In spite of all its shortcomings, Alone in the Dark is a game we can't help but have a soft spot for. It's packed full of glitches at launch. The combat feels awful. It's not scary whatsoever, and the stealth sequences are dreadful. Yet, there's such a clear passion for the survival horror genre coursing through it that it comes out the other side still a relatively enjoyable experience. On paper, Alone in the Dark is not a good video game. However, with a fondness for the PS1 original and that classic Resident Evil-style gameplay, it's a PS5 title with its heart in the right place.

The love letter to the original trilogy plays somewhat similarly to the recent Resident Evil revivals. From the perspective of either Emily Hartwood or Edward Carnby — the former played by Jodie Comer of Killing Eve fame and the latter being David Harbour from Stranger Things — you'll explore the Derceto Manor in an effort to find Emily's uncle, who's gone missing inside the home for the mentally fatigued. The experience harkens back to the days of old with a modern feel as puzzle-solving, ammo management, and clunky combat take centre stage.
The famous Derceto Manor is the main attraction, with the sort of incredible, absurd puzzles you'd never encounter in real life gradually unlocking its rooms and secrets as you progress. You'll work to solve these brain teasers by cross-referencing between files and items, matching keys with locked doors, and correctly aligning concrete slabs to make a picture. Their elaborate nature is what makes the experience so appealing; you never know what sort of comically preposterous task is up next.
You're able to freely explore the mansion most of the time, backtracking for optional collectibles and items once you've worked out a puzzle solution or found a new key. The game again takes cues from the modern Resident Evil entries with a map that fills in as you uncover its secrets. Once a room has been fully cleared of its inventory, it'll be marked as such. Puzzles work similarly: they'll be highlighted green on your map once you have all the pieces needed to crack it.

Alone in the Dark would be a better game if that's all there was to it, but the title quite frequently interjects with supernatural sequences that take you beyond the four walls of the Derceto Manor. Though more riddles await, guns and melee weapons become your main tools in combat scenarios that really drag the game down. The enemies look a lot like the Molded from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, and their bullet-spongy nature combined with clunky, overly weighty controls makes them a chore to kill. Simply engaging in a fight doesn't feel good, and the melee weapons lack much of any feedback when you land a hit. Worse still are a handful of stealth sections that feel completely out of place — some of which are frustrating one-hit kill sequences.
It makes for a game of two halves: one moment you'll be wrapped up in working out an engaging puzzle, only to be transported to an otherworldly place and forced to fight monsters. The quality of those brain teasers makes pushing through the more tedious and temperamental encounters just about worth it, however.
You could say similarly of the game's structure and an important question it poses at the very start: who will you play as? Alone in the Dark, in a sense, has two different campaigns. You can choose to play as either Emily or Edward, though this decision doesn't have quite as much impact as it might appear.

For the vast majority of the title's six-hour campaign, you'll spend it searching Derceto Manor on your own. There are a few cutscenes where Emily and Edward meet up and share their findings, but the protagonist you don't choose to play is hardly seen beside the introduction and the ending. While this might present the illusion that playing as the other main character involves completely different objectives, puzzles, and areas, that's not actually the case.
We played as Emily first, and in a rare cutscene involving Edward, he explained he hadn't been experiencing any of the supernatural events in the mansion brought about by a medallion found early on in the game. We were eager to learn what Edward's campaign looked like without those occurrences (since they introduce the worst parts of the game). However, it turns out you're told a lot of the same story no matter who you pick, with events and locations recycled to a disappointing degree.
There are some deviations here and there — different puzzles and cutscenes, for example — but they're not nearly enough to warrant a whole second playthrough. Only the collectibles (known as Lagniappes) offer some justification, with further secrets locked behind them.

Another run through the game would at least give you more time to appreciate the excellent soundtrack complementing the Derceto Manor. Composed by Árni Bergur Zoëga, the stately home is lent a tense, creepy, and unsettling atmosphere despite the fact enemies rarely show their faces within its rooms and hallways. Effective sound cues heighten shock values when the game does flip its script with a fast transition to another place (generally when you go to open a door), making for a real highlight of the overall experience.
It's just one of a few examples demonstrating Pieces Interactive's blatant love for the survival horror genre and the games that shaped it in years gone by. When Alone in the Dark simply leaves you to it in the Derceto Manor to solve puzzles, unlock new rooms, and find secrets, it's at its best. Thankfully, those moments are enough to carry the title through its lesser combat-focused encounters.
Anyone who shares that passion for classic survival horror will find something to like in the PS5 reboot, but at launch will be when it's toughest to do so. While it's possible the day one patch will address some of these issues, we encountered glitches that stopped us from using weapons and taking damage, and enemies that hit us out of the bounds of the map, forcing a checkpoint reload. You can also get yourself caught on objects in the environment and become trapped, and a handful of hard crashes forced us back to the PS5 home screen. The game is playable enough in its current state, but a few updates after release should do it the world of good. That's when Alone in the Dark will shine brightest.
There are too many flaws at the heart of Pieces Interactive's Alone in the Dark reboot for a blanket recommendation, but anyone with a love for classic survival horror gameplay should — after a few post-launch patches at least — find a relatively worthwhile experience. The combat sections are awful and there's very little to actually spook you, but the puzzle-solving gameplay at the game's core shines. For that alone, it'll find just enough of an audience ready and willing to love it.
Comments 51
Hey everyone, I know a 6/10 score will probably turn a lot of people off, but I just wanted to say I had a really good time with Alone in the Dark. It's easily one of the most enjoyable 6/10 games I've played in a while. Once it's taken some patches, I think there's a neat game here.
I am still looking forward to playing this tomorrow
@LiamCroft Nice review ill probably go get it its a pity thet cant release decent running games anymore.
Sounds like a decent Plus game.
I played the demo and did not like it. Game is going to bomb, hopefully doesn't shut the studio down
Not scary is a flag for me. As much as Fatal Frame Maiden of Blackwater is repetitive at times, it's at least scary most of the time.
@LiamCroft You tend to give lower scores from what I've seen (nothing wrong with that) but the texts of the reviews are often pretty generous, like here. I actually do like me some classic RE so you've convinced me to look into AITD.
That and I somehow wasn't aware of the game's existence till now.
I’m don’t know. If puzzles are the main draw of a game over combat and being scary, it fails as a horror game to me and that’s disappointing.
Got the game installed and ready to go. I wasn't expecting it to be anything amazing, so I'm still looking forward to it.
The bullet spongy enemies and forced stealth sections are making me think I’ll save this one for a deep sale (which, let’s be real, it’s coming). It’s good to see something with passion come from Embracer, I suppose.
I honestly expected worse than a 6 I'll probably buy it later in the year when it's on sale.
It sounds like a game with a bit of heart to it, so I'll definitely check it out when it's been discounted and patched up a bit.
Great review, Liam!
That’s the game off my wish list then. Was hoping for a lot more of scares/monsters etc.
Alone in the dark is the precursor of its genre, it was copied later by Resident Evil. Play this game for the nostalgia, it is a piece of history though the controls are really awful. Another similar game that would benefit a remake is Ecstatica, which is far more difficult than all From Software games put together!
This seems slightly rubbish in the best possible way.
I preordered the Deluxe Edition based on the voice talent alone. 6 is meh but I'm still looking forward to playing tomorrow.
@LiamCroft Sounds like a patch to make the enemies a bit less bullet spongey would go a long way
This looks exactly as janky as I want it to be. Will buy.
@LiamCroft How was the story?
I have a good tolerance for flawed performance as long as the premise is interesting but I'm still stuck on Like a dragon 8 and have ff7rebirth and unicorn overlord waiting for me.
Review scores across the board are in the 6/10 range, which isn't terrible. I wasn't expecting the world with this game. I'm still gonna pick it up. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but 6/10 is the highest score an Alone in the Dark game has received in nearly 20 years.
Ahhh well. Pre-ordered it on PSN so I'm locked in. Fingers crossed I enjoy it 😂
Wow, it really doesn't screenshot well, does it? It's so dark (I geddit) that you really can't see what's going on. I hope for the game's sake that it looks better in motion.
Edit: Remembered PushSquare does video reviews too. Thankfully, it looks a lot better in motion.
I think A Plagues Tale received a six and that was my GOTY so not too bothered about the score.
I really enjoyed the demo for this game and if it wasn't for already being deep into Rebirth and games like Unicorn Overlord,Persona 3 Reload that I am planning on getting next I would of bought this Day One.
“Not very scary” is a big plus for me! But I am 100% in the wimp club 🤣🤣 Alan Wake 1 was about my limit…..
embracer is just too predictable.
Pre ordered but if I don't enjoy it my partner will love this so win/win for me
To be fair, I think a 2024 “6” for a game in what is now a “B” franchise is equivalent to a 2004 8/10.
That said, I’m stoked to explore Derceto just based off of the fact that it’s art design doesn’t feel generic like so many games coming out of the AAA space these days.
Clear passion for classic Resident Evil
Alone in the dark came out four years before Resident evil??
a horror game that isn't scary sounds very unappealing
Sounds like a good time at the right price!
Yeh I got 6 vibes off it.
Pros: - Got a special place in my heart for those janky 6/10 games.
Cons: - Just can't stand David Harbour.
This and System Shock are the main games I'm really interested in this year so far personally!
@Melee_Ace Same!
@AndyKazama I need to get back into playing Ff5 but it is creepy asf with its atmosphere, especially with the pouring rain.
I don't buy much at full price anymore so I'll likely grab this once it hits the $20 - $30 range. I will say though, the fact that it was on sale for 10% off on the PS Store long before it was even released was a big red flag to begin with.
They missed a trick by not asking Jodie Comer to use her natural Scouse accent.🙁
I’m still very much looking forward to this game!
I tried the original somewhat recently (within the last year or two) and any improvement to the original is welcome as it aged like expired milk.
I played the original PC games as a kiddo in floppy disks so I have preordered it. This game is worth it for me just for the nostalgia bit =)
You guys sure are brutal with any performance issues. 😅
@LiamCroft This review conclusion confuses me. "Pro: satisfying survival horror gameplay" "Con: not very scary whatsoever".
How can satisfying horror not be scary? Sounds like it should be just satisfying survival gameplay.
I'd like to check it out at half price.
@Turion yes, but "sweet home" came out three years before "alone in the dark". many capcom fans are unaware of its first foray into the horror genre. a modern remake would be crazy.
@Hamst88 lmao 🤣. Try RE7 then you going to die from heart attack
Thescreenshots are a gag, right? they are so dark you can't see what's going on. I played the demo back last year and instantly thought it was DOA. I'm not sure why the reviewer felt the need to disavow his own score. 6/10 is the kiss of death and he must know it.
So THQ decided to get back into gaming, but without changing up anything and still releasing underbaked crap that nobody wants.
If it never brought them any success, why would it now?
I'm enjoying it atm. I do prethe 208 alone in the dark though.
Great game. Trying to get the plat on and off atm
Played 40 mins. Enjoying it but been ill and not sleeping so had to turn it off as it was burning my eyes (any game would to be fair as not slept since Sunday lol)
I've had to restart my game. Was really enjoying it. Was about 2 hours in and sound dropped out and reload kept the issue. Tried to move to on hoping may kick back in but instead it had this awful sound blaring so decided to start again and hope for the best
And another one to avoid lol
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