It’s staggering to think that GTA 5 got its start on the PlayStation 3. Even today, almost a decade since it first debuted, Los Santos feels more lived in than virtually any other open world. In fact, compared to its urban contemporaries, like Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City, it’s startling just how believable the Hollywood-inspired backdrop is. Stand in traffic and angry NPCs will stop, honk their horn, and plead with you to get out of the way. Some will curse at you, as they eventually attempt to steer around you, while others will be less kind and just drive through you as they seek to beat the morning rush.

A lot of what’s going on in GTA 5 is an illusion, but it all helps to build a sandbox you can embed yourself in. Take the short trip to Vespucci Beach, and you’ll find revellers sunbathing, playing volley ball, and jogging on the sidewalk; travel further east to Cypress Flats and the seaside setting is swapped for something more industrial. Los Santos may not be the biggest open world you can find on consoles these days, but few have character quite like it – the type of cars you see and the behaviour of people you encounter all depends on which district you’re in and what you’re getting up to.
Ten years of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor may have turned enthusiasts against Rockstar’s massively popular open world, but you can’t help but appreciate what the team achieved here. Spanning its third console generation, the PS5 port greatly improves the release’s image quality, bumping performance as high as 60 frames-per-second and the resolution up to native 4K. You’ll need to pick between refresh rate and raw image quality, but that’s your decision to make, and all of the available graphics configurations deliver smooth performance and dazzling visuals.
While PC players may be non-plussed by the improvements, those coming from the untouched PS4 version – which was still running in 1080p at 30fps, even via PS5 backwards compatibility – will be seeing Los Santos in a new light. Raytracing support, which resolves better shadow quality, and native HDR functionality provide the icing on the cake. It’s certainly showing its age in places – character models look ancient compared to modern titles like Horizon Forbidden West – but stand on the sidewalk of Vinewood Boulevard and few games are able to convey quite the same sense of place.
The single player campaign’s storyline is somewhat dated these days. The problem with parodying modern life is that the gags age quickly, and so while there are still belly laughs in the way big brands like Facebook are conveyed – known, pointedly, as Life Invader in Rockstar’s canon – some of the jokes will draw sharp intakes of breath as societal values change. It’s still fun seeing how the title’s trio of protagonists interact, and we love the way their stories intertwine and overlap – even down to the way character switching is handled, giving the impression they’ve been busy while you were away.
The flow of the gameplay is improved with the new uber-fast loading times, too – down to just six seconds – but the controls still feel terrible, with Rockstar doing nothing to modernise their overreliance on animations and stodgy acceleration. To be fair, the developer has put a ton of work into the DualSense specifically, with directional haptic feedback allowing you to physically feel when a car zooms past you or a bullet flings overhead. Even the subtlest of details, like rain and wind, are represented to awesome effect here.
But GTA Online, for all of its unparalleled strengths, is still a bit of a mess. A new menu screen, which allows you to jump directly to the title’s most popular activities, helps with the overall flow – but you’re still going to be at the mercy of hosts when lobbies populate, and without a good GTA Online guide to help get you started, you’re going to feel lost with all of the businesses and content available these days. New additions, like Short Trips, allow you to play brisk co-op stories with characters like Franklin and Lamar, but the mission design is lazy and the gameplay largely unbalanced.

Of course, there’s still nothing quite like this unique multiplayer experience, and when you’ve overcome the hurdle and have all your businesses intertwined and dovetailing, laundering virtual money can be a great time. The barrier for entry is high, though, and with so many bits-and-bobs bolted on over the past near-ten years, the whole thing could do with a top-to-bottom reset. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll be playing GTA 6 any time soon.
GTA 5 is beginning to show its age, but it’s a testament to Rockstar’s original vision that Los Santos still stacks up. The improvements to image quality and framerate give this sunny sandbox a new lease of life, and while some of the single player gags may not hit as hard as they did in 2013, there are still plenty of memorable missions across the release’s 30 or so hour running-time. Meanwhile, GTA Online’s freeroaming multiplayer lobbies remain unmatched, and while newcomers may find the learning curve borderline impenetrable, if you can overcome its idiosyncrasies there’s nothing quite like the crime caper on offer here.
Comments 61
I’ve played the first few missions in story mode, literally just got to Trevor’s this morning and some of the jokes have made me laugh the same as they did years ago. Game plays great and the city feels busy as ever with loads of traffic and pedestrians. It’s well worth the £8.75
Its amazing how even now games like Cyberpunk and Watch Dogs still don't get anywhere near the open worlds that R* create, the world of GTA V still feels alive and active and like it exists despite being at its core a PS3/360 game.
As for the PS5 release well despite what some people are saying its actually pretty solid as the new lighting is nice, the use of HDR is pretty neat and the 60FPS makes it play better then ever on console. The £8.75 it cost me was well worth it.
I’m genuinely enjoying it. Looks great, plays great. Especially for that price. I actually don’t think most of the jokes have aged that badly at all. There are obviously a couple of questionable things but 2013 was actually quite a while ago in terms of humour. Some of the social commentary cuts quite deep and of course, I do love the many, many Scottish in-jokes. Nothing will top the stock exchange being called BAWSAQ.
The jokes in gta 5 is still funny. Gta 5 is a legendary game.the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑.one of the best games ever made to the best franchises ever . grand theft auto and god of war.word up son
At some point il play the story again but Im just glad my Matt Smith character was still available for transfer online. I wasn't getting Level 100 again XD although hearing the online chat made me cringe and they still havent added a Fez after all these years
I've played a few hours of the story again and it is still making me laugh! Just pausing and looking around at the advertising and the shop names etc it is incredible
@WallyWest Yeah y'know some people still question the hype when their games does a lot of things others simply don't. Like simple mirrors for example, apart from ND a lot of games just can't do it. You need to tap a button to open some ridiculous mirror in CP2077 lol. R* games easily mirror the entire world behind you by pressing R3, how many games make you look behind on the fly. Doors are a headache to devs even for linear games, as such most open worlds skip little interiors with doors entirely, like a food joint, haircut, shops etc.
I mean if you've done some programming, you'd easily appreciate Rockstar's brilliance. Let's say you're Michael, you drop Trevor off after hanging out, you switch to Trevor, you then see Michael leaving and Trevor's like "why are you stalking me". You go to Michael's house and he isn't there, he sends you a text etc. I mean just look at the cellphone in GTAV, something people take for granted, compare it to CP2077's phone. You look at how CP2077 tried to create a GTA clone and see how they struggled and couldn't even get a lot right. I mean there simply isn't other games like Rockstar's and people still question their constant 97s on MC...tsk.
Definetely going to pick up the sp for the price. I enjoyed the story and world and 60fps always a bonus. Probably wont play it for a bit but better to get it now before i forgett and it goes up in price.
Really tempted to play this again. Haven't touched GTA V since launch way back on the PS3.
By the way, putting this here for prosperity, but I think this will be fully compatible with PSVR2.
This is a game I will likely buy once things start slowing down again.
@lolwhatno Do people not understand that R* only make one big game per gen now due to how big and complex they are? Its "thanks" to crunch we got Red Dead 2 when we did. Also maybe you missed but its already been annoused the new GTA is being made.
Maybe I’m being thick but I can’t even see this on PlayStation store to buy!
@TheArt Look at Red Dead 2, there's an entire animal ecosystem and if you follow the various AI people around you will see them live an actual life. Its insane how much detail R* put in their games.
I'm tempted to pick up with it being so cheap, but as a physical collector I'm still trying to hold out.
Does anyone know if the PS5 disc version will be around the $20-30 range or are they going to make it full priced?
It was probably predictable,but still disappointing the "expanded & enhanced" version's only expanded content was GTAO related....much like the original ps4 remaster,the seemingly dropped ideas around UFO's/Aliens or some other original extra single player missions would've been welcome.
Even including the Ifruit mini games into the in game mobile phone or an alternative to "train" Chop for instance! But much like the farming off the GTA Trilogy to Grove Street Games,they just took the easy route & went for the Shark Card audience!
It would be a bit more forgivable if the current discounted $15 price remained a permanent upgrade,but PS4 buyers have been effectively locked out of buying it on the PSN Web store,with it only available on the PS5 psn!🤔
Is it £8.75 only if you have previously bought ps4 version?
8 for a re-release of one of the clunkiest games around, with some of the most atrocious gameplay among any AAA outing and negligible upgrades, is waaaay too generous in my opinion.
Definitely the most overrated game ever.
I love the weighty feel and physics of the Rage Engine. Most other games feel floaty by comparison.
@WallyWest Get to camp after midnight and everyone's in nightwear about to sleep. The camp itself is never before seen with how natural and dynamic it is. The most realistic horses ever seen. We love how Elden Ring gives a lot of surprises by not putting markers on map and encouraging you to explore, but apart from the Stranger markers in RDR2, there's a lot surprise in the wilderness that isn't marked. But of course no levelling up as you can shoot your way to the end so some people would skip that entire exploring and come shamelessly talk about how there's nothing to find.
This is mostly non-GTA related, but while I was playing my backlog of games, I could only help but think Rockstar would be the perfect company to take over the Watch Dogs franchise (of course its not since it belong to Ubi Soft). If I ever can get my hands on a PS5, I definitely will give GTA5 another spin.
@thepaulcutts go to the normal PS4 version and then change to PS5 version with the 3 dots on the right
The BEST part of this update, you can select invite only session in the menu, and do missions. No more interruptions from griefers.
Played some yesterday. Story mode, running around causing havoc. One moment of lull, was interrupted when a pedestrian bumped into me. Started yelling and swung at me. A nearby cop saw it, got out and shot him. Cop left, a few seconds later an ambulance arrived. It's crazy how much they put into the game, back then.
@lolwhatno I rather still see a new GTA or Bully or Manhunt, Max Payne.
I may try it by buying GTA V secondhand and then trade it in for free for a PS5 copy.
@WallyWest But if we get a remaster from Sony and you guys all go insane somehow? Then its the remasterstation so....
Jokes haven’t aged badly, PushSquare has just gone soft 😂
An open world that puts cyberpunks to shame... This world feels alive still. Nice to have higher res and 60hz
I went ahead and bought it just cause I know I'll regret it later when I come across it on the PS store for 39.99 and wonder why I just didn't buy it then 🤷
Cyberpunk doesn't seem too popular here, personally I much prefer it's city and it's significantly more detailed then what we have here, though I will concede it's AI can be hit and miss.
Back to GTA and I recently reinstalled it on my PC and it's still fun, I just wish Rockstar games had better controls
@Flaming_Kaiser I mean i have zero issues with remasters, for me its just like upgrading to DVD then to Blu Ray and then to Ultra Blu Ray. I've happily bought all the PS5 remasters Sony has put out and i actually hope The Last of Us Part 2 see's one.
@lolwhatno GTA 6 got restarted mid way into production, once Houser i think left they scrapped the original GTA 6 and started fresh. They also pretty open that Red Dead 2 took everything R* had last gen and that's why it was the only game they put out. GTA V on current gen is pretty much R* just keeping players playing until GTA 6 drops.
Played last night on the 5, great fun and looks great. Not sure what this nonsense is about dialogue/jokes not aging well and eliciting gasps. Still just as funny and on-point as ever.
@LN78 Sure, my bad!
@Jacko11 Ehhh, it's not about being soft I just think some of them are very "of the time". Even the social media stuff doesn't feel quite as relevant anymore because that stuff has moved on so much in the past ten years.
It still makes me laugh, it's just when you go as cultural and timely with the jibes as GTA 5 does, there's naturally elements that age quickly.
Can’t find this on the ps store all at all to buy! Am I being thick? Haven’t played it since the original PS3 version so looking forward to it.
Can anyone tell me what it means when I have the option to download story mode or the full game?
@FinneasGH for me, it was pushing gta online at me in the store. From that, if you click the 3 little dots icon, you can then select gta 5 ps5 version for £8.75
I was playing on performance RT, until I met Fidelity in Vanilla Unicorn...
I've always enjoyed the gta storys but i cant stand gta online..its truly horrendous.i'm amazed that the jokes and the radio stations are still intact as i would have thought the cancel generation would have had their "pc" arms up in the air..
It's badly laid out...go to the options on the PS4 version or on the free GTAV Online also select options to find it... terrible idea to hide it away...
I don't get what Push Square is getting at, most of the satire in this game has actually pulled a Benjamin Button and has gotten even more relevant over the years.
Got it today, looks great in RT mode and is still brilliant fun just to good around in... started a fresh play through of story mode... playing CP2077 at the same it will be good to compare the two open world's.
Gave online a try for the first time and it's overwhelming. Always notifications and pinging happening telling me about multiple things all at the same time. It looks really good on the PS5, I think I haven't played GTA since the original release 10 years ago. I'll give it a few more chances but with all that crap constantly popping up I don't see myself sticking with it.
For the last two days, I played Cyberpunk on PS5, and yesterday I paused the game and purchased GTAV PS5... Compared to the previous scene from Cyberpunk, GTAV looks empty and obsolete. Not many details on the street and textures are simply upscaled from the PS4 version. To be honest, I didn't remember it like that from my PS4 Pro, but after playing next-gen games, it still looks obsolete. It looks better, but it still has that PS4 gen. vibe.
@PlatinumPlaystation Well you're kind of an Uber driver when you buy that taxi company. 😉
@FinneasGH @ORO_ERICIUS The only way GTA V PS5,can be bought at the discounted $15 (or whatever it is in you region),is via the PS5 psn store.
Despite seemingly every other ps5 game being available to buy,redeem on ps plus,or redeem a PS5 version crossbuy ps4 indie title & "add to library", via the PSN Web Store,GTA V PS5 remains unavailable & unlisted on the web store.
In other words,if you're a ps4 owner & hoping to get it now when upgrading to ps5 in future,you're locked out of buying it. Wish this issue would be more widely covered to get an answer from Take-two/Rockstar why this is the case!🤔
Not surprised at all this scored an 8, game deserves it!
I'll fire this up in a few months after it's been mostly patched.
@get2sammyb I agree, it was one of my picks too.
I thought we might have got a full State of Play PSVR2 reveal along with a GTAV VR announcement before the game (GTAV on PS5) came out.
But as it now looks like PSVR2 has taken a 6 month delay into early next year, we might be waiting a few more months for that reveal.
@Robocod allright thanks. I bought it already on my PS5 so I didn´t know about this on PS4. Stranger things these days lol
@lolwhatno Look at this way ND put out only two games last gen in Uncharted 4 (plus a smaller spin off) and TLoUP2, sure one more then R* but both are non open world games, had insane crunch and one using a slightly upgraded engine from the previous game, the gen before that saw 4 games from them with both series being new IP's so as you can see with most devs the output gets smaller each gen due to how complicated and time consuming game making gets. Red Dead 2 is one of the most dense and detailed open worlds out there, from my understanding work on it started shortly after GTA V and it required every R* studio and insane forced crunch, if Red Dead 2 took that long i'm guessing GTA 6 will as well.
Should have done RD2 instead.
@get2sammyb God, I hope you're right. GTA5 VR?..... I'd hardly see the real world. 😂
Top notch and fair review BTW. It was a great game back in the day. It's a great game now.
Surprised how much of it I've forgotten TBH. To me, it's almost like a new release, but with a hint of deja vu. 👍
can someone tell me please if in this version you can revert both axes? when I played it in ps4 ages ago I couldn't get around to playing non reverted on one axis and for some reason there was no way to revert both, it's the only game I know of that doesnt let you do that, even RDRs have the option :/
I can't. I just can't.
Oh boy, oh boy. Waiting for the PS7 version remaster by "Grove Street Goobers". Come on 2036
Might almost be time to pick up this title.
5/10 at best, 8/10 is just the extra points all the journos will give because they're afraid to give a bad score for a GTA game.
It's the same exact game it's always been, slowly devolving over the years into the lazy explosion happy trash it is now
Ever since Benzies and his guys left, Rockstar has gone downhill.
The PS5 version is just 60fps & a different pause menu, not worth paying anything for (if you were going to rebuy the full version). Just save your money & put it towards Elden ring, or GT7 or some toilet paper that'd be more useful than wasting it on this disgraceful, lazy "enhanced and expanded" version.
I don’t like GTA but the review-bombing which is currently occurring is, as usual, a bunch of nonsense from entitled man-babies.
Much like the situation with Elden Ring. This kind of behaviour is unbelievably moronic.
@WildFireX No one is holding a gun to your head. It’s a graphically enhanced version for new consoles. I do agree Elden Ring is a much better choice if you like that kind of thing. Best game of the year in my opinion.
@Rocco81 I agree, an updated version of RDR2 would be a more consumer friendly move.
I just deleted GTA Online. I just couldn't do it anymore. Too much of a cash grab and its too much of the same every time. I bought GTA V on PS4 for $3 on eBay and will just play that instead
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