A war is raging on Heryon between an alien race and the native population, and from the opening moments of the game it’s obvious that things have not been going so well for the locals. Edge of Eternity’s protagonist, Daryon, is a young soldier who ends up deserting after his whole squadron is wiped out. He decides to return home to his family and sick mother.
Even away from the frontlines things are going badly, with a deadly disease known as the corrosion spreading amongst the civilians. Daryon’s sister is a priestess who thinks she might know how to cure their mother, so they set off together to try to find a way to stop the sickness.
While the story definitely opens with a bang it does seem to lose its way at various points. It also takes an awfully long time for it to circle back to the story threads that you see at the beginning and it never really answers many of the questions that it raises. It’s a shame as some of the characters you meet are highly entertaining, but the story really doesn’t do them justice.
Trying to find a cure will see you running around a large and absolutely beautiful world filled with ethereal looking flora and strange crystals. While the art direction is gorgeous to look at, some areas are just a bit too big, especially when you’re given quests which have you trekking back and forth across the same fields or through narrow corridors. Things improve slightly when you’re given access to an adorably giant cat to ride around on, but the world still feels too big and far too empty.
As you explore, you’ll come across plenty of fearsome creatures that are looking to take a bite out of you. The turn-based battles take place on hex-based grids which give fights a tactical feel. You’ll need to pay attention to where you and your enemies are positioned and how long it takes to activate various skills and magical abilities. Sometimes you’ll also have access to things like turrets or flame traps which you’ll need to defend against waves of enemies.
At times the combat system is pretty fun, especially when the battles have unique environmental aspects that you need to engage with. The problem is that many of the regular battles just feel longwinded, especially when you’re massively outnumbered and have to wait for every enemy to play out its turn. It also doesn’t help that for much of the game you’ll only have access to two party members, which makes these skirmishes quickly become repetitive.
For a game made by a small team it’s very ambitious — but that’s also the problem. Environments are far larger than they need to be, and the title struggles to load in textures and has a fair amount of pop-in. There are also loads of systems, such as party energy levels or crafting, which are never fully explained or seem to be particularly useful. What's more, tons of side quests just feel like busy work for the sake of it.
It definitely feels like developer Midgar Studio should have reduced the scope of both the story and some of the gameplay systems, because this may have allowed it to add more polish to the areas that work well. It’s a shame, as the game does have plenty of potential, but it’s a little bit too rough around the edges to fully enjoy.
Comments 25
I'll wait for it to come on sale, hopefully the devs will have pushed out a few updates by then.
Why do some small devs attempt these massive undertakings. Plenty of tight and memorable games out there by these kinda devs. A tight and smaller world, with a focused narrative and then some strong combat is what they should go for. Leave the massive worlds for bigger devs as even they seem to often get it wrong.
Reminds me of Biomutant. Both games tried doing too much without actually focusing on making the game fun.
Jenny do you think this lack of polish can be salvaged with updates?
I picked this up in the Steam sale at Christmas... Mediocre at best. Great music, sure (but they got the mighty Yasunori Mitsuda to help there), but that's all it has going for it. Generic boring fantasy and I don't know why they released it on PS5, it feels like it firmly belongs on PS4 and Vita, doesn't do anything special that only the PS5 can do. I'm two hours in and really don't care for it (as if you couldn't tell).
Played an hour last night and was underwhelming, it seems like they tried to make a final fantasy game but with 1% of its budget. When playing this you need to get in the mindset that you're playing a playstation 3 game and then it becomes bearable
When 2 out of the 4 Pros are great battle music and adorable cat mount, you know you are in for it.
@UltimateOtaku91 lmfao thanks maybe I can cope with it now.
I was really interested until I saw the combat system was some kind of ATB. I never liked those.
@Divergent95 Hey your avatars game is available on LRG physically soon finally.
@Flaming_Kaiser I know but thanks lol!
Dark Souls has nothing on Othercide.
I've been away from here for over a month as I wasn't feeling very well again (no it wasn't Covid again fortunately) so I didn't even know this was coming out. Anyway reading this Article this game sounds like a bad Tales game so it's a no from me.
@Divergent95 I enjoyed Biomutant personally but each to their own.
A so so story is usually a no no for me. Take the original version of Nier, truly forgettable gameplay however the story kept you hooked. Story is important to me.
EoE might be a sale game for me, when I have nothing else to play.
I expected the game to be this low sadly, will pick it up during a bargain bin sales in the future.
@JohntheRaptor I doubt they'd be able to fix it with updates tbh. There are some things that they could definitely tweak but it'd be a big task to try to change things like an empty open world or a story that loses it's way.
I think the developers have a roadmap of things that they want to add to the PC version (which I assume will also come to the console versions at some point) but it mainly seems to be end game content.
@Divergent95 Im going to get is it really that good it looked great but im a physical only customer. Thank god for LRG. 🤗
@Flaming_Kaiser It does get a bit repetitive for my taste, but if you want a challenging game with that dark/gothic horror atmosphere, I really recommend it!
I’m not too far in, so my opinion could change, but I’m liking it so far. I’m playing it on PS4 Pro and it has its fair share of technical issues, but the world looks interesting and the gameplay seems to get the job done.
Edit: Just over 5 hours in now and I’m liking it more and more. I love the look of the game world.
this will be free on ps plus at some point
Can't wait to Zouma around on the cat.
For someone who never play games like this (RPG anime adventure or arcade anime adventure like this and many more games from this genre) which game you will proposed to me to start with this genre of games which are good for beginners like me at this genre (of course only PS5 edition)?!
Thank's a lot and big regards from the Serbia 🇷🇸
@Divergent95 Well thats my LRG copy bought thanks for the info. 👍
Big and empty world? really? wtf? how many ours did you spend on the game? I'm closing 50 ours chapter 5 now and I really can't stop playing it! 5/10 is not fair and your arguments on the review are not justified. Yes the game needed more polish and it has some performance issues even on performance mode! But it's not an AAA title from a Sony Studio with unlimited budget! The game shines on World art and graphics, Story, music, tactical combat, and overall mechanics. The weapon's updates with rune's is brilliant. The world isn't just empty as you said, with your cat you can search every corner of it to find items, chest's and receipts for crafting to fulfill the fantastic crafting system and to build more powerfull weapons. User scores for the game on Steam are very positive for this game! and 89% of google users. wtf is wrong with journalist reviewers this days? Anyway....always check on them guys when a game interesting you. A reviewers opinion isn't a Gospel.
@Grey_Area give it some time right now is so buggy it's impossible to play
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