How did this happen? No, really – how did this happen? Resident Evil 6, the most recent numbered entry in Capcom's iconic survival horror series, is an unmitigated mess – a real turd of a game that's so downright bad that it beggars belief. You'd think that with the series celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the publisher would have preferred to let this stinker decompose alongside other rotters like Operation Raccoon City and Dead Aim, but that financial hole that the Japanese publisher's found itself in is a deep one, so here's a remastered PlayStation 4 version of one of the worst third-person shooters ever made.
Be fair, Sammy: it's not that bad. Sure, on the scale of TPS atrocities it sits closer to Quantum Theory than Inversion, but it's no Damnation – it's actually got a budget for a start. But this schizophrenic shell of a game encapsulates everything that can be awful about AAA titles: it's predictable, plodding, and – for lack of a better word – pants in practically every department. And y'know what? That wouldn't be so bad if the developer hadn't stretched its paper-thin design practices out over the course of four self-contained campaigns – each more pedestrian and overtly unpleasant than the last.

Let's start with the good stuff: it looks great. Capcom's attempted to disprove the old adage that you can't polish poo by applying a glossy coat of Briwax to this fetid mound of feces. The art direction, a cross between Call of Duty and every anime ever, works bizarrely well for the most part – the self-seriousness of the game's meathead cast balanced by their handsome character designs. In particular, the locations really sing at times: the densely populated streets of China are punctuated by brightly coloured billboards and raging infernos, while Eastern Europe is defined by archaic architecture and bad weather.
It's a fine looking foray that's at its best on the PS4, with the re-release running at a relatively sturdy 60 frames-per-second in 1080p. But, the ever enjoyable Mercenaries mode aside, this is where the positives end, because Resident Evil 6 is a bad game.
What makes it such a mess, though? Oh, where do we even start? The camera's so nauseatingly wayward that we suspect that the programming team spent the bulk of the game's development swigging sake. The writing's so embarrassingly bad that it makes "the master of unlocking" sound like an Oscar winning line. The gunplay's so ineffective that it makes you feel like you're wielding a spud gun – even when you're running amok with a shotgun the size of a small tank. The controls are awful (and poorly explained), the puzzles are rubbish, the incessant QTEs are obnoxious, and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on…

But the worst part is that it's just downright lazy. The monster designs are generally pathetic, with gelatinous blobs among the most creative goons that you'll encounter. The irritatingly punctuated J'avo – one of the primary new forms of foe that you'll face off against – are rubbish, rushing about in carbon fibre-lined Carbrini hoodies while antagonising you with AK-47s because apparently zombies learned how to fire guns now. Missions generally involve running down corridors and waiting for the release to throw some generic co-op objective at you, like clearing out the current room or defending a specific area.
Ammunition is never necessarily in short supply, but the game will make you wait for corpses to burn away just so that you can keep your stocks replenished. It's also generally dark, particularly in Leon's campaign, where you can rarely ever see more than a few feet in front of you. This complete lack of lighting fails to create any intended tension, as it merely means that you'll stumble into some unseen trap instead – over and over again. We particularly enjoyed the obligatory church yard section in Leon's campaign, where the cumbersome controls and absent illumination led to us slipping into the same grave a record three times in a row.

Everything about the campaigns is half-arsed. For example, there's one sequence where you need to follow a string of button prompts in order to start a car – but if you happen to have drawn the short straw as player two, you have nothing to do but twiddle your thumbs while your accomplice hammers out the commands. This is meant to be a co-op game – couldn't the developer have come up with a way for you to work together? Puzzles are similarly insipid, as they typically revolve around you splitting up in order to pull levers and flip switches – you get the drift.
It's all bombastically presented, of course – but there's no ebb and flow to the way that the stories play out. Where the exceptional Resident Evil 4 builds to multiple memorable crescendos, its boneheaded successor starts out at eleven – and then merely attempts to maintain the volume throughout. It's boring, and the introduction of increasingly spongey enemy types don't help to alleviate the fatigue factor.
At least the combat's more tolerable in the aforementioned Mercenaries mode, where shorter sessions and a more arcade feel improve proceedings. The Puzzle Fighter-esque Onslaught option is also an alright alternative, as you attempt to combo zombie kills in order to overwhelm online adversaries. But the other multiplayer modes – generally built around the concept of you eventually assuming the role of the undead – fall flat, even if there are some admirable ideas on display. We love, for example, the pitch for Agent Hunt, which sees you invading other peoples' games. The problem is that it's just not much fun in practice.
You can't polish a turd, and Resident Evil 6 is proof. This remaster may look the part at points, but its limp collection of lacklustre campaigns will leave you feeling dead inside. A low price point means that co-op enthusiasts may get some mileage out of the Mercenaries mode, but make no mistake, this is still a quivering corpse of a game. Avoid like the C-Virus plague.
Comments 70
Wake me up when we hit resident evil 4. At least then I can play a good resident evil (5 was a good co op game but not resident evil game imo). Is nemesis coming the month after 4 or are we getting 4 then the one they know we all are waiting for (2). Nemesis was good but it was more action oriented and in my opinion the first time we saw a crack in the resident evil franchise (even if 4s brilliance made me believe again).
I've never understood the strength of some peoples dislike for this game. I understand that it's very far from perfect and as a Resi game it's way more action-orientated than the originals, but I've played through all the campaigns multiple times during last-gen and I really enjoyed.
Now if there's one Resi game I really couldn't stand, its 5 - got so incredibly bored with that one.
It's such a shame the way this franchise has gone! One of my fondest memories is of playing RE4 on the GameCube in 2005. Halftime in the champions league final I thought I cant watch what was happening to Liverpool so I'd play some re4. I switched off and to my surprise the football was still on, the first penalty was about to be taken and the rest is history. Then re5 came out 😂👍
I warned myself not to buy this when it came out, I'd somehow survived Leon's campaign last gen and knew that was the best the game could ever offer me, but being the typical impulse buying gamer and huge Resi Evil nut that I am, I got this HD version anyway! :/
Can't disagree with anything you've said, great review as always! I've played through the first level with Leon and that's enough this time round. Melee attacks are waaay overpowered (literally stronger than bullets), but you have all the stamina of an asthmatic ant carrying a piano on its back, so after one devastating combo you're kicking like Kimbo Slice by the 3rd round of an MMA fight.
I can't wait for Resident Evil 4 and 5 next though, both great games and pinnacles of last gen's era (4 especially). It's such a terrible shame the series went so off track with this madness! Hopefully they'll restore things with RE7 and the RE2 remake.
@Gatatog I don't know how you got bored of Resident Evil 5 and not this — it's infinitely better. To each their own, though.
Day one!
Jk... Well, I guess that settles that. I thought I might try it out for the $20 price, but uh... well ya. I think I'll pass.
@get2sammyb I think that's a large part of why I don't get the hate. To be fair, it's not the first game I've enjoyed that appears to be otherwise universally hated
Welk I quite liked it on PS3, so on PS4 it should be even better. Lots of gameplay for your money.
It's sad that the Revelations games are both infinitely better than a mainline entry but 6 was just bad. When I first played it I tried to convince myself it wasn't that bad, but then I got to Chris Redfield's horrible Gears of War wannabe campaign and I threw my hands up in the air. Where as Gears actually plays well and is fun, this was a disaster. I'll give companies a pass for ripping off another one (and to be fair the original Gears team had cited RE 4 as an inspiration) but please do it right. Capcom has lost its way and will never be coming back unfortunately. Street Fighter V proved that company is so far gone. And in terms of this series, if we thought Resident Evil 6 was bad, I can only imagine how horribly screwed up REmake 2 and RE 7 will be. This is a series that once drew me to the original PlayStation and it's a shame to see what a bunch of corporate a$$hats who were born with silver spoons in their mouths have turned this once proud series into.
My biggest disappointment last gen. You couldn't pay me to play it again.
RE6 is an embarrassment. I seriously don't know how Capcom let that get out the door. It's almost a parody of bad game design
And Operation Raccoon City was a real sleeper. That was great fun to play coop with mates. I wish they'd remake that one. Damn.
I put aside what other opinions about this game, mostly bias.
As for me, this is one of the best RE i've ever played.
The gameplay really fun actually.
We can have so many set of moves compared to other RE.
We can do rider kick, we can slide and shoot, rolling, shoryuken uppercut, wrestling move, german suplex, all depends on each characters though, so bloody fun.
The stories are more emotion oriented than hard plot. I personally never cared about stories in classic RE, have you?
For me, things that annoying is those swarming of armed zombies, they kinda ruined the balance and Jake/Sherry level designs are hard to enjoy.
Other than that, this game is BLOODY AWESOME.
they should change the name of the game.
From Resident Evil 6 to ZOMBIE MAY CRY.
I actually liked Operation Raccoon City, tyvm do not compare to this game. It actually had intuitive gameplay, when the AI found time not to be useless companions. Which made it a great co-op game.
I've been waiting for this review and I was not disappointed.
A very spot on review of the worst RE game ever so far. Although I wouldn't call it a "remaster", it's just an untouched PC port with an exception of 1080/60. Imo I don't even want to look at how RE7 will turn out (if that game is even in development). How Capcom can afford to keep putting out garbage is beyond me. And is no wonder that their business practices with games like SFV are just "game services".
Idk about Capcom anymore. They're just better of selling their ip's...
Huh I didn't feel like it was that bad, I would have given it a 4 out of 10, the story is weak, the camera is woggity, but I didn't find much issue with the controls, we should be discussing the hit boxes because those need a little fixing.
Resident Evil 4 was the beginning of the end of what we're the true Resident Evil games. Since then they have turned into mindless 3rd person shooters with forced co-op elements and increasingly worse enemy design, not to mention that the story has long since got out of hand. They just need to reboot at this point and realise that bigger isn't necessarily better. I was really looking forward to the remake of Resi 2 before realising that the Capcom of today seems to have little in common with that of the late 90's and may not be able to do it justice
Exactly. Why is it I love great written reviews about terrible games I've never played the best. Great read of a game I was never going to play
The camera's so nauseatingly wayward that we suspect that the programming team spent the bulk of the game's development swigging sake.
The controls are awful (and poorly explained)
Sounds like a prereview of FFXV.
Not a great game by any stretch but I'd give it a 4 or 5
Remastering a game that was so flawed in the first place doesn't seem a wise move really. As you say, it's lazy. With the AAA game releases starting to stack up for PS4, I can't see why many folks will choose this one?
Used to be a big Resi fan but Capcom really are clueless these days. Funny that they refused to name Code Veronica, Resident Evil 4 as they said the quality wasn't to the right standard back then. Looks like their standards have seriously dropped so many years later. Great review btw.
I played through all of RE6 with a friend on PS3 and had a blast I don't think ti's half as bad as most do.
Ranks up there in my most disappointed list ( along with GoW Ascension and Dead Space 3 .... both wasted WAY TOO much time and effort to create needless multiplayer games and both are far inferior to their predecessors!). Loved 4 and 5! Resi 5 in particular came in for a lot of unjustified criticism! Great game! How did it ever come to this though! 4 pretty rotten games on one disc!!! Trying to cater to multiplayer, which is the opposite of what survival horror should be ( .... alone, isolated, down to your last clip), really left the series with real problems!!
I got off the Resident Evil train at 4. Kind of glad I did.
@Neolit Resident Evil 5 is one of the greatest games ever made compared to this IMO.
Resi 4 was the hinge for the whole series. I think it introduced more user friendly and fun combat but still managed to keep some of the survival horror elements of what preceded. Tried both 5 and 6 (got no more than 10 minutes into 6 before I turned it off) but the focus on co-op and more combat orientated stories moved it away from the roots too much.
I think releasing 6, then 5 then 4 is an attempt to build up anticipation for 4 and the possible Resi 2 remaster. I think 4 will sell well.
I think that's a great price for the resident evil game. I like the franchise so will give this a go.
Why is the use of "turd" acceptable in a review but when another poster uses the word "urine" it gets deleted?
Just thinking about this game makes me want to take a shower to wash the stench away.
Awesome review btw XD
What is with all the hate for RE6???? The game is a lot of fun. I'm so sick of people complaining about games, guess what is only a game and might I add a pretty fun game and I play all the RE games. So all you cry babies out there shut up and just be a gamer.
Wow, how 3.5 years and a lick of paint can destroy a game! RE6 got a lot more love when it came out on PS3 on PS
@fluggy The last GOW was not so great but it was 1000% better the RE6. I just hate RE6 so much Chris more bulked up then in RE5 and he was pushing it already the zombies. I sold the game after the part of Chris i just could cope and the part with the zombies that put humans in the ribcage i just lost it.
@dryrain Didn't know the word "urine" was getting deleted. It shouldn't be, but as always, will depend on the context it's being used in.
@Boerewors I didn't review the PS3 release.
@IrishCream Glad you like it. Reviews are always subjective, so if you don't agree, it's not a big deal.
I didn't say you did. But coming from Ken's 7, a 3/10 is remarkable to say the least, although I couldn't agree more with you personally. Capcom's approach for their mobile division is pretty much the same as they're showing on the console front: try to squeeze all of the juice that's still left in the IPs as much as possible and after they've milked it dry they'll probably sell what's left to the highest bidder.
My avatar adequately captures my facial expression when I first played the demo of this.
Woaw, I can't believe the hate on this game. I did it from A to Z in co-op with my girlfriend, and I enjoyed it immensely. The action-gameplay was fun, if certainly not scary, and gross enemies made us want to shoot them.The story was good B-movie stuff, and we had a lot of fun acing the game twice.
Maybe it's like Sonic games. RE games can be as good as they want: they'll still get flak.
@get2sammyb actually to each own doesn't apply here, this game is completely awful and nothing short of an embarrassment to the series.
Thank you the beating you just typed out.
Resident Evil 5 is an ok action/adventure title set in the Resident Evill universe. If you can get past the very poor AI when playing Solo and not go into expecting a 'Horror Survival' game, its actually not bad. Its certainly no tense and 'scary' game - something we think of when the name 'Resident Evil' crops up... Its still a LOT better than 6 was...
Resident evil lost its way years ago. RE6 was a decent game IMO if you don't consider it a RE game, consider it a 6.
I tell you what though, this has got me excited for the 5 release. Day one!
4 is the last great RE. Of course, Mikami was still there.
I completed this one w my bro. Beat the campaign once w each character.
Something that annoys him is how the interface is unintuitive and different for every campaign. Like the options menus.
I didnt like this or RES 5. what is crazy is Capcom with such great IP can get them self into such a mess
I was really confused when I saw Resident Evil 6 on the online store. I am a fan of the series, but skipped the PS3 version after the awful reviews and playing the demo. RE 5 would have been a better choice to remake since 4 has been remastered like 10 times already.
@get2sammyb Brilliant review - I hated Resi 6, and the review is spot on. I couldnt play it for more than 20 minutes at any one time. Just what the hell were Capcom thinking?
I honestly think if they fixed up the controls, and nixed ALL the stories except Leon's, it probably would have been much better. I think Resident Evil 6 is akin to "Kirby Superstar" because while all the campaigns use the same basic controls, they're basically mini-stories, and unlike "Kirby Superstar", they don't make a cohesive or compelling package that you can play and enjoy.
At this point, I'd be willing to accept a remake of RE4 with different locations and enemies. The gameplay was so spot on, they don't need to keep complicating things with asinine controls.
@Azikira It would still be boring, though. "Follow the waypoint, kill all the enemies, follow the waypoint, defend this area." It's a series of ancient co-op tropes shoehorned into an even worse story, with atrocious controls, spongey enemies, and beautiful graphics.
I just love that the 6 looks like someone giving oral pleasure to a giraffe.
Capcom doesn't make new games anymore, so ports is all we can expect from now on.
@morrisseymuse You're supposed to manage your stamina. Resident Evil 6 shares a lot of similarities to Dragon's Dogma. Melee attacks are far more powerful than bullets, but you have to use them carefully. Dodging and laying on the ground will help recover stamina. Using a pill will restore stamina.
If the game let players punch and kick all they wanted, it would break the game just like it broke Operation Racoon City.
@Gamer83 Resident Evil: Revelations 2 came out a year ago.
@GraveLordXD The recent Tomb Raider games are riddled with Quick Time events, and don't attract half the criticism of RE6.
"The irritatingly punctuated J'avo – one of the primary new forms of foe that you'll face off against – are rubbish, rushing about in carbon fibre-lined Carbrini hoodies while antagonising you with AK-47s because apparently zombies learned how to fire guns now."
J'avo are not zombies. Only Leon and Ada encounter "zombies". The J'avo are fully intelligent human enemies that can do anything a human can do. Plus they can transform into various other creatures in response to trauma.
This is such a bizarre criticism. Resident Evil 6 is an action game which blends third person shooting with third person brawling. As such, it features enemies with weapons. Resident Evil was always about bio organic weapons with military applications. They provide contrast with zombies, and something for Chris and Jake to test their skills against.
Resident Evil 6 isn't a game for everyone. It is very obtuse and poorly documented/has poor tutorials, and its stark genre shift to action horror is alienating to people who want Resident Evil to be horror-oriented, and preferably survival horror, but while I fully respect people not liking the game, I object to the game being bashed because it doesn't meet someone's expectations of what a Resident Evil game "should" be.
@Kosmo Its very similar to sonic actually, 1,2,3 and Sonic CD were all great - like resi 1,2,3 and 4. Then they over complicated the series with unnecessary characters, worse gameplay and annoying cut scenes. I'm no expert but no single sonic game since the mid 90s has been a classic and all of them have had faults - mostly game breaking.
@get2sammyb To be fair though, I did say "much better", and not "a good game". Rising from being terrible to being mediocre could very well be considered "much better" then, say, the jumbled disaster that was Resident Evil 6, but still a long ways away from an amazing Resident Evil game.
I really liked that game - seriously
Did never understand why so many people think that this is a bad game.
I liked the story, the presentation, the gameplay - and I consider myself a Fan of RE, right from the first entry. RE6 is one of the only games in the series that I just finished once though - nothing comes close to RE4 in that department LOL finished it at least 12 times, 3 times on GameCube, 3 times on PS2, 3 times on Wii and yeah ... 3 times on the Xbox360 ... why the hell does it have to come out again LOL haha
Imma just wait for it to be released as a package
@themcnoisy And yet, despite obvious flaws, people love Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Sonic Rush 1 and 2, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations. Those have received praise, and they are overall good games. I liked the others too, except for 2006, Unleashed and Boom.
I think it's like @Ambient_Malice is saying: the games receive bad press because it's not what people want them to be. The develop try new things and they're not received well. It's all the more absurd when games like the New Mario Bros series get criticized for always being the same...
Looking at the fun factor, though, RE6 is a very fun game, action-packed and challenging. I guess you just have to get RE4 out of your head before playing.
I love this review for mercilessly pointing out every single problem in RE6 with surgical precision. Great job!
With Resident Evil 1 and Zero already out, and RE 2 and 4-5 announced for PS4, the one saving grace for this release is the fact that it helps to make almost the entire series playable on current gen. Of course, most of us would probably prefer RE3 or Code Veronica instead...
Still never played this game and don't ever intend to. Resi 5 was bad enough so if this is worse then nuh-uh, no chance. I loved Resi 4 of course but have played it so many times that I've got no interest in buying yet another version of it.
This was the 1st RE game I didn't buy. It was to Xbox like for me. Bit to much Dude-bro really. Hopefully RE7 will be better.
I can't say I disagree with the problems in this game, but my girlfriend and I are loving it. The action is super intense, the 'puzzles' are entertaining, and we like the way all of the stories tie together. My biggest complaint is the melee system... but if it were more polished/usable I think it could possibly take away from the tension in closed in areas.
I guess it's true; one man's trash is another man's treasure. I personally feel like it's a much stronger game than most people give it credit. If it were a game by any other name, I bet it would have fared a bit better (but probably would have sold worse).
Reminds me of the suffering I went through when playing the Hellboy game on PS3.
@Ambient_Malice Are you seriously comparing Dragon's Dogma to RE6?! lol!
Dragon's Dogma is a masterpiece that is an example of how stamina can be used effectively and tactically in a game; in RE6 you literally can throw 3 kicks before you're totally vulnerable. It's not realistic or fun and just adds to an already painfully mediocre at best game.
I bought this on ps3 and that was one purchase too much.
Resident evil 5 wasn't much better either so just waiting on resi 4
Never understood the hate for this, I thought it was a 6 at absolute worst. Sure, it wasn't the greatest TPS I've played, but I definitely wasn't disappointed by it.
I agree with most of what @NathanUC said. I think one of the main reasons people didn't like it is mainly because the game was too action based and less about horror compared to the previous games.
I haven't played it yet but according to Digital Foundry's analysis the new generation version is much better. The frame rate is massively improved. As a Resident Evil game, it can be disappointing, but if you play it knowing it's not a classic Resident Evil experience, I think you can enjoy it. Also, you can keep on following the story of Resident Evil, something I love to do. I will get it, probably physically, but of course I hope Resident Evil 7 goes back to classic survival horror. Let Umbrella Corps be the shooter franchise, Capcom.
I'm a bit late to this but going to say that I actually enjoyed it. Yes and I mite just buy it again to play it in 1080p 60fps. I'm not a fan of capcom anymore and their RE games made after this title have been utter poo.
@Sevenifity Agreed, it really is Devil May Cry, lol.
I recently completed the game for the first time and i hated the prelude but once i got past that, i enjoyed the campaigns, i got 40 hours out of this game.
RE 5 was better in terms of inventory, mapping qualify, infinite weapons, looting, mercaneries etc
But RE 6 has better controls, better action, better boss fights, better characters and better story.
I really hated the quick time events and crash bandicoot running away sequences however in which Chrises campaign had the most of these.
Ada's campaign was a mixed bag as her co op partner is so generic he isn't even in any of the cut scenes, he was just thrown in at the last moment but her campaign was the most interesting as it tied all the other campaigns together.
This Is the michael bay of Resident Evils and i can understand the hate it gets fully, personally i enjoyed it but i hope to never see a RE like this again.
Here's hoping to a better RE 8.
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