
PS4 Game Reviews

  • Review Time Carnage (PS4)

    Let's not do the time warp again

    If there was one flaw you could leverage at PlayStation VR upon its launch and the months that followed it, it was that a few too many experiences and titles designed themselves around obliterating enemies from a singular position in a wave-based manner. In the year leading up to today we thought we had ridden...

  • Review Extinction (PS4)

    Faring better than the Dodo

    There’s no game better than Shadow of the Colossus when it comes to the sheer scale of enemies. As hero Wander perilously tries to find some way to climb the towering Colossi in front of him, it’s this exact feeling that Extinction attempts to emulate. From developer Iron Galaxy, with former PlayStation executive Adam...

  • Review Super Daryl Deluxe (PS4)

    Super Daryl Delax

    Comedy games are often risky projects - it’s harder than you’d think to create a game that’s funny all the way through. Super Daryl Deluxe, from Dan & Gary Games, gives it a good go with its surrealist settings, but its base gameplay isn’t exciting enough to distinguish itself from the many Metroidvania-RPGs on the...

  • Review Owlboy (PS4)

    Golden egg

    When Owlboy was first shown over a decade ago, pixel art indie games weren't all that common, but over the course of its lengthy development, they became increasingly numerous as independent development grew more popular. Nowadays, it feels like there are almost too many of them, to the point where a lot of players will write off games...

  • Review Island Time VR (PS4)


    Island Time VR is a virtual reality, survival game in which you are stranded on an island with nothing but Carl the Crab – voiced by Greg Miller – to keep you company. Your aim is to survive as long as your depleting health will allow by consuming any food you can find, coconuts from trees, fish from the sea, or even a pesky seagull who...

  • Review Minit (PS4)

    Full minute hero

    Minit is the adventure game distilled down to its purest and simplest form. Developed by a team of independent developers whose combined credits include Horizon: Zero Dawn, Celeste, and Nuclear Throne, this is a top-down, open world adventure game you play a minute at a time. It doesn't sound like it should work, but it somehow does...

  • Review MLB The Show 18 (PS4)

    Home run

    Sony San Diego doesn’t always get the credit that it deserves for MLB The Show, with the franchise routinely overlooked by PlayStation fans as forum list wars focus on the heavy hitters like God of War and The Last of Us: Part II. But the developer’s quietly created one of the best sports series available on any platform, and while this...

  • Review Assault Gunners HD Edition (PS4)

    Not meching waves

    Assault Gunners HD Edition feels completely out of place on PlayStation 4. Originally released on Vita in Japan, it never made its way over to the West until this HD remaster, and we can see why. The only real selling point is that you control mechs, and while this point alone might do enough to justify a few purchases in the East,...

  • Review Mad Max (PS4)

    What a waste-land

    Republished on Wednesday 28th March 2018: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of April's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. With the recent cinematic success of Mad Max: Fury Road, there has never been a better time for a game based on Max Rockatansky's particular brand of...

  • Review TrackMania: Turbo (PS4)

    Round the bend

    Republished on Wednesday 28th March 2018: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of April's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. Despite the brand debuting well over a decade ago, TrackMania: Turbo marks the arcade racer's first release on a PlayStation platform. A favourite on the...

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  • Review Q*Bert Rebooted (PlayStation 4)


    Republished on Wednesday 28th March 2018: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of April's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. It's easy to name the quintessential arcade games of the 80s, like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Space Invaders – after all, these are timeless titles

  • Review 99Vidas (PS4)

    Favelas of rage

    Republished on Wednesday 28th March 2018: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of April's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. The scrolling beat-'em-up is one of those beloved genres that indie devs are always trying to bring back to the fold, but they never quite succeed...

  • Review Batman: The Enemy Within - Episode Five: Same Stitch (PS4)

    Joke's on you

    Telltale’s take on the Batman universe has been one of the few shining lights in its portfolio of late, and The Enemy Within has successfully eschewed the sophomore slump with another sterling five episode series that turns everything you know about the Dark Knight on its pointy-eared head. This finale is far from perfect, but...

  • Review Pure Farming 2018 (PS4)


    The mainstream success of the farming genre may be attributed directly to a certain YouTube video showing tractors breakdancing to dubstep, but agricultural adventures are big business these days. Case in point: Techland’s Pure Farming 2018 is the latest in a long line of pretenders attempting to cull Giants Software’s ripened crown. But...

  • Review Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings (PS4)

    Double trouble

    Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is the third and final game in the Atelier “Mysterious” trilogy. If we take a quick look back at the previous two games then you’ll see that there have been some pretty big changes between them. Atelier Sophie was praised by many for getting rid of the time...

  • Review A Way Out (PS4)

    It takes two

    In keeping with A Way Out's theme of co-operation, this review has been written by Senior Staff Writer Stephen Tailby and Reviewer Alex Stinton, and sees them discussing their joint experience. What follows is their thoughts on the game, presented in a conversational manner. Enjoy. Stephen: So, A Way Out, then. It's Josef Fares'...

  • Review R.B.I. Baseball 18 (PS4)


    Poor ol’, R.B.I. Baseball 18. You can’t help but feel sorry for this arcade-inspired adaptation of the Great American Pastime™, which is published and developed by Major League Baseball itself. Primarily designed to ensure there’s an MLB presence on multiple platforms, the PlayStation 4 edition is routinely forced to sit in the shadow...

  • Review Far Cry 5 (PS4)

    Daddy issues

    If an AI were to create a game based on popular Google search terms for video games, Far Cry 5 would likely be the result. Whether that's a good or a bad thing largely depends on what you expect from Far Cry at this point, and probably games in general. Because Far Cry 5 isn't a bad game – in fact, it's an awful lot of good old...

  • Review Batman: The Enemy Within - Episode Four: What Ails You (PS4)

    Ail be back

    It’s testament to Telltale’s work within the Batman universe that we didn’t even realise Episode 4: What Ails You does away with the cape and cowl almost entirely. That’s right, for the majority of Season Two’s penultimate instalment, you’ll be blitzing it as billionaire playboy, Bruce Wayne. Clocking in at around an hour,...

  • Review Floor Plan (PS4)

    Going down

    Floor Plan is far from the first puzzle game to release for PlayStation VR, with Statik, GNOG, and Wayward Sky all being notable releases from earlier in its lifecycle. What makes Floor Plan different to the others is its setting and its new concept of multi-layered puzzles across multiple floors. Set entirely within an elevator, you...

  • Review Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (PS4)

    Fit for a king

    At this point the PlayStation 4 is home to many quality role-playing games. From the serious tones of The Witcher 3 and the violence of Bloodborne to the eye-popping style of Persona 5 and the majesty of Horizon: Zero Dawn, there's something for just about everyone. However, very few titles can measure up to the sheer charm that's on...

  • Review Assassin's Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs (PS4)

    More of a blessing than a curse

    Following on from the enjoyable, if a little boring The Hidden Ones, Curse of the Pharaohs is Assassin's Creed Origins' second expansion, and it's a lot more ambitious. Once again, protagonist Bayek -- now getting on in years -- is informed of ill happenings off in a different part of Egypt. This time, he's...

  • Review The Raven Remastered (PS4)

    Leave no stone unturned

    Mystery awaits in THQ Nordic’s latest rework of its 2013 game The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief. The Remastered edition comes bundled with just the right amount of puzzle solving, wit, and charm as its counterpart, with some reworked animations as well as improvements to shading and lighting. It's an often slow-paced...

  • Review Octahedron (PS4)

    Leap of faith

    Octahedron isn't quite your regular 2D platformer. The strikingly colourful pixel art doesn't give a whole lot away in screenshots, but there are a couple of key points that afford this clever title a unique flavour. Firstly, you're not heading right, you're heading up. Secondly, and more importantly, you create many of the platforms...

  • Review Burnout Paradise Remastered (PS4)


    It’s not so much the destination but the journey that makes Burnout Paradise Remastered sing like Avril Lavigne in her punk princess pomp. Glittering yellow gates beg to be smashed; crimson coloured billboards linger precariously at the end of ramps, begging to be kissed by your bonnet. And all this while you’re en route to the...

  • Review Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS4)

    Devil Never Cry

    Devil May Cry is a franchise that revolutionised hack-and-slash gaming back when it first released in October 2001 for the PlayStation 2. Since then, the series has seen several sequels that varied in quality, but ultimately still provided some of the most exciting and engaging gameplay to date. Naturally, Capcom had decided to...

  • Review Tesla vs Lovecraft (PS4)

    Electricity and madness

    With a name like Tesla vs Lovecraft, you're expecting a certain tone. This is not a serious shooter; right from the outset it aims for ‘insane’ and works from there. Appropriate given the game's antagonist. The title screen blasts out a chaotic theme tune, depicting a monster-riding H.P. Lovecraft facing off against...

  • Review Beast Quest (PS4)

    A peasantry affair

    With over 11 years' worth of material to draw inspiration from, a video game adaptation of the Beast Quest franchise arrives with a somewhat decent amount of potential. Telling tales of mythical creatures and the heroes that slay them, does the series’ first attempt on consoles go down in the history books with a lasting legacy...

  • Review Attack on Titan 2 (PS4)

    Colossal fun

    For those who have been living under a rock, Attack on Titan is one of the biggest anime and manga properties of recent years, and tells the story of humanity's struggle against a group of man-eating Titans who are threatening to destroy their world. The first Attack on Titan game came out in 2016, and now Koei Tecmo is back with a...

  • Review Surviving Mars (PS4)

    Life on Mars

    As entrepreneurial wunderkind Elon Musk reaches out to settle humans on Earth’s little red brother, mankind wonders what awaits us on that alien soil. How will we come to terms with our new existence as off-world colonists? What trials will we face? Well, if it turns out like our first forays onto crimson soil, we’ll scrap the first...