Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is like a Greatest Hits album: short on surprises but a blast from start to finish. Naughty Dog’s greatest challenge with this standalone story was proving that its adventuring universe can survive without its wise-cracking protagonist – and it’s passed the test with flying colours. For as much joy as Nathan Drake has given us over the years, we barely noticed his absence here, and that’s testament to how seamlessly familiar faces Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross step into his shoes.
Originally intended as DLC for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, this spin-off feels familiar, but to call it an “expansion” would be doing it a disservice. Yes, the gameplay is built using the same blueprints as last year’s lengthy campaign, but the story and setting is brand new – and at around eight to ten hours in length, it’s a meaty slice of content.
Set in India, the title sees you in pursuit of the Tusk of Ganesha – an artefact that’s also attracted attention from the local warlord, Asav. As with previous entries, the release wraps its own fiction around real-world mythology, and the setting provides ample opportunity for the studio’s artists to go wild. Architecturally, this game features some of the most impressive monuments in the series thus far – and the outstanding visual fidelity is paired with a soundtrack that has a distinctly South Asian flavour.
While the moment-to-moment action will do little to surprise, the title does experiment with a few new ideas of its own. One early chapter whisks you away to the exotic Western Ghats, where armed with a map you’ll be free to explore a sizeable open world in a familiar 4x4. In a series first, this section has a fully-fledged side-quest, which really captures the treasure hunting feel the franchise has always flirted with.
This chapter may sound like a pace-sapping distraction – and it’s worth noting that it can largely be skipped if you don’t want to invest in it – but Naughty Dog keeps the story moving by packing the optional three hour distraction with character development. Nadine and Chloe stay in constant communication, and their discussions ebb and flow seamlessly around what you’re doing; engage in a spot of combat, and the pair will quit gabbing, only to pick up the thread of their conversation at a more convenient time.

In fact, you could argue that The Lost Legacy is better paced than its immediate predecessor. As a shorter story, there’s less padding than in Nate’s concluding campaign, and a more consistent mix of combat, climbing, and conundrums keep things moving more briskly. It’ll do little to change the mind of those who’ve already fallen out of love with the series’ unique brand of action, but for everyone else, it feels meticulously designed.
There are some new elements worthy of our word quota, though: Chloe’s been augmented with a lockpicking ability, meaning that you can open up supply crates scattered around the world for essential treasures and supplies. She also has a smartphone on her person at all times, and occasionally opportunities will arise allowing you to take a photo.
But this really does feel like a mega mix: it’s the absolute best of the brand spread across several stunning hours. The writing is sharp and self-aware, and while the stakes never seem quite as high as they did with Drake, this feels like the start of a new era for the series without its main man. The final chapter, paired with its sublime “stay for the credits” epilogue, are pure vintage Uncharted – and we’ll let you experience all of that for yourselves. We dare you not to smile.
If there was ever any doubt of the talent at Naughty Dog, consider that Uncharted: The Lost Legacy was built in less than a year. This sensational spin-off not only beds in two of the franchise’s more mysterious characters, but it also gloriously repurposes several of the series’ best moments. As a pseudo-Greatest Hits, the title will do little to tempt those who’ve had their fill of treasure hunting – but at a budget price (with multiplayer included) then this is essential for fans of PlayStation’s most iconic brand.
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Comments 44
Hit me with questions if you have any!
Does it have a Plat and how easy it is to get it?
Sounds great, looking forward to playing it. Sony really backed the right horse with Naughty Dog.
@sinalefa Yes, there's a Platinum. It's usual Uncharted Trophy stuff: you need to beat the game on Crushing, collect all of the treasures (and optional conversations/photo opportunities/etc), and complete various combat challenges. I reckon with a guide it'd be fairly straightforward to get.
ND the greatest developer of the last 10 years? You bet your bottom dollar!
Thanks. I have 2 and 3 now. Working on 1 (that Crushing is insane) and 4 lost me with the speedrun and accuracy playthrough. Will prolly plat this one too.
Also, are there easter eggs or convos that only Uncharted fans will get?
@sinalefa "Also, are there easter eggs or convos that only Uncharted fans will get?"
Lots of them.
Ok, gonna preorder it this weekend. By the time it finishes downloading, my bro will be back from Canada to check it out.
Preordered it last night though Amazon didn't give a release day shipping option. Only free two day shipping with Prime. I did also order Nier Automata which will arrive tomorrow...so I guess I'll have more time to spend on that! I've had nothing but great gaming experiences since purchasing my PS4 for Christmas last year and I know these next two for me to play will be amazing as well!
@get2sammyb Online trophies? I suppose so, but are they kind of easy like U4?
I never liked online in Uncharted games so not interested in achieving something like 'reach lvl 50'.
@Aexurion There are no online Trophies that I can see.
@get2sammyb Trilogy aside, would this game be a better starting point for someone who's never played Uncharted than 4, or the other way around?
I find that most things are improved by the addition of Claudia Black.
@clvr I'd play them in order of release.
Just what I hoped for... Gameplay of U4 but with better pacing and more compact so it's not too daunting to replay.
Naughty Dog never disappoints!
8-10 hours is perfect. UC4 for all of its excellence was a little long.
Pre-order was paid off a while ago... Can't wait for Tuesday! I've been anxiously awaiting the return of Ms. Chloe Frazer.
The speedrun trophy is actually really straightforward buddy and there is a nice exploit for the accuracy trophy where, if I remember, you corner a guy who can't die and just keep hosing him....your accuracy climbs really quickly then.
I have platinum-ed every uncharted on both PS3 and PS4, to say I adore Uncharted is an understatement 😂
@SwitchGlitch No, it works fine as a standalone. But if you didn't enjoy the last ones I very much doubt this will change your mind.
How on earth anyone could not enjoy Uncharted 4 is beyond me 😁
@smythelove - certainly a studio which has made one of the greatest games of recent times (TLOU) but for Uncharted? Hardly the pinnacle of gameplay, it's fair to say? The review is a reflection of the series itself, an emphasis on story and titbits on lockpicking and a sandbox chapter.....yet it gets 9/10, but ya know some of you peeps love Uncharted for the same reasons I find it dumbed-down so go figure 😂😂😂
@get2sammyb Oh, no online trophies is great news. Perhaps any speedrun trophies?
@Comrade44 I dunno, you can't really compare them because they're much the same game really. I think both have pros and cons.
@Aexurion Pretty sure there aren't any.
TLOU Another stellar franchise agree. I get your feelings on the gunplay and puzzle mechanics for Unchrtd. It's Indiana Jones for PS4. Definely to each their own. I would put Atlus in there also and whoever made Danganrompa.
@get2sammyb Do you think there'll be another Uncharted game before they call it a wrap on this generation?
@Turismo4GT Hmm. My guess is no, honestly. I don't think there should be either, time to give it a little bit of a vacation I think.
Can't wait for my pre-order to ship!
Picking this up on Tuesday as soon I get off from work.
@get2sammyb Yeah I think so too. I also think that Naughty Dog should put a wrap on The Last of Us after the new game comes out and move onto something completely new. At this point, they're such a revered developer, I'd hate to see them mess up by cranking out sequel after sequel simply because of the money. May be wishful thinking, but hey I can dream...
For such a beautifully realised set of environments and well rounded characters with entertaining dialogue, the gameplay was somewhat lacking for me in uncharted 4. If ND were more ambitious in what you can do within the worlds they create, then they'd truly be worthy of all the top developer plaudits.
@get2sammyb Do you know which the multiplayer modes there are? Is there any co-op? Thank you.
I haven't quite got round to finishing 4 yet, but I did pre-order to nab the free Jak and Dexter Precursor Legacy bonus that comes with it - I'm suitably excited for both 😊
@Comrade44 You'll have a blast with it.
@dd8900 Yeah, there are two co-op modes. There's the one they patched into Uncharted 4, and a new one called Survival I believe.
@Fight_Teza_Fight And you kept waiting the zombie pirates..........
I had no doubt it would be good but i just cant get hyped
Are the environments quite varied like UC3-4?
@Napakane Not to the same degree no, but there are some cool locations.
Are the Uncharted games really that good? I mean would even gamers who aren't fans of the genre, like myself, enjoy them?
I went from not wanting this because of just finishing UC4 a couple of weeks ago.....to pre-ordering the physical edition on the cheap.
Work is going to go pretty slow today
I am loving this game so far. I always wanted more Chloe after UC2, so spending a full game with her is fantastic. Her sarcastic wit had me cracking up last night.
@seanobi Watch the language please.
Finally finished it tonight! Had to delay it due to a massive masters workload hitting me before mid semester break but my god was it worth the wait. No spoilers but I think that Naughty Dog could essentially get away with an Uncharted game every year or two. I'd love to see them flesh out all of their character even more. The Uncharted universe is huge and I feel like there's so much more to see!
@teatimed just played and finished it today too. Got about 12hours out of it and enjoyed nearly all of it.
Hopefully next year they release a new 'dlc' type Uncharted again. Great fun!
Playing it past few weeks . Fun . For me this is better than Rise Of The Tomb Raider.
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