Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars is a sacred text in the history of point-and-click adventure games, and new remaster Reforged is the best version of the game that's ever been released. Quality-of-life improvements mean players who just want to enjoy the story without too much lateral thinking can do so, while veterans of the genre or returning fans can play the game in its original form, goats and all. Paris in the fall has never been more beautiful.
Originally released for PlayStation in 1998, Broken Sword proved to be a surprise commercial hit for UK based Revolution Software. It's a classic point-and-click adventure game. You wander environments interacting with people or objects, solving puzzles either through dialogue or using items you've acquired. The puzzles in old school adventure titles are often notorious for the abstract thinking required, and while there are a few of those in Broken Sword, it's generally more straightforward than its contemporaries.
Broken Sword tells the story of American tourist George Stobbart who, at the beginning of the game, is almost killed in an apparent terrorist attack on a Parisian café. Much against everyone's advice, he decides to launch his own private investigation into the bombing, and across 10 hours or so, uncovers the shocking truth behind the incident and the shadowy figures involved. The narrative deftly blends real world Christian history with more fantastical elements and conspiracy theories, but throws plenty of levity in there too. It's pulpy, and thoroughly entertaining, like a slower Indiana Jones or a good The Da Vinci Code.
As a remaster, Reforged is about as good as it gets. It hits that perfect sweet spot where the game looks kinda like you remember it looking all those years ago, but then you have the option to switch back to the original graphics and see just how improved the new version actually is. It's a massive leap. There's also a robust and quite granular hint system to help you with puzzles that can be completely tailored to your playstyle, including a story mode that drastically revises how much thinking is required to progress. It's one of many reasons this remaster is perfect for newcomers and returning fans alike.
Comments 43
I know it's only a mini-review so it doesn't get too in depth about anything, so if anyone wants to ask any questions feel free to @ me and I will answer them unless I don't know the answer and then I'll just pretend I haven't seen the question.
Couldn't resist buying it again. I think I've played through nearly every version, from PC to GBA.
@johncalmc Thanks for the review, looking forward to this once again. I genuinely think it might be the game i've bought the most times across platforms and i'm going to do it again!
My question was about the tinny dialogue, is that because they have (likely) used the original recordings? (Which were ahead of their time but almost 30 years old now.)
@themightyant Yes, all the recordings are the originals but then they've been remastered. So they definitely sound better than the originals but sometimes they do sound a little rough. The audio overhaul isn't as brilliant as the graphical overhaul. Also, there are additional lines of dialogue that were recorded but then cut from the original game that have been added back in. Not loads of them from what I can tell but they're there.
I really do need this. Love a 90s adventure game even if puzzles are often insane.
Loved this game when it released, amazing adventure game. Sadly I've not been able to enjoy these types of games anymore and that saddens me very much.
Great quick summary and review, hope this game finds many happy homes.
I see what you did there with that sub title. That goat puzzle still haunts my childhood.
@Jayslow The goat is substantially easier to deal with in the new version since when you move your cursor about it kinda snaps to points of interest if you get close to them (you can turn this off if you don't like it).
Purchased this first thing thismorning. I absolutely looooooooved this game and i actually never completed it. I did get past that bloody goat in the origional tho.
@johncalmc How different is to the the remaster done for iPhones back in the day that was eventually released on PC and other platforms?
@MrSands Talking about the Director's Cut? Very different. The new content that was added in the Director's Cut version is not in this version which sounds like a bad thing but the Director's Cut stuff sucks, or at least I thought it did. Also the more comic book looks during the conversations are gone. This is true to the original game - it just looks much much better and has QOL improvements.
It's defo the best version of the game as far as I'm concerned.
Up there as one of the best adventure games of all time, holding joint first place with Monkey Island! I have lost count of how many times I’ve played this and how many devices I’ve played this on, and so I’ll likely purchase again.
Didn't realise this was out today, instantly bought it upon seeing this review
A game everyone should play at least once, most of us 5 times now. It is sublime.
@johncalmc I have a question. How do you get past the goat?
Just kidding — super looking forward to playing this again! And really hope they remaster the rest of them.
Could have been 1 out 10 and I'd still probably buy it.
Thanks for the mini-review, I forgot this game was releasing this week. Putting it on the list.😊
Nice!! Does it have the original intro or are we stuck with that daft Nico prologue opening still?
This is just epic. My number 1 video game of all time. Fever pitch here
@BowTiesAreCool I’m assured it a complete remake of Shadows Of The Templars so im assuming it’s the former 🤞🤞🤞🤞 that music is just… I have no words… magical fits for me. Takes me back to being 13 again 😂
Can't wait to stream this on my channel after Plucky Squire!
@johncalmc Hi John. Does this begin where the original game begins or does it now include the prologue that was added for The Director's Cut?
Does the music sound clearer than in the original PC game?
Absolute Classic i haven't played in 30 odd years bought it today Looking forward too replaying it 😊
@BowTiesAreCool It's the original. They Director's Cut Nico opening is not here.
@VenomUK so funny how everyone is asking the same thing. I hated the Director's Cut opening too 😂 it's the original, as it was back in '98. Paris in the fall etc. Same music. Same cutscene - only much prettier.
Yes they've improved the audio mix I think. On the original there were some parts where the music was either too loud or too quiet and that's not really the case now, at least not on my setup.
@johncalmc “ Yes they've improved the audio mix I think” excellent, there were loads of lines of dialogue here and there that were too muffled/not mixed right. I forgot how much I loved the music, too!
@johncalmc As it was back in 96 you mean 😅
@Angelus3K it was '98 on PlayStation which is the version I played. Always forget it came out two years earlier on PC!
Just played the opening. I forgot how magical this game is. A soon as i heard "Paris in the fall" it took me back to 96. What an absolute belter of a game. One of the very best! Its great to see the love for it here too. The voices are a little fuzzy tho 😦
@johncalmc i think you are wrong mate. 99% sure it was 96
EDIT- Wiki also states Dec 96 for PlayStation 🤷
EDIT AGAIN- UK was 96 US was 98
@Kidfunkadelic83 oh it might have been 96 then. Even worse. Nearly 30 years ago. Good lord 😂
@Ward_ting I wish Curse of monkey island would get the same treatment as Broken Sword! Shame Revolution can't buy that ip and source code etc and give it the same treatment!
If anyone has played my game Trails and Traces on PSN (or xbox, switch), this game was a huge inspiration. (I was never going to come close to it's brilliance, of course.)
I have yet to play any of this series and I still have Broken Sword 5 in my backlog, so I'll probably wait to get this until after I do play that one. I'm glad this turned out to be great though.
@BecauseBecause I've played that game!
@johncalmc Awesome! And thanks for playing! I did another game after that, a comedy detective game, but it's only on PC - Detective Boiled-Hard.
I really wanna play it but I can’t justify spending £29.99 on a game I’ve already beaten many times before on many different platforms.
@johncalmc i know brother. Scary when you think where the time has gone, eh? Glad i was born in a era where i got to expierience classics like this for the first time tho.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Definitely! I'll tell you what's super noticeable playing this version of the game - the load times. The load times for Broken Sword on PS1 were absolutely catastrophic, and any time you had to go from one screen to another and then another - like the last puzzle in Ireland, for example - it took an age. There's a bit in the hospital where it jumps between cutscene and dialogue repeatedly, and I suddenly got flashbacks to playing it on PS1 all those years ago and how it would have to do a load between each transition and it was so annoying.
I know it's not loading Horizon Forbidden West here, but it's cool for people who played it on PS1 to have it as intended here. Lovely stuff.
I finished the GBA version of this one back then.
No Director's Cut content, no buy for me personally. Even if some people didn't like it, it does add some backstory to the game.
Let's just wait 1-2 years and they will add it back in as dlc.
It was already the best game of all time. Now it looks absolutely glorious too.
@BecauseBecause A remastered Curse of Monkey Island would be fantastic! I replayed the entire series before Return came outand Curse would look fantastic with higher resolution and some polish!
@sanderev Given that I don't think Revolution have done DLC for any game in their entire existence, I wouldn't hold your breath.
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