Red Dead Redemption. What a classic. The treacherous tale of former outlaw John Marston helped define the PS3 generation, and the game's storytelling, complete with crazy characters and typically tense western vibes, still holds up today. From the dusty beginnings of Armadillo to the bear-infested forests of Tall Trees, this is a sandbox adventure that has largely stood the test of time — although as you may have already predicted, the technical side of this PS4 re-release leaves much to be desired.
The package as a whole isn't so bad. Multiplayer has been (somewhat understandably) scrapped, but the brilliantly eerie Undead Nightmare expansion is included. Alongside the main campaign, you've got a solid 30-or-so hours of gunslinging, all of which looks better than ever thanks to a substantial resolution boost. The title's art direction is still great, and the improved image quality only helps to sell the finer details.
However, with a frame rate that's capped at a stable but lacklustre 30 frames-per-second, and the baffling introduction of various animation bugs, this port of Red Dead Redemption ultimately disappoints. Indeed, during some cutscenes and in-game events, we saw character models snap into place, and, in a surprisingly creepy twist, refuse to open their mouths when talking. We saw objects spawn out of thin air, and wagons skip across the landscape. We visited mission markers where enemies simply teleported into view, while John Marston himself made a habit of slowly sliding away from cover during gunfights.
Now, we're not saying that Red Dead Redemption on PS4 is a bug-ridden mess of Bethesda proportions, but we simply expect better from a near full price port of a game that's 13 years old. It's a real shame, because outside of some decidedly tedious mission design and typically dodgy Rockstar controls, this open world epic is still a blast to actually play. Satisfying shootouts topped off with the Dead Eye mechanic; racing across the map on your trusty steed; spending hours trying to win your money back in card games — it's all great fun.
The bottom line here is that Red Dead Redemption deserves so much more.
Comments 32
"we simply expect better from a near full price port of a game that's 13 years old"
Unfortunately, I didn't.
Such a disappointment.
Hard to even think about when games like Dead space and witcher 3 have been done so much better.
I think most gamers were expecting a somewhat better upgrade on a classic game but hey this is rockstar. Look at the GTA enhanced trilogy. But I guess this is rockstar all over, and so whilst we are all waiting for anything GTA 6 related and cos there is absolutely nothing in the pipeline they dripfeed us this garbage. Oh and I’ll bet my bottom dollar that we don’t hear anything GTA 6 related until at least next year. Probably launching GTA 6 for the PS6 and coming 2027/28. I don’t think PS5 or XBOX X/S will see GTA 6.
Actually the switch port is more impressive from a technical standpoint. Let's see what the mgs collection brings us.
This launching at the same time as the excellent Quake 2 remaster really shows how awfully lacking and overpriced this is.
@andy24king Take Two have heavily hinted GTA 6 is coming next year plus R* do one big game per gen now, last gen it was Red Dead 2 and this gen its GTA 6.
How do you conclude a review like this with the words “Not bad”?
Too busy counting that GTA Online money.
6 out of 10? Come off it, it’s barely a 4…
Can’t give it a 6 based on the advantages it had years ago, sorry.
@Darude84 It's wild. The Quake 2 review was nonstop praise, but ended up with just a "Good" 7. This RDR review is significantly more critical, but gives it a "Not bad" 6.
There seems to be a big disconnect between the review body and the pros/cons and score.
@Darude84 @EvenStephen7 Different reviewers, etc., etc. Besides, I don't think this review is that critical. It clearly points out that RDR is still a great game: "It's a real shame, because outside of some decidedly tedious mission design and typically dodgy Rockstar controls, this open world epic is still a blast to actually play. Satisfying shootouts topped off with the Dead Eye mechanic; racing across the map on your trusty steed; spending hours trying to win your money back in card games — it's all great fun." And there are more pros than cons in the boxes.
This isn't some horrifically bad port or butchered remastering job like the GTA Trilogy was. It's just disappointing that there's not more to it.
@Boucho11 I agree ,but since I have bought both the gta trilogy,and this, the read dead port is better than the gta trilogy remaster. That sadly proves the gta trilogy would have been better off just ported and upscaled.
Reviewing an old game is so hard. Like, do we score it based on the time it came out and what it did or do we score it based on how annoyed we are that they gave us a rubbish port when we wanted a remaster, with no extras, and then charged us way over the odds for it?
I don't care about wasting money on lazy products so I'll probably pick this up at some point since it's so long since I played it. But it's so annoying that they didn't make more effort with it.
Question.....was LA Noire a complete remaster? If so, then why wouldn't Rockstar properly remaster one of their flagship series?!
This could've been a really good re-release. Shame on Rockstar for doing the bare minimum and charging full price.
How R* games can be considered "classics", with their terrible controls and even worse mission design, is beyond me.
@PixelDragon that alone doesn't warrant calling a game a "classic".
Well I for one would like to thank each and every day one beta tester who are paying full price.
And there will be many of them.
So that months down the line, all the bugs mentioned above, 'may' be fixed, hell, even, it might get a 60fps boost.
Then 'maybe' I might pick it up for £15ish.
But didn’t Rockstar only publish the remastered trilogy? I believed they outsourced the development to Grove Street Games, and that’s why it was such a mess.
Emulation on PC, looks amazing, and I hate myself for saying it. I have an old 1060 Ryzen 5 setup too. Think I'm moving away from playstation and Xbox.
@ShogunRok If I read it I really think its better to spend my money elsewhere. Even the basic things like updated controls and some polish is not added here with even horribly blurry menus.
I can't reward this nonsense if you see the amount of backlash the Last of Us remaster got it's insane. I would go as far that this remaster has more of a right to exist.
Not that I've played it for dozens of hours yet, but the Switch version runs great, looks miles better than the PS3 blurriness and hasn't bugged out on ways the original didn't yet. As I consider this just about acceptable I'm happy to have it.
Getting the same game experience on the PS4 though? First of all why is there no dedicated PS5 version, second of all from what the review said there's more wrong with it than the original PS3 version. Maybe that's the spaghetti (western) code rearing it's head, that made it hard to port in the first place, but that's still no excuse.
Thankfully it's not the AI mess that The Diminutive Edition was lol.
This has me wondering about GTA4. That game needs a huge improvement in graphics and frame rates. Sharp clear and no blur filter at 60fps is a start. However overall 4 needs a remaster as the least. Just an upscaled graphics will not fix the ugly trees, ugly weather effects, or fix how vehicles slide like on ice and how Niko ambulates like a clown.
I really wanted to be able to play this without having to dig out my PS3. But I don’t want to pay full price for a buggy 30FPS game.
I want to reserve the privilege of wasting my money on the MGS ports. LOL. I’m 100% sure I won’t be able to resist on those. Also, it’s a bunch of games for similar money. Sounds like a Definitive better deal. Hopefully. LOL.
I'd say this is a fair review. We deserved better.
Just seen this on ps plus deals, and they're selling the 1st and 2nd one together for just under £60, thinking of getting it because I wouldn't mind adding them both to my digital collection.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I'd say this is one of the most depressing declines in gaming history, up there with the decline of Blizzard and Konami.
RDR and Diablo 3 were tied for my favorite video game ever. I had insane amount of hours on both. Clearly more on D3. Then RDR2 came out and that easily went to my favorite game ever and now sitting at just under 300 hours on Diablo 4, that is becoming a close one with RDR 2. I say all that to say i am beyond a super fan of the RDR series and this port is just a slap in the face. I get it, the game wasn’t on switch or Nintendo platforms and the cell processor is a nightmare to have on B.C, but there had to be more to this, they could have delisted the Xbox version and made this the best it could have been and sold it for all 3 consoles at $50 and i would already be playing it. What a shame.
I finished playing the original Xbox 360 version, which automatically upscaled on the series x. It felt good to finally get around to playing it for the first time. (Yeah, I know, I missed out).
My point is the old version of this game looks far better than this supposed remaster.
Yes it is still a great game, even if I prefer RDR2. But my point is that is not about time we started playing new games, instead of just giving our old games a new paint job?
€50 I didn't pay for the PS3 and XB360 versions COMBINED.. much less for this blatant cash grab attempt...
People call all sorts of things a "cash-grab" but at least this one fully deserves it.
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