Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok is the biggest expansion in series history. Ubisoft's been feeding us that marketing bullet point for months, and having played it for ourselves, it's safe to say that the French publisher wasn't lying. It took us roughly 33 hours to complete everything that Dawn of Ragnarok has to offer, which includes a lengthy story campaign, a number of optional activities, side quests, and your usual open world map markers, which lead to equipment and loot. It's a chunky DLC, to say the least.
A quick overview to get this review started: Dawn of Ragnarok takes place almost entirely within the mythological 'dream' world that forms the backbone of Valhalla's lore. You play as Odin — or Havi, as they're commonly referred to — as you embark on a desperate quest to rescue your son, Baldr, from the clutches of fire giants. It's a tale that's plucked almost directly from Norse myth, with some creative touches here and there to ensure that everything fits the game's storytelling blueprint.

The narrative slots into Valhalla's existing mythological leanings really well, adding yet more context to Eivor's continued visions, while also fleshing Odin out as a character. The warrior-god, now obsessed with Ragnarok — the supposed end of all worlds — must forge an uneasy alliance with the dwarves of Svartalfheim, which is where the expansion is set.
The dwarves, their land having been conquered by giants, now hide away in mountain shelters. These gold-strewn caverns act as hubs for Odin's adventures, with the campaign spread across three regions within Svartalfheim. Much like the main game, each region has its own plot, which eventually feeds back into the overarching story. It's all reasonably well told, although you don't get to have much of a say in how things play out. Unlike Eivor, Odin is very much an established actor in this saga, and you have little choice but to watch the High One use and manipulate the dwarves to suit his or her needs.

It's a bit of a twisted tale, all told. There's an underlying madness to Odin that makes his or her actions compelling, and it's undeniably interesting to be playing as a character who many would consider to be a villain.
The story's quite entertaining, then, but the gameplay's only going to hook you if you're not already burnt out on Valhalla's brand of exploration, action, and stealth. While Dawn of Ragnarok does provide a lovely looking open world, actually engaging with it means having to go through the motions for another 30-ish hours. We didn't want or expect this expansion to tear up the rulebook, but some degree of gameplay innovation would have gone a long way.
What we're getting at is that under its fantastical skin, Dawn of Ragnarok feels very safe. Aside from the addition of temporary powers that aid in traversal, puzzle solving, and combat, the DLC barely even tries to branch out from what the base game already has you doing across its huge campaign.

For example, most of the new fire giant foes — the Musphels — are simply reskins of existing enemies, except they can light their swords, spears, or clubs on fire. The only new weapon type, the atgeir, is an effective kind of polearm that's fun to wield — but it repurposes animations from other weapon types, and so Odin's signature blade doesn't feel anywhere near as unique as it should. We're not saying that the expansion is phoned in or lazy, but it just doesn't have the edge that you'd expect from such a big DLC.
With the two previous (and smaller) expansions, Wrath of the Druids and The Siege of Paris, it felt like Valhalla's formula was being refined, or at least moulded into a slightly different shape. Meanwhile, Dawn of Ragnarok feels like another hefty dollop of baseline Valhalla. Again, not necessarily a bad thing if you're an invested fan of the core experience, but there was definitely scope for something more here.
But hey, the loot's pretty good (the new armour sets look great), and the DLC's got some surprisingly nuanced boss battles. If you can stomach another 30 hours of Valhalla, then you can't really go wrong — even if the price tag seems a little steep at first glance.
Dawn of Ragnarok does enough to satisfy by the time that the credits roll, but if you're burnt out on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, there isn't much here that'll reignite your interest. The mythological angle is well played, the fantastical setting is cool, and Odin makes for an intriguing lead, but after a year of DLC and updates, Valhalla's gameplay loop is wearing a bit thin.
Comments 27
If anyone's got any questions about the expansion let me know and I'll try to answer them.
Just a couple of quick answers for key questions:
Looks good, didn’t expect any new innovations or ideas being it’s not a new game, rather a dlc. 33 hours is a good length and will make my playtime for Valhalla almost 400 hours when I’m done!
Had to remind myself I was reading a review for an Assassin's Creed game there.
Great review! It sounds fine for what it is, but seeing as I barely made it halfway into Valhalla proper, I think I'll pass.
God I’m gonna be playing this game forever. Need to go back and finish Ireland except my bloody brother overwrote my save and so I’ve lost 15 hours. Given I have Elden Ring and Horizon on the go… it’ll be a long time till I go back.
Nice… but Elden ring killing all my time. But this is my next game.
-2 points for a code in a box what a waste
@Flaming_Kaiser It’s not a stand-alone DLC. Why would anybody want a physical copy anyway?
@nessisonett I'll never understand why people would want to own DLC physically, downloadable is in the name lol.
I'll be getting my Ragnarok on with Kratos hopefully this year
If there were ever a game that didn't need new content, it's Assassin's Creed. To get my attention these have to be really good considering it will take about 100 hours to play the whole game.
Oh dear. More UBI map markers gameplay. Just like Forza Horizon 5 from Playground Games. Overrated games using open methods that are extremely stale.
Take a look at Forbidden West, Witcher 3 , even Cyber Punk....and especially Elden Ring and Breath Of The World.... Proper open world exploration...Death Stranding...
@nessisonett Who said i want it i said why release a case with a piece of paper inside so wastefull. And that goes for all the games with a DLC code inside and nothing else.
I was one of the few who loved Valhalla - it's easily my favourite Assassin's Creed game - but the dream stuff I don't care about. Won't bother with this.
@Mezzer You can turn off everything on the HUD and use the eagle/crow companion as your guide. It makes the AC games so much more immersive.
If this was released as a standalone game it would have been a day 1 purchase for me. But i'd need to own Valhalla (£25) then purchase this DLC (£33).
Value for money this is a pretty well priced DLC and is pretty much a full game.
I will get round to this but i found with Assassin Creed Origins, after completing the base campaign i had no desire to complete the DLC i had purchased, as i had grown tired of the game mechanics.
Origins was a 40 hour campaign, Valhalla is a 100 hours before you add in this 33 hour DLC!
I'm going to play this soon but will need a pallet cleanser after Forbidden West. Controls are too similar.
@Mezzer Horizon is just as bad as Assassin's Creed. Cyberpunk shows glimpses of something bigger and better, but CDPR ***** up and released the game too early.
More fantasy rubbish and nothing to do with Assassins yet again. Valhalla is the worst assassins creed game ever made, more like a mediocre Viking conquest game with rpg elements. Who ever had the idea of making an assassins creed game with vikings in it , needs fired. Cyberpunk , Witcher 3 are far superior games. Even the recent ezio collection on switch is miles better than this travesty of a game which has assassins creed plastered on title.
@johncalmc nothing to do with assassins though
It has nothing to do with the main game anyway given the Fantasy setting so yeah definitely not in any hurry to jump into this. Admittedly I was tempted when I watched a Trailer of it but if I want Norse Mythology I have God of War for that.
Life is too short for modern Assassin's Creed games. Or Ubisoft games altogether, they're mostly rubbish these days.
The only spark of hope is the new Mario & Rabbids game......Sparks Of Hope.
After that they should sell Rayman to someone who gives a damn, bugger off, & learn to how make decent games again.
Ubisoft needs to stop taking their fantastical ideas and bolting them onto the AC loop. They need to break free and create new IP that allows them to fully embrace the weird.
Immortals was a nice first try, but make a full-on fantasy RPG already. Stop shoehorning it into AC and making these half-assed attempts at breaking the mould.
Ubisoft could probably make a pretty compelling Witcher-like game if it let its developers do so. Instead it's always tacked on to another IP and only half fleshed out/explored.
@Vonsparrow look he did it..he said mediocre. The most overused buzzword thrown at big name titles. It's not the worst AC game. Not even close and if you had a clue you'd know doing assassins every time would not have worked out. That's why Origins rebooted the series.
I do plan to get to this some day but I still haven't finished the main game yet. I know I can jump in now if I really wanted to but I'll just take my time. It looks like the next few months will be pretty dry for the most part in terms of game releases so once I finally finish all the February games I got I'll get back to Valhalla.
@Mezzer 😆😆😆
GoTsushi, hzd, witcher iii, are prime examples of cluttered, clear the map of icon games, that ubisoft gets so much grief for.
@JohntheRaptor less of the he , should be she
The game looks great.
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