The tumultuous multimedia journey of Anung Un Rama continues with Hellboy Web of Wyrd — a roguelike brawler that might help wash away the taste of the abysmal 2019 cinematic reboot. Developer Upstream Arcade has attempted to transpose the visual style and narrative spirit of Hellboy from the comics. In that sense, this is perhaps the best adaptation of Big Red yet created, but flawed gameplay holds it back.
The plot sees Hellboy entangled in the labyrinthine reality of the Wyrd. Tethered to a BPRD base called Butterfly House, he can dip in and out of this world of myth and fairy tales. Each dive offers a different warped universe to traverse. Descending into the Wyrd’s various layers, defeating bosses, and experimenting with different builds is a familiar loop, and this game does nothing new with a template that's been perfected by the likes of Hades. An assortment of upgrades and collectibles litter the arenas, offering enough intrigue to justify the grind.
Combat is clunky and molasses-slow, which might be an intentional riff on Hellboy's natural fighting style, but it’s not very fun. Our hero's big stone fist is the first and most useful tool in his arsenal, with the impactful combo finishers recalling the iconic BOOM! seen in the comics.
After a few runs of the Wyrd, you unlock more abilities that add offensive and defensive spice to proceedings. Yet, none of these can make the fighting any less bland and repetitive. There are some nice difficulty options that lengthen enemy cooldowns and buff player health. While not really needed, it's nice that the option is available to coast through and collect curios for the Butterfly House library.
It’s only in the interpretation of the source material that this title excels. Set within environments mimicking Mignola's thick-lined, minimalist art style and the distinct colour palette of Dave Stewart, it's a unique experience, one that'll undoubtedly appeal to fans. Hellboy himself, voiced by the late, great Lance Reddick, also feels true to his comic self; childish and cynical, with minimal dialogue that favours dismissive one-liners over expositional rambling.
Web of Wyrd is clearly created by people with a reverence for Mignola's work and impresses as an adaptation. However, as a roguelike and a brawler, it underwhelms.
Comments 12
Tell you what, I'd love to see some other Dark Horse Comics stuff get adapted, but you know, with better gameplay. Maybe even a Witcher Comics Game adaption, as you have to say at the very least, this adaption looks pretty good, and the style has potential to be a lot better in a better game. Although the rights might be weird for making a game based on the witcher comic specifically, which is more based on the witcher games than the books 😅
Didn't Dark Horse get shafted by the conglomerate of embracing idiocy too, or did they survive that? :/
Most of the reviews agree w this one. Shame - Big Red deserves a good game attached to him.
Had little faith in this one, still disappointed with final score. Hope one day Hellboy will get a decent game.
Honestly it sounds like a decently fun time then.
Deadpool got bad to mixed reviews, and I enjoyed the hell out of that game to the point I platinumed it.
So really it’s one of those games where FANS of Hellboy would still enjoy (as I’m a fan of Deadpool) and not really for anybody else
Yeah, I'm still going to pull the trigger and purchase today. It is $5 off on PSN until 11/2. This would probably be the sale price within the next 6 months anyhow.
And yet, another mediocre game adaption of an excellent character 😞 Why can't they get it right?
I'm a big fan of the comics so for $20 I couldn't resist and picked this up. From what very little I've played so far it's pretty fun and the art style is absolutely bang on to Mike Mignola's work.
Just looks so good though… I’ll try it on sale someday…
Shame, I don't really know much when it comes to Hellboy but this looked promising,
could still wait for a sale I guess.
@DETfaninATL so you recommend for 20 then? Reviews are only thing keeping me from picking it up
My favourite comic character, you can get it for £15 if you have PS+. Slow and clunky is a trait of Hellboy's fighting style so not that big of an issue for me personally.
@Dusk_Actual I played the game for a good 3-4 hours last night with my kid and we both quite enjoyed it. I can see where combat might get a little stale as it's kind of clunky, but if you enjoy the character and the art style it's well worth the $20 IMHO. And it's not that hard either. Just keep holding the lock-on button when you hit or dodge and it's a piece of cake. Again, definitely fun and worth the $$ in my opinion, but everyone's tastes differ so......???
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