.
Does this game play anything like the old SNES Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball? I loved that game's simplicity.
@luke17 Yes it does. This game has more of an Arcade feel like Ken Griffey Jr rather then a Sim like The Show. Basically if you like Ken Griffey like I did then you will enjoy this game.
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