Remakes can be somewhat of a touchy subject nowadays. While many are welcomed with open arms, others can have their very existence called into question. There isn't too much of a middle ground between the two extremes, so EA must have been elated to see Dead Space fans jumping for joy when it announced the 2008 survival horror classic is coming back on PS5. Fast forward roughly 18 months and EA Motive is ready to release what has been pitched as a faithful retelling of Isaac Clarke's nightmare aboard the USG Ishimura. The final game proves that to be true.

Dead Space in 2023 is almost exactly the same as you remember it from 15 years ago; the story of the Marker remains, every classic weapon is back — some better than ever — and the haunting atmosphere that made the spaceship one of gaming's most memorable settings hasn't gone anywhere. The developer has remained incredibly loyal to the source text, instead choosing to expand on what was already there rather than take anything away.
As you explore the ship's dark, blood-soaked hallways, you'll start to notice new mechanics here and there, like side quests and a simple security clearance system that introduces some light Metroidvania elements. Incorporating the fact the tram system now allows you to return to previous areas instead of locking places off after chapter completion, you're given a lot more freedom to explore the USG Ishimura.
This opens up the possibility for those optional missions to be far less restricted to your general vicinity. While some are tied to plot progression, the game can now be more open-ended than the marker you put down to guide you to the next objective. These voluntary assignments are more than worth doing, providing fans of the original game with new content and context as well as the chance to grab some sweet loot.

Other obvious changes that enthusiasts will notice include free movement during Zero-G, ported back into the first title from Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. Some of the more notable sequences in the original title, like the infamous asteroid blasting turret section, have then been replaced with entirely new set pieces. Be thankful of the fact your blood won't have to boil anymore over keeping your shields above 50 per cent for a Trophy.
Changes aren't always for the better, but what EA Motive has done with Dead Space feels additive instead of reductive. Virtually everything you remember from the survival horror classic remains intact, only it's been enhanced with new content and other ways to interact with it. If you're looking to plough through the campaign with only the trusty Plasma Cutter by your side, you can. If you're looking to take part in a bit of Zero-G basketball, you still can. This is definitively the best version of the game there's ever been.
What's especially pleasing is how the graphical upgrade going from PS3 to PS5 hasn't taken anything away from the blood-curdling tension of Dead Space. It knows when to throw a Necromorph at you; it knows when to trick you into thinking an enemy is crawling around in the vents, only for nothing to ever appear. It still gradually begins to play with your mind, incorporating hallucinations and speech without an obvious source.
The biggest difference between the PS3 and PS5 versions, though, is, of course, the visuals. Dead Space now looks leagues ahead of what EA achieved on Sony's third home console, but that's not to say it impresses for today's standards. In fact, it's graphically where the remake disappoints the most. Compared to The Last of Us: Part I — another PS3 to PS5 remake — Dead Space looks notably average. It could probably pass as a late-gen PS4 title, and that's even on the 30fps Quality Mode. It's quite surprising EA didn't bother with versions for the previous generation of systems because, on a purely visual level, it wouldn't look out of place.
Wandering the USG Ishimura and going about our business, rarely were we taken aback by impressive spectacles or detailed scenery. We'd recognise the locations from our playthroughs on PS3 and reminisce through nostalgia-tinted glasses. However, there's just not enough visual splendour to where Dead Space justifies itself as a current-gen only game. That's disappointing.
What's worse is the Quality Mode doesn't offer a locked 30fps. Frame rate drops are quite common — especially when there are multiple enemies on screen — so the action can become a little hard to follow at times. The Performance Mode offers 60fps, but the graphics take a significant hit as compensation. It's an upsetting situation to be in because as a remake, you want the game you remember so fondly to shine at the best resolution possible. No matter which mode you pick in Dead Space, you'll always be compensating for something.

It comes as a letdown because the game itself is still great. While the environments are rather small compared to today's standards, the general gameplay loop still more than holds up 15 years later. Scavenging for ammo and resources from lockers, finding the right weapon to kill each Necromorph, learning what went down on the USG Ishimura through audio and text logs. For as much as we're disappointed by the look when stacked against modern titles, it's still a thoroughly enjoyable and intense game to play. Long-time fans will love revisiting the series' origins and newcomers get to experience a fantastic take on the survival horror genre for the first time.
The remake actually helps the original game better realise its one-shot camera approach — something it did long before God of War. There's not a single load screen in the title (unless you die), and with every single aspect of the HUD built into Isaac's suit, it feels really immersive to never have the camera cut or leave the action behind to load in assets. With the updated tram system, you'll now actually travel long distances inside its brown shell should you need to venture from one end of the ship to the other. It's a cool feature that, if anything, does it better than God of War Ragnarok.

If only the support for the PS5 DualSense controller was anywhere near as good. EA Motive has claimed every one of the mining tools turned weapons feels distinct through the use of haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, but that just isn't the case. Despite their different firing options, there's very little variety in the feel of the L2 and R2 buttons.
Haptic feedback does make the sequences when you're outside the USG Ishimura more immersive, as Isaac's thumping heartbeat dominates the soundscape, but these sections are few and far between. We were excited to feel the weight of Isaac's big stomping boot through the PS5 pad. What's there is the most tepid vibration imaginable. What a letdown.
Dead Space has been brought back in the most faithful manner possible. With the fantastic base experience still very much intact, EA Motive has expanded on it with new content, expanded areas, and more mechanics to help deliver on the vision the game's original creators had 15 years ago. Compared to more modern titles — and other remakes from a similar period — Dead Space disappoints with visuals that fail to justify why it's a current-gen only release. However, it's still a great game to play in 2023, and new quests and mechanics provide more than enough reason to go back to a survival horror classic.
Comments 109
Funny how previews always say it looks astounding, and ds5 was supposed to be so well implemented.
Agreed that many games only on newgen seem like they could run on a ps4.
I knew it would get a decent score. It's dead space. But.. it's still the same game for me, and while I was literally infatuated with the original, I'll probably pass until it drops in price and they squash any issues. I'll definitely play it, but maybe at the end of the year.
Look forward to playing it.
I’ve played about 30 mins and agree on the visuals. I mean it’s lovely, but I don’t think it’s something that requires only a PS5; the steep drop in fidelity on performance is disappointing. It’s no Callisto Protocol on the visual front (though that was decidedly mediocre as a game).
Dead Space was always a little overrated, imo. It never was truly scary to me, and the "unpredictable" AI was anything but. The gunplay was fun and made for some tense encounters, but that wasn't enough to bring it above a 7.5 for me.
Thanks for the honest review. I always knew this was a likely pass for me but this solidifies it until its significantly discounted. As this is largely a visual upgrade. To hear the visuals are not necessarily current Gen, and yet the performance and visual options are as if it is.
How long did it take to you to run through this version?
So glad this is reviewing well. Dead Space 2 remake here we come!
I'm definitely hyped. Been a long, long time since I've played Dead Space.
A little disappointed about the visuals but still looking forward to playing tomorrow.
@Jtheripper right? Marketing for them pre release and then honesty post release.
Nfs unbound was the same when they said you could turn off the toon scribbles.
This is where the conflict of interest and credibility take a hit when your revenue is dependent on review code access and marketing....
"Poor DualSense controller support"
I'm gutted. If any game needed full DS support...
I guess that means I'm going to buy The Callisto Protocol after all.
This doesn't seem to bring much new experiences for returning players.
Interesting that other reviewers are glowing about the visuals. Guess I’ll have to judge myself. 88 average with 48 reviews so far on OpenCritic. Can’t wait to play it!
“like the infamous asteroid blasting turret section, have then been replaced with entirely new set pieces”
Sold 😂
My copy was dispatched today. Can’t wait to get stuck in 😁
Long live single player. Long love survival horror.
It looking like a late PS4 game is fine with me. PS4 games still impress me. Games like Days Gone, Shadow of the Colossus and The Order: 1886 look amazing in my eyes.
@awp69 if you set your expectations for Callisto Protocol extremely low, you might enjoy it. I thought it was awful and I usually love sci-fi / horror games. The gameplay ruined it sadly.
@ThaBEN Word of caution - Callisto's campaign is about 6 hours, and has no incentive to return either!
article stating dual sense has extra bits.
reviw puts it as a negative.
Well it sounds like I should play on PC if I get it, I never actually played the original of this despite being a survival horror fan and with RE4 on the horizon I'm in no rush to get this either, perhaps I'll just play the original as it'll be much cheaper
My copy shipped out today, so it should be here tomorrow on release. 60fps all the way.
The biggest disappointment to me is the lack of gyro support, but I'll have to do without it. I've had Dead Space for years on 360, but I only played it one time.
So this will be a pretty fresh experience for me. With lights off, headphones on, and an OLED display!
Between Dead Space & Goldeneye, this is going to be a great weekend!
I'm a bit surprised to see the visuals seemed to be the biggest con. It looks great from what I can see and that's with YouTube compression. Oh well if that's the biggest issue with it then it sounds like a winner! I'll get to it sooner or later.
Will get it on sale some day.
Yesterday: Dead Space PS5 Uses DualSense to Deliver a New Dimension of Dread!
Today: Poor DualSense controller support
@fluggy @stvevan I didn't write that article.
I'm surprised you guys weren't impressed with the detail added to the environments, from where I'm standing (*sitting) it's astonishing how much detail they've added. Agree with most of the review otherwise.
Great to hear it's good (currently 90 on Metacritic from 38 reviews) Looking forward to playing it once the price drops as I've played it many times before.
@LiamCroft Are the visuals a disappointment generally or is it because Calisto Protocol, for all it's faults, looked insanely good?
I only ask because from the screenshots (which don't give the full picture) it looks lovely.
@LiamCroft not blaming you.
just meant its a shame it didnt work as they said
Honestly how could this be anything less than a 8/10, it’s Dead Space.
Instead of them remaking Dead Space 2 like I’ve seen people want, I really hope EA Motive utilize this foundation they built for a Dead Space 4
@themightyant I just found them disappointing in general, really. Compared to other native PS5 games, I don't think it stacks up all that well. It looks fine, completely passable. But when you're putting out a PS5-only remake, where one of the most important things is the visual upgrade, I think it could look quite a bit better.
@themightyant From what I'm seeing on most reviews is that the visuals are actually great. Plus in all the gameplay videos I've seen myself the visuals look phenomenal.
Interesting difference of opinion over on the review
"Also of note is that the Ishimura is now looking like the most beautiful rustbucket covered in dead tissue abominations you’re ever likely to see. Yes, it’s probably darker than it needs to be at times, but the visual upgrade of the place is absolutely stunning. Better yet, the memorable areas of the original are largely kept the same in terms of design, and really show the best of the visual overhaul in action."
"The haptic feedback is different depending on the weapon, and so are the adaptive triggers. Much like Returnal, there’s an almost sickeningly sweet feel to every round fired, and it almost feels like it was designed to make you forget that ammo wasted is death brought forward. The Pulse rifle used to be a favorite of mine in the original games, but here it has a punch to it that has to be experienced to be believed. Part of that is the kick haptics and adaptive triggers bring into its rate of fire, but the way it strips away at Necromorph flesh is a disgustingly wonderful sight indeed.
The Force Gun though? It’s basically Dead Space’s equivalent of a shotgun and it is ridiculous. It absolutely obliterates foes at close range, and its secondary fire is a gravity well that pulls nearby enemies into a small space, allowing you to finish the fleshy feckers off with a hearty blast from two feet away. I love a good video game shotgun, and Dead Space’s Force Gun is up there as one of the most satisfying variations on it."
@LiamCroft That's fair, the bar is crazy high these days.
I'm a simple man..I see an EA product and skip it
Reads a little bit like, ‘TLoU Remake was unfairly dumped on by the majority of the gaming community and the reception to the Dead Space Remake has been way more positive and we don’t think it deserves so much praise because: nitpick, nitpick, nitpick.’
So far so good then on reviews with an average of 8s and 9s. Gonna watch and read half a dozen more later this evening and decide later tonight. Most likely will tomorrow as its reviewing much better than Callisto Protocol did and I need a decent horror game. A little disappointing reading its performance and graphics ain't the best but shouldn't ruin the experience at all
Read a bunch of reviews now and this is the only one that was disappointed in the visuals. All the others are lavishly praising them. Oh well, all in the eyes of the beholder I suppose. Will see what my eyes think.
No mention that his girlfriend has clearly had a tough 15years? Like me, she hasn’t aged that well.
You are truly hard to please on every level. Every other reviewer praising the next-gen visuals.
The Internet is great. You can read more than one opinion of a game before you buy.
N.i.c.e. a 8 is a really good score.dead space is a classic.and dead space remake looks cool.dead space is one of the best games ever made.word up son
Rarely ever preorder these days, I must see reviews first, that's why the Internet is so good on reviews. Unless it's something like RE4 remake where I have to physically own it for my massive physical RE collection
damn those three cons. What’s the haptics like can you feeel the carve
As with the last of us, i simply refuse to pay full price for a remake. Will grab this when it comes down in price.
Glad to hear that it's kept its tense atmosphere. I loved being on edge at every distant clatter and bang.
@Toypop Just sayin' , but you're missing out by skipping this one. GREAT game, especially if you've never played the OG!! Possibly the best in it's genre ever. And Gotham Knights was quite fun too. I played through that on PS5 to 100% completion on the trophy stack and never got bored of it. Callisto Protocol is a particular taste though for sure.
Also, and I'm asking in genuine curiosity, what is it with frame rates that puts people off SOOOO much that they'll skip a game outright and miss out on a possibly very enjoyable experience? And I'm saying this as someone who, again, played Gotham Knights a LOT and only ever noticed very, very few and only slight frame rate dips, which was, IMHO, nothing that detracted from the gameplay or overall enjoyment of the game in any significant or meaningful way. Again, curious to hear your perspective.
@Jtheripper Nah it's time to move on from last gen. PS5s are a lot easier to come by now.
Not impressed! I was expecting something like RE1 or 2 Remake!
@Michael2008ish tell your friends if they visit the argos or Game website, they are literally available to buy right now.
Slight Spoiler Alert.
I remember the original DS had an ending that literally scared you right up until the final moment of the game, was brilliant lol - dunno how that can be topped.
I refuse to get this because I'm still obsessed with Forspoken
@NB-DanTE couldn't agree more...if you go through the efforts of a remake it better look as good as Demon's Souls, this is early PS4-level graphics
getting it for PC so i can have a real next gen experience with it
Received my copy today. I couldn't point it down but yes, something is amiss with this remake and that's the wow effect. The graphics and smooth gameplay are good, but somehow not good enough. I'm especially disappointed by the poor dualsense support. There isn't even rumble on the footsteps and since those are heavy sounding that would've been a great thing to have.
Dualsense support is the only thing swaying me to PS5 ports of cross-platform games, and I'm rarely swayed to PS5 as a result 😑 What a bummer it wasn't handled better on this game.
@RoliePolie91 As much as I would love for them to remake DS2, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. This teams next game is Iron Man which is at least another 3 years out, and that’s if we’re being optimistic.
Reading that there may be some VRS issues causing the image quality to be not as good on PS5 vs PC/XSX. Hopefully it’ll be fixed in a patch.
From Digital Foundry’s John Linneman:
Also might explain differences in opinions on graphical quality depending on which version the reviewer used.
Hopefully they can patch in a Dual Sense patch. Looks like it’s 30FPS/4K/with RT, and 60FPS/2K/no RT. 60FPS for me all day long
😃 @neonpizza, we need 120/4K/RT! PS6 baby! (I can but dream)
@CrispyMango92 That's true. All EA cares about is money though. If it sells they'll keep it alive. Wouldn't take as much work as DS1 remake if they build off the bones of it.
@awp69 yeah this can make an impact. VRS, really is lame. All the more reason this isn't worth the price to entry until sales.
@neonpizza, yeah, I know what you mean, I just don’t have the energy for PC builds anymore. I built my last machine for Doom 2016 back in the day (1080ti which still does the job for what want). Built my first one from the ground up for the original Unreal!😉.
Plus I’m addicted to trophies😂
@scoobdoo My problem isn't the graphics but the game being mostly a graphical upgrade... Seen multiple reviews and none showed any significan changes to call it a remake it's pretty much TLOU "remake" Demon Souls situation... The later kinda justified because the original was quite old and the performance was potato!
@JP80 Im not going to skip this one but can't blame you. 🤣
@NB-DanTE Still Demon Souls is one of the best looking games on PS5 and it ran so great i loved every second of the 160 in put in the 3,5 walktroughs. 😅
Sounds like they optimized it too death to put on some new paint. Almost always going to be an issue with remakes unless completely rebuilt from ground up. Then why not just make a sequel/prequel, or whatever? IMHO this remake/retrograde phase of gaming is getting a little tiresome.
@neonpizza For the €2200 I have the console and a ton of games so im good.
@JB_Whiting Is it anywhere near Demon Souls? I loved how that remake was handled.
This generation is so weird… PS5 graphics are great on some games but when I buy a PS5 dedicated game I expect Demon’s Souls levels of graphical quality. Even Death Stranding’s PS5 upgrade is of note.
Those two games continue to be a high water marks in expectations.
It’s disappointing to read it looks like a late PS4 game.
Last, please don’t get me wrong- I do not buy games for graphical prowess alone but I do expect some actual next-gen fidelity to warrant the purchase I made.
Oh well. Still buying but just wanted to unload that.
Will be playing it as soon as I get home tomorrow evening. I'm off for the weekend so I'll have plenty of free time for once to enjoy it.
Love the way people come here and brag about their stupid PC. I mean this is a Playstation website not a PC gaming site :/
I have a gaming PC too but I like Playstation for its convenience. Sometimes I don't always feel like tinkering with my Nvidia RTX graphics card to get the "real next gen experience" if you even want to call it that, what does that even mean anyway? eyeroll
I'll wait for it to come onto ps plus extra. Next year.
I've played the original back then and if the visuals arent up to much then why bother paying full price.
I must admit I saw an advert on YouTube before and I actually thought it doesn't look great glad people like it though and aren't bothered.
But for myself if its a next gen only game and the visuals aren't at top notch for a remake then ill pass for now.
@Michael2008ish you're quite mad if you think Demon's Souls could be released as-is on the PS4
@Flaming_Kaiser No, I don't think it does. It doesn't really improve on much at all. If anything, I find the controls to be too erratic, too sensitive; I haven't found a happy medium yet. Where as DS was just.... just PERFECT, like, a proper improvement on everythin.
This is gorgeous, no doubt, but everything is too smooth, too shiny; the grit and grime has been removed. It's highly polished but I feel like part of its identity has been scrubbed out. Like I said I'm only a short way into it and overall it is still a solid experience... but that's because the template of the original is so, so strong.
I should also add - if you have access to VRR then fidelity mode is viable - it's quite smooth and feels like it hovers around 40fps; but really, the PS5 should be able to handle 120fps for this, it's Frostbite after all and not exactly pushing the console to its limits.
@KaijuKaiser I’m gonna have to agree with you. You can tell things are just being held back by…something. You’re likely correct, it’s at least one of the reasons.
@Jtheripper O wouldn't be entirely shock if EA only did this game so that it could devote developer time to updating it internal engine to run on PS5 without taking developers of their money makers like Fifa.
@NB-DanTE I don't think you know what a "remake" is then if that's what you think
@KaijuKaiser That explains third party games. Not so much even first party games are still limited.
I think the problem is at the moment is that to truly move on to the next era of graphics will truly require a substantial changes in game studios production pipeline and reworking an rebuilding of their game engines. That takes time and investment. PC might also be holding companies back, PC gang wasn't happy when it was suggested that forspoken might require nvme m.2 hard drive.
@Michael2008ish ratchet and clank rift apart couldn't be done one PS4 as IS. You could redesign it to run on that console, an remove the ray tracing but as is it couldn't run on PS4.
Hmm, with the original still available on Xbox Series X (with Auto HDR benefits), it makes me wonder if getting the remake is even worth it.
The original still looks and plays well!
@KundaliniRising333 Pretty much every review except this one says the visuals are great.
This is like 1 of 5 reviews I have read, that says the graphics arent very good. All the others talk highly of it.
Reading through comments relating to the graphics I think people are expecting too much from the current systems. You just aren’t going to get the graphics you seem to be expecting especially when gamers are requiring 60fps as the minimum.
@Nepp67 I will call it a remake if you want but with I'll add safe and lazy! The only people that seems putting the work are the art department guys!
@Michael2008ish perhaps if you changed your sentence to 'love for Demon's Souls' then you have your answer: Because the game is great and people will pay to play an updated experience for a GOOD game regardless if it was janky or not. I love DeS Remake and I love the original
To be fair this is literally the only review which says the graphics aren’t on point.
Can’t find anything about it on any other review I’ve looked at.
I don't know if I'm just being too critical on the visuals, but maaaaan. Everything looks really muddy and jagged on performance mode. Some things even look straight up bad.
That's really my only gripe so far.
EDIT: Yeah these graphics are ass! I don't know if it's because I'm playing on a 1440p monitor (none of my other games look this muddy), but even still the environments should not look like the original Borderlands while I'm playing on PS5. Regardless, it's still pretty good.
Awesome. Just got back from the store with a copy for the Xbox Series X, just waiting for it to install. Wasn't overly excited when the game was first announced because it's another remake but as we've gotten closer to today I got more hyped and reviews like this and from a couple other sources I trust have me really looking forward to playing it.
@Constable_What no you're not being too critical, it looks muddy and early PS4-era if we're being completely honest
@scoobdoo i agree it does look a lot like an early PS4 game. It has to be some kind of bug with the dynamic resolution tool. Even with performance mode off it doesn't look great though...
Pretty disappointed with the graphics.
I had this on PS3 back in 2008 and it was great.
It's so much better now in 4k and with the Atmos cans.
9 outta 10 for me.
@NB-DanTE A developer is safe and lazy for making a faithful remake to the original? Uhhh... sure whatever you say.
@JB_Whiting Demon Souls was a eye opener so much fun and souplesse and great looks i loved it. Thanks for the response its appreciated.
@neonpizza I, have no issues with i love it im at a age where I want fun don't care about the best graphics.
If it looks and play good then I'm at piece i play so many pixelart games 2d and I noticed I just want to have fun.
I have more then enough LRG indie games that are a blast without the fantastic graphics and 120FPS. I played Demon Souls on 60 FPS and i played for 160 plus hours never has the idea that I was missing out on anything.
@Michael2008ish I don't have to make you like it I loved it and I don't give a F If others don't like it.
I play games for the fun of it not to confince anyone asi played the original and its even easier to love it even more a remake done right.
Final Fantasy 7R looks fantastic but it takes way too long and I lost interest and that was my favorite FF with Final Fantasy 8.
I have the dame with Skyrim a boring overhyped game to me and heaven for others and thats no problem we all have our favorites.
@Deoxyr1bose This. I think remakes became a hot item during the pandemic, (for obvious reasons) but I'm just ready for new IPs, or new chapters of staple IPs, instead of the same game, different paint. I'm definitely not paying AAA prices for that.
Looks decent, I'll pass and buy on sale maybe. Would have been a day one purchase if it had quality gyro aiming. I refuse to go back to thumbstick aim assist shooting after learning and playing with quality gyro aiming. When done right it is amazing faster, and more accurate for shooters on consoles. Even calisto protocol had it and it work decent for that game. Deathloop, Fortnite, Splatoon 3, BOTW, God of War Ragnarok have spoiled me with excellent gyro aiming experiences. I just can't buy a console shooter ir gane with aiming without it. I'm sorry but I can't. It's too good.
@Broosh I feel the same I was hoping for quality gyro aiming on ps5. That's my favorite way to play any kind of shooter omn console when it's done correctly. They just ignored it. I can't go back to thumbstick aim assist aiming. I refuse to spend money to be forced to play that way. I'll wait for a sale ir maybe never. Game looks great otherwise though.
Hopefully they figure out a way to disable VRS since that seems to be what is making the visuals worse on PS5 than others.
Loving it so far. The graphics won’t blow your mind, but the game looks really good, and plays well. Scary AF. I’m hooked. Again.
Been playing a few hours and really enjoying it so far.
I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something not quite right about this remake. I don't know if it's the graphics or the lighting or what but after playing The Callisto Protocol last year, that looked and felt more like Dead Space to me
I'm shocked this wasn't a 9/10. Either way I won't be buying the Dead Space Remake until it's $30 New or cheaper.
I like how you jump right back into your last save and there is no title screen similar to Returnal. I had to day 1 this game as Dead Space 2008 is one of favorites from that generation.
@Michael2008ish pathetic
I’m playing through this right now and I don’t get the criticisms of the visuals. The game is absolutely stunning looking.
visual being a letdown is astounding, it looks incredible. No way in hell this would run on PS4 either.
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