TAXI CHAOS! That could be the name of a game simulating the experience of loitering in a Newcastle taxi rank at 4AM drunkenly nursing a tray of cheesy chips, and if it was, we'd undoubtedly be more excited about it than we are about this game which is just a Crazy Taxi clone.
If the game were good we'd perhaps be inclined to call Taxi Chaos a homage to Crazy Taxi but it's not, so we won't. We'll go with "shameless rip-off" instead. Taxi Chaos is to Crazy Taxi as Creed is to Pearl Jam, and if you're not old enough to understand that reference then you're probably not old enough to fit into the target demographic for this game.
Here's the gist: if you loved Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast and you've ever thought, "Man, I wish somebody would just make this game again only without the soundtrack or the charm and without making any discernible improvements to the formula," then this game is going to be right up your alley. Honestly, we've got the Crazy Taxi nostalgia, and there were a couple of moments playing Taxi Chaos when our rose-tinted spectacles had us grinning.
But then cooler heads prevailed. We take our reviewing seriously here at Push Square, and that's why we slapped those nostalgia goggles from our faces and gazed upon Taxi Chaos in the cold light of day with a critical eye and the verdict was clear: Taxi Chaos is a dated, boring, charmless fare-'em-up, with barely enough content to see you through a commercial break.
You drive and pick up a fare. Then you drive and drop off the fare. For some reason your taxi can jump. The quicker you get your punter to their destination of choice the more points you get and then after 90 seconds the session ends. Then you do it all again and try to get a better score. There's different taxis to unlock and a couple of characters to play as and that's pretty much all there is to it.
If all you want is a facsimile of Crazy Taxi that you can play without dusting off your old Dreamcast then Taxi Chaos just about fits the bill. But that's all it does. For anybody coming into this without the benefits of nostalgia or more money than sense, Taxi Chaos is just a dull arcade driver with precious little to offer other than the dubious pleasure of chasing a high score. Send this one to scrap yard.
Comments 32
"actually better than Creed" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Lol caught me skipping to the score and pros/cons first. Was like better than Creed? Like Assassins creed? Thats a weird comparison.
Then read the review and thats a spot on comparison lol. Well played!
😂😂 how can "that was actually funny though" and "actually better than Creed" be points...😂😂
@TheArt Because nobody is stopping me. Nobody is keeping me under control.
Hey come on I kinda liked Creed lol
Though I much preferred Knockout League, which sadly isn't as much talked about.
@get2sammyb You should be permabanned for that.
@SoulsBourne128 lol not that Creed
This is the most Creed have been talked about in fifteen years.
Many young people in here.
Sega patented the big green arrow from Crazy Taxi after making the game. Is that patent still in effect?
bey assassin's creed 1-3 is awesome but ubisoft pist it all away, hey il still play this be good for 10 to 15 mins lol
@Hyperluminal Not sure if the patent is still active but Taxi Chaos has it nailed because they just have a red arrow instead.
@johncalmc 👍 genius. SEGA will never notice, the fools 😆
@LochNass Because people don't want rip-offs. They don't want the same game they already played with a lick of paint. They think they do. But they don't. What they actually want is new games that play like how they remember old games playing. This isn't that. It's just a rip-off.
@johncalmc Bull if they do anything with i dont care. They need too cut down those times companies can sit on unactive patents so many great IP's are rotting away in a fault.
Sega should port crazy taxi 1 & 2 to ps4/ps5, with original soundtrack and all.
Stick the Crazy Taxi soundtrack on while playing it and it’s just about passable. Needs at least one more location and several more gameplay modes. Definitely not worth the £24.99 I paid for it.
I really wish I'd read this before giving into Dreamcast nostalgia and plunking down the cash for this game. After taking it for a few spins, I have to agree with @johncalmc. In fact, I'll pile on a bit and say that the game is pretty ugly as well. Maybe my impression is skewed since I've dipped into it between playing PS5 games, but it looks like a low res fuzz fest to me.
@Amnesiac This is why you need to check with your Uncle John before you make any purchases.
By the time i found out my wife likes creed it was too late and we were married...first time i have ever admitted it to anyone..its as if a weight has been lifted..
Taxi Chaos is to Crazy Taxi as Creed is to Pearl Jammed! We danced to my sacrifice at my wedding. It was our song. Thanks for the video Sammy! Creed Rocks!!!
Did you, like... Read the article? It references the band Creed, not AC.
Edit: spelling
You could just play crazy taxi on playstation now instead of wasting money on this or dusting down your dreamcast
lol 2nd comment had me on assassin creed bashing.
So if this game was called Crazy Taxi would it have gotten a higher score because it wasn't a rip off? I'm curious what that score would be.
You drive and pick up a fare. Then you drive and drop off the fare. For some reason your taxi can jump. The quicker you get your punter to their destination of choice the more points you get and then after 90 seconds the session ends. Then you do it all again and try to get a better score. There's different taxis to unlock and a couple of characters to play as and that's pretty much all there is to it
This is literally crazy taxi. I guess nostalgia does wonders for older games.
Pretty sure all these Creed apologists should be making their case at The Hague.
@tweakin_frostyz See this is a tough question. And there's no right or wrong answer. For me, if I was reviewing Crazy Taxi now I'd review it as though it came out today while referencing how important it was/legacy/history etc.
But I know other reviewers review old games taking into account the time period in which they released.
Like, Metal Gear Solid was a ten when it came out. That's a ten all day. But now? I love it because I have enormous amounts of nostalgia for it. But it doesn't play well by contemporary standards.
Same here. So I guess it's safest to go with what the review says rather than just the score at the end. This gets a 4 because it's a new game and it's not particularly good. BUT! If you absolutely love Crazy Taxi and want to play something that's like Crazy Taxi then you might get something out of it.
The score only tells you so much.
@Northern_munkey No one blames you, it was meant to happen and you are a strong faithful man.
Crazy Taxi had hidden depth. Like SEGAs best arcade games, it was easy to learn, but hard to master. The boost and drift for the taxi being linked to the gear shift / accelerate / steer mechanic meant it was possible to get great at the game and play for ages on a single credit. I completed all of the extra challenge modes on both games on the Dreamcast, and it was very challenging. The game could get pretty 'crazy' fast and required a lot of practice, looking at the videos of this game, it looks to be pretty lacking beyond the basic concept it shares, sadly.
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