PS4 Game Reviews
A bar set high
While Sony may not give the PlayStation Vita much love these days, others have set out to do so over the years to prove the handheld's worth. Digital Dreams was one such developer who exclusively released its debut title Metrico on the neglected platform in 2014. It received both glowing and scathing remarks for varying reasons, but...
State of clay
Armikrog begins with such promise. Your introduction to this claymation world is a long and wonderfully weird theme song that serves as a prologue of sorts, and it leads into a beautifully animated cutscene that really showcases the talent on board. Many of the minds behind this Kickstarted adventure game are also responsible for The...
Step Inside
Reviewing Inside is a tough proposition. On the one hand, this is a game that is fully deserving of a write-up overflowing with superlatives. On the other hand, to describe practically anything that happens in the game in anything other than the vaguest of terms would be to rob the player of the joy of discovering those moments for...
Review Hitman: Episode 4 - Bangkok (PS4)
Too many Kooks
Like milk and cookies, fish and chips, and a copy of Ride to Hell: Retribution and the nearest volcano, hotels and Hitman go together very well. There's something about the maze of rooms, the abundance of staff, and the classy yet clandestine nature of these establishments that always make good missions for Agent 47, and the episodic...
Review The King of Fighters XIV (PS4)
Royal ruckus
While Capcom is rightly credited as the company which kick-started interest in the one-on-one fighting genre, there's another firm which built up comparable reputation in the field and – some would passionately argue – actually managed to trump the creator of Street Fighter on more than one occasion. SNK would become a household...
Wriggly good
Explosions litter the battlefield, reducing soldiers to nothing more than corpses and gravestones. A poisonous gas sneaks around, grasping its enemies and withering them away to a point of no return. A hawk-eyed missile eerily seeks out its victim, locating and dispatching them with mechanical ease. War, you see, has changed. But all...
Codemasters is back, and with real assurance. It had seemed for a while that the once racing game experts had fallen off the wagon so to speak, with European rally turning to American X-Games and Formula One lacking the glitz and glamour of its real-life counterpart. Thankfully, the developer seems to be back on track following the...
Every opinion procedural
We can't believe our luck. For all the planets and moons in this system, most of them scorched and practically lifeless, the last one we visit is a bonafide world of paradise. Lush bright blue grass stretches out to the horizon where it meets a scarlet sky, the space station hanging just close enough to make out its shape...
Locally sourced
The advent of online console gaming for a time led to something of a dearth of decent arena combat games, but thankfully the PlayStation 4 has gone through something of a renaissance on this front in recent times. With a slew of great local multiplayer games such as Sportsfriends, Stikbold!, and Towerfall Ascension, Chambara joins a...
Review Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows (PS4)
Gotham pity
Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered, y'know? You'd think that Telltale would be able to gloss over the most iconic origin story in superhero history, but the haughty Alfred Pennyworth takes an almost perverse pleasure in reminding you about the unfortunate fate of your mother and father at every opportunity. It's, as is always the case...
Subscribe to Push Square on YouTube154k Watch on YouTube Rogue leg@cy
Anybody remember those dungeon crawlers from the eighties, the ones based on Dungeons & Dragons and made entirely in ASCII characters? Well, for those not versed in the storied history of tabletop and its transition onto the home computer, these titles were the earliest example of the roguelike. Classics like Moria, Angband, and...
Wintory is coming
It's easy to take ABZÛ's swimming controls for granted. They are, after all, your only means of traversal in the game – it's natural to disregard something so close to home. But if Giant Squid's debut teaches us anything, it's that we should always take time to reflect on things which seem insignificant at first. The secret of...
Love hurts
Heart&Slash is a very peculiar game, crossing roguelike gameplay with a brawler combat system to create an interesting idea. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans no longer exist and robots have taken over, you assume the role of Heart, a kind-hearted but brutally murderous machine with sword in hand, that's trying to escape...
Review Hyper Light Drifter (PS4)
Hyper greatness
Games are released all of the time – every week without fail, as a matter of fact. A very large percentage of these are either forgettable or downright terrible. Sure some are okay, but the real joy stems from discovering a game so good that it couldn't be called anything other than a masterpiece. Enter Heart Machine's Hyper Light...
If a time traveller journeyed through time and told us that a 2D Metroidvania title would be one of the best games Double Fine ever released, we'd both scoff in disbelief and question why said time lord didn't tell us something more important, like who wins the US Election – or whether Paul Blart: Mall Cop 3 is ever made. See, on paper,...
Balls to the wall
Welcome to the future of electronic sport. Sure, Videoball may not look like a cutting edge PlayStation 4 game, with simple visuals of friendly-looking triangles (which you control) and circles (the titular videoballs themselves) – but thanks to a cunningly refined game engine and simple controls, this is pure addictive fun...
Full moon
Kitfox Games has created something quite unique with Moon Hunters. At first it appears to be quite a standard action role-playing game with the option to play with up to four players. However, playing the game for just a couple minutes shows you that there are plenty of unique and fresh ideas on display. The most obvious idea on display...
All along the botched tower
Good couch multiplayer games are in vogue on the PlayStation 4, which means more tantrum throwing, "accidental" elbow incidents, and debates over who gets the "good" controller than ever before. Tricky Towers, a physics-based tower-builder in which up to four players can compete both offline and online, may not be a...
Review Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop (PS4)
Digging not-so deep
Fallout 4's penultimate slice of downloadable content comes in the form of the Vault-Tec Workshop - another settlement-based add-on in which you follow a series of short, simple quests while building your own underground vault. This certainly isn't your typically large expansion - as you can probably tell from the price tag - but...
Review Carmageddon: Max Damage (PS4)
Max boredom
Lock up your children and ready your moral outrage as Camageddon is back, bringing with it a not so healthy dose of 90s vehicular mayhem. With original developer Stainless Games once again behind the wheel of the franchise that helped make its name, the biggest question that comes to mind is that now we're close to 20 years down the road...
Micro machines
Obliteracers is a cute, party-focused kart racing game with a medley of different playful weapons to pick-up and a selection of unorthodox looking characters to choose from. Sound familiar? Well, that's because it's a genre that has been well-and-truly mastered elsewhere, although it's also one that's surprisingly sparse on...
Review Gal*Gun: Double Peace (PS4)
Between a rod and a hard place
The last time we strutted through a school targeting ladies with our love shots, Interpol got involved. In fact, we're not sure whether penning this review is a violation of our parole conditions – we try not to let legal proceedings get in the way of our quest to bring you the best PlayStation coverage available,...
Dex is an open world, side scrolling, action RPG that takes place in a far future Cyberpunk setting, and appears to have taken some inspiration from classic Metroid and Castlevania games. This combination seems like a gamer's dream come true, however developer Dreadlocks seem to have neglected including enjoyable gameplay, instead...
Space oddity
In this reviewer's opinion, space disaster is one of the most interesting concepts in entertainment. You have the likes of Gravity, Apollo 18, and The Martian in film, Seveneves in literature, and Alien Isolation in games. Adr1ft, the debut game from developer Three One Zero, now joins the party following its PlayStation 4 release...
Snow and steady
There's a real demand for more traditional Japanese role-playing games these days - experiences that call back to a time when turn based battles ruled and world maps were explored via airship. I Am Setsuna attempts to recapture that magic of the classic RPG, channelling the spirit of older Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest titles. It's a...
Water wonderful world
Insomniac Games has certainly been keeping itself busy lately. The studio has been launching game after game over the last couple of years, all of them of the quality you'd expect, and it seems it's prepared to tackle almost anything – big or small. Nestled in-between its successful re-imagining of the first Ratchet &...
Give up the ghost
The hubbub surrounding the new Ghostbusters movie has been so well documented that even the Internet-deprived people of North Korea have likely heard about it. The response to the first trailer for the 2016 reboot of the supernatural comedy franchise has been nothing short of vitriolic, to the point that it's one of the most hated...
Review Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Descent (PS4)
With the summer gaming drought beginning and an onslaught of new shooters coming out later this year, now is the perfect time for a good Call of Duty: Black Ops III DLC – for those who aren't sick of it yet, of course. Descent offers the usual four multiplayer maps and single Zombies level, and in spite of the familiarity, is the best DLC...
Review Assault Suit Leynos (PS4)
Heavy metal
Originally released all the way back in 1990 on the SEGA Genesis, Assault Suit Leynos – or Target Earth as it was known in North America – is a 2D side-scrolling mecha shoot-'em-up that still holds up well today. Remade for the PlayStation 4, this new version comes with high definition visuals, a remixed soundtrack, and some slight...
Review JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven (PS4)
Stuck in purgatory
We can guarantee that almost every review of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven that you read will, at least once, mention that it's a better experience if you're a fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - a statement that seems bafflingly obvious. As the property's name suggests, the popular anime and manga series revels in the...