One thing that Nintendo and Star Wars share as a brand is devoted loyalty from their fans, and this can partially be attributed to the immense nostalgia that gamers and film buffs feel from experiencing true excellence. On the 21st November 2015 the Japanese Super Famicom celebrated its 25th birthday, and the SNES earned its name from a plethora of 'Super' titles, with examples including: Super Bomberman, Super Castlevania IV, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, and Super Metroid.
The 1992 Sculptured Software and LucasArts developed side-scrolling run-and-gun game, Super Star Wars, deserves its place amongst the SNES' 'Super' games, to the extent that it's a big deal for Disney to publish this fondly remembered console exclusive on Sony's PlayStation 4. It's not as dramatic a turn of events as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror – nor does it have the historical significance of Nintendo's prototype PlayStation CD-ROM drive for the SNES, or Final Fantasy VII arriving on the PSone instead of a Nintendo system – but the release of Super Star Wars to the wider availability of PlayStation gamers is welcome news nonetheless.

Just as the success of Nintendo's Wii console earned it a remake of the cherished PSone exclusive Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, hopefully the prosperity of the PS4 will entice third-party publishers to share their retro console exclusive love. We have our fingers crossed that Disney will also be encouraged to release the SNES sequels, Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, on the PS4 and Vita in the future.
Of all the UK retro gaming publications, the fantastic SNES magazine Super Play presented itself with a focal point on its art style, and Matt Bielby praised the graphics in Super Play's February 1993 89% scoring review of Super Star Wars. Bielby described it as one of the early nineties' best film based games, with LucasArts' direct access to the license benefiting its art supervision. LucasArts enabled Sculptured Software's graphics and animation team to achieve pixelated success in depicting its bright 16-bit interpretation of the appearance of key characters and locations, with Issue 4 of Super Play stating that "The other great thing about it all is that it looks exactly as a Star Wars game should look". He added that this was a result of "the joy of Super Star Wars being put together by the software division of the film's producers, Lucasfilm".

Unlike in the film The Phantom Menace, the time spent on Tatooine in Super Star Wars doesn't feel drawn-out, even though the majority of the total of 14 levels are set beneath the blaze of the twin suns on the desert planet. In any case, it's an especially vivid and colourful depiction of this iconic, desolate location. It has visual variety in illustrating levels set in the Dune Sea to clambering up the outside and exploring the internal labyrinth of a Sandcrawler, as well as a challenging stage called Escape from Mos Eisley.
Once you unlock the three selectable characters of Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, or Han Solo to reach the Death Star, the cobalt blue detention block area and the Tractor Beam Core with a splash of royal purple ensure that Super Star Wars maintains a flash of colour even for the metallic space station. It's a visual pleasure to travel though the plot of A New Hope as depicted through the SNES' 16-bit eyes, and it's fitting that one of the main story points is conveyed in the later level called Rescue of the Princess. If you enjoyed watching TIE fighters whizz about in the factory during Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, you'll also appreciate the 2D presentation of leaping over charging Imperial short range fighters in the Death Star Hangar Bay level of Super Star Wars. The porting team at Code Mystics have ensured that Super Star Wars shines brightest on the PS4, with a choice of graphic filters including smooth, a scanline effect, or the clarity of perking up the pixels via a crisp viewing option.

First released in North America during November 1992, SNES Super Star Wars has a reputation for being a tough title to complete, but the PS4 port by Code Mystics is the most accessible version of this game. Originally on the SNES you'd choose from either the easy, brave, or the hardest Jedi difficulties, so with three lives per continue and five continues before the permanent Darth Vader game over screen you'd feel a small sense of achievement by escaping from Mos Eisley and reaching the Death Star. With Code Mystics adding the option to constantly save your game at any time – including cross-save between the PS4 and Vita – the modern PlayStation version opens up a new opportunity to achieve success.
By repeatedly saving your progress it's now conceivable to complete Super Star Wars on Jedi difficulty without losing a single life, which earns a gold Master Jedi Trophy and a fresh sense of accomplishment. This new way to play resolves around holding onto the most powerful Plasma blaster, and even choosing it over Luke's lightsaber – the blaster weapon power-ups increase progressively from Flame to Seeker and Rapid Ion gun before reaching the Plasma power – plus you learn that regenerating enemies like Stormtroopers are a gameplay bonus, because you can harvest health hearts from defeated Imperials. Luke Skywalker was a Tatooine farm boy, after all, so travelling through Super Star Wars is just like dusting crops, boy.

On your first play the single player only game can mistakenly suggest that the arcade action is disorganised chaos, especially when compared to the co-op structure of classic side-scrolling run-and-gun games like SNES Contra III: The Alien Wars or PS4 Metal Slug 3. However, the option to constantly save your position provides a training ground to master each level and boss battle, so you'll discover sliding in a Strider-esque fashion to avoid the attack patterns of bosses such as the oversized Holochess monster called Kalhar and an initially frustrating Hover Combat Carrier.
From practice you learn to manage the mayhem, and you may even enjoy the hectic moments, though probably not how the PS4 port recreates the notorious slowdown of the leisurely SNES CPU when the game is busy during the Lava Beast Jawenko boss fight and the crushing metal machines in the Rescue of the Princess level. It's also helpful to apply the save game option to become adept at using R1 and L1 to look up and down during the Outside Sandcrawler and Tractor Beam Core platforming stages. The only confusing Trophy before achieving 100 per cent completion is triggered by a character select cheat code, and it's a bronze memento brilliantly called Han Shot First. As your skill improves, it's feasible to complete easy mode in a one hour sitting, although the challenge of the Jedi difficulty will take longer to beat.

The main Jedi difficulty spike is during the Death Star Attack level, which is a third-person X-Wing fighter battle across the surface of the space station that takes advantage of the SNES' Mode 7 scaling effect. This is aimlessly enjoyable on lower difficulties, but becomes too random and haphazard on the Jedi challenge option. There are also two Mode 7 Landspeeder chases, and a far more satisfying final first-person Trench Battle that pays homage to Atari's 1983 Star Wars coin-op as the game's grand finale. It's a clever throwback to both A New Hope and the classic arcade title, where you blast TIE fighters and their fireballs inside the Death Star trench, which builds to the final iconic moment of pressing R1 to destroy the space station with Luke's proton torpedoes.
Kalani Streicher, who worked on Super Star Wars' direction and design for LucasArts, discussed the vehicle sections in Issue 97 of Retro Gamer magazine when he explained that "You might say we were the first to combine genres of side-scroller and third/first-person vehicle combat for the SNES". The Mode 7 shoot-'em-up moments add to the pacing of the gameplay in Super Star Wars, and Streicher elaborated on his personal objective that "I wanted the player to feel like they were racing across the desert or through the galaxy".
At £7.99/$9.99 the pricing of Super Star Wars initially seems slightly expensive in comparison to Wii U Virtual Console SNES titles that cost on average of £5.49. However, when you factor in the value of cross-buy between the PS4 and Vita, with the ability to cross-save, and online rankings, as well as selectable screen filters, the PlayStation Store package represents decent value for a retro gamer.

Some early Star Wars games have a reputation for being a loose interpretation of incidents from the movie; for example. Namco's 1987 Star Wars title for the Japanese Famicom is infamous for wildly expanding upon the film with ridiculous additions. Super Star Wars also has its own graphical quirks, especially for its bosses from a Lava Beast Jawenko monster inside the Sandcrawler to a huge Mutant Womprat in the Land of the Banthas. Yet, its visuals still manage to capture the way events from A New Hope unfold, and it feels like Star Wars despite the bizarre inclusions to keep the gameplay exciting, possibly because its superb soundtrack matches events and locations from the film to create an authentic tone.
At the time, and over subsequent years, Sculptured Software's Paul Webb has rightly been commended for his stellar work in arranging the music and sound effects in Super Star Wars. For a 1992 SNES cartridge game it's a superb rendition of John Williams' compositions, and everything impresses, from the theme tune, to when you first arrive at the Jawa Sandcrawler, or when the charismatic band perform for the Cantina Fight. All of the tracks in this 16-bit interpretation sound perfect for fans of Star Wars and chiptunes alike.
Julian 'Jaz' Rignall described it more succinctly when Super Star Wars scored 93/100 in the February 1993 issue of Nintendo Magazine System, when he stated clearly that it has "The best soundtracks and spot effects ever heard on Super NES". Considering that Ken Kutaragi worked as part of Sony on the Nintendo S-SMP audio processor for the SNES, the circle is now complete to hear Super Star Wars' tunes on a PlayStation system. Impressive. Most Impressive.
Visually vibrant, with magnificent SNES S-SMP chiptune renditions of John Williams' classic soundtrack, and challenging side-scrolling run-and-gun gameplay, Super Star Wars represents the brightness of the 1992 16-bit era, before the dark times – before the prequel trilogy made Star Wars fans justifiably cynical. If third-party console exclusivity is the looming Death Star that loses relevance as time passes, and archiving games to become accessible for retro enthusiasts takes precedence, then it's a rebellious first step for Disney to bring SNES Super Star Wars to the PS4. This gives us a new hope for the PS4 that Disney fly more of its Star Wars fleet into the trench to proton torpedo historical exclusivity, because Factor 5's Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader on the GameCube is a title of nostalgic significance for retro gamers. You're all clear, kid, now let's blow this thing and go home.
Comments 19
Nice review! Might grab this when it's on sale, £8 is a bit pricey I think.
Nice Review! Not really into retro style games because theres never anything I'm interested in but as this is Star Wars it looks fun! Think I will pick this up down the line.
I still remember getting this as a Christmas gift when I was a youngster for my SNES. I remember it being quite challenging at least in the later levels, but a ton of fun and definitely a standout in the SNES library especially as far as technical performance is concerned. Happy to see games like this make their way to a new generation
$5ish is my sweet spot for this since I already picked up the Wii version. Save states and portability is all that would make me rebut it. Very glad it got released though and I hope more are to come. Especially the N64 and game cube star wars games
Some games are simply a complete treat for a reviewer. I love covering the PSone here, and analysing PlayStation retro games, but this Super Star Wars review is my personal favourite piece of writing this year. Thank you as always to the kind folks at Push Square.
Below are my references to a selection of the many retro magazines I read to research this review:
I've enjoyed playing this again but I wish we got all 3 and I get why we have the PS2 games as there is less work to do with them but come on Episode 1 racer on the N64 is far superior to the quite shoddy PS2/arcade equivalent. I'm just imagining how great Rogue Leader could look with a bit of a touch up but I guess they don't want to show us what we're really missing in Battlefront, not to mention it's flying controls are so much better.
Out of the free games I got with the console I'll play this the most and I will not be saving the game at all on the first play through at least 😃. Bounty Hunter is quite fun despite the iffy camera and gives a great look as to what will happen with PS2 classics, not played Starfighter yet though.
Feels odd reading a review for an SNES game on the PS4.
Excellent review though.
Unbelievable amount of effort, @JamieO. Brilliant read.
Awesome review @JamieO
@JamieO Nice review style - brings back memories of evidence and sources from uni essays. You do the hard work and we will be the tutors haha.
Totally agree with Rogue Leader - that was fabulous, if a bit short. Kotor on the original xbox is / was the best star wars game, that needs a full hd revamp.
I would absolutely love for Rogue Leader to come to this generation!
Absolute madterclass in space combat!
Great review! I still have the trilogy for my SNES and revisited them recently and man are those hard games. I contemplated dusting off the game genie at a few points.
Julian "Jaz" Rignall. That reference takes me back to the days of Zzap 64 and Crash among other publications. Nice review.
Thanks for the compliments on my review in this comments section, it's always appreciated.
@carlos82 Spot on, I've been playing Super Star Wars the old-school way, too. There’s no need for me to save at all on easy difficulty, because I can blast through the entire game comfortably without even thinking about saving. I like controlling Han whenever possible, and using the homing shots of the seeker is fun. However, I played brave difficulty without saving last night, but I lost my last two credits on the Mode 7 Death Star Attack stage again. I don't have an effective X-wing technique to avoid squandering lives before taking down the 20 towers and the 20 TIE fighters. If I reach the final Trench Battle level I can complete it without losing any more lives. I'll never beat Jedi difficulty the traditional way, though, I need to save often on the hardest difficulty.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It wasn't my intention to dislike or loathe the prequel trilogy, my point was that there was much more positivity around Star Wars in 1992 when the original trilogy was the core story, and the fans adored those characters. I watch Revenge of the Sith all the time, because I really enjoy it. It has an action packed opening, Order 66 is shocking and epic, plus the Mustafar lightsaber duel is atmospheric.
@dnky666 Funnily enough Issue 97 of Retro Gamer magazine that I discuss above also has a feature called The Making of Zzap!64 on pages 62 to 67.
That sandcrawler level was almost the end of me.
I bought it but sadly only because it said Star Wars Looking forward to playing it to just because I have always wanted to play it + I can't wait to see what PS2 playback of games will be like on the PS4 i.e will(I doubt it) PS2 disc playback be possible. If so it will be the best day ever
I just wish they put the Revenge of the Sith game from Ps2 on!
Great review - it's interesting to know of how it was received at the time with different magazines too! I am glad that they allowed a save state in the PS4 version though. As much as I like Super Star Wars it is a bit unfair in its difficulty level. But still a great game!
Bought it and beat it in a few days but it was crazy hard. I can't believe that kids used to beat this thing back in the day without the new auto save feature.
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