If there's one thing developer Fishlabs knows well, it's space combat and exploration. Despite little previous experience with PlayStation hardware, its PS5 debut Chorus shares many similarities with its long-running mobile series Galaxy on Fire. As a result, Chorus is a confident first stab at a high profile release for the team, displaying stunning visuals, slick combat, and an intriguing cast of characters.
The game follows Nara, a highly skilled pilot haunted by her past demons, who must navigate an open-world asteroid field with her sentient ship 'Forsaken' in order to defeat an organisation known as The Circle. As you explore the vast yet pleasantly accessible environment, you’ll fight hordes of enemy ships and gain new weapons and abilities to assist in your endeavours.
Accessing new abilities is accomplished via temples scattered about the open world. You’ll start off the game with the ability to scan your environment for clues and items, but you’ll soon gain access to new moves like teleportation, which lets you instantly warp behind enemies, giving you a clear shot on their shiny backsides.
Weapons look great and feel incredibly responsive and powerful. You’ll start with a gatling gun that has a superb rate of fire, and this is reflected wonderfully in the DualSense's haptic feedback. You'll unlock new weapons as you progress, like a laser gun and javelin missile launcher, and you can upgrade all of your weapons and ship capabilities through purchases at the 'Enclave' hangar.
Although the basic storyline may be largely nonsensical, you'll come across a nice selection of characters to assist on your travels, all of whom are fully voice acted with their own minor backstories. Nara and Forsaken often exchange pleasantries, but their conversations can sometimes come across a bit clinical, and would have benefited greatly from a bit of added humour.
Comments 37
This was a day 1 for me before but this review solidified my decision. Nicely done!
I don’t get why physical copies of this one are cheaper than the cost on PS Store… it happened with Hot Wheels too!
Combat in this is amazing. Story, especially the overused “hushed” dialog, can be annoying. But this really may have the best space combat I’ve ever played and that alone makes it worth suffering through the story. 8/10 for me. Combat: 10/10.
Sigh... **opens wallet**
I’m actually rather interested in this. I played Galaxy on Fire to death on mobile back in the day, at this looks pretty cool.
@awp69 Damn, now I REALLY want it!
@KorsaRaph Strange, right? I bought Hotwheels Unleashed physical today for £22.99. I saw this too, but went with the toy racer instead.
@KorsaRaph Must be a UK thing, they're priced the same over here (I'm in Poland).
I saw the trailer a couple of weeks ago but wasn’t sure what the game really is about.
Luckily it turned out as a classic space shooter.
Just read all the reviews today and ordered the game for Ps5.
I had a lot of fun with Rogue Squadron and looking for another game like this. I also wanted to support a German development team because we don’t have a lot of them with good games here
30 fps is a deal breaker. I’m sure in a month or so it’ll be fixed and made 60 fps. Then I’ll consider it
This kind of thing is very niche.
If I didn’t already have a few games I’m playing through and Halo just a few days away I’d be picking this up, the gameplay looks fantastic. Also, since I just finished the book Cytonic I really want to play a space game that makes me feel like Spensa!
@kingbreww The game is set to 60fps performance mode by default. You can switch this to resolution mode, but the frame rate will take the hit.
Nice. Love Space shooters. Saw they have a PC Demo also.
This is a sure thing for me, just to support and hope we get more of these.
@Olliemar28 60 Fps for sure in this game.
Is there a day-1 patch already been released?
@Olliemar28 yehhh, that’s also a deal breaker. You can have great graphics but slow frame rate. Or high framer rate but Ps4 style graphics. Not what I bought a Ps5 for. I can wait till that’s fixed or for games that don’t do that
No, canadian price. I don’t get it, 14$CAD more for digital.
The commentary are good here… the criticd recommend rating is rather low ok opencritic, I think I’ll wait!
@kingbreww it kinda sounds like you shoulda maybe waited a few years to buy a PS5.
@GalacticBreakdown nahhh. It plays games so well though. Fast, higher frame rates and graphical upgrades too
Fair review, will pick this game up when it's 50% off or cheaper.
@kingbreww lol yeah no, I'm with you on all that. I really do wish I could find one. I'm def a lil bit jealous of those who have one but it sounded like maybe your expectations were high of new games like this. But fair enough, everything you just said I agree with. Everytime I get a load screen on my PS4 Pro, I want one just a bit more.
@GalacticBreakdown yeh you’re right, my expectations are higher than a mother f***er lol
@kingbreww hah well good then. Fair.
@oconnoclast native 4k at 60 fps is enough for me which it can easily do and has already done. Let alone what will be possible in the next few years cos as you know when you look at the first years games on a new generation compared to even 2-3 years later the difference is massive. So my expectations are on par with reality atm but in the next few years they will be surpassed 👌
My pre-order just this minute turned up.
Looking forward to this.
@kingbreww with every generation there will be an „issue“. You can’t have it all on a console that’s build with a price tag in mind that fits for a huge audience. If native 4K, 60-120 fps and/or Raytracing is so important for you, then there is a good gaming platform for you… called PC.
Furthermore please take a look on the Insomniac Games. Spider-Man and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. These are stunning in the rt performance modes with 60 fps. No native 4K but you won’t notice a huge difference because of the fantastic upscaling.
@oconnoclast I won’t stick too much on all these numbers. Especially native resolution is not so important anymore with high class upscaling. Just look at the pc, even there DLSS is a huge topic.
I’m sure we will see some fantastic graphics on the ps5 in the next years - it won’t be a lot of native 4K/60 stuff, but like it said, don’t stick too much on all these numbers and simply enjoy gaming.
Currently nearly all the games are cross gen titles. Developers have to consider so many different systems, graphic modes… it’s nearly impossible to really focus on the new hardware.
This will change when the old gen will be dropped for newer games.
@Reeneman native 4K or even checkerboard 4K and 60 fps is important to me, which is why I bought a console capable of achieving that, obviously
@kingbreww I understand what you're saying but I think, first and foremost, it's best to buy a console for its games.
@kingbreww but are really able to notice a difference?
I have a Lg E9 with 55 inches (even with 65 it won’t be much different).
I did a lot of testing with Rift Apart and Miles Morales and wasn’t able to see a huge difference between the resolution of all the graphic modes.
@oconnoclast for sure. There will always be some small visual downgrades in the performance modes. But that’s how it is. It’s the same on pc where you can get more fps or higher res when you decrease the details.
Currently I play Guardians of the Galaxy. Performance mode here is hard with only 1080p - but here as well, it’s not a gamebreaking issue to play the game only in 1080p. I think we should get 1440p here but we don’t.
Same problem - so many different system and not enough time for the default to really optimise for each system.
@hypnotoad 100%
@Reeneman I have a Samsung Q95t and the difference is night and day
@kingbreww which games do you mean exactly?
@KorsaRaph yeah, can't say it looks more than middling to me from gameplay vids i saw up to now, need see more of it maybe.
Many youtube gameplays make games look boring though, even if the game can be great so idk yet.
It's good but it's no Returnal.
Having said that, Returnal is the best.
Need more games like this.
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