Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is the follow up to Ys: Memories of Celceta. It’s an action RPG which at its heart is all about adventuring and exploration. Ys is a long-running series that has been around since the 80s, but you don’t need to be familiar with any of the previous games to understand what’s happening here. While there are some returning characters and a few brief references to past events, each game features its own self-contained story, and this one's no different.
You’ll be in control of red-headed adventurer Adol Christin, who's on a voyage across the ocean. Of course, things never work out smoothly, and it’s not long before the ship is attacked by a giant tentacular creature, and despite your best efforts, the ship sinks. Thankfully you don’t get a one-way ticket to Davy Jones’ locker, instead washing up on the Island of Seiran. Continuing the theme of things not working out smoothly, you’ll soon see that this isn’t a luxurious and tranquil island, but instead a place with many vicious monsters and hidden mysteries, which include a blue-haired girl called Dana who keeps appearing in Adol’s dreams.

The game’s story is intriguing. At times it can admittedly be a little bit predictable, but there always seems to be something new happening with fresh quandaries for Adol and his companions to investigate and explore at a regular pace. Not that you really need much of a reason to explore anyway, as it truly is a joy to uncover more of the map and find all of the island's treasures.
As you roam around the island you’ll encounter many ferocious beasts which fortunately Adol and his companions are more than ready to take down. The game’s combat is fast paced with battles occurring in real time. You’ll be in control of one character while the computer controls two others. It’s a really intuitive battle system and it won’t take long before you’ll be hacking, slashing, blocking, and dodging with ease. Each character has an attack type – slash, pierce, or strike – with some types being stronger against certain enemies than others. You can easily switch between characters in your party at the touch of a button, and this is fun to do as every character has different weapons and skills. Even the characters with the same attack type feel unique, which keeps the combat feeling fresh throughout. It’s a simple hack-'n'-slash battle system but feels wonderfully gripping, especially in some of the boss fights where you really will need to master your timing.

After you find your first couple of shipwreck survivors, they’ll decide to create a little settlement called Castaway Village, which grows and develops as you find more survivors. There are lots of advantages to rescuing people as many of them can help you out by providing medicines as well as a forge and farm. The villagers don’t just act as mindless shopfronts, though - these are diverse and interesting characters with their own mini storylines. While some of them can be a little bound by Japanese RPG tropes, they’re all told with such charm that you can’t help but be enchanted by them.
When you’re not exploring you’ll spend a fair amount of time helping out the villagers by completing quests for them. Successfully completing their tasks will improve Adol’s approval rating in the village, and this approval rating has an impact on some of the minigames. For example, there's a tower defence style game where you’ll have to defend the village from waves of encroaching beasts. Before the battle begins you’ll be able to build and enhance defences using materials you’ve collected while out exploring. When things kick off, the villagers will sometimes cast support abilities which can provide huge advantages for your party. The higher your approval rating, the stronger their ability is.

Uncovering all of the island's secrets will take a great deal of exploring, so it’s good that the game is so engaging. There’re plenty of quests to complete as well as crafting, fishing, and cooking to indulge in, and there are warp points across the map which means that you can quickly zip to areas that you’ve been to before, which makes it easy to backtrack for any missing treasure.
Where Memories of Celceta looked a little bit like someone had smeared Vaseline over the in-game camera, Lacrimosa’s graphics, while still simplistic, are crisp, colourful, and beautiful. There’s a diverse range of locations for you to discover, ranging from pleasant beaches to dark caves and even creepy ghost ships.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is an exhilarating adventure with plenty of secrets to uncover and a wonderous island for you to explore. If you're a fan of the series or are even just a fan of RPGs in general, then Lacrimosa of Dana is an easy title to recommend. Its fast paced combat system and intriguing storyline will keep you hooked throughout.
Comments 23
I want this game so bad it hurts. Which makes the remaining two week wait a literal pain.
This game seems good, I'll pick it up sometimes in the future.
There's a demo for it on the PSN.. and for Knack 2 also :]
Definitely want this game after how much I enjoyed Memories of Celceta but will have to see how my Destiny addiction is going when it's released...
Great review! Can't wait for this!
The graphic style used in the game, makes it look like a title for 10 year olds.
Nothing like breaking embargo eh?
Looks great. I'll get it eventually, but I really have to finish Memories of Celceta first. There's so many games, it's really getting hard to keep up this gen.
@NamelessAndi Accurate timing based on the information we were given. 29th August, 08:00 BST. No embargoes broken here.
Im picking this up on vita. Any idea how the two games compare? I had heard some content has been left out of the vita version (largely because that released before the ps4 version in Japan) .
@ShogunRok Looking at the embargo date I've got Wednesday 30th 7:00am GMT/ 8:00am BST/ 09:00 CEST & you seem to be the only review out on the net.
If I'm wrong & sites are given different dates then I hold my hands up, just seems a little off that NIS would say different dates to different websites.
@NamelessAndi "Embargo End Time: Tuesday, 29 August @ (07:00am GMT / 08:00am BST / 09:00am CEST)"
Copy and pasted from the email we received with the code.
@ShogunRok Seems different sites do get different dates then.
@Rob_230 I haven't played the Vita version but I've seen other reviewers on Twitter talk about how pretty it looks.
So looking forward to the new Ys! Finally on my PS4 though I admit it fits perfectly on the vita as well ^^ counting the days !
I was worried there wouldn't be fishing. Crisis averted.
Great review and so glad to see it got a decent score!
Memories of Celceta was such a fantastic game that helped get me through a month in hospital last year that I have been so hyped for this game!
Want want want
Wow. You guys are reviewing super early! I wonder if NIS sent review copies out early so fans wouldn't be TOO distracted by XSeed's release of Ys Seven HD on PC tomorrow
I like to think that game's release is 100% out of spite by XSeed, lol. I'm probably gonna pick up both, honestly. Ys Seven on GOG tomorrow and Ys VIII on PS4 when that comes out. I should actually be finishing up a few big games when this comes out if I hurry, so it'll be perfect!
does it have ps4 pro support?
Added to want list. Thanks for reviewing it. Another reason this website is great, adding games to my list that I didn't even know we're out there.
Just picked this up, can’t wait! Been a fan of YS since I played Books 1&2 on the virtual console. Gameplay and music are always top notch with this series.
I will play it today, thanks to PS+ Extra. I wanted this game for years, it will be my first Ys game. I'm itching fo a JRPG too, so now will be finally the time!
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