Capcom has been searching for a successful online shooter of its own for quite some time, and its catalogue is littered with misfires like Umbrella Corps and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City as a result. Exoprimal is the closest it’s come yet, delivering a breathless blend of hero shooter and horde mode that’s underlined by the Japanese publisher’s unrivalled penchant for tight, responsive gameplay. While it does take a little time to fully reveal its appeal, and is ultimately a little lightweight overall, there’s the foundation of a future smash hit here.

Surprisingly for a co-op focused multiplayer game, there’s also a story. It’s a little unwieldy, but it’s delivered in a tongue in cheek manner throughout, and depicts a near-future scenario where genetically modified dinosaurs are falling from vortexes in the sky and casually causing chaos. In response, a suspicious organisation named the Aibius Corporation has developed super soldier-style Exosuits and an artificial intelligence named Leviathan to help push back against the prehistoric threat, with the latter eventually going rogue.
The unhinged AI ultimately ends up creating a time loop, forcing humans to participate in Hunger Games-style Wargames in order to extract their combat data. Of course, all of this serves as narrative justification for the dino dispatching skirmishes you’ll be engaging in, although the cutscenes you unlock along the way are amusing and much better written than they have any right to be. As you complete matches you’ll unlock data points which you can then analyse in the main menu, slowly unravelling the plot and its various mysteries.
While the story is unexpectedly engaging, it’s the five-on-five battles that are by far the star of the show here. At its core, this is a waves-based shooter, with the twist being that you’ll be racing to complete your objectives against another team. Each match concludes with a final task, with both PvP and PvE options available. In the former skirmishes, you’ll eventually come into direct contact with your opponents, like when you need to transport a data payload from one side of the map to the middle, which naturally becomes the epicentre of an intense battle.

Combat plays out from a third-person perspective, and it’s snappy at 60 frames-per-second, with the Exosuits specifically feeling powerful but never weighty or overbearing. There are multiple characters across three main classes: Assault, Tank, and Support. This is where Capcom’s design chops really come into their own, because each option feels distinctive, unique, and, most importantly, fun. Even more impressively, the synergies between the different Exosuits add a layer of tactical depth that gives everyone on the team an important role.
For example, Krieger is able to summon a bubble-like shield on-demand, which can protect his squad from smaller, cannon-fodder dinos like raptors. Once inside that shield, the Witchdoctor can then drop a healing ring, allowing all teammates to safely replenish their health. As prehistoric pests gather and formulate on the outside of the shield, Skywave can launch a gravitational orb in their direction, bringing them all closer together, and providing the perfect opportunity for Deadeye to blow them skyhigh with a well-placed grenade.
Strategies like this unfold emergently, during gameplay, and as everyone begins to acclimatise to their role, you can really begin to steamroll. It’s here that the game throws unique challenges at you, like the larger dinosaurs, which break up your flow and force you to think on your feet if you want to survive. And this is without even mentioning the latter stage assaults, where opponent teams can commandeer dinosaurs in a last ditch attempt to push for victory. At its most chaotic, this is among the best co-op action we’ve experienced for quite some time.

The downside, then, is that it takes a long time for Exoprimal to really reveal the scale of its content – there are a lot of dinosaur types and even multiple maps, but you’ll need to push through around 15 to 20 matches (or approximately ten or so hours) before you really get to experience them. A handful of set-piece story missions are also introduced sporadically, but again take several hours to properly surface. If you have a low attention span, then you may be forgiven for thinking this is a one-trick Podokesaurus, but it’s not.
That said, the game is still a little on the lightweight side, and once you’ve tried all of the characters, your interest may start to wane. This is where the game’s post-release support is going to be key: it has the foundation for something that could catch on here, but it’s going to need to be nimble if it intends to retain interest. Crossplay – and, if we’re honest, a Game Pass launch – has meant matchmaking has been rapid for us since day one, but we could see the playerbase start to dwindle if the publisher doesn’t keep things fresh. Street Fighter 6 and Monster Hunter collaborations are coming, and ever-changing Savage Gauntlet missions aim to keep the gameplay fresh week-on-week, with new challenges and missions.

Potential long-term issues aside, though, this is another win for a publisher who can seemingly do no wrong: the action is fast and frenetic, the characters are all unique and interesting in their own way, and the presentation is clean and easy to read. By combining the best of hero shooters and horde mode, and then tossing hundreds of blood-hungry dinosaurs into the mix, Capcom has struck gameplay gold here.
A white-knuckle fusion of Overwatch 2 and Gears of War, the excellent Exoprimal is one of the best co-op shooters in quite some time. With a varied, entertaining roster of characters, all with unique playstyles and synergies, there’s tactical depth to this third-person shooter which only serves to make its pulsating prehistoric battles all the more rewarding. While it is a little lightweight at launch, and there will be questions over whether it’ll receive the post-release support required to ensure its longevity, there’s the foundation for something truly special here.
Comments 59
It'll be added to the live service graveyard in 12 months. Mark my word.
@KaijuKaiser Is it? I've seen lots of positive discussion online. I think it's a great game!
That sounds like a fair score but I would recommend playing it via game pass if you can. It's fun but not $60 fun
@KaijuKaiser Well for the most part, reviews are subjective*. Just because one reviewer dislikes it, doesn't mean that another reviewer will too, and vice versa. Review scores mean very little to me for this reason.
This is why I would never make a purchasing decision based off review scores.
There's plenty of games that review well that I don't like, and plenty of games that review poorly that I love.
*I say "for the most part" because sometimes games are almost unanimously disliked because they are objectively bad due to being broken or having dated gameplay, like Redfall and Gollum.
@get2sammyb @KaijuKaiser Since when is a 67 on Opencritic getting destroyed? I’d say 6/10 is the most common review I’ve seen. I’d personally say it’s a 6/10 or 7/10, depending on your mileage with mp 3rd person shooters. This is no Redfall, by any means.
@Ken_Kaniff sadly I gotta agree. This game will possibly lose its audience in 2 months once Starfield releases on game pass and won't last longer into next year most likely
I bounced off this one after 4 hours. It was way too repetitive for me. I did not like this game at all.
I just really wish it wasn't $60. This looks like it'd make a fun popcorn game for a weekend or two, but with how light on content it is and with so much F2P-style nonsense there's no possible way I'm paying $60.
@Somebody As I mention in the review, a little after where you got to it does start to become a bit more varied. I dunno why they wait so long to introduce the other stuff.
In all the reviews I've seen and read, not one has convinced me to part with my money, even if it was on PS Plus Premium or Extra day one I still wouldn't download it. My huge never ending backlog has far superior games to be always trying out and finishing. Not one for online shooters at all, even with dinosaurs and Sci fi involved. When I think of Capcom games I don't ever think of online shooters. All the powers to you if yous really enjoying it
@get2sammyb I uninstalled it already and moved on. I disliked pretty much everything about the gameplay and gameplay loop. Any later variety would have to overcome a lot and I have no interest in finding out if it does.
I did only play with one other friend and thought it might have been a little better with a full team but I am not going to recommend purchasing this game to any of my friends.
@Ken_Kaniff That depends on if the game doesn’t add any meaningful content or the developers don’t take player feedback seriously.
@KaijuKaiser A 6/10 is, in Pushsquare terms, not bad. A 7/10 is good. The majority of reviews I’ve actually read with regards to this game enjoyed the game, but highlighted that they feel it may lack legs with the amount of content is in the game. Grading for school and grading in games are different. After all, reviewing is subjective whereas school grading is grading for accuracy. Different concepts, but I understand your point
The beta was enough to let my friends and I know it's not for us but I'm glad someone out there enjoyed it.
Oh so eventually you do something different...was starting to wonder who's idea it was just to repeat the same mode and map over and over ...but in general the gameplay seems alright
How about a playstation version review. Since you said you have been playing it on gamepass
I played it on my brother’s Xbox with GamePass and it was pretty fun, albeit in short spurts due to the repetitive nature of it. Don’t think I see myself playing it outside of a few quick games.
I didn’t do any research on the game before playing so I thought it was going to have a co-op story and a horde mode. But no, it seems to be this weird “kill as many Dino’s as possible and then kill your enemy”… which just felt weird in a game where there are rifts of endless dinosaurs opening up for you to shoot.
It feels like the idea is silly fun but in execution it’s just a generic, more repetitive team shooter.
@KaijuKaiser It makes no sense to compare a game review score to educational grades - especially one in a single country. In the UK, 70% at GCSE level would be an A - and the questions would be different and of a different standard to US high schools, so you can't even compare one curriculum to another. Either way, that's grading children on information retention, not marking them on their graphics, gameplay and storyline. They're totally different things; it's like equating getting a Michelin star for your restaurant to getting a review score of 0 to 3.3 out of 10 because it's in the lower third of the possible range of Michelin stars.
@KaijuKaiser What? How is 63 or 67 near a failing grade? Is that an American thing? It's 40-50 in the countries that I've lived. (Not defending the game btw, I haven't really followed the discourse or played it)
@Razrye888 I played it on PS5. We never review any game not on PlayStation hardware — it's a site policy.
It's genuinely excellent, I've put in 26 hours and have had an absolute riot the whole time, but Capcom's terrible over-marketing that failed to paint the game in a good light and moronic decision to launch it at $60 is going to killing it (and IS currently killing it) in the crib.
The title made it seem like it'd score higher than what you gave it. 7? So about average of a game huh?
I'm having a blast playing this at the moment, it's very quick 10-15 minute games of killing hundreds of dinosaurs with some great variation in the character/style you can play with.
But yeah well worth a 7 at the moment with the repetitiveness, I imagine it will burn people out before the new modes arrive.
PushSquare dropped the ball on this one. I played it and this game is boring and repetitive within the first couple of hours. I feel bad for anyone who paid full price for this.
Metacritic User Score sits at 5.4 and Critic Score is 64/100. That's about right!
@gipsojo They dropped the ball because you dont agree with their opinion?
Personally more or less tired of live service games..
@gipsojo Well, as the review says, there's a lot more variety once you've played the game more than a couple of hours. However, as the review points out, it's a shame it takes so long to get going.
I don't think you'll be alone in dropping off and I do think it's a legitimate criticism. Which is a shame!
@get2sammyb Sounds like a fun game but I'll wait untill it's on PS Plus/free to play or a tenner it's just to much for a game like this.
@NinjaNicky Yeah that criticism never makes any sense and especially in a multiplayer game.
@Loamy I'll live a little at the right price €10 or free to play. It looks fun but not at this price if they released this at €30 it would have had more of a fighting chance on the PS platform.
Thanks for the review @get2sammyb a 7/10 is fair to the game. I’d personally give it an 8/10 as I’m really enjoying it, but I also think the game can grow into something better as the core gameplay and concept is good.
I think there has been a negative perception, especially amongst PlayStation gamers, because this game is being used as a weapon in the console wars.
Xbox gamers are obviously happy this game is on Game Pass. So as a result, PlayStation gamers have responded by pointing to this game and its lower review scores as proof that Game Pass is bad for gaming.
Ultimately, this game shouldn’t even be used in the console wars as it’s on both and should be championed by both sides if they love the game.
I hope other PlayStation based review scores aren’t affected by any saltiness over the $60 price tag. As you stated the price is a negative.
Not my type of game but hopefully it will do well for Capcom. If anything, I can try it out on Game Pass.
Capcom had to eventually drop the ball at some point considering how many well received games they released there will eventually be a dud.
@get2sammyb why mention gamepass? It's got nothing to do with the review
@MonkeyDLuffy19 this game is not a “dud”.
Anyone selling you that line is severely underselling this games quality. It sits above average on review scores and the core game is extremely solid.
In the long run this game will be great, but it should be free to play.
Sounds pretty much like most other live-service online shooters to me then: very fun gameplay-wise though light on meaningful content out the starting gate. I do hope Capcom does actually commit to Exoprimal unlike it's previous online endeavours as, like you've said, there's definitely immense amounts of potential for iterating on the base they've laid here.
Plus it gets us closer to the possibility an Ace Attorney crossover where robots that look like Wright and Edgeworth kill hordes of dinos with the power of finger points and quite frankly that sounds too amazing to pass up XD
Like any other live service game, I'll buy it when it's free
It’s an American thing. Over here below 68 I believe is a failing grade.
@Razrye888 Because it has cross-play.
If the game becomes a hit, it being on Game Pass means that there will be a big player base, because people on XBOX get the game “free” with their subscription. If it doesn’t take off, XBOX players will have no real reason to stick around, because they didn’t pay extra for it.
Those are big considerations for PlayStation players, who have to pay full-price for the game, so it is a completely relevant point to bring up in the review.
Definitely not into “Games as a service” style titles but something about this looks intriguing!
Also a huge fan of Capcom so that helps.
7 is too high for this thing. Hope Sony learns some lesson here to avoid developing online stuff like this. Give us some great story-based marvel plz
@get2sammyb you mean this one?
@KaijuKaiser people was to quick to judge it really opens up if you stick with it
@gipsojo I thought the same but if you stick with it it gets a lot better really opens up, it just takes some time getting there
I was about to give up with it but every one said stick with it gets better and I am glad I did I am enjoying it now currently I would give it a 8
@somnambulance I'd imagine Capcom would see it as being pretty would destroying at least, not their usual top tier percentages.
Personally I think it's fun it short bursts, but got bored really quickly.
Been playing it a fair bit on GP, its a fun game but yeah i can't see it having a long future.
@Razrye888 Well I was pointing out that there's a very healthy playerbase, but I've matched with very few people on PlayStation. The crossplay is a positive in this sense because clearly most people are playing the game through Game Pass.
For me, this will forever be "not Dino crisis".
@Deemo37 In the UK at least 70/100 is A/first/distinction. American students who would study in the UK and were used to getting 100s on their essays had a particularly hard time adjusting. I marked many essays over the years and all I can say is that those 100s really damaged their perception of grading, because their essays were good, but not great. Somewhere in the 50s in the UK.
If 60+ metacritic overlay score makes a game like this a good game (a $60 price game also available on GamePass).... then Destruction AllStars is also a good game when it was released 3 years ago then ($40 price game also available in PS+).
The first game I like in this horde genre.
As you continue in the story you unlock more modes (even if they are on 1 mode)
The random objectives are nice and the pvp is pure fun with some familiar mode like control, push.
Now let's move to the micro:
The only thing you can't get are some skins from the BP and more 3 skins from the starter pack (those skins are recolor of 3 skins)
Alot of skins to unlock by In game coins/boxes
*I paid for the deluxe edition on GP so I got the 3 skins to say they just recoler.
The players can get most of the skins for free, from lootboxes (getting by lv up), the BP not feel like a time grind and the cutscense are nice.
This is what OW"2" pve mode should be like.
Next week they adding separated pve mode.
Next month they adding variants for all the suits aka classes.
What I would like to see?
More modes to pick, even a nice round of 3 pvp objective one after one.
Am I think everyone should play it? Ofc not, this game is not for everyone and even I thought I'm not going to play it at the start.
If someone have pc/Xbox with game pass than try it, if you only have ps.. Maybe watching some players would help.
I think this review is fairly accurate. I personally like it more than a 7 but I think it's a fair score. Right now it's my most played game. It's a solid 8 close to a 9 for me.
I do agree with others it isn't worth full price though. If I were Capcom I'd have rolled it out at $40 and discounted from there - eventually heading to $20 in hopes I could go 2 years or so to free. Give everyone who bought it a set of skins or some other trinket.
So .. a Dino Crisis averted?
@KAPADO @Nem I still remember the youtube comments of people saying that this was a Dino Crisis remake or new DC game in disguise.
They were definitely in denial lol.
@KidRyan You know that had to be in the pipeline. The red hair was a major tease. They know what they are doing...these last few years.
> It'll be added to the live service graveyard in 12 months. Mark my word.
@Ken_Kaniff and now it's happening! Congrats!
@oc1d These games just don't hold an audience for long anymore if you're not one of the original live service games. The audience that wants these games are already in those ecosystems. They might dip there toes with these new ones, but it rarely ever last and these games end up in the live service graveyard. 🤷♂️
@Ken_Kaniff yeah exactly. It is a miracle to me why games like "suicide squad" get developed. It was SO OBVIOUS that this will fail when I saw the first gameplay a year ago. As you say, getting into that space is almost impossible.
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