Assassin's Creed Valhalla's second expansion, The Siege of Paris, sees Eivor travel across the channel to Francia. As per usual, our intrepid Norse hero is eager to establish some new alliances — with both Viking raiders and King Charles the Fat on Eivor's list of potential allies. What follows is a much more gritty and grounded story than the previous DLC, Wrath of the Druids. Instead of focusing on mysticism and ill omens, The Siege of Paris is all about war and political intrigue, harkening back to older Assassin's Creed games.
And it's not just the narrative that has whispers of traditional Assassin's Creed about it. The expansion's main quests have Eivor assume the role of, you know, an actual assassin. The series' "black box" mission design returns, as you slowly work your way to the target through exploration, stealth, and deception. While you still have the option of carving a bloody path to your objective — this is Assassin's Creed Valhalla, after all — following specific assassination opportunities unlocks additional cutscenes and suitably brutal kills.

It's clear that all of this is a response to the notion that Assassin's Creed is no longer Assassin's Creed, and the result is a DLC that feels surprisingly fresh — especially when it's assessed as a part of Valhalla. There are some great missions here, and the slower pacing of said missions gives the storytelling some real tension. We'd go as far to say that The Siege of Paris probably has one of the best plotlines in the entire game, and it's carried by a solid cast of characters.
To be clear, though, this is still an open world excursion. The map isn't quite as big as Wrath of the Druids' Ireland, but the bustling city of Paris and its surrounding countryside make for a dense setting. The French capital is the closest thing Valhalla has to a classic Assassin's Creed map, full of tall, tightly packed buildings and subsequent parkour opportunities. We've certainly missed the sound of clattering across rooftop tiles.
Meanwhile, the countryside houses all of your typical side stuff: optional boss fights, enemy camps, and old ruins. Interestingly, most of these locations also play into the expansion's side quests, titled Rebel Missions. These procedurally generated tasks have Eivor join forces with French revolutionaries as they harass the king's army. Rebel Missions have their own unique rewards, and you get to fight alongside allies who are yours to develop, transforming them from simple farmers to elite fighters. It makes for an enjoyable distraction.

The Siege of Paris takes roughly ten hours to complete — a few hours longer if you want to track down every secret and unlock every Rebel Mission upgrade. It's worth doing whatever you can, though. There are some powerful new weapons (one handed swords! Two-handed scythes!), and a particularly effective set of armour to claim as your own. Oh, and those new abilities are savage.
Our only gripe with the expansion is its occasionally disappointing technical performance. Utilising the game's 60 frames-per-second performance mode on PlayStation 5, we stumbled across noticeable screen tearing and frame-rate dips in and around the busier districts of Paris. A real shame, since the city itself is wonderfully crafted. Hopefully a patch can remedy things.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The Siege of Paris is another great expansion that fans of the base game won't want to miss. However, unlike Wrath of the Druids, the second DLC's strength is rooted in its adaptation of the old Assassin's Creed formula. Black box assassination missions are the stars of the show, where stealth and deception are brought back into fashion. What's more, the story's darker tone makes for some memorable moments.
Comments 32
But does it look as good as Unity?
Actually, makes me consider to re-install Valhalla and go through both dlc's.
Nice to know this content is a bit different to that in the base game.
I bought gold edition, but never touched dlc content.
I recently completed everything in the Wrath of the Druids and Sigrblot Festival so Siege of Paris is coming at the right time for me...
Great news. Was waiting to play all the DLC at once. Love the base game.
@ShogunRok does this DLC have something similar to the Children of Danu or Order Of The Ancients?
I am still 40 hours into the main game and no end in sight lol the game is super repetitive and I'm so much more excited to play both DLC's!
I like the mythology aspect of the Ireland DLC and my question is, despite mainly being about war and stuff like that, is there no quests about french folklore? I don't know, werewolfes or wtv monsters France has...
Just started Valhalla this week and so far im a little underwhelmed, but i can't put my finger on why. I am still in Norway and hear it gets better once i get to England, but it all feels flat so far. I'm not massively enjoying the combat (possibly due to currently being underpowered), and the voice acting and animation isn't great.
I think after Ghost of Tsushima, it just feels creaky and the series needs a real refresh.
I think its partly the thought of a 100 hour adventure that is slightly exhausting
@Throb It does, but it's not a group that you have to go and hunt down for yourself. They're all part of the main story here.
@Vacuumator No, it doesn't. AC Unity was and still is an incredible game, that suffered only from a few (horrendous) bugs that happened mostly during launch week when you played with online features on (I played offline and never had any issues).
It's a shame to see such a good game (likable protagonist, fantastic art direction, perfected climbing mechanics, very good main story and sidequest - see the detective missions) being crucified on the altar of trendy memes.
So looking forward to this. Reached 552hrs playing this and loved it from day 1 😁👍
@Wolf-krueger Bloody hell, I thought my 290 hours was impressive!
Oh my that sounds actually awesome. Problem is I'd have to play through most of the not classic AC stuff to get to it. I know this is probably a borderline impossible question to ask but how long do you think it would take to get to this DLC from scratch in the main game?
I miss classic AC so much. 😔
@Korgon Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I wouldn't like to guess a precise time, but it wouldn't be easy. I think you'd be completing the majority of the game in order to get to this expansion. And on average the game's about 80 hours long — 50 to 60 if you rush it.
I see. Well I decided to pick it up on sale recently and plan to give it a go after I've had my fill of Lost Judgment. Heres hoping I like it enough to get to this DLC! Thanks for the answer.
@Korgon Ubisoft is recommending level 200. Although with the new level scaling options, maybe it could be played earlier now. Ireland/Druids DLC is level 55. I am currently at level 170 with about 40 hours played. So I could probably get to the 2nd DLC at around 50 hours.
@Wolf-krueger I thought I was doing good on over 200hrs but 500!!
That's a good point maybe I can shave off some time that way. I'm hoping this one clicks with me as it with me.
I feel this dlc will be in my backlog for a while. Still havent played druids yet and theres more to come apparently. Fair play Ubisoft usually do great with post game dlc but i did play 100 hours of the game already lol
I should start this soon since I’ve just finally polished off the Atlantis DLC in Odyssey. I’ve played every single AC game since last September but it’s only Odyssey that’s burned me out.
When is this out? I’m thinking of getting the season pass. Wish I had picked it up when it was on sale
@Boucho11 Out tomorrow (12th August).
@Wolf-krueger @ShogunRok How is it possible to have so many hours in a single-player game with a finite ending? Does it just go on and on somehow (like an online game)?
@reek Yeah it's open world and there are things like daily/weekly quests to keep players coming back. While there is an end to the story, the world itself has loads of secrets to find and the level cap for your character is really high. Just always something to do, if you like playing it.
@JapaneseSonic if you once had 60 you won’t go back…
So wasn't this supposed to release at midnight or something?
500 hours is insane lol I'm only at 140 hours. Still love this game haven't played 1st DLC I'm trying to 100% each region in England first.
Glad that the dlc harkens back to the old Assassin's Creed playstyle. Interested on checking it out now.
I have to say, I may have found the main campaign a bit boring once I hit the 100 hour mark, but I really like the sound of this DLC and may have to give it a shot. I do feel Valhalla misses a mood that the earlier games had, so it would be great if this DLC recaptured some of that!
It's funny how rubbish Valhalla runs, even on a monster PC with a 3080 it runs poorly in 4k and you get dips below 60. On the other hand the last two games which are very similar in graphical detail(especially oddessy) is the stuff Fabio dreams of getting ad gigs for.
190hrs Origins 485hrs Odyssey. Hmmm, think I'll wait till I can get Valhalla Ultimate version for less than 70 but I dread to think what my total hrs will be 😂
"It's clear that all of this is a response to the notion that Assassin's Creed is no longer Assassin's Creed"
I don't think so, Valhalla's full of nods to the past games, and the DLC assassinations are a distinct hat-tip to Unity's gameplay tics in that area.
People have been saying AC isn't AC since at least Black Flag.
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