Deep Rock Galactic is a clever concoction of moreish gaming staples that makes you wonder why it hasn't been done before. Each co-op excursion is some combination of shooting down waves of enemies and mining or searching for resources, and it's a thoroughly enjoyable, highly replayable experience.
Playing as a group of up to four dwarves, you're tasked with toiling away on a hostile planet, chipping away at its natural materials for the titular corporation. Four distinct classes all bring something to the table with unique weapons and abilities, like the Driller's superior digging prowess or the Engineer's useful gun that fires platforms into walls. An optimal team brings one of each class down into the depths.

Those depths are randomly generated, entirely destructible caverns ripe with precious stones to mine and alien bugs to squash. There are many mission types that provide you with a couple of objectives, but you're left to achieve those goals with minimal guidance. Find your own way through the twisting caves, digging your own routes down, searching for minerals, setting up machinery, or whatever it might be. Enemies will spawn from time to time, disrupting your plans and causing chaos while you work. Once those boxes are ticked, it's a mad dash back to the drop ship to escape back to the hub — an interactive space station suspended above the planet.
That you're left to your own devices in levels that are often wildly uneven is some sort of evil genius. It's common to get a little lost, or fall down a chasm, or die in some ridiculous way, but it never feels like you're out of options — unless the entire party dies, you can always recover from setbacks. Of course, procedural levels mean there are some frustrating inconsistencies at times, and the environments themselves aren't particularly memorable. Still, the emergent gameplay from digging yourself into and out of trouble really shines through, especially playing with a group of friends.
The hordes of aliens can sometimes feel tough to deal with, coming at you from all angles in large numbers, but you're well equipped to deal with them. It's a well-balanced game, with skirmishes always feeling fraught but never insurmountable — as long as you remember to call in extra supplies. Depending on your class, there's some real firepower to toy with, like the Gunner's minigun or the Driller's flamethrower.
The core loop of digging, fulfilling objectives, and surviving attacks is constantly engaging and very addictive. It's absolutely at its best playing with two or three buddies, but a big server list means there are always plenty of other players to join. Some communication is lost playing with strangers, but from our experience, everyone seems keen to get on with objectives and utilise their classes effectively, so it's more than doable. Playing alone is possible, too — you're given a small droid to help you out in this case — but it's clearly built for co-op.
Aboard the hub ship, you can unlock character perks, weapon upgrades, cosmetic goodies, and more,with money earned from missions (and certain materials found within them). It means you steadily grow more powerful, and so can take on more lucrative, and more dangerous, tasks. The space is also one in which to wind down after a hard day's work; your party can fire up the jukebox and take to the dancefloor, order a round of drinks at the bar, play a barrel-kicking minigame, and more. These distractions serve little function, but it plays nicely into the game's likeable, humorous tone.

There's a lot to like about Deep Rock Galactic, although we did run into some rough edges during our time with it. As of now, joining other players is hit or miss, with requests to join servers failing about as often as they succeed, and sometimes dropping out anyway. Elsewhere, we found the hub to be quite confusing; there's a lot of stuff you can do, but it feels needlessly spread out, and it's difficult to remember where all the various terminals are. This would go away eventually if you play a lot and get used to the layout, but it's a bit more complex than it needs to be. The lack of crossplay between platforms also feels like a big missed opportunity.
With all that said, we've come away rather impressed with the game overall. There's a tonne of missions to enjoy, and that's without factoring in the free seasonal content that's recently been added. Despite any issues, the lasting impression is a well-designed, satisfying game with lots of potential for co-op chaos.
If you're looking for your next co-op addiction, Deep Rock Galactic could well be it. Brilliantly balanced character classes and engaging, emergent missions make for highly enjoyable underground antics, particularly with pals. Some networking issues and perhaps overly complex design decisions could frustrate, but it's a game worth sticking with for the moments where it all comes together. With replay value through the roof and satisfying gameplay at its core, this is one rock solid game to dig into.
Comments 29
@Quintumply so you'd say it rocks?
@theheadofabroom I would say that, yes.
So far so good, agree on all the cons specially on the no crossplay and solo play isn't as strong... other than that it's a great game.
Modern Dwarfare™
@Qu1n0n3z Cross play doesn't bother me anyway as I don't know anyone personally who will play this on xbox, and since like the majority of sales will be on playstation there will be a lot of people playing
@UltimateOtaku91 In my case I was hyped to play this with my XBOX friends and oh surprise! =(
@Qu1n0n3z is it on gamepass? If so you could always play on gamepass on your phone or tablet
Thanks for the review. Not really my thing, but thought it might be fun to play with my son. Would have been nice if the article mentioned if there was couch co-op (googled it, and looks like no).
@gavin_is_gavin Online only, I'm afraid!
@theheadofabroom it dwarves the other games
@Qu1n0n3z i don't want to be rude bro but you should have searched for crossplay first before being hype about playing with your friend, there is not crossplay even between steam and ms store on pc. But maybe now that the game is on ps and ps in most cases is the biggest community when it comes to online gaming they will work on crossplay.
@dudeAmarillo nah your are right, lucky for me it's not a big deal since there are plenty other crossplay games out there plus I can play with my PS friends and solo after all, hopefully they will add it later on as you mentioned.
Put a few hours into this over the last couple of days, great fun. I love the atmosphere as you descent deeper into the darkness, trying to survive the monster swarms.
That mad dash to the exit can often be really exciting as well. Don't get left behind!
Has a bit of that Helldivers DNA, but this is definitely easier to play and more enjoyable overall.
@LieutenantFatman Glad I'm not the only one noticing the similarities to Helldivers. I love that game and really hope that this game can fill the Helldivers shaped hole in my heart I've had for several years now.
@Odium I won't axe your opinion on Minecraft
@UltimateOtaku91 there’s a lot of people on PC
@UltimateOtaku91 "Majority of sales will be on Playstation..." lol for real? It's been out on PC and Xbox (as part of Game Pass, no less) for nearly 2 years. The vast majority of (current) players will likely already be on those platforms. Having cross-play for matchmaking is a huge miss, whether PS players personally know someone on the other platforms or not.
I'm all for trying things out and this might be one if a friend hits me up about it (seems unlikely) but whenever I see this game, nothing about it appeals to me whatsoever.
One of those games I add to my library from Plus and never play or even think about again in my life.
@lolwhatno We can dream!
@theheadofabroom You wouldn't want to pick a fight, would you?
I had a great time with this on PC, hopefully they iron out those network issues. Great active official Discord too with lots of dev updates.
@Mrmonopoly935 Ore what?
@theheadofabroom Just a warning. You never know who's anger might flare up, although you probably know the drill by now so I won't go too deep into it.
@Mrmonopoly935 I'm sure if people aren't digging the puns they've got bigger problems that dwarf this slight annoyance, no need to rune the fun for the rest of us.
@theheadofabroom I've gotta hand it to ya, these puns have been pure gold. Miner problem though... I'm starting to run out of rockin' word play. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for this one, so try and stay stone faced!
@Mrmonopoly935 There has been the odd gem hasn't there? Not sure I could have beard to stop before we've reached the mother lode.
i'll have to give this a go soon whilst listening to Wind Rose (metal band that sings about Tolkien dwarfs)
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