When Capcom claimed it would be making drastic, sweeping adjustments to its second remake in as many years, the Japanese developer most certainly wasn't kidding. Resident Evil 3 has used the PSone classic as inspiration rather than a rigid structure it largely needs to stick to, dramatically changing the narrative and even cutting some important locations and enemies entirely. The impact of that will depend on your experience with the original game, but for those who return to Raccoon City more often than not, it'll be tough not to come away disappointed. Resident Evil 3 is absolutely more than worth playing. However, it continues to linger in the shadow of Resident Evil 2.
Jill Valentine's attempted escape of the T-Virus infested city has always differed from Leon S. Kennedy's plan to rid the world of Umbrella. And thankfully, that contrast remains intact to this day. Resident Evil 3 is a much more action-oriented experience than its predecessor, complete with a dodge mechanic to get you out of trouble, a surplus amount of ammunition, and more zombies than ever to eliminate.

It can still be classed as survival horror, although you're going to find yourself in the thick of combat much more often. Complementing that fact is gunplay which feels better than ever. Jill's assortment of weapons are all responsive and truly pack a punch -- even more so when upgrades scattered throughout the various environments are taken into account. Resident Evil 2's mechanics may not have been enough to deal with these undead hordes, and so the updated action is more than justified. Miss Valentine controls flawlessly, making for intense, exciting action that never lets up.
Raccoon City once again plays host to the outbreak, this time expanded to the point where it feels like a real-life location. You'll have the chance to fully explore a selection of its streets and interiors to your heart's content as you backtrack for items, take in the vibrant, neon shops that have been left deserted, and eventually make your way to the Subway Substation. It's so much more open, allowing you to take in the uncertain chaos of the place while scrounging for bullets and Green Herbs. Hardcore fans will even spot references and Easter eggs here and there, helping to keep the location feel like a tribute to the classic 1999 trek towards the Raccoon Police Department. A triumph of a setting, that's for sure.

The hospital is another location which has been subject to a lot of love, broadening its corridors to a two-storey setting filled with puzzles and all manner of threatening creatures. With the lights switched off, an impending sense of dread makes every door a challenge and the zombies on the other side an uphill task. The excellent backdrop even makes up for the all too brief return to the RPD, where Hunters make their welcome return before coming into their own on the hospital wards.
It's Carlos who plays the role of protagonist at the two aforementioned locations -- a much more likeable character this time around. Equipped with an assault rifle, he backs up the game's commitment to action with sequences that fill the screen with zombies and dodge moves, hearkening back to the dramatic takedowns of Resident Evil 4. The two main characters still get the hots for one another far, far too quickly, but at least there's some depth and development to Carlos over 20 years later.
Capcom has done a fantastic job of expanding upon and bringing life to a selection of classic locations, but the title's biggest talking point is the places that aren't featured. The park and the Dead Factory no longer exist while the Clock Tower makes only the briefest of appearances. The courtyard outside of it sets the scene for a boss battle, but you never actually go inside. It's heartbreaking to see such vital areas from the original experience left by the wayside, especially so when the title is already rather short in the first place. The cherry on top is that spiders and the Grave Digger boss fight aren't actually in the game at all.

And then there's Nemesis. The Tyrant primed to top Mr X is actually a colossal disappointment. Outside of its early appearance on the streets of Raccoon City, encounters with Nemesis are restricted to quick-time events, set pieces, obvious chase sequences, and boss battles. Those are certainly exciting in the moment, but you'll never ever find yourself in a situation where the seven-foot monster is on your tail as you naturally explore the environment. Nemesis feels like a prop that conveniently pushes Jill towards the next area rather than an enemy you need to be constantly accounting for as you attempt to solve puzzles and explore environments. It all feels incredibly ham-fisted, ditching the nature of Mr X for the spectacle of a Tyrant that’ll occasionally chase you.
An initial playthrough of Resident Evil 3 will last roughly six hours if you commit to fully exploring every area, with harder difficulties on offer should you wish to return. Replayability isn't one of the game’s strong points, however, with just a single campaign to work through compared to the alternating routes of Leon and Claire in Resident Evil 2. That’s not necessarily the remake's fault, but when so much content has been cut from the experience, it's hard not to feel like the game is over all too quickly.
Resident Evil Resistance will attempt to extend that lacking play time, but it's got quite the task on its hands if it hopes to have its lobbies populated beyond the first couple of weeks after release. The 4v1 multiplayer mode is a fun enough distraction which pits four survivors against a mastermind who works to stop the team from escaping. That's done through the placement of traps and enemies throughout the match to halt the other team from collecting puzzle pieces, hacking into computers, and destroying Biocores.

More objectives may be on offer across a somewhat healthy map count, but the mode's biggest issue is that playing the role of the mastermind is so much more enjoyable than anything else it has to offer. Setting a trap for an unsuspecting survivor and then taking control of a zombie to take a bite out of their flesh is incredibly satisfying. However, there's a very noticeable downgrade in overall feel and quality when compared to the main game which makes for clunky controls and awkward shooting in the moment. It simply doesn't feel good to play as a survivor, and with the role of the mastermind being so thoroughly fun, we struggle to see a real community forming as every player fights to selfishly play for themselves.
Returning to Resident Evil 3, however, and the RE Engine has delivered the best-looking entry in the franchise to date. Character models look outstanding, Jill and Carlos in particular, while the environments they investigate impress with intricate designs and details which bring even the most dilapidated of locations to life. Some of the gore which made the title's predecessor really stand out is nowhere to be seen, but then it's obvious that a lot of time went into ensuring Nemesis looked just right. Across its various forms, the Tyrant is one of the best looking enemies in all of video games.
Resident Evil 3 had the potential to better its classic predecessor, but a disappointing amount of cut content and the let down that is Nemesis hold it back from greatness. It's still an experience very much worth revisiting, with Raccoon City and the hospital receiving a lot of love and attention, however, it only makes us question what could have been that little bit more.
Comments 106
As always, feel free to copy me in if you have any questions.
@LiamCroft awesome review. So how nemesis is handled relegates him to something that just removes the tension that existed in the original? Side question do you think RE4 is next and will it be faithful or take RE3 remake approach?
Sounds a bit disappointing but then again Resident Evil 2 was a better game back then too so its hardly surprising. I did wonder how they'd handle the Nemesis given his increased mobility and weaponry, I guess sometimes less really is more and encountering Mr X is a moment I'll never forget. I'll still be picking this up at some point but here's hoping Capcom learn some lessons from these 2 for any potential Resident Evil 8
“ but you'll never ever find yourself in a situation where the seven-foot monster is on your tail as you naturally explore the environment.”
Okay that kind of sounds like a plus in my book, since being hounded by Mr X was just annoying. But still, for the money, I think I’d want a better game. Gunna put this one on hold until it comes down in price a bit.
Did not expect this after the fantastic Resident Evil 2!! Slightly disappointed...However, I will still play this as I did not complete the original when it came out on PS1.
I think it speaks volumes how they made this game barely a year after the RE2 remake, it's just classic Capcom, they make something succesful and then they try to immediatedly capitalize with half hearted efforts. I'm expecting a new Devil May Cry announcement soon.
@Nyne11Tyme I think that'll be it for the remakes, by all accounts they were largely developed together and probably intended to release together too
Great review Liam. Still interested in playing it, but probably not at launch.
@Nyne11Tyme Thanks! Correct, there's very little tension when Nemesis is around because it's so obvious what the game wants you to do. I think a Resident Evil 4 remake is inevitable, but Capcom need to leave it a good couple of years until it's announced.
I find it a relief knowing that Nemesis won't be hounding me whilst I'm trying to explore, that one's a plus in my book.
I couldn't agree more with your statement! Or could I? Anyway, bargain bin it is!
@LiamCroft When you say Nemesis mainly appears for boss and chase sequences, are the chase sequences more like the encounter in the demo or just running down corridors?
@LiamCroft i just remember nemesis scaring the pants off me back in the day so that's kind of a shame. Im also not great with horror titles (especially vr) lol. If you think 4 is happening then do you think Code Veronica will be first chronologically it would be next? Thanks again. Hope you all are fairing better on that side of the pond.
@carlos82 good to know. Hey anyone seen PlayStation1995 lately? I know he is at ground zero in the states for this mess. Havent seen him post recently myself
@Broosh The encounter in the demo is the only example of a time where you can still run around the environment naturally with him on your tail. Every single other time it appears is a chase sequence, half of which are quick-time events.
I can't say I'm surprised.
RE2 classic was essentially 4 different games into one, REmake2 was barely 1,5. They claimed they wanted to simplify the storylines to help make things more canon, but the new storyline clashes between the two characters even more.
They also changed Jill's actress, breaking canonicity with REmake for no reason.
I'll still get it though, obviously =D
Appreciate the response. That's a bummer for sure, I have a feeling I'll best enjoy a playthrough of this remake before I revisit the original version on my PS3.
RE3 is one of my favorite games of all time and this remake had me worried from the jump. This review helped me save $60. I'd love to play it but for 6 hrs of gameplay and tonnes of cut content from the original, I gotta take a stand. Thanks for the review.
Wow, that is a shame, they really did strip a lot out of this game, mercenaries mode as well. I'll still play it but must admit my expectations were pretty high after Resi 2. Ah well.
What happened, Capcom?
Replayed RE3 just last month on a whim and actually made a game guessing what would be chopped. Shame to hear that basically the latter half of the original has been completely cut (Or heavily changed?)
Question though, as someone who didn't like Mr. X in RE2make because of how he constantly interrupted puzzles, is there anything like that here?
@LiamCroft Will I miss anythings if I play it on easy? Like ending, additional cut-scenes, etc.
@wiiware Nope, you won't miss anything.
What I really wanted was a huge combined RE2 and RE3 remake, with the stories and locations properly intermingling.
As it stands it's a shame they cut several parts from the original RE3, especially the clock tower building with the spiders
Not shocked at all considering how disappointed I was after playing the demo. Heck, if that's indicative of the full game, I might even say for me the game will be more like a 6 or even 5. Very disappointed, especially after 7 being great and REmake 2 being one of the best games this gen. But, based on interviews it seems Capcom was focused on typical idiotic crap that all devs get sidetracked with these days rather than just making a good game. I'll reserve final judgment until I play the full version but my expectations are very low right now, unfortunately and after thinking the series was back on track, concerned about its future.
@LiamCroft Nice, thanks
@b1ackjack They cut some content and add alot people just want some locations and enemies from the original if we are going to talk about cut content Re2 destroyed alot of the original stuff
having a hard time understanding why they cut so many locations from the original. was it about cranking this release out as fast as possible? why? they could have spent another year fleshing it out and the product would be better off for it. it's not like anyone even needed this to be released so quickly after resi 2. if capcom thinks we should purchase a half complete game at full price all i can do is laugh. well, at the least, make a "complete" edition which combines resi 2 with resi 3 into a seamless experience and i'll make the purchase... but spending $80CAD for an incomplete, 5 hour game is asking a lot!
@get2sammyb i definitely getting it on launch. i don't have any backlog games to play that why i need new game to play
"but you'll never ever find yourself in a situation where the seven-foot monster is on your tail as you naturally explore the environment"
@3MonthBeef you might have a point there to be honest. but i think the biggest disappointment is all the cut locations within the city. no excuse for that.
@3MonthBeef That's never a complaint that I had.
That was one of the best parts of the game. The main group of people I saw complaining about it were the 'journalists' from the usual websites who are wannabe pop culture 'critics' that never actually played many (if any) video games in their lives. Outside of that, I'd say, again just going by what I saw and from talking with friends, most enjoyed what Mr. X added to the game. Did it get a little annoying, especially on third or fourth runs? Sure, but it was still a cool part of the experience.
Doesn't seem like a full-priced game to be honest. Will definitely get this down the line but RE8 is what I'm really looking forward to.
Still, I'm really glad for all the love the series seems to get from both the developer and the audience. Almost feels like RE5 and 6 never happened.
Found the demo very annoying, think I'll pass.
"The two main characters still get the hots for one another far, far too quickly"
I don't remember this happening in the original game. They were partners for sure but that was it I think.
As for the game I really don't like that it is more action oriented...
The fact that Nemesis isn't constantly chasing you is a major plus for me as Mr X pretty much ruined RE2 in my opinion. The original RE2 is my favourite game of all time so I was so disappointed with the remake.
The fact that many areas of the original game have been cut however is a deal breaker for me and means I will be waiting for it to his the £15 mark
@Gamer83 The main people complaining about it were Resi veterans like me! I like exploring every inch of the map and with him constantly chasing you that was no longer a possibility. After a while it stopped being exciting and just became annoying
Thank you for addressing the cut content. As the original RE3 is one of my favorite games of all time it only stings more that entire locations like the Clock Tower which is basically the UBCS base, the park, and the Dead Factory are gone. I mean replacing the unique final area like the Dead Factory with a near copy of the RE2 lab (literally called NEST 2) is ridiculous on Capcom's part.
I can't believe they even cut out the Grave Digger as it's the only other boss in the game besides Nemesis who doesn't even free-roam as much in this remake. Not to mention the spiders and crows being gone. Also, no live selection or mercenaries cuts out replayability from an already short game.
Trash remake in my opinion. Fans should really ask for a directors cut, I know that's what I'll be doing!
I will be completely honest, i'm stilll trying to figure out how RE2 Remake was so highly praised in the first place...
3 was my favourite of the series, will definitely be getting this. But said since day one that it can wait. I'm disappointed in the cut content (especially the dead factory, surely that was damn integral...?) and I thought I remember reading that spiders were making a return so that sucks too. Haven't played the demo (though watched it), is the main game that dark by default? Is there really no "L1" life save moment? I relied on that quite heavily in re2 remake... Not surprised at all by this review, the title was divisive all those years ago too.
I'm glad I never played Resi 3.
But this feels like a 40 euros game...right?
@kyleforrester87 That is kinda what I'm thinking. I haven't played two much because Mr X seemed more annoying than anything.
I'll probably grab this one when I finish Persona 5 again. Seems more up my ally than RE2
To be honest Resident Evil 3 was always at the bottom of my.top Resi games anyway,however I really enjoyed the demo and was quite excited for this.It's a shame they cut so much out of it though...and being a guy that doesant play hardly any multiplayer it feels like I'll be done with this game ALOT quicker than I thought.
Will definitely still be buying but most likely on a sale now..
Looks like my money will go to Persona 5 Royal at this point. Resi3 only once on sale...
Does the Playstation Store let you get refunds? I remember customer service being super strict about NOT letting me refund pre-ordered games, which is insane because not only do I not have the game yet, but every single other storefront lets me refund pre-orders. Haven't made a pre-order in 2 years on there as a result! Anyone know if things have changed?
On another note, I've got this one locked-in and can't effin' wait to play it. I kinda like that it's not a 7/10, since I find that having lowered expectations makes me like games a lot more than I reasonably should (Mass Effect Andromeda, Left Alive, Homefront Revolution, etc), lol. The missing game sections are a huge bummer, but nothing else is innately bad, IMHO.
I'm a series veteran myself, the original RE 2 is my favorite game of all-time and I really enjoyed what Mr. X brought to the game. I'm also one of those players who likes to explore every part of the map and didn't think Mr. X detracted from that, you just had to be a bit more strategic.
I’m still gonna play it, maybe not day 1 though.
@Expa0 According to Capcom, RE3 Remake started development before the RE2 Remake was even finished which makes it worse. This wasn’t rushed out after the success of 2, it was planned before that. At least Ubisoft made sure to double down on the mechanics with Odyssey in case Origins did well when they developed both at the same time.
Shame was looking forward for it and will still play it but was hoping would be as good as resident evil 2 last year. Sounds like they rushed it out quickly just for a quick profit after the success of the previous remake. A 6hour campaign with no second playthrough like last year is not worth full price at launch
@Nyne11Tyme They better not remake RE4. That game has been ported/remastered a million different times now. If anything gets remade next, it needs to be Code Veronica.
Sad to see this game be a let down but we all knew that Final Fantasy 7 Remake would be the real winner of April anyway.
As soon as I read about the cut content I cancelled my pre-order and feel like I made the right decision, I still really wanna play this game but when it's around £20 will feel more suitable seeing as this is more a DLC add-on rather than a full new game.
Raccoon City can wait for a cheaper price of admission, we're on a first class trip to Midgar baby!
That really cant be taken into account though, RE2 and RE3 remakes were being developed side by side by two seperate teams and producers. In fact RE3 was in development for around 3 years, the difference is RE2 was completely in house where as RE3 was partially in-house with 3 seperate outsourced teams assisting, namely K2, M-Two and Redworks. With the multiplayer being developed by an entirely different team also.
Odd question not many these days care about: how bad is the language? I know it's got 'strong language' in the descriptors and I can handle one or two very infrequent F bombs, but do you remember if it's like, every other word like most games other than Mario these days? If so, I'm out. To me that screams cheap writing and ruins the experience for me. Thanks in advance!
@potter32 but it isnt.
@LiamCroft I have a question about downloading stuff on the PlayStation. I’m new to using this so I’m commenting on the first thing I saw. I was downloading fallout 4 with all the DLCs and accidentally canceled and deleted the dlc, how can I get it back?
Oh no! I feared you would say park, clock tower and grave digger worm aren't in there and alas, they cut them. I couldn't care less about the factory but those are essential. So they just expanded some places (making you stay in the same environment) and cut others? Shame. Real shame.
Resident Evil 2.3
Well tbh Nemesis only really randomly appeared in the city/clock tower before. After that he had boss battles and set appearances. "You'll never ever find yourself in a situation where the seven-foot monster is on your tail as you naturally explore the environment" HOWEVER, if this is true then it sounds like they've ruined one of the best parts of the game. They better hurry and patch random events in pretty quick, otherwise I can see this flopping. Clock Tower dlc as well, I guess?
@kyleforrester87 @ApostateMage @Captain_crash199 @shaihulud @thefirst Really? Mr. X was a bonus piece in RE 2 so if he wasn't even in the remake, I wouldn't mind. However, Nemesis and his random encounters were the main attraction of 3. The unnerving nature of exploring is what made it great, finally Clock Tower felt melded properly into an RE game. I think this is a gigantic loss. Also, Captian crash, you could always pop 6 rounds of a magnum in him and he'd leave you alone for a good while back in the day. It was a good sacrifice for exploration and something I did on 3rd and 4th playthroughs.
@AllenSnyder Honestly, same. I have to speak with my wallet this time. Cutting out the Clock Tower was bad but botching Nemesis is a nail in the coffin. I really hope for a patch or dlc to fix this.
@3MonthBeef Wasn't a complaint of mine! Especially when it was a key feature of 3 and a side note of RE 2.
I'll buy it for a high price because i want it now and not wait for a future price drop. The demo on my Pro looked and played fantastic. I want more of that.
@3MonthBeef Honestly, it just sounds to me like you weren't really a fan of the game if that's all you remember? I completed the game like 6 times from when I was like 8 into ny teenage years so I remember all of it vividly.
@Jowd Absolutely on board with you here. It's fine to change bits, its fine to cut some bits but entire iconic locations and gameplay mechanics with bosses? Not really excusable.
@Jayofmaya the encounters in the original were not random, were they?
Alien Isolation got it right, Mr X was just an annoyance!
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, as you went through the whole of the city and also throughout the clock tower, the music would abruptly stop and you'd hear a door slam. Then sometimes he'd announce his presence with his phrase, "STARS", then intense music would start and he'd come to your location. I didn't play RE 2 as much and haven't yet gone through the remake, was gonna get it after the RE 3 remake, but I don't remember Mr. X being as atmospheric and unsettling.
@wiiware Only your pride
@Jayofmaya to be honest I only played through Resi 3 once, I had assumed Nemesis’s appearances were all scripted, but if they were (at least in part) random, that’s cool. Still, Mr X chasing you round in Resi 2 is too much - it’s scary for a while but it does get frustrating. They should have left him out of scenario 1 completely like they did in the original, but they were obviously too proud of him to do that.
@kyleforrester87 Original nemesis were NOT random. It's scripted too.
@Deljo I feel no pride finishing games on harder difficulty lol.
@usaislie thought that was the case.
@3MonthBeef agreed i completed the original Re2 more than 3 but still 3 is my favourite of the original trilogy tbh. 3 remake is already my favourite playing it right now it got leaked here.
@carlos82 so ok listing to other people's reviews instead of playing it yourself i see
@Expa0 you need to get your facts straight sweetie cause they starting 3 remake in early 2017
@LiamCroft not getting a remake of 4 not old with fixed camera angles,tank controls and per-rendered backgrounds
@Undeadlogan comprehension not your strong point I see, I clearly said I'll be picking it up at some point and it's not out yet, so all I have to go on are other people's reviews
@wiiware 😁 not one for the very hard difficulties myself but playing on easy just seems wrong
@Deljo but it is isn't.
if it feels wrong than devs would not put in the option or they would add a "edgy" mocking screen like the wolfenstein games,thinking they are cool.
i never got the difficulty elitism some people have . (not saying you are 1 of them)
I've always considered 'normal' difficulty to be how the developers intend the game to be and if I need to play on easy then maybe that games just not for me. Certainly dont consider myself a difficulty elitist (although maybe I'm contradicting myself) as I'm not a fan of having to play through games on the hardest difficulty for trophies etc. but I'm aware of many games were playing on easy doesnt give you the full experience...
@usaislie @3monthbeef So, by "scripted", do you mean that certain conditions are met before he turns up? Like x amount of progress then Nemesis will invade a room you are in until you run (in which case given x amount of time, he would invade another room you are in) or shoot him enough times? Because that can hardly be considered scripted. If that's how you wish to look at it, though.
@Deljo After playing tlou where I have chance to win against zombie/infected, either with stealth or gunplay, it's kind of annoying playing resident evil where I have to run from the zombie because I don't have more ammo and stealth is not an option. I have no problem playing games on easy if the normal difficulty annoys me.
@Kalvort Am I the only one who found the RE 2 remake over rated ? Loved the original back on the PS 1,but whilst the remake was good,it wasn't amazing. Good Dolby Atmos,though.
@TheBusterMan I never completed any Resident Evil on PS1, so RE2 remake was kind of a breath of fresh air for me. I really enjoyed it, and even beat both sides of the campaign.
I was going to get RE3 on launch day but decided not to based on this review and other reviews.
Will happily wait for a sale since the game can be beaten in 5-6 hours.
I found the Nemesis really annoying really in the PS1 version and same with the Demo of the newer version of the game to :-/ Up to the point he appeared I was enjoying the Demo and was thinking of going back to get things etc etc but when he appeared I was just running around like a headless chicken The Graphics looked AMAZING tho Especially the shadows on the walls when Jill moved about.
@wiiware Fair comment, to each their own 😁
“The main characters still get the hots for one another quickly”
Lol what that doesn’t happen in the original. I think somebody is a shipper....Haha @LiamCroft
@Jayofmaya No ? He literally shows up after few key items. U either fight or just go to the next location or if it was one of those choose an option u can get rid of him with selecting a choice.
@ToniK 5 and 6 are still solid action games. And 4 is just as awful as an RE horror game
@usaislie Although, such scripted events did happen, I recall because I failed sometimes and reloaded, there was more than just that. I must have been playing a different version. I distinctly remember standing doing nothing more than once and he entered the room I was in.
@LiamCroft I have one question, you say there are no spiders but watching Jim Sterlings impressions he said there are spiders, so what's going on? It did sound like it was just one area how he described it, so could you have just missed them?
@Jayofmaya bonus piece? Mr X was a major part of the original game, the whole point of Resi 2 was to play the characters A and B scenarios to get the full story and experience
@carlos82 There are no spiders in the game. He’s most likely referring to the Drain Deimos.
@carlos82 ok boo
@3MonthBeef Cool explanation. I already suggested that and I consider that random, even if a (not too complex) algorithm is used. It's still different on different play throughs and you can't rely on the same trigger points. Maybe yoyr expectancy of a 22 year old game is way too high? It shouldn't have been hard to replicate such a system in the remake. This is my point and I don't see why you decided to interject.
@carlos82 Think about how many people actually did that. My sisters boyfriend had to tell me I could even do that when I was young and I ran out of herbs and was on red caution by the final Mr. X fight (even the rocket launcher thrown by Ada couldn't save me) so never bothered to do it myself.
@Jayofmaya I would imagine most people, he was pretty well known long before this remake came out. The game came on 2 discs and made it quite clear there was an A and B game, certainly everyone I know played both scenarios and the manual even tells you about it. From many comments I've seen people were disappointed that the remake didn't have true A and B scenarios
@carlos82 I think they should have kept it like that too, tbh. However if you look at ps4 trophies, tons of players give up before even completing the main campaign, let alone get through a more punishing second playthrough. It wasn't so different back then, even if you and your friends did both.
RE3 always felt like an add on from RE2 to me, and was easily the worst of the PS1 games.
@LiamCroft In my opinion I would rather play Resident Evil 3 Remake than play Resident Evil 5 and 6. Don't you agree?
Having just finished this game, I'd agree with that. 5 is good but not as good as the classics or the two recent remakes and 6 is meh. Will admit, this is one of the time my initial impression was wrong. This game isn't perfect by any means and it is disappointing compared to last year's unbelievable remake, but I like it a lot better than I expected based on the demo. Jill's personality I was way wrong about, didn't care for it in the demo but in the context of the full game it works and this might actually be my favorite interpretation of her. I am disappointed about the cut content, which leads to the game being a bit short, although the fact is old school RE games were never really long to begin with so I can let the latter slide. Violence and gore a bit toned down from RE 2 remake also, not a deal breaker but I hope it's kicked back up for 8 and a possible Code Veronica remake.
ill get this in a sale .. too busy now with Persona 5 Royal, Animal Crossing and FF7R around the corner lol still a must buy for me
Resident evil 3 remake is perfect in every sense of the word. The graphics are amazing, the game play is amazing, the story, the cut scenes, the acting, voice and surroundings. When I first started playing the game I couldn't believe how amazing the graphics were and how they polished and enhanced everything about the game. Yes some things are different and some things were taken out but that does not make the game bad at all. I'm very happy with the game and can honestly say that capcom did a wonderful job once again.
@LiamCroft I've finally got round to playing and beating this and your review is pretty much perfect, I just found this game very disappointing and it took me under 5 hours and that's with fully exploring the city early on and admiring the view. Not even close to Resident Evil 2
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