Republished on Wednesday 26th February 2020: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of March's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
It’s fitting that one of the greatest games of all time should be graced with one of the best remakes of all time. For some years now the Texas-based Bluepoint has set standards with various high-profile remasters like Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, but Shadow of the Colossus sees the studio elevating its work to the next level. This is, for all intents and purposes, a painstakingly faithful resurrection of Fumito Ueda’s iconic 2006 opus – and yet it can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the very best that the PlayStation 4 has to offer in 2018.

Frankly, this is an exquisite conversion. Unlike the famed Resident Evil remake, this return to the Forbidden Lands doesn’t tinker too much with the nuts and bolts beneath the hood, but it’s all been redrawn in dynamic 4K (on the PS4 Pro, anyway) and it looks absurdly beautiful. Whether it’s the way the grass dances in the wind or the manner in which light breaks through a cluster of trees, ethereally illuminating a misty forest fog, the title’s deserted plains look more mysterious than ever before. And the colossi themselves, unsurprisingly, are a sight for sore eyes.
For those of you lucky enough to be embarking on this adventure for the first time, Shadow of the Colossus depicts the tale of Wander, a warrior who’s arrived at a dilapidated shrine with the hope of resurrecting his fallen female companion. The gods inform him that his wish will be granted if he carries out one simple task: slaughter all 16 of the noble beasts that roam the lands. And so, armed with a royal sword and a bow, you embark upon your task, dispatching each titan one-by-one. But are you acting justly – or has grief clouded your judgement?
Much like Ueda’s other games, this is an interpretative affair which makes do with the shortest of scripts, allowing the actual action itself to shape your emotions. Despite all of the mechanics being introduced in the opening 10 minutes or so, each boss fight manages to challenge you in a unique way. There are constants (you’ll typically need to find a way to climb atop the beasts and decimate their weak points) but the battles are awe-inducingly original, whether you’re running across the spine of a giant sand worm or playing hide and seek with a bearded troll.
There’s a puzzle-like feel to the way that the battles unfold, and you’ll need to figure out the steps in order to off the enemies. A lot of this revolves around a stamina bar, which limits how long you can “grab” onto objects. Seeing as you’re going to be climbing all over your enemies, it’s an important mechanic, because they’re obviously not going to be too impressed by the young man tugging on their fur. As with all of Ueda’s games, there’s a degree of clumsiness to the way the title controls – and that’s despite Bluepoint’s modernised controller mapping.
But the frustration will be drowned out by the sheer exhilaration you’ll feel as you bring these beasts to their knees. One battle sees you attracting the attention of a bird-like creature with your bow, and then leaping to catch its wing as it swoops down to attack you. To be clear here: you kill the bird while it’s flying high above a lake with you clinging onto its back. Another sees you running up the sword of an armoured titan, using its attacks to your advantage as you clamber across its bicep and onto the top of its head.
While these battles already looked epic on the PlayStation 2, the framerate dipped into single digits as the hardware wrestled with the ambition of Ueda’s imagination. The excellent PlayStation 3 remaster cleaned up these complaints, but this remake sees each of the 16 beasts rendered in meticulous detail – and at a fairly robust 60 frames-per-second on the PS4 Pro to boot. The performance isn’t perfect, and you can opt for a sturdier 30 frames-per-second in dynamic 4K if you prefer, but whichever way you play you’re guaranteed some of the greatest set-pieces you’ll have seen on the PS4.

There’s much more to the game than outstanding boss fights, though. You’re free to explore the entirety of the Forbidden Lands as you wish, using your trusted steed Agro to get you from A-to-B. The world, while stunning, is desolate – and it’s remarkable in an era of Ubisoft watchtowers to exist within a space that’s so empty. But this, of course, all plays a part in shaping the mood of the story; we’re hesitant to say too much more for those who haven’t played it yet, but the game is masterful at marrying emotion to mechanics.
And the gushing doesn’t end there: the soundtrack, with its exotic instrumentation, is incredible; the cinematography during the title’s few cut-scenes is extraordinary; the ending is… Well, we’ll let you experience that for yourself. Rest assured if you’ve played ICO, then you’ll be curious to see how the titles tie together. Purists may complain about the minor artstyle changes – Bluepoint’s rebalanced the contrast, ditching the iconic oversaturation of Ueda’s version – but we firmly believe the changes are for the better. And if you simply can’t stand them, then the faithful PS3 remaster still exists.
One of the greatest games ever made resurrected in one of the greatest remakes of all time. Shadow of the Colossus remains faithful to the 2006 original, but its presentation is on par with the very best that the PS4 has to offer. A masterpiece.
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Comments 80
Awesome! I've never played this before and I honestly can't wait. Plus i need something to fill the hole that was left when I finished The Last Guardian, and I think that something collosus sized should do it.
Let the argument over best colossus begin. It's #8 and if you disagree you're objectively wrong.
Sorry, skipped straight to the conclusion .
I want to go in knowing as little as possible.
What a great start to the year! MH World 9, DBFighterZ 9, SOTC 10.
One of the all-time greats. So pleased the remake is of such high quality
Man the hits just keep coming, just bought dragonball and monhun and yet there's another masterpiece, not to mention owlboy later this month
@Enuo I don't know if it the best or not, but the underwater colossus fight is scary, the way that it bring you down in the bottom of the lake
Hard to argue with that price, pretty good for a perfect remake of a much loved classic.
Aweeee yeah. I will be getting this bad boy day one I think.
I'm quite surprised by how well this remake is being received. I'm glad. Such a wonderful game.
A 10, holy moly batman, To my shame, I never had this for my PS2, and totally skipped the last gen completely, so I am more than looking forward to this!
I'll playing this game for the first time on PS4, I can't wait. I just wish I had the PS4 Pro as seeing this at 60fps on the Digital Foundry video looks absolutely glorious, and that's on YouTube on an iPad.
Shadow of the Colossus always deserves a 10, can't wait to play this masterpiece again.
Thanks for the review Sammy ^-^
Can't wait to play
I'm excited for this remake, never played SotC before. I won't get it straight away though, got other things to play.
Really wish I could play this for the first time again, but I'll happily settle for playing it like I've never seen it before. So glad to hear it's lived up to its legacy.
Okay I'll play this a third time.
Played the original will wait till this goes down to half price
Never played the original so am interested. Roughly how long does it take to complete?
So excited to experience this for the first time
@Rob_230 Depends how you play it. With prior experience you could sprint through it in a few hours; realistically you’re probably looking at about 12 hours, though.
@Miles_Edgeworth awesomely awesome....I think you’re really going to enjoy it.
Fantastic. Looking forward to picking up my preorder next week. One of the few times I’ll replay a game I’ve already completed. Not surprised to see the 10/10 given how good it was on previous consoles also.
So is this a remake or a remaster? What are Sony calling it?
Currently sitting on 93 on metacritic (58), which puts it 2 points ahead of the original. Wow.
Good review, I never played any of the older versions, so I'm all game.
What bothers me a bit is the perfect 10/10 score. Can a game that has been remastered and remade really score perfectly? My point is, it's nothing new, it's even more same old, same old, as are the nth Far Cry or AC sequels (prior to Origins). In my book redoing an old already remastered game anew is nothing that should score this high.
This game is a masterpiece.and bluepoint is the best.this game is one of the best game ever made and it looks amazing.word up son
A masterpiece of a game!
I just wish they could've added the infamous 17th colossus
@Fight_Teza_Fight yeah its been great year.this game is legendary.cant wait for ni no kuni 2 .and god of war .word up son
@AFCC Yeah it still seems kind of a shame that they wouldn't add some new content. Seems like a bit of a wasted opportunity. I doubt they'd have spoiled the game by doing it, given the care they've obviously given the project.
And it wouldn't be a SOTC without using the word "ethereally", huh?
@kyleforrester87 they could have the sams exact game and then a new menu selection pops up, that way they wouldn't mess with the original experience! But to me if they keep remastering a game each generation it's a waste not doing something new
@kyleforrester87 @AFCC There are a... Few new secrets to find.
@get2sammyb why you makin' me spend 40 euros?
@AFCC It's nothing mind boggling, but there are some secrets to find that weren't in the previous versions. You know you want it.
@get2sammyb side quests! Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
@get2sammyb I need to manage the money so I can have Yakuza 6 when it comes out! But ok, I'll do it for the tasty secrets
@Kidfried Ahh I stand corrected!
Monster Hunter World got robbed.
Edit: @DLB3 That's what it looks like. Remaster and remake just seem to get interchanged nowadays.
I wonder what Sony views it as. If it was a full blown remake I would have expected a £50/$60 price tag. Not that I'm complaining . I really like the fact that Sony like to do these budget releases. Not every game has to be full price just because its 'AAA'.
Edit2.0: And here is @get2sammyb with the confirmation. Remake it is.
@get2sammyb Ace, thanks Sammy. When this came out on ps2 i thought i would give it a miss as i didnt really see how it could last any more than a handful of hours, but this seems reasonable. The years since have cemnted the game as a classic so i really should look to jump in
I'm so bloody skint at the mo but I reckon my soul is worth £25 so I'll sell that.
@Miles_Edgeworth You are in for a treat.
@gmxs You're also in for a treat.
@GravyThief The PS4 Pro version is brilliant, but it still looks amazing on the standard PS4.
@Fight_Teza_Fight It's a remake. The nuts and bolts are the same, but the graphics have been rebuilt from the ground up.
@zazzy It does but I must admit I haven't been able to figure them out. In the original you prayed at the statues in New Game +, but that's not working for me in this version. I need to experiment more.
@SMKpaladin I think so. For me, SotC is one of the top five games of all time. This is by far the best version of it.
@JoeBlogs There's a manual save option but I haven't tried it during a boss fight. Possible.
@Rob_230 It's quite replayable. There are Time Trials and New Game +, too.
@kyleforrester87 I tried to include as many cliches as possible.
How to check if a game site is legit: go to the site; check PS4 SoC review; it's a 10/10-legit site; it's not a 10/10-not legit site.
Never had a chance to play it, and this one always seemed the most interesting to me out of that group (Ico, the Last Guardian). So I'm probably in for a treat.
I'd also like to see some more full-on remakes down the line.
Ive Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragonball Fighterz, Dragons Dogma remaster, Yazuka 0 and Persona 5 to power through god dammit. Never played SOTC, and gotta get Monster Hunter and GOW when it comes out. When will the madness stop??
@SMKpaladin I haven’t played the remake yet obviously, but in remembering the original, despite all the years since, there is still nothing quite like it, that I know of. In a world of copy cats and stealing ideas from games and improving on them, I can’t think of anything that has brought an experience like SotC to the table in all these years. The game innovated several gaming ideas which surprisingly have not been successfully copied by anyone else, that I am aware of.
No game is perfect, and I’m pretty stingy with my 10/10’s, but I can definitely see it. If it was a 9 or a 10 originally, and this improves on the original in every way, then it makes sense.
Anyone who has not experienced this masterpiece on previous systems is in for a majestic gaming treat, love this game. Wish that Men in Black device was real so I could play this for this 'first' time again. The OST by Kow Otani is one of my all time faves, have they kept it exactly the same @get2sammyb?
I'd never buy one, but this game had me regretting, just momentarily, that I'd purchased a base PS4 years back instead of waiting for a Pro. The game is absolutely stunning in 60fps.
With that said, I'm sure it'll also be a great experience in 30fps. Certainly a much smoother and more enjoyable experience than the slideshow the PS2 version turned into (seriously, if a game with that level of performance was released today, it'd be considered "unplayable." Same with something like Ocarina of Time, actually, which also ran around 20 fps for large portions of the game on the N64).
They keep calling it a remaster, but this is one of the most drastic looking remakes I've ever seen. Side-by-side footage of the original and this version are just mind-blowing, and a wonderful way to show just how much more capable the PS4 hardware is.
Is the 17th Colossus still there? I mean the unruly camera? Do you still spend more time finding the Colossi and traveling than actually fighting?
Those are my 2 biggest complaints with the original. Thanks!
Excellent news! I pre-ordered this ages ago and almost forgot when it was coming out. It had been getting top scores across the board. Never played this adored Ico and The Last Guardian. Can't wait now!
@toffeecrit Sounds identical to me. They did remix some of the voiceover stuff a little bit I think, namely Dormin. The female voice is a bit more prominent at the beginning.
@Ralizah It's definitely a remake.
@sinalefa The camera can still be a bit unruly — it's the same game after all. Didn't find myself wrestling it too much, though, and I think some of the camera complaints are a little overplayed. It does an unbelievable job of framing the scale of the battles and even the world itself.
It's the same game so there's still plenty of exploration between the boss fights, yes.
@Th3solution I get your point, maybe your right, and maybe I wouldn't think like I do, if I had played the PS2 or PS3 version until now.
I still have ICO and SotC in my PS3 backlog, but now I think I should at least skip SotC on PS3 and fast-forward to the PS4 remake.
First time player here and I can't wait to get it.
As expected, Day 1. Great review!
I've never played it before, but it is hard to pass with the scores it has been getting. For $40, I'll definitely be picking it up.
Nice review! It's been sitting in my ps3 collection for aeons. But so glad for this major reworking. Added to buy list!
It's gonna be mine!
@dryrain Same for me. Won't deny it's a fantastic game, but i already own the PS2 and PS3 versions and have played it to death. I know we're slowly heading towards needing to pay $100 for a full game nowadays, but i just can't justify a full price triple dip on this.
Needs more tutorial, 8/10
Excellent review,made more so by the unexpected end result!
Been so long since I played this back on the Ps2 that hopefully what with the game being a remake rather than a remaster it will feel like I'm playing it for the first time again!Day One.
@NathanUC I understood that reference.
Skipped this on PS2 and 3 so this will be my first time playing the game. All the positive reviews (over a 90 on metacritic last I looked) has me hyped.
The masters a Bluepoint seem to have done it again when it comes to a re-release. From now on I think any company looking to do a remake/remaster should sign that studio up. Nobody in the business is better at this.
I'm excited to see what the hype is all about. I'm not sure exactly what I'm getting into with this game, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I'm a big fan of more cinematic and atmospheric games.
@KirbyTheVampire It's goooood.
@KirbyTheVampire Cinematic and atmospheric ... man, you just nailed the exact strengths of SotC. But don’t expect a Metal Gear Solid or even Uncharted type of cinematic game with tons of dialogue and cutscenes. It’s an artistically cinematic game. I feel like it has a lot of depth to it also, if your willing to ponder it, although it can be enjoyed at face value too.
@get2sammyb Are the trophies standard fare? Same as the PS3 trophy list? Achievable platinum?
@Th3solution I think it's a slightly different list, but I haven't really looked at it to be perfectly honest.
@get2sammyb No worries. It’s not a game I would typically want to trophy hunt for, but rather just enjoy it for what it is. But if the platinum is achievable I might devote time grinding. As it stands though the PS3 version’s trophy list is quite tough, so I doubt I’ll go for the plat.
@get2sammyb Great review. I'm also one of those who'll be picking it up a third time. This time I'll let my kids play through it first and I'll see what they think. The Last Guardian was a joint affair and they really loved it.
It's difficult to say anything else onto the many superlatives that SotC always gets. But what's so amazing about it is how it can appeal to different demographics. Players that wanted action and challenge were satisfied with time attack modes, children got the sense of wonder of a strange fantasy land with gigantic creatures, graphics fans had a showcase of seeing someone literally fight colossal enemies made from stone and fur. And story aficionados got what seemed like a simple story but actually had many layers to it that were ripe for interpretation from man vs nature, taking loved ones for granted, could and should you change yours and someone else's destinies and the consequences of playing god. There are many games that love and will happily replay anytime but very few I will actually stick my neck out and say it's a "masterpiece" Shadow of the Colossus along with Metal Gear Solid, The Last of Us and Bloodborne is one of them.
As for the remake, well Bluepoint doing it justice was never in any real doubt but now I'm interested to see if Sony actually has more planned with them cos this feels like it was a big acid test to see if they could not only remake a game but do so from the ground up as well.
Wow, 2018 is turning out to be quite the year for games and it's not even February yet! Having only played through the first boss in the HD PS3 remaster. I'm looking forward to this immensely!
Even though they're wildly different games, I can't help but feel that the surface similarity of "you go around a huge area hunting giant monsters" that it shares with MHW will deprive this of a good number of sales. Man, even though I love this game and will definitely pick it up at some point, I'm not gonna get it because of MHW.
Fun trivia: This is the favourite game of Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead.
@astralorange The thing is, typically "frame for frame" remakes aren't generally seen as worthwhile. The Psycho remake they did a while ago was like that and people found it pointless. The original still exists, so I guess people are just saying the graphics matter that much they'll pay for it again? The FFVII remake will be a fresh experience but telling the same story with the same characters, like the LotR movies as compared to the books. That's a lot more exciting to me.
I also think it's different with different games. I don't mean this in a negative way at all, but SotC is a very simple game. A big open area with nothing to do in it but ride to the next enemy (okay, and find the little lizards) - and there are only 16 enemies in the whole game. With FFVII it's a massive game with tonnes of cutscenes, thousands of lines of dialogue. There's more complexity in just the chocobo breeding system than there is in all of SotC. There's a lot to rejuvenate and build upon.
SotC has a perfect battle system for what it's going for, FFVII was 99.9% hammering X to make everyone do basic attacks. The various nuances of the materia system were redundant. How much difference did it actually make to, say, make Barret do fire damage with his gun? Or to use Steal at all? Sure you could make someone inflict status effects with each hit, but why? Hammering X got the job done against almost everything. There's a lot of missed opportunities and room to improve as it's so multi-faceted.
I'll surely start hunting Colossi as soon as I'll need a break from hunting monsters. Then it will be time to hunt souls again!
ICO and SOTC were amazing back on PS2. Despite still owning the Remaster on PS3 I'm still very tempted to buy this...
I missed the original back in the day (major life stuff back then) but I'm looking forward to this.
Now, how to figure out how to stop playing MH:W... nah. I'll wait to play this for a little while.
I'm completely on the fence about buying this game. Mostly, my main curiosity revolves around a question that I'm hoping can be explained without spoilers. My main question is: Why exactly is the protagonist going around and killing these Colossi? Essentially, is there a good reason for it or is it simply, because he can or because they are in the way of something he wants? Are they evil? Did they do something to cause him to have to kill them? Aren't they the only entities in the game other than the main character?
@Hordak There is some wildlife in the game such as small lizards and birds. But the place is meant to be off limits so no other people are around. It's just you, your horse and the colossi.
The protagonist does have a reason, he travels to seek the help of a deity/s to save his lover who is presumed dead. In return for their help he must do their bidding. Hope that helps. Not a spoiler as this is all in the introduction.
@astralorange That one has me worried to i would have been happy with a graphics update. Maybe put in a little extra and be done with it.
@Hordak Play the game otherwise we will ruin the plot for you.
I got my copy today. Word uuuuuuuup son.
Thanks for the honest review, I may give this game a try in the future.
I honestly feel like I bought into the hype on this (and Monster Hunter World). I’m 6 colossi in and just not feeling it. It’s so slow, the camera and controls are clunky and seemingly always working against me, and I am rather irritated at how simple the solutions to the “puzzles” are. Don’t get me wrong, the games looks beautiful, but it’s just not my cup of tea.
I absolutely loved Icco on PS3 and completed it but surprisingly I didn't enjoy SOTC and stopped playing around the 8th or 9nt colossus.
I have the last guardian in my backlog and must give it a go.
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