Forspoken is one of the most hit-and-miss games we've played in a long time. For everything it does well, it fumbles something else, resulting in a fantasy adventure that's full of ups and downs. It's a game that feels a bit confused in terms of what it actually wants to be, chasing a AAA-style 'cinematic' story one minute and encouraging you to explore hundreds of open world map markers the next.
But first, the basics. You play as Frey Holland, a 20-year-old New York City squatter who hits rock bottom in the game's prologue. Saddled with a criminal record and hunted by thugs, Frey's escape plan literally goes up in smoke as the abandoned building she calls home burns down. She's basically got nothing left, but then she stumbles across some, er, magical jewellery, and is transported to another world named Athia.
Most of the meme-sprouting dialogue you've probably seen online occurs when Frey first enters this new realm. She's obviously desperate for answers and the 'Cuff' that's now attached to her right forearm has started talking with a sarcastic English twang. At first, our heroine just wants to go home — even though the prologue gave us no reason to believe there's anything other than misery back there — but as Frey journeys across Athia, she predictably develops an attachment to its people and their struggles.

We're not really sure why, though. For as brash and awkwardly negative as Frey can be — topped off with her frequent overuse use of f-bombs — she at least has a spark of personality. The same can't be said of... Well, almost every other character in the game. Athia is populated by some of the dullest NPCs imaginable, both in and out of the main story; think Dragon's Dogma, but with none of that game's inherent charm. These peasants, merchants, quest-givers, nobles, and haughty council members will bore you to tears if you let them.
Sadly, 'boring' describes much of Forspoken's storytelling as well. The game's riddled with badly paced and questionably directed cutscenes, as characters drone on and on about Athia's generic fantasy lore in an attempt to make Frey care about their plight — it's no wonder she's always telling them to f*ck off. And that's the central plot, by the way, complete with motion capture and actual camera angles. The rest of the game relies on frankly mind-numbing scenes in which static character models just stand there flapping their mouths for minutes at a time, complete with some bafflingly long pauses between voice lines.

These dialogue exchanges are so badly presented that they honestly put you off side questing. Forspoken has a huge problem with scene transitions, in that it's always fading to black for every little thing. Talk to an NPC, fade to black. Finish the conversation, fade to black. Go talk to another NPC to continue the quest, fade to black, repeat. It's endless, and it makes the game feel seriously disjointed. Add all of these complaints together, and you start dreading your next trip into town — another chore-soaked slog through big empty streets, snore-inducing dialogue, and black screens.
It's a genuine shame that Forspoken suffers from these pitfalls, because outside of the city walls, this is a much, much better game. Despite being absolutely coated in by-the-numbers map markers — many of which are barely worth your time — the open world is where the action RPG comes to life. Frey is able to race across the countryside at speed and battle monsters with the help of her magical cuff. At its best, exploration is a delightfully fluid experience, while combat can hit some glorious highs later in the game.
Frey can climb and scamper over just about anything, although a stamina meter does stop you from dashing across the entire map. Frey's movement can feel a little unruly at first, but with a bit of practice, there's fun to be had in simply speeding from place to place. It's not quite Marvel's Spider-Man in terms of tactile satisfaction, but it's still enjoyably frenetic.

Combat tells a similar tale. Forspoken is, in essence, a kind of third-person shooter, as many of Frey's elemental spells can be slung from a distance. However, as the system opens up based on your progress through the campaign, you gain access to a variety of attacks and support abilities that push it above and beyond its aim-and-shoot foundations.
But again, the game finds ways to hamstring itself. The spells that Frey starts out with basically amount to you chucking rocks at your enemies. They're bland, lack impact, and you're stuck with them for far too long. Now, obviously, Forspoken can't just dump a library of spells on the player and expect miracles (as the game's divisive demo proves), but the initial repetition paints a bad picture of what is actually a fun and flashy combat system.
Needless to say, the later spells are a lot more interesting. By the end of the adventure, you'll be melting foes with meteor-like fireballs, tearing through opponents with wonderfully animated torrents of water, and turning creatures to dust with full-on lightning storms. It's all beautifully destructive, and makes you feel like a truly superpowered entity.

It takes too long to get to that point, though. To be fair, Forspoken does have a decent sense of progression as you work your way into harder areas of the open world and develop your abilities, but because of its other flaws, it's highly likely that some players will never see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's far too easy to get bogged down in dreary story beats and dire side quests that seem to drag on forever.
It also doesn't help that the game struggles to leave a lasting impression visually. The art direction is intriguing at times, but comes across as messy overall, with some odd colour palette choices. Textures can be muddy, character models are middling, and the lighting is disappointingly flat. Square Enix's Luminous Engine is clearly capable of delivering some lovely looking vistas, as Athia often proves, but it's badly optimised on PS5, as demonstrated by the fact that the game's dynamic resolution is all over the place. Particularly in big battles, the image quality can absolutely tank, making it difficult to pick targets out in the particle-filled mayhem.

Indeed, Forspoken is technically rough. Outside of its lightning fast load times (which are completely undermined by all of the cuts to black) and the aforementioned particle effects, it's far from what you'd call a PS5 showpiece. And, as you might expect, the frame rate can be shaky too, with noticeable dips across all three of the game's graphics settings (performance, quality, and ray-tracing).
But hey, the music's good. There are some stirring orchestral tracks on offer in Forspoken, but we wish that they kicked in more frequently. Many of the melodies that accompany exploration are nice and whimsical, but they'll often continue playing over battles and hectic moments, which is weird. We're tempted to think that this is some kind of bug, but again, when the music does rumble into existence, it definitely elevates the action.
Forspoken should and could have been a better game than it actually is. Its strengths lie in its core gameplay, which is fast, fluid, and great fun at its best. However, unnecessary open world clutter hampers exploration, and the combat system only begins to hit its stride hours into the adventure. If you can push through a poorly paced story, packed with desperately dull characters, then you might find enjoyment in Frey's fantastical abilities, which undoubtedly steal the show both in and out of battle. It's not quite the disaster that the memes would have you believe, but it's certainly not the PS5 showpiece that was once promised, either.
Comments 111
If anyone's got any questions about the game, let me know and I can try to answer them.
Sorry the review's late, but not much we could do about it!
Here for the predicted 6/10 😅
Will settle down to read this in full later to get a better idea of if I will ever pay for this game, cheers 👍
I still find it a bit odd that the early reviewers have been largely positive, while those that struggled to get codes in time have been more critical. Then again, it’s Squeenix. Kane and Lynch 2 wasn’t that long ago.
Duller NPCs than Dragon’s Dogma?
Good lord.
A very fair review, Rob. Personally I'm looking forward to playing this, despite all the criticisms. Gameplay sounds fun and, despite all the memes on social media, I actually like what I've seen of the script.
I hope I end up enjoying it, warts and all!
Pretty much close to my 7/10 and for the same reasons especially those awful default controls. But I love the spells and traversing the map, and the visuals are nice too.
Though I rented it myself I would say the game isn't worth the asking price, but if you can wait for a sale until its around £35-£40 then it's definitely worth it at that price.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the review.
When all was said and done, did you feel the the story paid off?
Was it worth it?
Yeah this is either a Plus game or a £20 buy.
@Thrillho Dragon's Dogma is saved by the fact that NPC conversations are straight to the point. It also helps that you can pick them up and throw them off cliffs!
@themightyant Ehhhhhh, it's not bad, but it is predictable. About halfway through the game you know exactly where things are going and it doesn't deviate.
I think I enjoyed playing it overall, but its flaws are very hard to ignore.
The thing about the PS5 gen is that I feel standards are way higher now. Not only with games being $70, but current gen exclusives especially shouldn’t be having mediocre performance. Not to say that these raised expectations are inherently a good or bad thing, but it’s what I’ve noticed.
will play this when its on ps+ essential or extra
I'll wait for it to go on ps plus monthly before I play it. I'm sure Sony will pay them well enough for it.
not sure I've seen the Pros and Cons columns filled that much.
@nessisonett I am not sure where you came to the early reviews being mostly positive.
They were pretty split, with about half as many being significantly negative as those that said it was OKAY. If you take that fact into account alongside Square withholding review codes for many, many outlets, it actually is more damning a verdict on the game. As even with the scummy selective review code choice, they still ended up with a game largely confirmed to be a major disappointment as a game and as a current gen only title that technically looks like a ps3 game aside from the noisy particle effects. Hell, even I could objectively discern this with the demo alone, and I was super hyped for this prior to that.
As far as reviews being positive, I would say there are very few that outright suggest this is a good/great effort.
Well I got my rental copy yesterday and this game is so slow at the start, the constant cut scenes that take away controls from you is too much, the dialog is so cringy and just bad. When I play this I feel like it's a mess of different games stuck to each other, you can see that this had huge potential but it needed more time to bring it all together. The exploration is cool to an extent, it can feel jarred from time to time and the combat is good but once again can feel really jarring here and there. The rpg elements feel like an old Elder scrolls game which isn't a bad thing but felt out of place in a away. Unfortunately this is a game that I've put down and luckily I didn't drop money on it so that's good.
This game got buried in hours with Hi-Fi Rush and Dead Space Remake releasing the same week and both being just better games lol
But I still want to give it a try, in 3-6 months where is half the price and most bugs and performance issues are fixed.
How long is the main story, and how much time do you think the open-world icon-clearing adds to the game?
@Deoxyr1bose To be honest I don't think the vast majority care about performance that much. Look at the number of people playing GTAV on last gen, Fornite, Apex etc on mobile, almost anything on Switch...
It's the hardcore audience, which we are part of by being here, that are more fussed about performance.
But it's a shame that it's gone too far. I see people saying they won't play Elden Ring because it doesn't have a stable 60fps, or won't play games that don't have a 60fps mode. What did these people do before PS5 gen? Not play games?
Look at John at Digital Foundry (who I like) but is such a pendant that he won't play on Steam Deck because of the apparent 'low quality screen'. Madness to miss out on gaming experiences because of these things imho.
Yeah I don't think I'll ever bother with this game. In my case, I can only dedicate so many hours to gaming; if I'm going to pay $50-$70 for a game and put decent hours on it, it MUST be a GOW:R-tier game. I won't settle for less at that price range.
@nessisonett I also only saw mostly mixed reviews, it was averaging around 70 on Day 1, now it's a 67 so not much change.
But there were a lot of outlets that didn't get review copies early, at all.
Where'd you get that idea? It was sitting at a 69/100 average on opencritic the first day that reviews started coming in, not exactly glowing
@get2sammyb If you can accept the flaws it's worth your time.
I wouldn't disagree with much that was said in this review, but I'm really enjoying the game, and that's down to the combat.
I'm at a point now where I've started to unlock some truly epic spells. I've never seen anything like some of these attacks. I'm compelled to keep going just to see what I unlock next.
As for the narrative, it's generic fantasy pulp. More or less Willow meets The Never Ending Story, but I enjoy that kind of thing so this was never an issue for me.
I will say that the world building and lore are interesting. NPCs are boring and the narrative is predictable, but the lore is solid. Finding pages and journals that explain the past is always interesting.
Last thing, if the back and forth between Frey and the cuff bothers you, turn it off in the menu. There's an option for that. I just found it today. (The settings menu feels more complicated than it needs to be.)
Personally I am loving it. It seems overly hated and overly targeted. I find Frey likeable and her reactions very reasonable. There are so many hidden dungeons, challenges and new bits of lore in the world to be discovered. It feels like many reviewers ignored everything but main missions and missed basically everything.
This is one of those games I’d pick up physically for £15 in a year or two.
@extragood I've read that the main story can be beaten in about 10 hours if you speed through it, which sounds about right based on what I played. Personally I spent around 17 hours playing Forspoken, but I was skipping a lot of side quests and open world markers by the end.
It's also worth noting that a lot of side quests are timed. You'll miss them if you don't complete them before the next main story mission.
I think if you wanted to clear everything on the map, you'd be looking at well over 25 hours, maybe over 30 even.
I spent a couple of days debating whether or not to buy it. In the end I bit the bullet and, for the most part, I don't regret it. I'm enjoying the open world and the combat. The story isn't the worst, but the constant fade to blacks do ruin the experience a little. I'm also ashamed to say I quite like Cuff and Frey.
@Valgore more time or fewer people involved?
Disjointed usually means a bunch of people all trying to please everyone, and all under the watch of the corporate ownership/overlords and creating a mess of a game/story/idea/concept because of it.
Let creators create freely.
Square Enix even had early YouTube players quoting some corporate written garbage about industry leading this and that, buzzword bs. All read in monotone from these super successful YouTubers. It's embarrassing and totally detached from what gamers would actually want to hear about a game 😅
@ShogunRok a good well balanced review. I've just played the demo again but this time on PC and there's certainly the base of a very fun game here and I think it would have benefitted from having well designed levels rather than a largely empty open world.
Playing on PC did highlight how disappointing the PS5 performance is, despite its recommended specs I easily maxed out settings and maintained in and around 60fps and with some tweaks stayed well above it. It's certainly one of those where I feel my PC has a larger gap than it should. One for a sale
I had a great laugh watching someone play through the first hour or so on YouTube. This game is tragic.
Between this and stranger of paradise it feels square enix is a kid who's just discovered the joys of swearing but really has no idea how to do it properly yet.
The only good thing I can say about this game is it made me remember the PS2 classic Primal.
I’m really enjoying it. Those opening hours are quite dreadful but once you get to the open world areas it’s really fun. I nearly quit after the first hour but glad I stuck with it. My copy of Dead Space arrived this morning and I haven’t even installed it yet because I’m hooked on this game - so it’s not quite as terrible as the people screaming into the echo chamber would have you believe.
@AgentMantis I don't expect it to be great by any means; but I sure hope its better than Stranger of Paradise! That game is more worthless than free AOL discs.
@davesmith01 Me too. Frey kinda sounds like Miley Cyrus and Cuff sounds like Paul Bettany so it’s like being on a weird adventure with them both.
There are a couple of setting that truly changes the gaming and fighting: 120Hz mode and auto evade. With 120Hz mode everything runs very well, otherwise is crap, there's no much difference between quality and ray tracing, and actually it's one of the best 120Hz modes in PS5, but you need a capable telly. The auto evade it's brilliant because it saves you to evade in all fights, concentrating more in offensive spells, once you turn that on, the combat it's very fun. For the rest, the open world is great given that you consider open world a large extension of land where you can find bits and bots, not a city where you can hit grannies and use their car and go shopping for colourful clothes with your mates. It needs some updates but so far so good.
Perversely, the PS review has engendered the smallest spark of interest in me for this game.
Guess it's the plot which I find intriguing.
Not enough to pay anywhere near full price.
But, given a sale and a patch or two?
The response to this game has been disappointing. It's not a secret 9/10 but people are acting like its this abomination that should've been cancelled and I'm like "I've beaten the game, this is just hyperbole egged on by social media"
This is a $15 get, just to cover the strong potential for dissatisfaction lol.
Have a great weekend!
Such a shame, because I can sort of see the potential. I was intrigued, but the demo played like a mess, and the reviews confirm it.
I'm sure I'll play it at some point in the future, especially during a dull spell where releases are barebones. But I'll bite at a low price point. (Which I seriously think this will drop like a fly)
Whelp....there's that. Haze 2 is officially here!
@themightyant Tying into a conversation tintin and I had on pxb the other week, some of this is a display tech issue and a lot of people don't realize or understand that. I never had a problem with 30fps games. I argued for the "it's cinematic" thing. I argued in favor of higher res over higher fps. BUT. Then I changed displays from a slow, midrange IPS to a fast high end IPS. And OMG anything under 60fps is migraine inducing flicker fests! I can literally not play anything like that, and the Forspoken demo is one of the worst I've seen. The opening view with bright sky and the mountains, there's a 1/2" band that flickers, flashing like a strobe, if you turn the camera where that light and dark contrast is. It's pretty much unplayable without inducing eye strain and headache. 60fps? Perfectly fine and smooth.
I suspect a lot of people that just can't stand 30fps have displays that do not handle fps smoothly, or conversely a lot of people that don't see the problem with 30fps have displays that smooth it over. We're at a point in games that people's hardware affects these sorts of things which I think where the sharp polarization comes in. I used to not care, but with my current display I'm pretty much unable to play things that don't hold fairly steady 60fps because it just renders in distressing ways. (Some games are somehow fine, and HDR seems to factor in, too, non-HDR seems to handle it better without strobing.)
@IOI LOL, I know, it's a shame that both Forspoken and Hi-Fi Rush are exclusives on opposing platforms in a way because if they were multiplats it would be hilarious that this big budget 3 year hyped game drops and is like "It's $70 and it's really bad" while HiFi drops and is like "It's $30 and it's one of the best games in years!"
@nessisonett Not many of the early reviews were all that positive either, even if they were rigged to be.
Well, the the exception of that review @UltimateOtaku91 pointed me to that basically raves how its' pretty much the "best game ever, with the most amazing story payoff in the history of video games, and don't let the internet tell you otherwise, and also I haven't played any of Sony's other exclusives for over a generation", so I'm guessing the guy's pretty much coming off the high of Lair and Haze and is really impressed with what Forspoken shows of the video games in the year 1924.
Finally a game that leaves the PS4 behind and shows the power of the PS5.
Between the cries about some nonexistent political agenda and the demo being very mediocre, I knew this game wouldn’t live up to the hype.
Very fair review and between the demo and what I have been reading, it seems like something I might like …I’ll save it for a sale
@NEStalgia You're not wrong on the tech. It's one of the reasons I prefer my Samsung QLED to the LG OLED I had before, counter to all the recommendations. (I also play in a very bright room)
The OLED really didn't handle 30fps content well at all. I wouldn't ever call it unplayable, or headache inducing, but it was noticeably worse than what I was used to. But we are all different in our perception of this. Some people even like black frame insertion. (shudders) lol
In many ways it's far better to be blissfully ignorant here I think than a pedant. What's the tech equivalent of cheap date? Sadly i'm in purgatory now having tasted the forbidden fruit.
@Deoxyr1bose I can agree with this 100%. The standards and expectations are much higher. Especially when you compare this to PS5-only games like Demon's Souls, Returnal, and A Rift Apart that perform exceptionally well. This game reminds of those early PS3 games that were coming out in the beginning of the cycle. This probably would've got a 9/10 in 2006.
@ItsBritneyB_tch I was trying to think who he sounded like and I couldn't think of his name! Now you've said it, she does sound a bit like her!
@themightyant Seriously my screen, it's an lg monitor, one of their nicer ips displays, it's utterly gorgeous, but 30fps.... Flickering and jittering back and forth is really not healthy to look at. On Forza I can see cars oscillate back and forth as they pass at 30fps. 60fps? Fine. I became a frame rate snob because my display requires it!
Forspoken.... The demo, I can tell the fps drops even in performance because I start getting really fatigued and frustrated.. I'm sure my old cheap crummy slow 1080p display would have been fine for it.
So it turns out this is another gotham knights as in the game is nowhere near as bad as its being made out to be..i'll give this a go when its cheaper..
The demo was a huge turn off for me. Doesn’t seem like an unmitigated disaster like some have been touting, but at the same time I expect this game to just join the likes of Remember Me and ReCore in just being meh and forgotten not long after their release.
@ShogunRok possibly a spoiler, but does Frey reunite with her cat Homer? (The poor little guy)
@Ichiban All I'll say is there are magical cats in the game.
I'm looking forward to playing it but now that it's here, it seems disappointing. The gameplay was what had me looking forward to it, but if it takes a while to get to the good spells, I'm hoping it's not a total slog to get there. Still plan on buying it but it's moved to "wait for sale" for me.
Hoping Square Enix takes the inspired magic combat system and puts it to use in either a sequel, remake or another game. Everything they showcased just seems like it'd go to waste otherwise.
will be forGotten by summer
@Fenbops Why are you so quick to always bring up that you don't like this game and so desperate for it to fail? Even over on Pure Xbox, I'll be reading an article and go to the comments and you'll bring up Forspoken there. If you don't like the game, that's fine. But why spend so much energy trying to criticize the game and bring down people who may like it?
@ShogunRok thanks! Though now my mind is racing at the possibility of a cat being behind the game's entire plot🤔
@Ichiban Because cats are behind every plot and secretly rule the world. Cat's have total control of gaming, and all our money goes to buying more catnip and Fancy Feast. Look at the evidence:
JIM: Cats.
Stray: Cats
Forspoken: Cats
Hi-Fi Rush: Cats
Hogwarts: Cats
Gravity Rush: Cats
Halo Infinite: $20 Cat Ears
Mario 3D World: Cat Mario
Are there any male characters in this game? From all the footage I've seen, there are only women.
What's up with that?
@Sil_Am Cuff.
Unless he's a cat....
A 6 sounds more like not good. There were little hints along the way that this might not be all it was hyped to be.
Just watched moist review not long ago and he gave it 45% and Charlie usually knows what's up with games. Taking his and pushsquare reviews I will just say the game not worth spending time on.
@Thrillho yeah I call ***** on that one the npc’s are absolutely nothing special most of the time but they arent charisma voids like dragons dogma not to mention I don’t even know where the reviewer got charming from for the dragons dogma npc’s
@ShogunRok I think that’s underestimating it big time. I cleared everything in Praenost and just finished the boss of that region last night and I’m at 18 hours. The other three regions look just as big so I’m thinking closer to 50. Now I’ll probably start main lining because I started getting burned out towards of the end of Praenost even though the movement is sublime
@Fenbops the first like two or three hours are really rough and feel like a different game after that it’s nowhere near as bad as that
@Sil_Am yes there’s male characters
In the near future when you google "style over substance" this game is going to show up towards the top.
@bpomber sorry I was too busy playing a good game this evening than devoting my time to bashing this one. Glad to see you follow me over at PX too. See you there.
At least I know never to touch this game even when it’s on offer. For those poor souls who shelled out the £90, oh dear. And for those who paid the £70. This is why reviews are important so we the consumer can make a decent decision on whether or not to buy. But when I tried the demo, I though it’s a no from me.
And this is a big game to begin 2023, not much hope for the rest of the year. Let’s hope Hogwarts Legacy can make up for it when it releases on 7th Feb and 10th Feb depending on the version you’ve bought. Pls let this be good.
I prefer diving in after a price reduction or sale. I am a huge gamer who prefers a great storyline. If it doesn't have this even though the combat is good, I won't have much interest in continuing it. I can certainly wait.
Solid 7/10 for me so far. Dialogue can be meh but for me doesn't ruin the game. I'm digging through combat and mobility. On hard mode against tough enemies you definitely have to use your full repertoire of abilities. While the general consensus is it being mid, I think this game will find a sizeable audience.
@Fenbops Are you a politician? The way you criticize things/others and then just completely avoid questions about it is pretty impressive. Reminds me of a politician.
@bpomber It’s a talent. Thanks.
Finally got to play this for about 3 hours between last night and today. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’m having a lot of fun with it. It’s like Sonic Frontiers for grown-ups, essentially, mixed with FFXV without the bros. Based on what I’ve seen so far, I’ll just probably skip the side quests. There’s some goofy things like the awkward wait time between dialog lines, but I dunno, I think it’s got more enjoyable storytelling than I expected. But hey, the Legacy of Kain/Soulreaver writer was one of the writers on this one, and I’m a sucker for those games, even if the writing isn’t always “good” in a high art kind of way. It’s an absolute blast with the gameplay and traversal, just make sure you seek out the challenge instead of running from it. Of course, I’m just 3 hours in and the story could drop off, but I dunno, it’s drawing me in. With Fire Emblem Engage, Hi-Fi Rush, and Forspoken all releasing within a week, gamers are certainly spoiled. In my early impressions of the three of them, so far Forspoken’s overall my favorite and I’ve got roughly the same playtime on all three. It’s too early to say that opinion’ll stick though. Man, I’m loving 2023’s games so far.
@NEStalgia Just felt like I should tag you. And, reading your remark about fps, I’m playing in 30 fps quality mode. Looks good to me. It’s not Returnal or Rift Apart, but it’s frankly as good as most PS5 titles in that it looks like one of the better PS4 games graphically.
@somnambulance Sonic frontiers is Sonic frontiers for grown ups, you monster. . Not unless frey bounces around like a pinball it's no replacement.
Yeah on fps display tech is really the factor. If your display smooths things out without the jitter/flicker 30 probably feels fine. You'd have to see the flicker to get it... Wonder if it records as video well...
Luminous engine has always been awful over 30fps. And looks like a no PS3 game at 60 and still can't hold 60. Though the Dragon engine got like a dragon has that same problem... Must be a Japan thing....
HARDDDDD pass on this. Way too much on backlog and too many good games coming out soon I’m far more interested in. And what they described regarding the NPC’s and story is a major turn-off to me with a game. “Ain’t nobody got time for that”
@NEStalgia The game does look awful in performance mode. It’s arguably the strongest PS3 game I’ve seen in that mode, but 30 fps works just fine on my TV. Thought you’d want to know I’m still apparently the biggest Luminous mark on this site. Lol.
Just got it today from GameFly will give it a try over the weekend and see.
@davesmith01 yeah, sometimes it doesn’t sound like Miley but other times it’s absolutely Miley. I think all the F bombs make it seem even more like her lol
I'm am playing it, loving it, obsessed with it. A true breath of fresh air. I do, however, have to call into question an 8/10 rating for Dead Space with its early PS4-era graphics. That game is the true bomb of the week.
@somnambulance lol yeah. I mean this is beautiful in 60fps compared to frxv so there's that. Seriously just play these games on 60fps for a good time. That's what I play! . If the game is relying on "omg pretty" to be "good" it's not actually good though ... If you play 60fps and still love it you win a cookie
All I can say is I really hope the demo is absolutely nothing at all like the full game because that demo is one of the blandest things I've ever played. It does have an audience apparently though
Can't wait to buy it, on sale.
Where are you renting it from?
Thought that whole thing was long gone.
When gamers knew this was a flop some said most gamers have a hive mentality, ignoring the fact that our opinions were based after all of us tried the demo. This game is dead on arrival
@NEStalgia 60 fps is serviceable. I prefer the 30 fps version though, because… I mean, honestly my TV’s ten years old. I’m only cutting edge with the games.
The big difference between the demo and the actual game is that it gives you more context with what is going on and why. The demo was fine to me, but I didn’t really know what or why I was doing anything. At least that part is more clear. If the demo was that bland for you though, I think you may struggle with the proper game, but maybe not too. I liked the demo, so my opinion is already skewed.
@somnambulance Haha, yeah that's the thing. My OLD display was old and more budget. It turns out that can be an advantage for crummy engines. The screen blurs the motion so that you don't notice issues like flashing. My new display is a higher end panel with fast refresh... And that's the problem! You end up seeing this flashing jittery banding. It gives a headache fast. And I'm a vr fan so that says something! My old monitor made 30fps just fine but the pretty new hdr one? Nope. I've played some 30fps games, and I think if the game doesn't have hdr it fares better. My gripe is the engines like this and dragon engine that just look like PS3 mode if you use performance. And they still can't actually hold high fps!
Yeah context wasn't my issue with the demo, it was the combat that lacked any impact and felt very loose. Even with the late game load out according to this review... That and the writing. Both the same problems I had with high on life, though at least this game isn't written by a total creeper
I'm sure I'll get it eventually when it's really really really cheap and then throw it in the backlog behind 20 other games... I loved folklore on PS3 and wanted this to be that but it seems like it isn't...
@feral1975 BoomerangRenatals, in the UK though.
I wonder if there will be any improvements made between now and the time Sony's console exclusivity deal is up. 2 years is a long enough time to fix some of the major issues but Square Enix may well decide to cut their losses and move on.
Thanks for your take on this title, which seems as about as fair and balanced as I expect from push.
Though its a shame that a competent game design could be brought down by some weird technical choices and a lack of decent writing, Im prepared to work through that to get to the choice bits, and Im looking forward to playing this when I ever get the time!
This review was more thrilling and action-packed than the game itself! Marvellous reading material!
I'm still going to get this at some point but I'm so glad that Hi-Fi RUSH surprisingly released this week and I'm able to enjoy that instead. Amazing game and a genuine GOTY contender.
Looks like they needed a more focused, smaller experience. And less edgy.
I did not enjoy the demo, and the reviews have not overcome my feelings from it, so I am going to pass on this. Unless it comes to PS Plus at some point.
I enjoyed the demo so I am still getting it.
Everything I'm reading confirms that this is not at all for me. But the complaints about dull NPCs, generic world-building, and endless map markers remind me of how I felt playing both Horizon games.
@NEStalgia Thinking of it more, if be really curious what your take off the game is if you play it mostly on performance mode. Ie how much of it is enjoyment of the visuals and not the actual game, and if you strip it down to the PS3 looking visuals, reducing the game to just the gameplay, does it still hold up for you?
Had no interest in this game from the off, but when the demo dropped, I thought why not at least try it? So I did, and five minutes later, I deleted the vile thing from my precious SSD space.
I’m expecting this game’s price to drop like a crashing fighter jet by October.
I’ll pick it up for the backlog then.
The world building in either Horizon isn’t bad at all. Especially Zero Dawn.
But the lame NPCs and Ubisoft markers distract from it greatly.
I still love both of them, but I’m hoping GG learns some lessons for the third game.
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It’s so cringe when designers are so out of touch they think having teenaged or young adults constant swear is going to connect with any audience.
Resident Evil Revelations 2 had this issue. First it forces you to play as this cringelord teenager and then after that forces co-op in a series where co-op ruins all the tension.
its truly mindblowing. they have all this talent, the time, all the money dumped into the project. ffs this was the company presidents pet project. they convinced sony to pay up for a 2 year exclusivity. and they still droped the ball this hard?!
Well I didn't like the demo much so this just tops it off. I thought we was away from static npcs as such but guess not hahaha. I probably won't even give it ago when it comes to ps plus.
But on that note and I know its off topic. Didn't anyone else feel the same way looking at the starfield trailer. They showed generic gun fights, no man sky rip off mining and static npc ps3 level scenes when you met the generic factions of space. We've moved passed that but still devs seem to think its what we want.
If they had made Highlander the game it would have bn a kind of magic.
I played the demo that was released last month and I was horrified. I had planned on buying it before trying the demo! Definitely waiting until this is ps plus or on sale
@__jamiie because it has already been pointed out repeatedly and we assume everyone knows by now?
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@WallyWest Same plan here. Hopefully it comes to PS Plus before I get tempted to buy the game.
@nessisonett I find it all kind of odd.
im loving it, agree with most of the criticism here though. the cons are right! but its a 7 for me as it gets the core gameplay so bloody right.
Having spent about 20 hours with the game I definitely agree with the review that there is a lot of hit and miss with the game but overall I have enjoyed my experience. I really like the world and what was built here, the character designs, combat and the variety in enemies but I think it gets hurt by wonky dialogue. There are many weird pauses with dialogue that feels like the developers had problems getting it all to work in sync and it comes off stilted outside of cutscenes. I also see how the main character can annoy people with her constant combative attitude and heavy dropping of F bombs but that is how 20 year olds are, they are immature, that is what they do.
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