Assassin's Creed Valhalla was a disappointment on PS4. Plagued by a constant and unending stream of bugs, an otherwise great open world adventure was held back on Sony's last-gen console. Thank the Norse gods for PS5, then. The new system improves Valhalla massively, to the point where we could actually sit back and enjoy the game's intriguing storylines without having to worry about characters falling through the ground at random.
In this review, we'll be highlighting how Ubisoft's latest runs on PS5. If you're looking for a more in-depth analysis of gameplay systems and mechanics, be sure to check out our Assassin's Creed Valhalla PS4 review.
Right, first thing's first: Valhalla looks fantastic on PS5. The lighting, the visual effects, the colours — everything looks more vibrant and detailed. It also runs at a silky 60 frames-per-second, giving the entire experience a smoothness that greatly benefits playability. Combat — though still a little bit rigid — feels so much better. Other actions, like climbing and even taking part in drinking contests, feel way more responsive.
And then there are the load times — or lack thereof. Valhalla often took over a full minute and a half to load a save, or fast travel to a completely different location. On PS5, loading your progress from the main menu takes about seven seconds. It's a jarring improvement. We had gotten used to getting a drink or checking our emails while waiting for Valhalla to load — now we barely have the time to take a bite from a biscuit.
It's not just the more obvious load screens that fall to the power of the PS5, either. When striking up a conversation with a character, Valhalla would sometimes cut to a black screen on PS4, as if the game was trying to keep up. On PS5, all of these little interactions are instant, as are the transitions between gameplay and cutscene. It's a truly seamless open world on the current-gen machine.
But what about the bugs? Well, we're delighted to report that the experience is nowhere near as buggy on PS5. You literally couldn't go ten seconds without seeing some kind of visual cock-up on PS4, but here, you'll get the odd wonky animation and that's about it. To be clear, Valhalla isn't bug-free on PS5, but it's still an immense improvement.

The bottom line here is that it's now far easier to become immersed in what is a very good open world RPG. Ubisoft's recreation of 9th Century England is, at its best, quite breathtaking. When the lighting's just right and you look up to see the fields, forests, and mountains stretching on forever, it's easily one of the most striking open worlds in gaming.
And visuals are important when you're spending over 100 hours with your Viking pals. Valhalla's map may not be as colossal as the whole of ancient Greece in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but it's the incredibly long main story that demands so much of your time. It's a gigantic game, but at least it'll keep you busy throughout the PS5's launch period.
As we wrote in our PS4 review, Valhalla's structure is what sets it apart from its immediate predecessors. Yes, it still boasts an open world that's packed with side quests and optional activities, but the emphasis on main story missions — spread out across numerous Norse and Saxon kingdoms — gives the game a kind of focus that Origins and Odyssey, in all of their bloat, simply didn't have. Most importantly, this allows the game's wider cast to actually make an impression. In both its writing and its storytelling, Valhalla is a clear cut above what's come before.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla really comes together on PS5. Near instant load times combined with silky smooth performance make it a joyous open world excursion, complete with an engrossing main story. What's more, the countless bugs that plagued the PS4 version of the game have, for the most part, been squashed. This is Ubisoft's best ever attempt at an open world RPG in the vein of something like The Witcher 3, and while it is still a little rough around the edges, Valhalla leaves its mark as a top tier entry in the Assassin's Creed series.
Comments 65
Well I've never played an Assassin's Creed game in my life, so I might check this out.
Sounds good to me, look at how many games there were with crap last-gen ports in previous gens so there was bound to be a few this time round! Perhaps once I finish Unity, Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey, I’ll have a PS5 by that point!
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Really?
Picking this up on Wednesday, can't wait to travel across England in 4K, 60fps!
After 30+ hours this is my least favorite Assassins Creed game
@shogunrok. Would you say the UI feels outdated compared to ghost of tsushima which i really think set the benchmark for this kind of experience.
Great review, and i am really excited to play if i get it for Christmas. Although i will probably still be getting killed on loop on demons souls by then
It's so damn buggy on PS4 that I've stopped playing. I might redownload on PS5 when I get one next year!
Can't speak for the ps4 version but I've seen alot of bugs in the ps5 version. I've had to restart 3 missions because of various glitches. Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely fantastic but I'm gonna wait until it's patched up a bit more.
I'm still playing odyssey (almost platted) and i just bought origins on the black friday sale..will buy this for the ps5 when i get my console...soon i hope.
@Rob_230 Maybe a little. It opts for that kind of Destiny-style cursor-based UI, but it's a bit messy. I agree that Ghost's UI is really nice and clean, but then it doesn't have quite as much to keep track of.
If anyone's got any questions about the game or the review, just let me know and I'll try to answer.
If you're looking for more in-depth criticism of the gameplay and story, definitely check out the PS4 review we did: https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/ps4/assassins_creed_valhalla
@ShogunRok thanks Rob. That sounds like a fair response. Ahh well, not long till i can try it out for myself 🙂 thanks again!
@ShogunRok Good review!
How are the raids? Are you actually plundering settlement and murdering the people on it (you know, ransacking the churches and clergy for valuables), or does to dial back the Vikings when it comes to killing innocent people?
@HotGoomba___Rebrand I highly recommend the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag and Unity to start with
@stefan771 I actually enjoyed III more than Black Flag going through them recently. Rogue’s been way better than I expected as well.
The light is a bit all over the place for me and a lot of England has this haze to it where things look washed out at times and others super vibrant. Game is beautiful though. Most of this is just minor nitpicks from me.
It's going to be a while until I get my hands on a PS5 so was tempted to treat myself to this for Christmas but what with the PS4 version being so buggy and only having finished Odyssey (a game that didn't actually have that many bugs all things considered) in June I guess I'll have to go for something else instead.
Thinking Final Fantasy VII and/or Ghost of Tsushima. How do both games run on a base PS4?
N.i.c.e. assassins creed is always good.another game to the collection.word up son
I liked the game and the world and building my own base camp, stories were ok. Hated the combat wich until about 20 hours in is boring and tedious, outfits were uninspiring and a bit samey. Overall a bit of a step down from Odyssey. 7/10 imo.
@Col_McCafferty I wish u a buggy Christmas lol. But yh wait for the PS5 for Valhalla. Tried to play it on PS4 Pro in bedroom and its a nightmare constant crashes, Bugs galore, Loading times make Bloodbourne look good. PS5 version is night and day mate.
@Col_McCafferty I played the first 3 or 4 chapters of Final Fantasy VII on the base PS4 and it ran perfectly fine, in fact I didn't actually notice much difference when going onto the Pro version.
According to business insider:
"One UK-based group named CrepChiefNotify(a scalping group) managed to snag just under 3500 PS5 units across its members and pre-orders, giving it stock that not even major online retailers can currently compete with.."
Loving every minute of it. Both me and my son, who watched me platinum Odyssey, were excited to see the tie in with the last game. Love that continuity.
Loving it so far. The combat's a bit weird, though. They tried a bit more of a Dark Souls lite direction with Odyssey, especially as seen in R1 and R2 being attack, but still had the really easy parries from previous ACs. In this one they've tried to go for a more limited parry and have added a stamina meter that goes down from various things (though not running, thank god) so it's even more DS-like now. That said, I find it confusing why parries don't seem to work sometimes and enemies seem to randomly get hyper armour and ignore your attacks. At least they seem to have stopped putting in enemies that takes about 50 hits to kill. I do find it oddly hard, though. I died 3 times to the first boss - that means I've died more times to that one fight than I have in several hours of Demon's Souls.
@Jaz007 You actually auto-fail missions if you kill 3 innocent people. It's a bit weird since it's not like as soon as someone picks up a weapon to defend themselves they become morally okay to kill. It's even more strange when you consider you could kill everyone apart from kids in Odyssey. I'd stand on rooftops and throw torches at people to set them on fire. I piled up peasant corpses in fountains. Yet now I'm a viking I can't throw a cheeky axe at a monk?
@Matroska be cool for a AC game to have a good or evil path. It is the perfect game for that.
Good to hear! I'll pick it up sometime early in the new year, hopefully patched up and a wee cheaper.
never been AC fan so I cant really comment, but to me, it looks like same old UbiSoft *****. Seems a lot repetitive. Basing this on what I see on Twitch and also from me playin The Division. No thanks. No time for this bollocks.
@Col_McCafferty both ghost and FF7 ran perfectly on a base ps4 for me. The console got quite noisy though so i would recommend headphones.
I had a few texture issues on FF7, but it was rare and the internet blew it out of proportion. Game may have been patched since too
Loving it. Took a break to finish Miles Morales. But got back into it pretty easily. Keep doing one last thing before bed - never ends well the next morning for work.
Ubi is on a roll with AC. I now have hope for FarCry next year.
@parvaz1 Same here I have never played any AC game, there are so many now that at this point it would be a waste of time to jump in. I do hope everyone that likes the series is enjoying this one ✌️
How does it compare to the tv show Vikings? If it contains brutal fights and sloothy women, I'm in.
I have Valhalla already installed but I'm not starting it before I'm done with Spider-Men
And by done I mean platinum trophies
Glad to hear it's not nearly as buggy as the PS4 version!
@Matroska Yeah, that is weird. Vikings weren't so nice as to auto-fail if they killed three monks when raiding a monastery. Like, we're a Viking more than anything else, let go of the random animus restriction. They should have taken a page out of the train robberies and money lending missions in RDR2, just with more killing and less redemption. Especially since we already have choices and consequences, why not let us decide how to brutal the raids are? it's simple history.
@Jaz007 Yeah it's like @Matroska said. Raiding and pillaging monasteries is a big part of the game, but the game doesn't like you killing innocents. It's perfectly fine to take their belongings, burn their homes to the ground, and slaughter all of their livestock, though!
The game tries hard to paint vikings in a more positive light than most other media. And while it does kind of work — you get a decent amount of insight into some viking customs and beliefs — it's not exactly accurate to history.
That said, there are times when Eivor feels like the lesser of two evils, rather than being a straight-up hero. For a lot of the story, he/she is quite aggressive and will do anything for the betterment of the clan — even if it means manipulating people or forcing them into submission.
But yeah, bottom line is it's still a bit weird to be playing as an often ruthless viking clan and then being told "hey, if you kill one more peasant, it's game over!"
I'll most likely get this on PS5 when/if I manage to get one soon.
Who's better acted, male Eivor or female Eivor and are they worthy enough to polish Kassandra's spartan boots?
Game needs optimization badly. Running smoothly on next gen consoles and only top tier pcs is bs.
Now they just need to get the upgrade from PS4 to PS5 working.
@ApostateMage I tried both and honestly, I think male Eivor is way more nuanced and nice to listen to. It's obviously personal preference, but I'm really not a fan of how female Eivor sounds. You can swap between them at will, though, so you can always experiment.
And I think Eivor is definitely up there with Alexios/Kassandra. Eivor's not quite as jolly (the game in general isn't anywhere near as jolly!), but he/she has more emotional depth, I think.
Ubi has done a great job here with a high resolution at 60fps. The game runs very well and is a great sign of things to come. If Ubi can do 4k (dynamic, but super close most of the time) at a solid 60fps, with such a massive game, other developers have no excuse.
A note to Push Square: it may be a good idea to paste in the parts of the reviews going forward for cross gen titles that are not distinct to the PS4/PS5. I think when people search for Assassins Creed Valhalla PS5 review, they are not going to want to read two full reviews to get your full take on things. Just a thought.
Its a buggy broken mess,the quest right at the beginning of the game when you get given a certain item is broken I had to reload a previous save 3 times before it decided to run its course,I've had floating heads,a ghost crew where the oars where moving by themselves and various other annoyances, the hdr is messed up and I have had to make a profile on my TV just for this game,the main character is poorly textured compared to the one on the inventory screen so much so its quite jarring and the skill tree looks amateurish and cluttered compared to other games of this series,I've put it back in its box until ubisoft fix it as it has the makings of a good game its a shame half of it looks rushed,oh well back to demons souls.
@Deadhunter @Medic_Alert Same plan here! Hoping to see Valhalla Gold/Complete be priced at $30 or cheaper by Black Friday 2021...so I can wait until BF 2022-2023 to pick it up for $15-$20 lol.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand If you played one every 3 years you have played them all.
Thanks the the PS5's new 'time played' details I can confirm this is the first AC game I've managed to play more than a couple of hours. That should be put on their marketing....."Finally played for more than a few hours and didn't delete it - StonyK"
This might just be my first AC since revelations. I'm happy about the focus on main quests and less filler.
But as with all Ubisoft Games, wait a few weeks and it'll be flooding the bargain bins and 2nd hand shops. By then most all bugs will be ironed out as well. Not playing full price to beta test.
Over 40 hours in the game and besides a few textures pop, I have not found much bugs on ps4-pro. Story is not the greatest and i have played all parts the series but it has some good moments. It's a fun game. Only dislike I have is how far away from the 'assassin' part the series is drifting.
The game seems good, interested in this when I have ps5 early next year 😃
I started the game on hard and the combat definitely does take getting used to. Barely an hour in so far and have died multiple times, 2 hits from a boss and you're done. I need to get gud. 😳
I'm in no way a programmer, so please take this in the spirit of interested curiosity it's meant. I thought bugs were a programming issue and nothing to do with the available power? I'm not getting many bugs on my PS4, but I know it's had a few patches, so I thought that the reason.
Well I have started it about 8hrs in and just arrived in England. finding it a bit hard to get into so far don't know why. Combat seems a bit weird atm. It does look nice though, going to keep playing it today and hopefully something clicks and can get into it. Loved origins and odyssey so don't know why I can't get into this was really looking forward to it. Hopefully it clicks today otherwise might wait a bit and play something else and come back to it another time.
Also I dont know if it's just me/ this gets easier as I get used to the game but I really struggle to identify health bushes and other point of interest. Unless they are really obvious like wealth.
And that's even after using Odin's sight.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Same.. new to the series myself. Not sure i want to dive in at this price point with risk of not liking it. I wish there was a demo to try first before i buy.
I will get it when i get my PS5 then it probably has a nice pricedrop.
Combat takes a while to get going? weird I thought it was great from the get go. Mentor armor, Fafnir/Fyrd spear, Poison build for the win!
@JapaneseSonic Assassin Creed games are mostly whatever genre of history you like. If you like anything to do with Vikings you'll love this. Odyssey was a great one as well but I never beat it. IMO Valhalla by far is the best AC.
@JapaneseSonic yea I do like the long games, just been playing a bit more now, it's starting to click I think. Norway was a bit bland nothing much there England seems a lot better and building base looks good. So hopefully get into it properly now.
Enjoying this so far, got mine of shopto for £48.
No bugs or issues, but is the controller light supposed to be off in game?
@JapaneseSonic no doubt, now just waiting for Cyberpunk XD
I am years behind on Assassins Creed. I was so excited about the first game and found it to be a massive disappointment, so I never really looked at any of the sequels, until Assassins Creed III of all things came out, and for some reason I was really interested in the TV commercial footage of it.
So I went back to catch up, but the problem was I've never really wanted to play more than 1 a year and get series fatigue. I finally made it to Black Flag last Christmas, but decided to skip over Unity and Syndicate and just started Origins. Wow! This is the game I imagined the first one being. For the first time ever, I feel like it can be a proper stealth game.
If we think of Valhalla as this gen's black flag, I hope we don't get the sort of flawed gems that are Unity and Syndicate that we got last time before the 'real' next gen games came with Origins and Odyssey.
I found it really hard to get into this time round, but I think it's more to do with completely falling in love with Kassandra who was a snarky beyotch. Eivor is a lot more subdued to me. Also playing as male this time round as the female character seemed a little bland to me this time round. I've done three areas in England and starting to really enjoy it now. Wanted to romance Soma though and haven't been able to. Enjoying the fishing and hunting. Also love Sigurd a LOT, assumed he was going to be an a-hole so pleasently surprised by that.
Anyone else think thier male Eivor looks completely different to the Eivor on the cover.
Whoever wrote this review must be high.
Don't think I can trust any more AC games. The last 2 are horribly boring.
Very pretty, but typical tiresome open world stuff that gets boring quickly
@HotGoomba___Rebrand great games odyssey, AC2 and blackflag my personal favs
Best assassins creed since number 2 and its amazing on PS5.
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